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Norms of Writing a Research Paper,Components of Research Paper,Authors Name,References,Body,Key Words,Abstract,Authors Affiliation,Title,Brought to you by the Purdue University Online Writing Lab,A Step-by-Step Procedure,The Preliminaries (前期准备) _ 1. Choose a topic _ 2. Begin preliminary reading _ 3. Restrict the subject _ 4. Develop a preliminary thesis statement,Gathering Data (材料收集) _ 1. Compile the working bibliography _ 2. Prepare the bibliography on cards in correct form (3“ x 5“ cards) _ 3. Begin extensive work in the library reference room; be sure to check: _ a. general bibliographies _ b. trade bibliographies _ c. indexes (books and collections, literature in periodicals, newspaper indexes, pamphlet indexes) _ d. library electronic catalogue,Taking Notes (做好记录) _ 1. Develop a preliminary outline _ 2. Evaluate your source material; which is primary material and which is secondary material? _ 3. Begin note-taking on cards (4“ x 6“ cards) _ 4. Avoid plagiarism(剽窃),Writing the Paper (写作开始) _ 1. Develop the final outline; test your outline _ 2. Prepare to write: _ a. put your note cards in the order that your outline is in _ b. consider your (real and imagined) readers and how their expectations may affect your tone and style _ 3. Write the rough draft _ 4. Check your documentation carefully _ 5. Revise and rewrite _ 6. Check the format of the text, citations, notes, and bibliography _ 7. Proofread,翻译论文的英文标题应注意以下四点: (1)不能按汉语的语序逐字对照翻译,应按英语的表达方式用名词短语表达,一般不用完整的句子。,1) The Paper Title,(2) 标题应力求简练,实词10个左右,省略没有实际意义的词,如:the study of研究, the investigation of成果调查, the observation of观察, the research of研究, the analysis of分析, the comparison of比较,等。如果标题过长,可以分出一部分作为副标题。,(3) 尽量避免用缩写词,因为英文缩写词太多,容易使读者费解。国外核心学术期刊中,对缩写词的使用非常谨慎,第一次出现必须先写全名,缩写附后加括号。国外学术期刊论文标题使用缩写的情况不占1%,而我国学术期刊中论文标题用缩写词的却达10%以上,这也是不能与国际接轨的一个方面。,(4)标题中常用的介词有 of(表示动宾关系,所属关系,或同位关系), on(表示对的作用或影响), in(在某范围或人群中), with(患有某种疾病), for(其目的或以便)等。,(5) 利用检索工具统计分析医学论文英文标题 利用Wordsmith 及Range 32等对所收集的2000个论文标题进行统计分析,得到具体数据如下:总形符19475个,标题平均长度为9.72个词,平均词长为5.59个字母。其中American Journal of Medicine中出现重复标题4个,Annals of Internal Medicine重复标题有41个,Archives of Internal Medicine没有重复标题,British Medical Journal上有10个重复的标题。,下表 医学论文英文标题中频率最高的前10个词,of (表示动宾关系,所属关系,或性质特征等) in/ among(在某范围中或人群中) for (作为,对于) with (患有某种疾病,用某种研究方法,搭配需要等) on (表示对的作用、影响,关于)等 To (词语搭配需要,如 related to, ),由于论文标题一般由名词词组组成,所以比较多地使用介词。论文标题中使用最多的介词有,1 during cardiac surgery. 4: 5: 6: Management of venous thrombo-. 2 for acute and chronic low back pain: a review of the evidence fo 3 for an American Pain Society/American College of Physicians 4 for acute and chronic low back pain: a review of the evidence for an 5 American Pain Society/American College of Physicians clinical 6 guideline. 13: Diagnosis and treatment of low back pain: a joint 7 practice guideline from the American College of Physicians and 8 geriatric medicine. 15: Cost-effectiveness of screening and 9 growth factor in determining the cause of obstructive cholestasis. 10 of obstructive cholestasis. 17: Validity of models for predicting,检索19475个词, of 共出现1038次,分析以下各行中of 的使用,第1、2、4、6行均为动宾关系,其共同特征为前边有一个由动词变化而来的名词。第3、5、7、8、9、10均为所属关系。 介词 in 的使用频率仅次于介词 of,共出现724次,后面跟人群,患者,疾病的范围或者指某一方面或部位。,学术论文的标题一般有短语构成,如名词短语、动名词短语、介词短语等。少数也有完整的句子,以陈述句居多,间或有疑问句。,英汉论文标题对比,* Blindness after treatment of malignant hypertension 恶性高血压治疗后的视觉缺失(研究) * Self-access English Learning in web environment 网络环境下的自主英语学习 * Secondary prevention of primary liver cancer : Randomized controlled prospective study 原发性肝癌二级预防的随机分组前瞻性研究 * Essential fatty acids in full term infants fed breast milk or formula 足月婴儿母乳喂养和配方喂养必需脂肪酸 对比研究,a. 名词短语(N+ Preposition),*Recently trained general pediatricians: perspectives on residency training and scope of practice. * Evaluation and management of the infant exposed to HIV-1 in the United States. * Utility of lumbar puncture for first simple febrile seizure among children 6 to 18 months of age. * Effects of the accreditation council for graduate medical education duty-hour limits on sleep, work hours, and safety.,* Understanding the Development and Prevention of Type 2 Diabetes in Youth 青春期II 型糖尿病的发生和预防措施研究 Preventing stroke in patients with atrial fibrillation 房颤患者中风预防 * Screening for environmental tobacco smoke exposure among inner-city children with asthma.,b. 