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八年级英语语法期末复习-2013-2014上学期U7:条件状语从句 一条件状语从句的概念条件状语从句,表示主句动作发生的条件。即在某种条件下,一件事情可能发生。在英语中由连接词if或unless等引导的状语从句叫做条件状语从句。条件是指某一件事情实现之后(状语从句中),一件事情(主句)才能发生,通常译作“假如,只要,如果”等意思。条件状语从句中,主从句的时态要遵循“主将从现”的原则。即,主句是将来时态时,从句用一般现在时代替将来时态,但是,重复发生和预示必定要发生的情景或事件时,主从句的时态大多用一般现在时。条件状语从句既可以放在主句前面,也可以放在主句后面,但当其放在主句前面时,后面常用逗号隔开。二. 条件状语从句的引导词1. If conj . 如果,假如If you ask him,he will help you如果你请他帮忙,他会帮你的。 If you fail in the exam,you will let him down如果你考试不及格,你会让他失望的。 2. unless conj.除非,若不,除非在的时候 (if .not.)You will fail to arrive there in time unless you start earlier.如果你不早点动身,你就不能及时赶到那儿。 Unless it rains, the game will be played.除非下雨,比赛将照常进行。3. so/as long as conj.只要 You may borrow my book as long as you keep it clean. 只要你保持书的清洁,你就可以把我的书借去。三关于条件句的时态,常见的有以下三种情况: 1、主句是一般将来时,从句常常用一般现在时。When(=If) I grow up, Ill be a nurse and look after patients. 我长大后要当一名护士,照顾病人。 2、如果主句是祈使句,从句通常要用一般现在时。 If you want to have a chat ,call me up.如果你想聊天,打我电话。3、如果主句是含有情态动词时,根据需要从句多用一般现在时。You should be quiet when(=if) you are in the reading room. 在阅览室时应保持安静。 四知识拓展1. 在以when,before,as soon as等引导的时间状语从句,也适用“主将从现”原则,即如果主句是一般将来时,从句则用一般现在时。Ill tell her the good news when she comes back.当她回来的时候,我将把这个好消息告诉她。She will give you a call as soon as she returns.她一回来就会给你电话。2. If条件句的同义句:祈使句,and /or+将来时态的陈述句。Work hard ,and you will make great progress.=If you work hard, you will make great progress.如果你努力学习,你才会取得大的进步。Hurry up, or you will be late.=If you dont hurry up,you will be late./Unless you hurry up, you will be late.如果你不快点,你就要迟到了/你要迟到了,除非你快点。常用语法知识回顾练习:连词与状语从句根据A句完成B句,使两句意思一致,每空只填一词:1. A: Jane is a singer. She is also a dancer. B: Jane is _ _ a singer _ _ a dancer.2. A: We should learn from books and we should learn from teachers. B: We should learn _ from books _ from teachers.3. A: His mother cant help him with his lessons, and his father cant, either. B: _ his mother _ his father can help him with his lessons.4. A: Its hard work, but I enjoy it. B: _ its hard work, I enjoy it.5. A: Men cant live without air and water. B: Men will die without air _ water.6. A: If you stand higher, you will see farther. B: Stand higher, _ you will see farther.7. A: If you dont work harder, you will fail in the exam. B: Work harder, _ you wont pass the exam.8. A: How important the meeting is! I cant miss it. B: It is _ _ important meeting _ I cant miss it.9. A: After the mother came back, the boy went to bed. B: The boy _ go to bed _ his mother came back.10. A: Therere many rabbits there. They cant kill them all. B: Therere _ many rabbits there _ they cant kill them all.11. A: When I get there, Ill go to see him at once. (1999哈尔滨) B: Ill go to see him _ _ _ I get there.12. A: You may stay at home. You may also go out with us. (1999江西) B: You may _ stay at home _ go out with us.13. A: Mary is the tallest girl in her class. (1999福州) B: Mary is _ _ any other girl in her class.14. A: Peter draws well. Henry draws well, too. (1999广西) B: Henry draws _ _ _ Peter.15. A: Mary runs faster than my sister. (1999兰州) B: My sister doesnt run _ _ _ Mary does.16. A: Uncle Wang finished his work. He went home. (2000哈尔滨) B: Uncle Wang _ go home _ he finished his work.17. A: Lucy has been away from the USA for 5 years. (2000内蒙古) B: Its 5 years _ she _ the USA.18. A: “Does the girl need any help?” he asked me. (2000甘肃) B: He asked me _ the girl _ some help.19. A: Mrs. Smith is my teacher. She is also my good friend. (2000广州) B: Mrs. Smith is _ _ my teacher _ _ my good friend.20. A: “Nanjing has changed a lot these years.” “Thats right.” (2000南京) B: “Nanjing has changed a lot these years.” “_ it _.” U8:情态动词should 和句式had better (not) do 1.should是情态动词,意为“应该;应当”,后面跟动词原形,适用于所有人称。