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Module 6 Unit1 The Power of Nature一 教学内容分析本单元紧扣“自然灾害”这一话题,通过介绍火山学家所做的工作以及他们工作中所面临的困难和危险,歌颂他们为减轻火山喷发所带来的危害所做的贡献。学习本单元内容,有助于加深学生对火山学家及他们的工作的了解,并让学生认识到保护自然环境的重要性,培养学生的社会责任感,激发他们不怕艰难、不断探索的科学精神。Warming up 部分要求学生讨论火山、飓风、地震等自然灾害对人类的危害,并让他们想出避免自然灾害的方法。在讨论中帮助学生了解本单元的主题:尽管自然界有无穷的威力,但只要人类注意保护自然,就可以有效地预防灾害。Pre-reading 部分,通过一个问卷调查,帮助学生认识自己的职业兴趣,了解火山学家的工作特点以及从事这项工作所要具备的基本素质,为后面的reading 作了铺垫。Reading 部分通过一位火山学家的自述,让学生了解火山学家应做的工作,作者对本职工作的热情,从中感受自然灾害的威力以及人与自然和谐相处的必要性,提高学生关注自然界、保护大自然和预防自然灾害的意识。Comprehending 部分有两项练习,第一个练习是让学生在了解火山学家这个职业的一些情况之后,提出自己对火山学家这个职业的看法,并想出一些要问火山学家的一些问题。第二个练习通过回答问题的形式来检查学生对阅读篇章的理解程度。Learning about Language 部分着重于词汇和语法的训练。词汇部分是通过一篇介绍维苏威火山爆发的文章,帮助学生学习巩固本单元的词汇。语法部分帮助学生复习和归纳v-ing形式作状语的用法。Using Language 部分综合训练听说读写的能力。Listening 部分讲述了三位火山学家的可怕经历。Speaking 部分要求学生讲述自己真实或想象的可怕经历,并学习表达恐惧、担忧和惊奇的日常交际用语。Reading 部分介绍了长白山天池的地理位置、自然环境和景观、有关天池的传说,让学生感受到自然的美丽,而且美丽的自然界和前面的自然灾害形成了鲜明的对比,促使学生增强保护自然的意识。Writing 部分是阅读部分的延伸,让学生写长白山的其他美妙景色。而且关于写作任务,还可让学生写自己家乡的自然景观或自己游览过的名胜古迹。Summing Up 部分要求学生回顾本单元学习的主题内容及词汇和语法项目,并对自己的学习进行自我评价。Learning Tip 部分介绍了记忆单词的四种方法,学生可以结合自身的学习特点,选取适合自己的单词记忆法,从而更快地掌握单词,扩大词汇量。二 教学重点与难点1 了解火山、飓风、地震等自然灾害,讨论为了预防自然灾害应该采取的措施。2 学会表示恐惧、担忧、惊奇等情感的日常交际用语,并学习用英语口头描述自然灾害。3 掌握动词-ing作状语及动词-ing形式完成式的用法。4 掌握“概括”这一阅读技巧,并学习写关于自然灾害的新闻报道。5 掌握本单元的词汇、短语及其用法。三 单元课时教学设计本单元分五课时。第一课时:Warming up and pre-reading第二课时:Reading and Comprehending第三课时:Learning about language第四课时:Using Language 中的Listening 和Speaking第五课时:Using Language 中的reading,writing,assessment四 教学步骤Period 1 Warming up and pre-readingTeaching goals:1 To have the students get a general idea of natural disasters.2 To help the students develop speaking ability.Step1 Warming up 1. Show an episode of the film “The Day After Tomorrow” and introduce the film to the students.It is a science fiction. It describes that the temperature in the earth falls at a great speed and the earth begins to enter the ice age, which caused a great disaster to the people in the world. In fact this disaster is caused by peoples destruction to the nature.In the film we can feel the power of nature. Natural disasters are dangerous and can cause great damage to us. Can you think of other natural disasters?2. Ask students to list other natural disasters, such as hurricane,earthquakes, volcano, etc. Show the pictures of these natural disasters.3. Discuss about the measures that we should take to avoid natural disasters. We can find how powerful nature is and how weak humans are compared with a volcano, hurricane, earthquake or other natural disasters. But we are not completely powerless. We can take measures to protect ourselves from powerful natural forces. What measures should we take?4. Find something about volcano. Volcano is one of these natural disasters. We should also do something to avoid its eruption or reduce its damage to us. What do you know about volcanoes? How is a volcano formed? How does a volcano erupt?5. If we can predict the eruption of volcanoes, we can reduce its damage to us. So we need volcanologists to study volcanoes. Do you want to be a volcanologist? Why? If you are a volcanologist, what kind of work should you do and what kind of danger will you meet?Step2 Pre-readingMake a questionnaire as on page33 and help them know whether they are interested in volcanology.Homework:1. Find more information about natural disasters, especially volcanoes.2. Read articles about some famous volcanoes eruption.Period 2 Reading and ComprehendingTeaching goals:1. To improve the students reading abilities.2. To help the students to know how to summarize a text or a paragraph.Step 1 Lead-in1. Free-talkAsk some students to describe some famous volcano eruption according to theirAfter-class reading.2. Show the video of volcano eruption.We can enjoy the exciting sight of volcano eruption. But volcano eruption can also bring us a lot of damage. So we need volcanologists to study volcano and reduce its damage to us. Lets learn something about volcanologists in the text.Step 2 Skimming1. Read through the passage quickly and find out the answers to the questions.1) What kind of things should a volcanologist do?2) What is the volcanologist wearing when getting close to