动名词短语,* Malignant Hypertension and Cigarette smoking 恶性高血压与抽烟 相关性研究 Gastroesophageal reflux and cows milk allergy in infants: A prospective study 婴儿胃食管返流与牛奶过敏 有关的前瞻性研究,c. 名词并列结构,* Abnormal pain in the emergency room: 176 consecutive cases 腹痛急诊连续176例研究 *Quality of inpatient care for asthma: challenges and opportunities. 哮喘住院病人护理质量调查:面临的挑战和机遇 * Diabetes Mellitus: New Diagnostic Criteria 糖尿病新的诊断标准,d. 副标题的应用,e其它句式 * On Controlling Rectal Cancer 关于控制直肠癌的探讨 *Biologists of China are also considering strengthening the research on biodiversity (次类动词接动名词/名词,还有:admit, avoid, appreciate, deny, escape, forbid, imagine, mind, miss, postpone, practice, recollect, understand, suggest, etc.) * Home or Hospital Birth? * Is the treatment of borderline hypertension good or bad?,)流行病学回顾性研究与药物滥用 ) (前瞻性纵向评估)婴儿卧势的变化 )高中生运动员脑外伤研究 4)儿科癌症幸存者的长期随访鉴护研究,试翻译下列论文标题:,next,Retrospective Study of Epidemiology and Drug Abuse 2) Traumatic brain injury in high school athletes 3) Changes in sleep position during infancy: A prospective longitudinal assessment 4) Long-term follow-up care for pediatric cancer survivors.,标题参考译文:,1.大量名词词组的连接都是由介词和并列连接词来完成。 2. 英文中为副标题,而汉语不一定是副 标题; 3. 注意信息的等价性,而不是字数相等;,标题翻译提示,用汉语拼音署名已被国际上认可,因此,不必把姓和名倒置,为了区别姓和名,现在惯用的方法是:姓在前,全部大写汉语拼音,名在后,只大写第一个字母。中国人复名较多,连节一起即可。如:WANG Fang(王方); LIN Guoyou (林国友); ZHANG Hui-fang。署名三人为易,三人以上的作者省去,加 et al (等)。如:Baker S.P./ Braver E.R./Chen L.H. et al.,2) 英文署名(Authors Name),作者单位在作者之后,按从小到大顺序排列,实词大写第一个字母,如: Department of Nephrology, Shanghai Childrens Hospital, Shanghai 200040, P.R. China 上海市儿童医院肾病科(附所在城市,邮编,中国)。,3.作者单位(Authors Affiliation),关键词: 体育锻炼; 减肥; 肌肉总量; 智力发展 Key words: physical training; weight loss; mental development; muscle mass,4) 关 键 词,写好英文摘要的正文有助于稿件的采用,目前美国儿科核心期刊文摘(Core Journals in Pediatrics)英文摘要有以上是结构式摘要,摘要的长度在200至400词左右。摘要正文的写作按照论文IMRAD( Introduction, Methods, Results and Discussion)的格式对重点进行加工整理,以引导词(Objective, Methods, Results and Conclusion)所提示的内容描述。,5)摘要 (Abstract),而英国一些期刊的结构式摘要力求祥实,大都有七部分组成:Objectives; Design; Setting; Subjects; Main outcome measurements ; Results; Conclusion. 摘要的长度在400词左右。 有的作者对写摘要不够重视,三言两语,不能体现文中的主要内容,这样不易采用。 英文摘要的写作既有格式和内容的要求,又有科技英语语言特点的要求,举例说明如下:,英文摘要的类别与组成要素,Screening for HIV: A Review of the Evidence for the U.S. Preventive Services Task Force Abstract: Background and Purpose: HIV infection affects 850,000 to 950,000 persons in the U. S. The management and outcomes of HIV infection have changed substantially since the U.S. Preventive Services Task Force issued recommendations in 1996. The study is to synthesize the evidence on risks and benefits of screening for HIV infection. Data Sources: MEDLINE, the Cochrance Library, reference lists, and experts. Study Selection: Studies,example,of screening, risk factor assessment, accuracy of testing, follow-up testing, and efficacy of interventions. Data Extractions: Data on settings, patients, interventions, and outcomes were abstracted for included studies; quality was graded according to criteria developed by the Task Force. Data Synthesis: No trials directly link screening for HIV with clinical outcomes. Many HIV-infected persons in the United States currently receive diagnosis at advanced stages of disease, and almost all with progress to AIDS if untreated. Screening based on risk factors could identify persons at substantially higher risk but would,miss a substantial proportion of those infected. Screening tests for HIV are extremely accurate (99%). Acceptance rates for screening and use of recommended intervention vary widely. Highly active antiretroviral therapy (HAART) substantially reduces the risk for clinical progression or death in patients with immunologically advanced disease. Along with other adverse events, HAART is associated with an increased risk for cardiovascular complications, although absolute rates are low after 3 to 4 years. Limitations: Data are insufficient to estimate the effects of,screening and interventions on transmission rates or in patients with less immunologically advanced disease. Long term data on adverse events associated with HAART are not yet available. Conclusions: Benefits of HIV screening appear to outweigh harms. The yield from screening higher-prevalence populations would be substantially higher than that from screening the general population.,finished,Objectives 的语言特点是以动词不定式开头,言简意赅。 