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Part seven: Prose-writers and poets of the mid and late 19th century,Prose,Thomas Carlyle On Heroes and Hero Worship Past and Present Matthew Arnold Culture and Anarchy,Matthew Arnold (1822 - 1888),Born - a clergymans family Family - his father:a headmaster Education - Oxford Work - professor of poetry at Oxford Achievement - a poet and a literary critic Writing aim - reflects on the doubt of his age: conflict between science and religion,Inherits a critical tradition from Samuel Johnson and Samuel Taylor Coleridge Unlike Coleridge, he acknowledges his debt to German philosophers A secular writer, he still believes strongly in absolutes - that we can discern, for instance, what is “the best that is known and thought in the world” He says criticism can “attain any real authority” by being “absolutely and entirely independent” of “sects and parties”,Dover Beach,Ah, love, let us be true To one another! for the world, which seems To lie before us like a land of dreams, So various, so beautiful, so new, Hath really neither joy, nor love, nor light, Nor certitude, nor peace, nor help for pain; And we are here as on a darkling plain Swept with confused alarms of struggle and flight, Where ignorant armies clash by night.,His works:,Essays in Criticism (1865 and 1888),Culture and Anarchy (1889),批评文集,文化与无政府状态,Poetry,The year 1832 marks the death of Walter Scott. Keats, Shelley and Byron had died, Wordsworth had no longer written his best poems, and the glorious period of Romantic poetry had come to an end. The Victorian Age was largely an age of prose, especially the novel. However, the development of English poetry did not stop. Poetry was no longer a major art intended to change the world, as that of Byron and Shelly. It now seldom touched on the serious social problems, but mainly concerned itself with the poets purely personal tastes or spiritual questionings. The most admired poets: Alfred Tennyson, Robert Browning and his wife.,Dramatic Poetry: Dramatizes action through dialogue or monologue Narrative Poetry: Tells a story Lyric Poetry: Expresses Personal thoughts and Emotions,I. Types of Poetry,major types: Metaphor Simile Personification,Other types: Metonymy Hyperbole Understatement,II. Elements of Poetry: figurative language,When human like qualities are given to an animal or object. Example: An overly gregarious puppy. A decrepit old car.,or,1. Personification,2. Similes,When you compare something using like or as. The river is peaceful, like a new baby sleeping.,NOT using like or as.,“It is the East, and Juliet is the sun!”,Oh bright angel, speak again!”,Romeo, “Romeo and Juliet”, William Shakespeare,3. Metaphors,4.Imagery,When the author provides visual pictures as you read.,In a poem, you can often see the images the author writes about,The spring flowers, vibrant, electrified with the newness of spring,5.Point of View,Who is the Speaker of the Poem?,What is their tone?,The Point of view can be the actual poet him/herself, but may also be an animal, an inanimate object, or a fictional character.,6. Irony,When something that wasnt expected happens. Or when the opposite of what is expected happens.,For example: In “Incident in a Rose Garden” The devil wasnt coming for the gardener, he was coming for the farmer!,1). Connotation:言外之意 The way a word makes us feel.,Words can give us different feelings when we hear themsome positive, some negative, and everything in between!,2). Denotation:,The actual dictionary definition of the word.,7. Word Choice/Diction,8. Musical Devices,Alliteration When the same sound is repeated at the beginning of words. candy covered coconuts.,Assonance snns 谐音 When the same vowel sound is used in words throughout a piece of writing That is the way we will pray today, okay?,Consonance knsnns 和音 When the same consonant sound is used throughout a piece of writing. Slow sad murmur of distant seas.,9.Onomatopoeia ,nmtpi: 拟声 word that expresses sound,Zip, zoom, bang, boom,In “Winter” There are examples,10. Rhyme,End Rime Rime at the ends of lines Stop before your start Be still my beating heart,Internal Rime Rime that occurs within lines Once upon midnight dreary while I pondered weak and weary,Rime Scheme,The pattern of rimes in a poem Sink like a stone thats been thrown in the ocean A My logic is drowned in a sea of emotion A Stop before your start B Be still my beating heart B,III. Forms of Poetry,Some forms Haiku Cinquain sikein 五行诗 Concrete,Some forms Ballad Sonnet Villanelle ,vilnel 维拉内拉诗( 16 世纪法国的一种19 行诗),Concrete Poetry,Poetry in which authors use both words and physical shape to convey a message. 