



非谓语作宾语补足语一、 探究发现1. 感官动词类1) She saw someone painting next door at the moment.2) We saw him enter the car and the car left.3) We saw an old lady knocked over by a passing car at the crossing4) He was seen smoking in the room and fired.5) He was seen to enter the car and left.总结1:现在分词作宾补时,宾语和宾补是_关系同时表示该动作_。不定式作宾补时,宾语和宾补是_关系,通常表示该动作_。过去分词作宾补时,宾语和宾补是_关系。常见的感官动词有:_。总结2:see sb/sth doing的被动形式为:_;see sb/sth do的被动形式为:_。2. 使动词类1) We had the air-conditioner running all the time in summer.2) My mom had me buy some fruit from the supermarket.3) I had the car repaired in the afternoon.总结1:have sb/sth _ _ _4) The cold wind got her shivering.5) The monitor got me to fetch some water with buckets.6) She got his hair dyed last night.总结2:get sb/sth _ _ _7) The coach made the athletes _run ten miles every day.8) She was made to do homework at home all day.9) I forgot the dish on the stove and made it overcooked.总结3:make sb/sth _ (被动形式:_) _10) Dont keep/leave the water _running when you leave.11) She kept/left the homework _undone and went to bed.总结4:keep/leave sb/sth _ _3. with短语With spring coming, people go out to play.With the mouth covered, he could speak a word.With so much work to do, he couldnt go out during the holiday.总结:with sb/sth _ _ _4. 据说类1) She is said to arrive tomorrow.2) She was said to have been arrived yesterday evening.3) The work is said to be completed next January.4) She was said to have been picked up at the airport ten minutes ago.总结:sb is said+不定式作补语,要注意不定式的形式。常见的结构还有:_。二、 熟能生巧1. 补全句子1) -Excuse me, sir, where is Room 301?-Just a minute, Ill have Bob _(show) you the room.2) I couldnt do my homework with all that noise _ (go) on.3) He looked around and caught a man _ (put) his hand into the pocket of a passenger.4) After a knock at the door, the child heard his mothers voice _(call) him.5) In the dream Peter saw himself _(chase) by a fierce wolf, and he woke suddenly with a start. 6) The flu is believed _(cause) by viruses that reproduce in the cells inside the human nose and throat.7) Jenny hopes that Mr. Simon will suggest a good way to have her written English _(improve) in a short period.8) John received an invitation to dinner, and with his work _(finish), he gladly accepted it. 9) To learn English well, we should find opportunities to hear English _(speak) as much as we can.10) He hurried away and left the room _(unlock). 2.翻译句子1. 所有的工作都做完了,我们坐下来休息。_2. 为了给妈妈一个惊喜,爸爸让我收拾屋子,他做饭。_3. 花了我们半个小时的时间把草坪上的所有垃圾捡干净了。_4. 据说这次期中考试他得了班里第一名。_5. 随着暑假来到,越来越多的学生选择出国旅游。_6. 当我们滑冰的时候,我们听到一个小女孩正在角落里哭泣。_7. 我们必须使自己不断学习新的知识以满足社会对我们的需要。_三、 聚焦考场1. Napoleon is famously said _, “When China wakes, it will shake the world.”A. to declareB. declaring C. to have declaredD. having declared 2. Dont have the water _ while you brush your teeth.A. runningB. run C. to run D. ran3. With age, the mineral content of human bones decreases, _ them more fragile.A. makeB. to makeC. madeD. making4. _ in the sports world, a sportsman needs to train constantly to keep himself in best condition.A. SurviveB. SurvivingC. To surviveD. Survived5. All books _ to the library more than three days late will be subject to a fine.A. returnB. returningC. to returnD. returned 6. In Britain and in other European countries certain buildings, particularly beautiful or historically important, are protected by law.A. considerB. consideringC. to considerD. considered7. _ fierce competition from the Internet, public libraries are being told to take some steps or they may die out.A. FaceB. FacingC. To faceD. Faced8. _by the recovering world economy, the oil price has been rising rapidly. A. Driven B. To be driven C. To drive D. Having driven9. _ a lot of people needed medical help, I decided to be a volunteer worker. A. Know B. KnownC. KnowingD. To knew 10. Nearly half a million people are believed _ their homes as a result of the disaster. A. to leave B. to be left C. to be leaving D. to have left11. The silence of the library is sometimes broken by a sudden cough or by the sound of pages _. A. turned B. having turned C. being turned D. to be turned 12. Subway Line 4, _into use in September 2009 has made traveling in Beijing easier.A. having been putB. puttingC. being putD. put 13. Museums in Beijing are on the move, _ exhibits that entertain and educate.A. addedB. addingC. to addD. having added14. _ five hours to the meeting, David learnt that it had been postponed.A. Having drivenB. DrivenC. Being drivenD. To be driven15. Hesitating what to do, _.A. so lets not go outing B. the tour was cancelled C. but we should still take the tour D. we had to stay home16. A few days after the interview, I received a letter _ me admission to the university. A. offering B. offered C. having offered D. being offered17. With so little time _ on math, it is all too easy for children to ignore practicing mathematics, which is a kind of language.A. spentB. being spentC. to spendD. was spent18. Zhou Yang didnt want to let anyone overtake her. She wanted to be the first that finishing line.A. crossingB. cro


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