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内蒙古翁牛特旗乌丹第一中学2018-2019学年高二英语上学期期中试题 一、 阅读理解(共20小题;每小题2分,满分40分)AFalls are common in young children and older people.Although most result in mild bumps and bruises,some falls can cause serious injuries that require immediate medical attention.What to do:Do not move the person and call for emergency help if the person:may have seriously injured the head,neck,back,hipbones or thighs is unconscious or was briefly unconsciousis having difficulty breathingisnt breathing (starts CPR)has a seizure(癫痫突然发作)has clear fluid or blood coming from the nose,ears or mouthCall a doctor or seek medical attention if the person:becomes very sleepy and is very difficult to wake upbrings up more than two or three timescomplains of neck or back painscomplains of increasing pain anywhere on the bodyisnt walking normallydoesnt seem to be focusing his or her eyes normallyhas any behavior or symptoms that worry youIf you think its safe to move the person:place a cold compress(敷布) or ice pack on any bumps or bruisesgive acetaminophen(解热镇痛药) for painlet the person rest,as needed,for the next few hourswatch the person closely for the next 24 hours for any unusual symptoms or behaviorNever leave young children on any bed or other furniture unsupervised(未监督)Always strap(用带捆住) children into high chairs,changing tables,shopping carts,and strollers.Always buckle(扣住) kids into age-appropriate safety seats when riding in motor vehicles,and make sure they always wear helmets when biking or skating or when using skateboards or scooters(踏板车)1.What is the text mainly about?A Falls cant cause serious injuries. B Ways to deal with falls.C Ways to prevent falls. D Falls happen to kids.2.You mustnt move the person if he .Aisnt breathing B becomes very sleepyC isnt walking normally D brings up more than twice3.If a person bleeds from his mouth after the accident,what should you do?A Shake him forth and back. B Move him to another place.C Give him some medicine to have. D Let him stay where he is.4.Which of the following will be the best title for the last paragraph?A.Prevent Your Kids B.Place Furniture Well C.Wear Helmets D.Prevent FallsBJohnson went to Penquay for the weekend.He arrived there late on Friday evening.The landlady of the guest house,Mrs.Smith,answered the door and showed him to his room.Johnson was very tired and went straight to bed.He slept well and didnt wake up until nine oclock the next morning.Johnson went downstairs for breakfast.Because there were no other guests,Mrs.Smith invited him to have breakfast with her family.Her only daughter,Catherine,about 13,was already sitting in the diningroom.Mrs.Smith went to the kitchen to prepare breakfast.Johnson noticed there were four places at the table and asked Catherine if there was another guest.Catherine told him that it was an empty place.And it used to be her fathers place.Her father had been a fisherman.Three years before he had gone out in his boat,and had never returned.Her mother always kept that place for him and made his breakfast every morning.Catherine showed him his photo on the wall.Johnson said nothing,but looked very puzzled(迷惑不解)At that moment Mrs.Smith returned.She served four cups of tea,and put one in the empty place.Looking at the empty chair,Johnson was more puzzled.Suddenly,Johnson heard footsteps outside the door and a tall man with a black beard walked into the room.Johnson looked scared.It was the man in the photo.He jumped up and ran out of the room.The man asked,“Whats the matter?” Catherine said,“I dont know.Hes a guest from London.Hes here because a tall man with a black beard tried to kill him.” “Catherine,” the man said,“Have you been telling stories again?” “Stories,father? Me?” the girl laughed.5.Why did Mrs.Smith invite Johnson to have breakfast with her family?A He woke up too late for his breakfast. BThere was an empty place at the table.C He was the only guest on that day. D Her daughter wanted to talk with him.6.Who was the tall man with a black beard?A. Another guest. BCatherines father.CA friend of the family. D. Johnsons enemy.7.What does the underlined word “scared” in Paragraph 3 probably mean?A Excited. B Upset. C Frightened. D Calm.8.What can we infer from the passage?A Catherines father got lost on the sea. B Mrs.Smith does not love her husband.C Johnson may be killed by the man. D Catherine is fond of telling stories.COur environment isnt as green and beautiful as it should be.There are steel monsters(钢铁怪兽) blocking out the sun,blowing out dangerous smoke,and letting out poisonous chemicals into the rivers,cars producing harmful waste gas,people throwing out waste in a wrong way and all other kinds of sources that ruin the planet.Facing current environmental problems,people need to do their best to save the