如: 1)To identify the efficacy and safety of 2)To describe complication of. 3)To assess the effectiveness of 4) To determine whether/ if 5)To examine the relation between. 6)To evaluate the systemic availability and,Language features of an abstract,7)To investigate the efficacy and safety of 8) To establish a animal model 9)To measure the serum concentrations of 10) undertake a prospective, single blind, randomized trial 11)To summarize the evidence on the efficacy of 12)To ascertain(find out) the outcome associated with 13)To review the clinical features, treatment, and outcome of children,Methods 语言特点是用完整的句子叙述,谓语动词用一般过去时,被动语态。该部分包括设计 如: experimental study; case control study; prospective, double-blind study; cross-over study of duration of six weeks;包括研究对象:subjects, patients, rats; 分组study group and control group;包括用药时间,检测方法 by radioimmunoassay等.,Immunofuorescence method 免疫荧光法 Immunoelectroabsorption 免疫电吸附法 Immunoelectrophoresis 免疫电泳法 Immunoelectro microscopic method 免疫电镜法 Radioimmunoassay 放射免疫测定法 Radioallergeosorbent test 放射变应原吸附实验 Radioactive isotope scanning 放射性核素扫描 Radioisotope scanning 放射性同位素扫描 Radionuclide angiography 放射性核素血管造影,临床检查方法,Radionuclide emission computed tomography 放射性 核素计算机体层扫描 Quantitative gel diffusion test 定量凝胶扩散实验 Quantitative maculo-perimetry 定量黄斑视野检查法 Quantitative perimetry 定量视野检查法 Quantitative precipitation test 定量沉淀实验 Immunologic surveillance 免疫监视 Immunogold-silver staining 免疫金银染色法,Results 语言特点是用完整的句子叙述,谓语动词用一般过去时,提供研究数据对比。如:increased by 20%;dropped remarkably; remained the same; the findings were correlated with; there was an increase/decrease in patients heart rate/respiratory volume ; there was a correlation between smoking and carcinoma ,Conclusion 谓语动词用现在时或将来时,完整的句子表明该研究的临床意义、前景、尚未解决的问题。For example: It can be concluded that;The findings /the study suggest (s) thatThe report demonstrates that; we conclude that Example of a full Abstract:,Paper Title: Adult Weight Change and Risk of Postmanopausal Breast Cancer A. Heather Aliassen,et al. JAMA 2006;296:193-201 ABSTRACT Context Endogenous (内源的)hormones are a primary cause of breast cancer. Adiposity affects circulating hormones, particularly in postmenopausal women, and may be a modifiable risk factor for breast cancer. Objective To assess the associations of adult weight change since 18 years and since menopause with the risk of breast cancer among postmenopausal women.,Example:,Design, Setting, and Participants Prospective cohort study(定群研究) within the Nurses Health Study. A total of 87143 postmenopausal women, aged 30 to 55 years and free of cancer, were followed up for up to 26 years(1976-2002)to assess weight change since 18 years. Weight change since menopause was assessed among 49514 women who were followed up for up to 24 years. Main Outcome Measure Incidence of invasive breast cancer.,Results Overall,4393 cases of invasive breast cancer were documented. Compared with those who maintained weight, women who gained 25.0kg or more since age 18 years were at an increases risk of breast cancer (relative riskRR,1.45; 95% confidence interval CI, 1.27-1.66;P.001 for trend) ,with a strong association among women who have never taken postmenopausal hormones(RR,1.98;95%CI,1.55-2.53).,Compared with weight maintenance, women who gained 10.0kg or more since menopause were at an increased risk of breast cancer(RR,1.18;95%CI,1.03-1.35;P=.002 for trend) .Women who had never used postmenopausal hormones, los


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