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河北师范大学高等教育自学考试本科毕业论文题目:如何提高学生的口语表达能力专 业:英 语考生姓名: 考 生 所 在 单 位 : 准考证号:导师姓名: 联系电话:完成日期:2013年2月18日25How To Improve StudentsOral AbilityBY,tutorSubmitted to the B.A.Committee in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Bachelor of Arts in the English Department of Hebei Teachers UniversityFebruary 18,2013摘要随着经济和社会的发展,不同文化之间的接触越来越多。不可否认的是,英语将会在交流中起到非常重要的作用。口语表达能力是英语学习者在学习英语时必须不断提高的能力之一,哑巴英语的时代已经过去,当前的教育形势要求学生听说读写各种能力同步发展,现在的学生也需要和他人交流以便他们能适应时代的要求。如何提高学生的口语表达能力一直是教学中难以攻克的一个难题,通过以上方法再加上教师持久的耐心与恒心,学生的口语表达能力会更上一个台阶。提高学生的口语表达能力是非常重要的。积累和运用词汇;培养语感;创设英语氛围和增强教师的个人魅力能帮助学生提高他们的口语表达能力。关键词:词汇 语感 氛围 个人魅力AbstractWith the development of economy and society, different cultures have come into contact more and more. There is no denying that English will play an important role in communication. Oral Ability is one of the abilities which must be improved all the time for English beginners. Dump English has passed. The educating situation now claim that students must be able to listen , speak, read and write in learning English. The situation now also needs students to communicate with others so that they can fit the demand of the era.How to improve students oral ability is a problem that cant be overcome easily in teaching course. Students oral ability will go on a new step with the teaching methods and the teachers patience and perseverance. Improving students oral ability is very important. Accumulating and using vocabulary, creating English-speaking environment, forming the feeling about language and enhancing teachers personal charm can help students improve oral ability. Key words: vocabulary feeling environment personal charmContentsAbstract in Chinese. 3Abstract 4 Introduction 6Chapter I Vocabulary 7A. Accumulating Vocabulary.B. Using vocabulary.Chapter II Forming a feeling about language11A. Reading aloud more.B. Reciting.C. Skimming passage more.D. Listening more. Chapter III Creating a good English-speaking environment15A. Speaking bravely and more.B. Organizing all kinds of English Contest.C. Creating Speaking Situation in class.Chapter IV Teachers personal charm20Conclusion 22Notes 23Bibliography24How To Improve Students Oral AbilityEnglish is very important in modern world. It is widely used as a second language in non-English countries. Listening, speaking, reading, and writing are four main points in learning English. Of course, speaking is also very important. Five years ago, with the coming of 2008 Beijing Olympic Games, more and more Chinese people began to speak English. They learnt how to communicate with foreigners. As a student, it is also important to learn to speak English because dump English has passed. The situation now needs students to communicate with others so that they can fit the demand of the era. According to my teaching experience and students physical and psychological characters, I do like these below to improve Students oral ability.The first, accumulating and using vocabulary. Words are the most important in learning English. Only so can you practice speaking English. The second, forming a feeling about language. Reading, reciting, skimming passage and listening more are effective ways to form the feeling about language. The third, creating a good English-speaking environment. The fourth, the teachers personal charm also affect students study.Chapter I VocabularyWe all know the importance of learning English.But what is the best way to learn? Many teachers agree that vocabulary is the key to learning English well.The better your vocabulary,the better your learning.Words are the most important in learning English. Only so can you practice speaking English. Vocabulary is like the base of a house. No Vocabulary, no English.A. Accumulating Vocabulary. Nobody can speak English without accumulating vocabulary. For example, you cant express “please sit on the sofa.” if you dont know the word “sofa”. Another example, the host often says to the guest “Help yourself to some fish”. If we dont know the phrase “help oneself to” we have no idea to express it properly. Learning and accumulating vocabulary is the most difficult problem for students. There are two obstacles: The first is knowing the pronunciation and spelling of the words, but dont know the meaning. The second is knowing the Chinese meaning, but dont know the spelling. So overcoming to these two obstacles I do like this: When I teach students new words, I try to let students combine the pronunciation, the form and the meaning together and remember the words according to pronunciation rules. I make students read by eyes, listen by ears, write by hands and remember by brain to enhance the result. Then I organize word test every day. I check students if they have grasped the new words through two ways. One is that I speak Chinese students write out the spelling of the words. The other is that I pronounce the words, students spell and write out the Chinese meaning. e.g. In my textbook for Grade Seven, after we learned the words of Unit1,I check students these words “Canada, Australia, country, live, language, Japanese, world.” The first time, I tell the Chinese meaning, students write out the spelling. If the consequence isnt very good, Ill try the other way. After several days I ask students to review the words that they have learned because mans forgetting regularity is “First fast, then slowly, first more, then fewer.” I often organize vocabulary tests to achieve this purpose.B. Using vocabulary. Only remembering vocabulary is not enough. You really master the words until you can use it. So I ask students to use the words everywhere. First, after I teach the new words, I ask students to make sentences with them. e.g. After learning the new word “study”, some students make sentences like “ I like studying English.” “I