earth.You can see many big garbage dustbins in the streets.Theyre not there for a show,but for you to drop your waste.We should realize that what we do does count.So next time you get that urge to throw gum or a chocolate package out of the car window,or “accidentally” drop as you walk down the street,ask yourself how much waste youve been contributing to the environment with that bad habit going on for years.At home,the first thing we can do to protect the environment is avoid letting water run continuously and make sure that taps(水龙头) are not leaky(漏的),which would help greatly in scrimping(节省)Another is to use energysaving lights,and turn them off before you leave the rooms.It is not only energysaving,but also cuts down electricity costs.Recycling is a method to make items reusable.Many things you want to throw out can be made into new products through the reproducing process.Use your imagination to come up with ways on things that you can use again.Pass the message of simple ways to save the environment on to kids. Starting with kids is a good way of teaching the message early in their lives,in the hope that they can carry it forward as they grow older.With environmental protection awareness in mind,we can do what we can,for the results are to have a big effect on the planet.As long as we do our part,the world is one small step closer to being saved. 9.In the first paragraph the author uses “steel monsters” to describe_ .Abig factories Bhigh mountains C huge buildings Dcharacters in fairy stories10.From the fifth paragraph,we can know that _.A protecting the environment begins with small thingsB protecting the environment should start from childhoodC wonderful life comes from environmental protectionD protecting the environment benefits the country and the people11.The passage is mainly about_ .A the use of garbage dustbins B how to save water and electricityC our current environmental problems D how to save the environment DThe largest earthquake ( magnitude里氏9. 5) of the 20th century happened on May 22, 1960 off the coast of South Central Chile. It generated(生成) one of the most destructive(毁坏性的) Pacific-wide tsunamis. Near the generating area, both the earthquake and the tsunami were very much destructive, particularly in the coastal area from Concepcion to the south end of Isla Chiloe. The largest tsunami damage occurred at Isla Chiloethe coastal area closest to the epicenter(震中). Huge tsunami waves measuring as high as 25 meters arrived within 10 to 15 minutes after the earthquake, killing at least two hundred people, sinking all the boats, and flooding half a kilometer inland. There was large damage and loss of life at Concepcion, Chiles top industrial city. Near the city of Valdivia, the earthquake and following aftershocks generated landslides which killed 18 people. At the port city of Valparaiso, a city of 200,000, many buildings collapsed. A total of 130,000 houses were destroyed one in every three in the earthquake zone and nearly 2,000,000 people were left homeless. Total damage losses, including to agriculture and to industry, were estimated(估计) to be over a half billion dollars. The total number of death related with both the tsunami and the earthquake was never found accurately for the region. Estimates of deaths reached between 4,900 to 57,002 with no distinction as to how many deaths were caused by the earthquake and how many were caused by the tsunami. However, it is believed that most of the deaths in Chile were caused by the tsunami. 12. Where did the largest tsunami damage occur? AConcepcion. BValdivia. CIsla Chiloe. DValparaiso13.What can we learn about the tsunami waves generated by the earthquake?A The tsunami waves as high as 25 meters arrived immediately after the earthquake. B The tsunami waves killed 200 people and sank all boats. C The tsunami waves were very destructive. D The tsunami waves flooded half of the inland.14. What is the total number of deaths in the earthquake? A2,000,000. BBetween 4, 900 to 57, 002. C200,000. DIt was hard to know.15. What does the underlined word “collapsed” in the third paragraph probably mean? Abe destroyed Bcaught fire Cbe flooded D. sankE 16 You probably think you will never be a top student. This is not necessarily so, however. Anyone can become a better student if he or she wants to. Heres how:Plan your time carefully. When planning your work, you should make a list of things that you have to do. After making this list, you should make a schedule of your time. First your time for eating, sleeping, dressing, etc. Then decide a good, regular time for studying. 17 A weekly schedule may not solve all your problems, but it will force you realize what is happening to your time.Find a good place to study. Look around the house for a good study area. Keep this space, which may be a desk or a corner of your room, free of everything but study materials. No games, radios, or television. When you sit down to study, concentrate on the subject.Make good use of your time in class. 