其否定形式为should not (shouldnt),意为“不应该;不应当”。常见应用我们常用I/We should do sth. I/We shouldnt do sth.来表达“我/我们该做某事”、“我/我们不该做某事”。如:We should invite her to the party. 我们应该邀请她参加这次聚会。I shouldnt spend so much time on computer games. 我不该花这么多时间在电脑游戏上。我们还可以用you should (not)来向他人提出建议。如:Its very cold outside. You should wear a coat. 外面很冷,你应该穿一件外套。此外,should也可以用ought to来代替。如:You should/ought to look for a better job. 你应该找一份更好的工作。2. had better(常和主语缩略为d better)意为“最好”,后面跟动词原形,没有人称的变化,用于表示对别人的劝告、建议。构成否定式时,通常将not置于had better之后(而不是had之后);构成疑问式时,则通常将had(而不是had better)置于主语之前:Id better not disturb him我最好别去打扰他。What had we better do? 我们最好怎么办? 【注】在否定疑问句或反意疑问句中可将not与had连用:Hadnt we better go now? 我们是不是现在就去呢? 练习:按要求改写下列句子,每空一词。1. You should eat too much. (改为否定句) You _ _ _ too much.2. He should speak slowly. (改为一般疑问句)_ _ _ slowly?3. Tom should practice more to improve his Chinese. (对划线部分提问)_ _ Tom _ to improve his Chinese?4. Youd better take much money with you. (改为否定句) You _ _ _ _ much money with you.5. Its best for you to get up early. (改为同义句)You _ _ _ up early.选用情态动词can, could, may, must, shall, should, will, would, cant, mustnt, neednt或have to 填空:1. There is air around us, thought we _ see it.2. Your mother is getting better and better. You _ worry about her.3. You _ play football in the busy street.4. “_ it be true ?.” “Yes. It _ be true indeed.”5. Tom _ come to the party tonight, but Im not sure.6. _ you please fetch me some water for me?7. Young trees _ be planted in spring.8. “Must we hand in our exercise books today?” “Yes, you _.” “No, you _.”9. “May I take this magazine out of the reading-room?” “Yes, you _.” “No, you _.”10. Please speak a little louder so that I _ hear you.常用语法知识回顾练习:一、用适当的冠词填空,不需要冠词的空白处填“/ ”:1. The car is running about sixty miles _ hour.2. My friend is interested in _ science.3. Dont worry, we still have _ little time left.4. John is _ cleverest boy in his class.5. March 8 is _ Womens Day.6. _ Greens will come to see you tomorrow.7. Here is _ blue coat. _ coat is hers.8. They always have _ bread for _ dinner.9. I prefer playing _ piano to playing _ basketball.10. _ harder we study, _ more well learn.二、用适当的数词完成下列句子:1. One h_ years is a century. 2. Thursday is the f_ day of the week. _3. Autumn is the t_ season of the year. 4. Christmas is on December the t_ each year. 5. Letter H is the e_ letter in the alphabet(字母表). 6. There are t_ months in a year. 7. My brother is just 20. Today is his _(20岁) birthday. 8. _ (三分之二)of the fish have been sold out.