must study hard.” “Which subject do you study every morning?” In this way, students not only remember the new word but also know how to use the word in the sentence. Second, I tell the different uses of some words between Chinese and English. e.g. “red” is connected with the celebration or happy days. In English, “red-letter” means “holiday.” Especially in China, red stands for revolution or socialism. But in English, it means “ make sb. angry”. “Red flag” means something that makes one angry. The test of whether you have grasped a word depends not on hoe many of its meanings you have leant,but whether you can use it when you want to in speech or in writing.In fact,we can enlarge our vocabularies on the basis of what we have learnt during our primary school.You really dont need to take your vocabulary book wherever you go. What is the best way to improve? Try accumulating words daily and monthly.You can try to read everyday.You should be reading English stories or English newspapers.You may choose to read about subjects that interest you.Read it for an hour or read several articles each day.When you meet new words and expressions during your reading,look up them carefully in a dictionary. Write down the new words in your notebook and make a new sentence using the words or phrase. You can recite the new words, but dont forget to go over them again soon. When reviewing the new words you will recall naturally where you got each of them and the usage and this will aid your learning. I always tell the method above to my students and ask them to do like this. Many students who ever had trouble in reciting words begin to be interested in accumulating vocabulary now. They are progress everyday. Therefore I feel very gratified. Chapter II Forming a feeling about languageWhen you speak English, if you want to speak correctly, fluently, appropriately, and coherently, forming the feeling about language is very important. The feeling about language means when you want to say something, you can say it out without thinking about the grammar or the tenses. Reading, reciting, skimming and listening more is helpful for you to form the feeling.A. Reading aloud more. “If you read the book one hundred times, you can understand the meaning easily.” Reading aloud is an important step to form the feeling. When you read aloud, you can hear the voice of yourself, so you can adjust your pronunciation, tone and you can understand and feel the sentences deeply. “Ask one or two students to take parts and to read the text aloud. You will be able to tell from this how well particular students can pronounce correctly the English theyve already heard.”1 I use “morning reading time” to guide students to read. At the same time, I teach them some reading skills such as how to read a passage fluently and what time we should use rising tone or down tone. I also teach them what words should be stressed. In the textbook of Grade Seven, there is a passage like this: “Thank you for joining CCTVs Around the World Show. Today we are in Australia. Its a beautiful, sunny day. There are many people here on vocation. Some are taking photos, others are lying on the beach. Look at this group of people playing beach volleyball. They look cool. I am surprised they can play in this heat. This is a very interesting place. The people are really relaxed. Do you want to come here?”2 In this passage, first I ask students to read every word correctly. Let students pay attention to the present participle and past participle such as “joining, surprised”. I tell them that nouns, verbs, adjectives should be stressed, but articles, conjunctions, adverbs neednt. e.g. In the third sentence, “beautiful” “sunny” should be stressed. In the fourth and fifth sentences, the verb phrases “taking photos” and “lying on the beach” should be stressed. And I also teach students how to read the phrase coherently. e. g. “look at” can be read as /lookt/. It sounds more fluent than /look/ /t/. In the last sentence, “Do you want to come here?” should use up tone. After emphasizing these above, I ask students to read aloud, read again and again. In Li Yangs Crazy English, he advocates reading aloud every day, every minute, every second. So I ask students to read aloud every morning. After practicing, not only students form the feeling but also they become braver in speaking. I think reading aloud is necessary for English learners especially for those who want to improve their oral ability.BReciting. Forming the feeling about language has intimate relation with reciting. Speaking is an output activity. However if there isnt enough input content, there isnt correct output. The best way to import is reciting. Reciting can help students grasp more uses of the words and phrases. e.g. In the text book there is a passage like this: “Today it rained. So we went to a museum. It was kind of boring. I found a small boy crying in the corner. He was lost and I helped him find his father. That made me feel very happy. I didnt have any money for a taxi. So I walked back to the hotel. I was really tired.3 In this passage, a lot of phrases appear such as “go to a museum, kind of, find sb. doing sth., be lost, help sb do sth, make sb. do sth. , be tired.” After reciting it , students know the uses of these phrases. Then if they want to speak with these phrases, they can use them freely without mistakes. So reciting more can also help students form the feeling about language.CSkimming passage more. What students learned in class is limited. But knowledge is endless. Skimming is a good chance to help students know more useful words, phrases and sentences. It can widen students eyesight, and increase students knowledge little by little. e.g. In class we only learn the phrases “look for, look at”, but according to skimming passage, students can know