图案式有形诗体;有形诗(用形象字母、单字以及符号表达意向的诗体) ; 俱象诗,Another Concrete Poem,The Victorian age produced two great English poets: Browning & Tennyson. Their poetry was characterized by experiments with new styles and new ways of expression. Browning has paved the way for modern English poetry in the twentieth century.,IV. Victorian poetry,Victorian poetry developed in the context of the novel. Poets sought new ways of telling stories in verse. All poets show the strong influence of the Romantics, but cannot sustain the confidence the Romantics felt in the power of the imagination. Victorian poets often rewrite Romantic poems with a sense of belatedness. Dramatic monologue the idea of creating a lyric poem in the voice of a speaker ironically distinct from the poet is the great achievement of Victorian poetry.,Alfred Lord Tennyson,In 1850 he was named Poet Laureate in succession to William Wordsworth. He held the position of Poet Laureate until his death. In 1884 he was made a baron (since been called Lord Tennyson) by Queen Victoria. This honor never before given to a writer indicates the esteem in which Tennyson was held by people.,His Major Poetical Works,In Memoriam 悼念 18331850,131 short poems,the death of a friend Arthur Henry Hallam,relations between religion and science,Idylls of the King 国王之歌 18501885,12 metrical tales,King Arthur and his Knights of the Round Table,Other Poetical Works: The Princess 公主 Poems by Two Brothers 两兄弟诗集 Ulysses 尤利西斯,Tennysons Best-known Short Poems “Break, Break, Break” 拍吧,拍吧,拍吧 “Crossing the Bar “穿过沙洲,sadness over the loss of a dear friend, combining nature with his inner world,Break, Break, Break,Alfred Tennyson,Listen,Break, break, break, 冲激,冲激,冲激 On thy cold gray stones, O Sea! 大海呀,冲激你灰冷的石岩!,seawater,And I would that my tongue could utter 但愿我的舌端能道出 The thoughts that arise in me, 我内心涌起的思念。,I wish,speak out,my sorrowful feeling after my friends death, like seawater.,O, well for the fishermans boy, 若像那渔家儿童该多好, That he shouts with his sister at play! 他在和妹妹一起玩耍喊叫!,it would be well for,I can see them running, shouting happily on the seashore.,O, well for the sailor lad, 若像那青年水手该多好! That he sings in his boat on the bay! 他在海湾里荡桨歌唱多美妙!,I can hear the singing of the young sailor joyfully, happily.,but sad in heart,And the stately ships go on, 还有,一艘艘庄严的船舶 To their haven under the hill; 朝它们山下的港口驶进;,in good order,But O for the touch of a vanishd hand, 多么想得到那只消逝了的手的触摸, And the sound of a voice that is still! 还有那已不做声响的嗓音。,how I wish,the dead hand of his friend, Hallam,the voice of his friend, Hallam,silent,Break, break, break, 冲激,冲激,冲激, At the foot of thy crags, O Sea! 大海呀,冲激你悬崖的脚下!,long vowel, slow, sadness,high, steep or rugged mass of rock,But the tender grace of a day that is dead 但那逝去的温文尔雅 Will never come back to me. 将永远回不到我这里。,charm,Those beautiful days with his friend Hallam will never come back again.,(李正栓 译),Understanding: Break, Break, Break,Type of Work and Date of Composition “Break, Break, Break“ is a lyric poem. It centers on Tennysons grief over the death of his best friend, Arthur Hallam, a fellow poet. In this poem, the poets own feelings of grief stands in sharp contrast with the carefree, innocent joys of the children and the apathetic motion of the ship and the waves. Lyrical poetry presents the deep feelings and emotions of the poet as opposed to poetry that tells a story or presents a witty observation. A lyric poem often has a pleasing musical quality. The word lyric