the crater?2. Divide the passage into several parts and find out the main idea of each part.Step 3 ScanningScan the passage . Read the passage carefully and answer the following questions.1. Why is a volcanologists job important?2. Where is Mount Kilauea?3. Why is the lava that flows on Mount Kilauea more dangerous than the actual eruption?4. What caused the writers bedroom to become as bright as day even though it was night?5. Why did the scientists have to get close to the volcano after it began erupting?6. Why was it difficult for the writer to walk towards the edge of the crater?7. What does the writer find impressive about volcanoes even after studying them for 20 years?Step 4 DiscussionDo you think it is an occupation you would enjoy? Discuss your reasons with your classmates.Step 5 InterviewMake up an interview. Four students as a group. One student acts as the writer of the passage. The other three students act as the journalists from three different TV stations.Homework:Spend some time researching one disaster. You can use books, magazines, newspapers or the Internet. Collect pictures and diagram and look for information about: what causes this kind of disaster actual events that happened in the past in china and/or the rest of the world how people helped the victims what is being done to prevent the disaster happening again or to lessen the damagePeriod 3 Learning about LanguageTeaching goals:1. To help the students to learn how to use words and expressions.2. To review the V-ing form and learn the perfect V-ing form.Step 1 Discover useful words and expressions1. Show the video of an episode of Vesuvius eruption and ask students to fill in the text with proper words.The eruption of Mount Vesuvius in 79AD took people in Pompeii by surprise. It was so quick and so severe that the town was soon covered in _ and _. Many houses in the town were _. It was an _ disaster for many people who could not get away in time. A writer named Pliny, who was there during the _, described how lava was thrown into the air like a _. _ many of the townspeople, _ at the _ sight of Vesuvius eruption, stayed too long and failed to escape in time.2. Find suitable words or expressions from the texts in the unit to fill in the blanks on page35.Step2 Grammar1. Show a flash to review the differences between V-ing and the past participle.a. 现在分词表示主动,过去分词表示被动。b. 现在分词表示进行中的动作,过去分词表示动作已完成。2. Show a flash to review the V-ing form as the adverbial.a. 分词的逻辑主语必须与主句的主语一致.b. 分词的动作不是主句的主语发出时, 分词前面必须加上它的逻辑主语, 这种分词短语叫做独立主格结构.c. 当独立主格结构的逻辑主语泛指一般人, 如we, you, one 时, 逻辑主语可以省略.3. Show the following pair of sentences on the screen.I was feeling tired. I went to bed early. Feeling tired, I went to bed early.相当于As I felt tired, I went to bed early.I worked hard all day. I went to bed early.Having worked hard all day, I went to bed early.相当于After I worked hard all day, I went to bed early.可以看出:a. 分词的一般式说明分词的动作与主句谓语动词的动作是同时发生的.b. 分词的完成式说明分词的动作发生在主句谓语动词的动作之前.巩固练习: 现在分词的完成式和一般式进行互换.a. Studying volcanoes, I am amazed at their beauty as well as their potential to cause great damage.Having studied volcanoes for twenty years, I am still amazed at their beauty as well as their potential to cause great damage.b. Having stood for several minutes, I saw some of my friends chatting at a table.Arriving there, I saw some of my friends chatting at a table.c. Writing the letter , he left out something important. Having written the letter, he read it carefully.4. 用分词的一般式改写句子:As I didnt know how to find the subway, I called a policeman for help.Not knowing how to find the subway, I called a policeman for help.可以看出: 分词的否定式是在分词短语前面加上not, never等否定词. 5. 小结-ing 形式的用法a. ing 形式作状语用法例句时间Seeing those pictures, she remembered her childhood. (= When she saw those pictures.) 条件Standing at the foot of a high mountain,you will find yourself very small. (= If you stand at the foot of a high mountain, .) 让步Knowing where I live, he never comes to see me .(= Though he knows where I live, .) 伴随They stood there for half an hour watching the stars in the sky. (=They stood there for half an hour and watched the stars in the sky.)