more phrases of “look” such as “ look up, look after, look around, look ahead.” So when students want to say sth. with “look” , they can use “look” properly and freely. Otherwise students can also understand more sentences. All these are helpful for them to form the feeling about language.DListening more. A good speaker must be a good listener first. Listening more can help students feel the sentences deeply. “Students working at home on their own should listen to the recording of each text as often as necessary for them to become completely familiar with it, and should even learn the texts by heart if they wish to.” e.g. For English beginners, if they often listen to the tape, they can say “Good morning, How old are you, What are you doing?” without grammar mistakes. According to listening to the tape, students can also imitate the pronunciation of English speakers. So they can grasp correct pronunciation, tone, learn to deal with the meaning groups, understand the changes of emphasis in special situation. All these play a big role in forming the feeling about language.Chapter III Creating a good English-speaking environmentJ.B. Watson said, “Give me a dozen healthy babies. If let me educate them in the environment that I controlled, I can train anyone as any expert: doctor, lawyer, artist, even beggar or thief.” We can see the environment plays a key role.ASpeaking bravely and more. In some schools in China, students are very shy to speak English. They only speak English in English class but not out of class. Language practice is a procedure of making mistakes, then correcting them. If you want to speak English very well, you must overcome your self-abasement and frightening. You must speak more and bravely. You shouldnt be afraid that others may laugh at you. So when students make some mistakes, I dont point them out to keep students confidence if the mistakes arent very important. I establish English Day every week, so students can have a good environment to speak English. Every Wednesday is our schools English Day. On this day, students must speak English from morning to evening in spare time. If they dont know how to express the sentence, they can ask for help. At first, students are very shy, but gradually they can greet teacher or speak with students in English freely. e.g. A student want to borrow a ruler, he can say, “ May I borrow your ruler?” When its time for lunch, he can say, “Oh, its time for lunch. Lets go.” If he wants to go into the teachers office, he must say “May I come in ?” I also organize English corner twice a week. First ask students to prepare some programs in English. They can sing a song, tell a story, perform a short English play, read an English poem. Otherwise, in the first several minutes of every class, I ask students to give a speech in English. They can talk about something about their family, their hobbies or their school. They must go to the front of the classroom and face their classmates to give the speech. e.g. A student of Grade Seven once speak like this, “I have a happy family. There are four people in it, my father, my mother, my brother and I . My father likes watching TV. My mother likes cooking. My brother likes playing football and I like singing. Every weekend we go to the park together and we have a good time there. Dont you think that my family is very happy?” Speech in every class can practice students courage. According to these activities, I find that students speak more bravely than before.BOrganizing all kinds of English Contests. Contests can interest students a lot. Once a month, I organize songs contest. I divide students into six groups. Every group has their own group leader. They prepare after class. They can sing the songs in textbook or out of the textbook. e.g. Once one group sang ABC song. Though this song is the easiest, they sang very carefully. And another group sang “Yesterday once more.” This song is a little difficult for middle school students, but they do it and they sang very well. After the contest, Ill hand out some prizes such as notebooks, pens, books for them. Theyre very happy. I also organize story-telling contest. First I make students understand the rules of telling a story. They must collect story after class. They can also write the story by themselves. They must pay attention to the pronunciation, the tone when theyre telling a story. e.g. A student told a story like this: Sally was five and she began to go to school. Her father took her to school and her mother brought her back home everyday. One afternoon, after Sallys mother took her back home, she asked her little daughter, “Did you have a good time at school?” “Yes,” answered the child. “It was very nice.” “What did you do then?” Her mother asked. “We played games, and drew pictures, and sang some songs, and we had some milk and then we had lunch.” “Are the other children nice?” “Yes,” Sally said. “But there was a woman there, and we dont like her because she talked all the time.” This is a very humorous story. When he told this story, he paid attention to the pronunciation of the words, the tone of the sentences. He even used gestures. At last he won the first prize. After that this students interest of learning English increased a lot. According to these contests, students speak with others more bravely and freely than before. These contests are very helpful for students to improve their oral ability.CCreating Speaking Situation in class. Language knowledge and culture knowledge can become ability when they are practiced in situation. In the break time before class, I often let students listen to English songs by recorder. Students will feel that next class is English and they have the impulse to speak English. In every class I try to give stude


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