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Module 2 Unit 3 Project,Sun Lihua No.14 Middle School,1. _n.辉煌;荣耀,光荣_adj.光荣的;辉煌的 2. _adj.意识到的,知道的;觉察到的_adj.不知道_n.意识,知道 3._n.基础;基准;原因 _vt.以为基础_adj.基本的 4._vt.使腐化,使堕落_n.腐败 5._n.法官_vt.判断_n.判断力 6._n.毒药,毒物vt.毒害,下毒_adj.有毒的,有害的 7._n.哲学_n.哲学家,glory,glorious,awareness,aware,unaware,basis,base,corrupt,corruption,judge,judge,judgement,poison,poisonous,philosophy,philosopher,glory,glorious,aware,glory,glorious,unaware,aware,glory,glorious,awareness,unaware,aware,glory,glorious,basis,awareness,unaware,aware,glory,glorious,base,basis,awareness,unaware,aware,glory,glorious,base,basis,awareness,unaware,aware,glory,glorious,corrupt,base,basis,awareness,unaware,aware,glory,glorious,corrupt,base,basis,awareness,unaware,aware,glory,glorious,judge,corrupt,base,basis,awareness,unaware,aware,glory,glorious,judge,judge,corrupt,base,basis,awareness,unaware,aware,glory,glorious,judgement,judge,judge,corrupt,base,basis,awareness,unaware,aware,glory,glorious,poison,judgement,judge,judge,corrupt,base,basis,awareness,unaware,aware,glory,glorious,poisonous,poison,judgement,judge,judge,corrupt,base,basis,awareness,unaware,aware,glory,glorious,philosophy,poisonous,poison,judge,corrupt,base,basis,awareness,unaware,aware,glory,glorious,philosopher,philosophy,poisonous,poison,judge,corrupt,basic,base,basis,awareness,unaware,aware,glory,glorious,1.在历史中起关键作用 _ 2. 阻碍(某人) _ 3. 患(病) _ 4. 意识到 _ 5. 起义 _ 6. 长驱直入 _ 7.所到之处,攻无不克 _ 9. think ofas _ 10. have a deep influence on _ 10. the father of Western philosophy_ 11. have enough of _ 12. put to death _ 13.take to court for _,play key roles in history,stand in ones path/way,come down with,be aware of,rise up against,march all the way to,find victory wherever he goes,把看做,认为是,对有深刻的影响,西方哲学之父,受够了,对感到厌烦,处死,因将某人告上法庭,Learning aims:,In this class, we will learn to 1. get the general idea of articles about two historical figures. 2. write an article about a historical figure. 3. work in groups, share ideas and help each other.,Alexander the Great,the greatest emperor in European history,Structure,Paragraph 1 Paragraph 2 Paragraph 3 Paragraph 4,The _ of a statue showing a result of Alexander the Greats _,Alexanders fighting at an(a) _ age,Alexanders victories and _,Alexander the Greats _ on the world,discovery,influence,early,death,influence,Task 2 Scan the text and answer the questions.,Where was the statue discovered in Xinjiang probably from? What was his ambition? Did his own army always support him? Why or why not? What happened to his kingdom after he died? How did Alexander the Great influence the world?,334, BC Middle East and Egypt,Then, India,336, BC Greece,In Greece, before Alexander, there was also a great fighter, who, instead of fighting with a sword, fought with words and questions. Who was he?,The father of Western philosophy,Socrates,Structure,Para1: Para 2: Para 3: Para 4:,The meaning of_,Brief _ to Socrates,Socratic Method_of modern philosophy and science,_ for Socrates death,Reasons,philosophy,introduction,basis,Task 4. Scan the text and answer the following questions.,What do people think of Socrates? What was his special way of teaching? What is the basis of modern philosophy and science? Why did people take Socrates to court? What do you think Socrates contribution is?,Two famous historical figures,Introduction,Body,Conclusion,Alexander the Great, the (1)_ of Macedonia(马其顿王国), was considered as one of the greatest emperor in European history.,Socrates, the (1)_of Western philosophy, made great contributions to Western thought and science.,Alexander the Great(356-323BC), at the age of 20, became king. With many cities (2)_him, he led an army to take them back. In order to (3)_the entire world, he marched his army in many directions and defeated every army (4)_. By the age of 30, he had more land than anyone before. At the age of 33, he(5) _ a fever and died, after which his kingdom was (6)_by his generals.,Socrates(469-399BC)was from Athens, in Greece. When he was young, he was a brave soldier, then worked as a teacher for free and(2)_ being a worker. With the idea of asking questions until you reach the right answer, he(3)_ his students to develop and explain their own arguments. This could help approach the (4)_. In 399 BC, he was taken to(5)_and(6)_ by being forced to drink poison.,Alexander the Great had a great (7)_on the world by spreading the Greek culture from Europe to Africa and Asia.,Socratic Method is the basis of modern philosophy and science. He has had a deep (7)_ on Western thought and science.,Writing an article about a historical figure,Introduction:,Body:,Conclusion:,Who is the person you are going to write about Whats his profession,when/where he was born What achievements he made When he died,What influence he had on the people and world,Para.1 be considered as/be thought of as/be known as/make contributions to Para.2 be born in/at the age of/ be known for /devote oneself to /died in Para.3 have a great influence/impact/effect on,Useful expressions,Write an article about Confucius,551BC-479BC thinker, educator, politician, philosopher Founder of Confucianism,Founded the first private school in China 3000 students, 72 became famous scholars,Write an article about Confucius,travelling from one state to another,周游列国,Wise sayings in the Analects (论语),Writing an article about a historical figure,Introduction:,Body:,Conclusion:,Who is the person you are going to write about Whats his profession,when/where he was born What achievements he made When he died,What influence he had on the people and world,Presentation,Homework,Rewrite the article about Confucius individually and correct your article according to the evaluation form. Finish Parts B1&B2 on Page 107 of the Workbook.,How to evaluate an article,Confuc


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