derives from the Greek word for lyre.,Rhyme Scheme and Meter Lines 2 and 4 of each stanza have end rhyme. The meter in the poem varies, but the anapestic抑抑扬格的 foot creates the musicality of the poem, as in the following lines: iamb anapest anapest iamb But O| for the TOUCH | of a VAN | ished HAND, anapest. anapest anapest And the SOUND| of a VOICE| that is STILL!,Rhetorical Devices Following are examples of figures of speech and other rhetorical devices in “Break, Break, Break“: Apostrophe pstrfi书写中撇号(Lines 1 and 2): The narrator addresses the sea. Personification and metaphor also occur in Lines 1 and 2, for the poet regards the sea as a human being. Alliteration (Line 8): boat on the bay (Lines 9-12): Stanza 3 uses this figure of speech as follows: And the stately ships go on To their haven under the hill; But O for the touch of a vanished hand, And the sound of a voice that is still! (Line 15): day that is dead Repetend: Line 13 repeats Line 1; Line 7 repeats the first two words of Line 5. Paradox: Touch of a vanished hand (Line 11), sound of a voice that is still (Line 12).,Themes 1. Grief The main theme is bereavement biri:vmnt 丧失(尤指亲友), heartache, emptiness. In the narrators dark hour of grief, the sun rises, children laugh, business goes on as usual. How could the world be so cruel and unfeeling? 2. Preciousness of Youth Tennysons friend, Arthur Hallam, was only 22 when he died. The shock of Hallams death impressed upon Tennyson how priceless youth is. To underscore this idea, and to express the agony he suffers at the loss of young Hallam, Tennyson presents images of youthful joy: the fishermans son playing with his sister and the “sailor lad“ singing in the bay.,3. Indifference of Nature Nature continues to function according to its rhythms and cycles regardless of what happens, good or bad, to human beings. The sun may shine and the birds may sing in the middle of the bloodiest of battles. And the sea will rise and fall in a defiant, unrelenting rhythm that refuses to acknowledge tragedy in the everyday life of average men. Tennyson laments this cold indifference in “Break, Break, Break.“,Summary The narrator grieves the loss of his friend, Arthur Henry Hallam, a promising poet and essayist who had been engaged to Tennysons sister, Emily. Hallam died of a stroke in 1833. Nature, of course, does not stop to mourn the loss of anyone. Cold and indifferent, it carries on, the waves of the ocean breaking against rocks along the seashore without pausing even for a moment. The rest of the world carries on as well: the fishermans boy happily playing with his sister, the sailor merrily singing, the ship busily plying the waters of commerce. Downcast, isolated by his grief, the narrator yearns to touch the hand of his friend once more, to hear the sound of his voice. But, no, Hallam is gone forever; his “tender grace“ will never again return.,Such contrast is very common to classical Chinese poems. A proper phrase to describe such contrast is “物是人非” (The things are still there but men are no more the same ones). Here are some examples. Ah, generations have come and passed away From year to year the moons look alike, old and new. We do not know tonight for whom she sheds her ray, But hear the river say to its water adieu. 人生代代无穷已,江月年年望相似。 不知江月照何人,但见长江送流水。 -张若虚,春江花月夜,Last year I came to view the moon with my compeers, But where are they, now that the scene is like last years? 同来望月人何在,风景依稀似去年。 -赵嘏,江楼感旧,A Poem Written in a Village South of the Capital Today last year inside this door, dink peach blossoms reflected a girls face pink. But the girls face is nowhere to find while blossoms are smiling in a spring wind. 题都城南庄 崔护 去年今日此门中,人面桃花相映红。 人面不知何处去,桃花依旧笑春风。