18 Listening carefully in class means less work later. Taking notes will help you remember what the teacher says.Study regularly. When you get home from school, go over your notes, review the important points that your teacher is going to discuss the next day, read that material. 19 If you do these things regularly, the material will become more meaningful, and youll remember it longer.Develop a good attitude towards tests. The purpose of a test is to show what you have learned about a subject. They help you remember your new knowledge. The world wont end if you dont pass a test, so dont be over worried.20 You will probably discover them after you have tried these.A. There are other methods that might help you with your studying.B. Dont forget to set aside enough time for entertainment.C. Take advantage of class time to listen to everything the teacher says.D. No one can become a top student unless he or she works hard.E. Maybe you are an average student.F. Make full use of class time to take notes of what the teacher says in class.G. This will help you understand the next class.二、完形填空( 共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)Around the world more and more people are _21_dangerous sports and activities. Of course there have always been people who have _22_adventure those who have climbed the _23_ mountains, explored unknown parts of the world or _24_ in small boats across the greatest oceans. Now,however,there are people who look for an immediate pleasure from a_25_activity which may only last a few minutes or even_26_.I would consider bungee jumping to be a good example of such an activity. You _27_from a high place about 200 meters above the ground with an elastic rope_28_to your ankles.You_29_at up to 150 kilometers an hour until the rope stops you from _30_the ground. It is said that 2 million people around the world have_31_ bungee jumping. Other activities,_32_ most people would say are as dangerous as bungee jumping,_33_jumping from tall buildings and_34_ into the sea from the top of high rocks.Why do people take part in such activities as these?Some psychologists(心理学家)suggest that it is because life in _35_ society has become safe and boring.Not very long ago, peoples lives were constantly under _36_.They had to go out and hunt for _37_,and life was a continuous battle for survival.Nowadays,according to many people,life offers_38_excitement. They live and work in relatively safe condition; they buy food in shops;there are doctors and hospitals to _39_them if they become ill. The answer for some of these people is to_40_ danger in activities such as bungee jumping.21. Ataking part in B .escaping from Cgoing in Dtaking in22 . Alooked up Blooked into Clooked for Dlooked around23. Alowest B. highest Cbeautiful Dwild24. Asailed Bswam Cjumped Dcrossed25. Asafe Bexcited Cfunny Ddangerous26. A. years B. hours C seconds Ddays27A jump B run C walk D cross28Afollowed Btied Cbrought Dtook29A go B run C fall D fly30A falling B running C flying D hitting31A tried B looked for C found D studied32A that B what C it D which33A hold B include C find D contain34A swimming B running C diving D sailing35A old Bformal C past D modern36A safety B imperfection C danger D perfection37A animals B food C water D dangers38A few B little C much D many39A look at B look into C look for D look after40A look for B look after C exploit D find out三、语法填空(15分)I recently started a new job in a small office, where four of us shared a water cooler(饮水机). One of my 41 (colleague) complained the water tasted dirty. It went on for a few days. She suggested that the water 42(test) out. She was 43 (astonish) I could drink the water without any trouble. I started to doubt my taste buds, 44 the water really tasted fine.Finally, she became aware that the problem was actually her cup. She 45 (simple)forgot to clean it for a long time, 46 affected the water inside it. She cleaned her cup, and drank the water with no problem.I cant help 47 (think) about the world we live in. The world isnt perfect, but I think we should take a step back sometimes and ask 48_(us) some tough questions. Can I be better? Is my heart really pure? Can I help this situation with_49 (kind) ?I want to tell you this: please clean your cup. Because when you do, the water will taste much 50 (good). 四、短文改错(10分)I as well as my parents are going to New York City this weekend. I have been looking forward to go there for a long time. It is one of the most modern city in the world. There are also a lot of museums ,which you can learn s


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