



Module 1 Deep South Small Talk语境应用快检测. 用所给词的适当形式填空1. I owe you an_(apologize)for what I said this morning. Anyway, I meant no offence. 2. Its beyond my wild_(imagine)to meet you here. 3. They promised_(confidence)that they would restore the fallen bridge. 4. A number of members are_(absence)from the meeting. 5. The poor family_(lack)the money to send their son to university. 6. Scientists have_(advance)a new theory to explain this phenomenon. 7. Are you_(nerve)when you walk alone in the dark? 8. He was even more_(caution)than ever, and did his best to win the trust of his boss. 9. His_(apply)for membership of the organization was rejected. 10. She was_(interrupt)to explain what had happened but he kept interrupting her. 答案:1. apology 2. imagination 3. confidently 4. absent 5. lacked 6. advanced 7. nervous 8. cautious 9. application 10. interrupted . 用以上短语填空1. Children like to_what they have but others dont have, which makes them proud. 2. _English, that young man wants to learn another foreign language so as to make himself better prepared for the future. 3. I have been_changing my job. 4. You can_the parts of the story that are not interesting. 5. He_at the thought of seeing her again. 6. _smoking, my father coughs frequently. 7. If you want to protect your eyesight, it is important to_the screen. 8. She_walking home so late. 9. She always_when we plan to do anything. 10. It makes me want to_whats going to happen outside. 答案:1. show off 2. In addition to 3. thinking of 4. leave out 5. cheered up 6. As a consequence of 7. look away from 8. was nervous about 9. takes the lead 10. find out . 句式仿写1. 真危险。再多迈一步, 这个小孩儿就掉进井里了。It is really very dangerous. _, _the baby will fall into the well. 2. 莫因狗尾摇, 次次给面包。Do not give a dog bread_he wags his tail. 3. 不管你什么时候来都是受欢迎的。_you come, you are welcome. 4. 据估计这个花瓶有大约两千年的历史。_the vase is about


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