三、选择适当的代词完成下列句子:( )1. Please tell _ about it if _ doesnt know. A. her; herself B. she; she C. her; she D. hers; her( )2. _ office is much larger than _. A. Ours; yours B. Our; yours C. Their; our D. Your; theirs( )3. Is there _ in todays newspaper? A. something important B. important anything C. anything important D. important everything( )4. The sweater isnt _. Its _. A. yours; his B. your; hers C. mine; hes D. his; her( )5. We study Chinese, English and some _ subjects. A. the other B. other C. others D. another( )6. The film is not interesting. _ like it. A. Little B. A little C. Few D. A few( )7. All of them have gone out. There is _ in the classroom. A. somebody B. anyone C. everybody D. nobody( )8. Lets go and play football, _? A. will you B. shall we C. do we D. shall you( )9. Do you know _ dictionary it is? A. which B. who C. whose D. whom( )10. Ive two friends. _ of them are at school. A. Both B. Neither C. Each D. All四、用适当的介词填空:1. Youd better not go _ the forest. Its dangerous.2. Which room are you going to live _?3. The building is _ fire. There are some people _ the top floor.4. Before 1990 there was no airline _ the two cities.5. Its not good to come late _ school.6. Whats wrong _ your bike?7. Thank you very much _ coming to see me.8. I couldnt finish it _ your help.9. Dont laugh _ others mistakes.10. Do the twins look _ their father?11. How do you usually come to school every day? -Sometimes _ bike, sometimes _ foot.12. Its very kind _ you to help me _ my maths.13. Dont read _ the sun. Its bad _ your eyes.14. The teacher told us the moon travels _ the earth.15. You must learn these words _ heart, and answer my questions _ English.16. Please meet your uncle _ noon _ Saturday.17. Thanks _ your help. I finished the work before dark.18. Its cold and the temperature is _ zero during the night.19. The teacher is writing _ red ink _ a piece of paper.20. The children are waiting _ the gate _ their mother.五、将下列句子改为否定句和一般疑问句:1. We do eye exercises every day. We _ _ eye exercises every day._ _ _ eye exercises every day? 2. Mr. Brown has to go home on foot.Mr. Brown _ _ to go home on foot. _ Mr. Brown _ to go home on foot?3. There is something wrong with the radio. _ _ wrong with the radio. _ _ _ wrong with the radio? 4. Li Pengs already finished his homework. Li Peng _ finished his homework _. _ Li Peng finished his homework _? 5. Lucy will stay there for some time.Lucy _ stay there for _ time. _ Lucy stay there for _ time?6. Tom always goes to bed at twelve. Tom _ _ to bed at twelve._ Tom always _ to bed at twelve? 7. He was reading when his mother came back home. He _ reading when his mother _ back home._ he reading when his mother _ back home?8. His younger sister can do some washing, too. His younger sister _ do _ washing, _. _ his younger sister do _ washing, too?9. Ive ever been to Beijing three times. I _ _ been to Beijing three times._ you _ been to Beijing three times? 10. Youd better help him with his maths. You _ _ _ help with his maths. _ you _ help him with his maths?六、就下列句子划线部分提问:1. Li Mings brother usually lives in a factory. _ _ usually lives in a factory? 2. There are two apples. The red one is bigger. _ _ is bigger? 3. They are singing and dancing in the next room. _ _ they _ in the next room? 4. John prepares his English lessons every evening._ _ John _ every evening?5. He is going to work with his father after school. _ _ is he going to work after school? 6. The lady in white is our Chinese teacher. _ _ is your Chinese teacher? 7. I met Mr. Smith at the park yesterday. _ and _ _ you _ Mr. Smith? 8. She stopped washing because the telephone rang. _ _ she _ was


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