原因Being tired , I stopped to take a rest. (= Because I was tired, ) 结果She was so angry that she threw the toy on the ground, breaking it into pieces.(= She was so angry that she threw the toy on the ground and broke it into pieces.)b. Ving 形式的完成式作状语用法分词的完成式说明分词的动作发生在主句谓语动词的动作之前.例句Having brushed his teeth,Mr. Brown came downstairs for breakfast.6. Find in the text the sentences with v-ing forms or the perfect ing form. 7. 完成36页与37页的关于分词的一般式和完成式的练习.Homework:1. 完成workbook中对应的练习.2完成分词专项练习。Period 4 Using language 中的Listening and SpeakingTeaching goals:1. To help the students improve listening skills.2. To learn how to express fear, surprise and anxiety.3. To learn to describe a natural disaster according to experience or imagination.Step 1 lead-inAccording to the following situation, make up a dialogue and act out the dialogue. Four students as a group.Situation: Your group go to a volcano to collect a sample of boiling lava, take measurement in the crater and fly over a volcano to make a map of the direction of the lava. You will meet a lot of difficulties and have to overcome them.这个任务也可在课前布置让学生去准备好, 这样课堂上就直接让两组同学来表演. 通过这样的导入, 学生对听力材料会有似曾相识的感觉, 而且会饶有兴趣地去听材料里面的内容, 去弄清楚材料里的火山学家到底碰到什么样的困难, 怎样去克服困难的.Step 2 Listening1. First Listening. Look at the three pictures of volcanologists at work. Then listen to them talking about their most frightening experience. Write their names under the pictures.2. Second Listening Listen to the tape again. Answer the questions about each persons experience.a. How long has he/she been a volcanologist?b. In what country was the volcano he/she talks about?c. Why did he/she forget to be frightened?3. Third ListeningAsk students to work in groups of three, each taking the role of one of the volcanologists and telling the story to others in the group. 4. Fourth ListeningListen to the tape once more. Write the name of the person beside the things they said.This exercise also tells us the ways to express fear and anxiety.1) Ask individual students to read the sentences aloud to the class. Ask them to try to recall who said each one. 2) Play the tape for students to identify the expressions and record the name of the speaker. It may be necessary to play the tape more than once. Check answers by playing the tape and stopping when one of the expression is heard.5. Ask students to retell each persons frightening experience.Step 3 SpeakingThink of a powerful natural force (such as an earthquake, flood, typhoon, storm) that you have experienced. You can use your imagination if you have not experienced any of these things. First you should tell your partner about your experience and how you felt. And then ask some students to tell the whole class his/her experience and how he/she felt.Homework:1. Finish the Listening Practice and Listening Task in the workbook.2. Make up a dialogue with your partner. What should we do to prevent the disaster happening again or lessen its damage?Period 4 Using language 中的Reading and WritingTeaching goals:1. Learn about Tianchi, its location, views, legend, etc.2. Help the students to enjoy the beauty of nature.3. Improve the ability of writing by writing scenic spots in your hometown or you have visited.Step 1 Lead-in1. Ask students to describe the tourist attractions they have visited or they know.2. Show the pictures of some scenic spots and students can enjoy their beauty.3. Show some pictures of Changbaishan and introduce Changbaishan to students.4. Show some pictures of Tianchi and introduce Tianchi to students. Ask students to guess how Tianchi was formed. They can have a discussion about this question.Step 2 Fast Reading1. Read the text quickly and find out the main idea of each paragraph.Paragraph 1: The introduction of ChangBaiShan.Paragraph 2: The introduction of TianChi.Paragraph 3: A story about TianChiParagraph 4: Drop a coin into TianChi to guarantee your love.2. Reading the article and tell the statements are true or false.1) Changbaishan is the second largest nature reserve in China.2) The peak of Changbaishan can reach as high as 2,000 meters.3) You can see a lot of black bears, leopards or cranes in Changbaishan.4) Tianchi is a lake in the crater of an extinct volcano.5)


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