,Crossing the Bar 过沙洲,The speaker uses a metaphor of a sand bar to describe the barrier between life and death. Stanza 1: the speaker hears he is being called in the setting of the sun and the rise of the evening star. He hopes the ocean will not make the mournful sound of waves beating against a sand bar when he sets out to sea. Stanza 2: he wishes for a tide that is so full that it cannot contain sound or foam and returns quietly back out to the depths. Stanza 3: he hopes for a painless death for himself and no one will cry when he departs. Stanza 4: he wishes to meet his Maker, the driver of his ship, the Pilot, God.,The poem consists of four quatrain stanzas that generally alternate between long and short lines. The form of the poem follows the content: the wavelike quality of the long-then-short line parallels the narrative thread of the poem. The rhyming scheme is abab. Stanza 1 & Stanza 3: Both begin with two symbols of the beginning of night: “sunset and evening star” and “twilight and evening bell.” The second line of each stanza begins with “and.” Each line is followed by an exclamation point, as the poet expresses alarm at realizing what death will entail 导致.,These stanzas conclude with a wish that is stated metaphorically in the first stanza: “may there be no moaning of the bar/ when I put out to sea”; and more literally in the third stanza: “may there be no sadness of farewell/ When I embark.” Yet the wish is the same in both stanzas: Both conclude with a period, suggesting each is intimately linked to the one that follows. Stanza 2 & Stanza 4: Both begin with a qualifier: “but” in the second stanza and “for though” in the fourth. The second line implies excess, whether it is a tide “too full for sound and foam” or the “far” distance that the poet will be transported in death.,the poet does not want his relatives and friends to cry for him after he dies.,Comment on Tennyson,Tennyson is the representative poet of Victorian age. He has perfect control of the sound of English. His works are not only the products of the creative imagination of a poetic genius but also products of a long and rich English heritage. Tennyson was severely criticized by Imagist poets in the early twentieth century for his affectation and wordiness.,Robert Browning (1812-1889),the most innovative poet of the Age “dramatic monologue” Meeting at Night Parting at Morning My Last Duchess,Works,The Ring and the Book 指环与书 Brownings masterpiece & the longest and greatest work. It tells a horrible story of a mans murder of his beautiful young wife. My Last Duchess 我已故的公爵夫人 (A dramatic monologue in which a duke tells his guest by pointing at his dead wifes portrait how she fell in love with the portrait- painter and how he ordered her to be murdered.) Meeting at Night 月夜相会 Parting at Morning 晨别 Home Thoughts from Abroad 海外相思/异国相思,Dramatic Monologue 戏剧独白,His great contribution to poetry are dramatic monologues. A kind of poem in which a single fictional or historical character other than the poet speaks to a silent “audience” of one or more persons. Such poems reveal not the poets own thoughts but the mind of the impersonated (扮演的) character, whose personality is revealed unwittingly无意的. From Oxford Concise Dictionary of Literary Terms牛津文学术语词典 My Last Duchess is his best-known dramatic monologue. 所谓戏剧独白诗即以假设人物口吻所写的第一人称诗歌,勃朗宁的诗歌大多采用“戏剧独白”形式。这些诗中存在着虚构的说话人、一个或多个听者、戏剧场景,以及说话人和听者之间的相互作用、相互影响。(戏剧独白的三要素),My Last Duchess,Speaker (Narrator): The speaker is the Duke of Ferrara. Browning appears to have modeled him after Alfonso II, who ruled Ferrara from 1559 to 1597. Alfonso was married three times but had no children. The poem reveals him as a proud possessive, and selfish man and a lover of arts. He regarded his late wife as a mere object who existed only to please him and do his bidding命令. He likes the portrait of her (the subject of his monologue), because, unlike the duchess when she was alive, it reveals only her beauty and none of the qualities in her that annoyed the duke when she was alive. Moreover, he now has complete control of the portrait as a pretty art object that he can show to visitors.,我已故的公爵夫人,我已故的公爵夫人一诗中,说话人是意大利文艺复兴时代的一位公爵,他正预备再度结婚,对象是一位伯爵的千金。为了确定嫁妆的数目,伯爵派了一位使者来谈判。 公爵领着这位使者在他的宫殿内参观艺术收藏,其中就有他已故公爵夫人的画像。在整首诗中,公爵滔滔不绝、尽情抒发;而使者缄默不语,似在凝听。 在勃朗宁的诸多戏剧独白诗中,这首诗典型地呈现了戏剧独白的特色。勃朗宁让诗的叙述者剖白自己内心,使读者、人物和作者出于适当的位置。独白的语气随想象中的听者的存在而波澜起伏,读者从人物富戏剧性的独白中推理和想象,探知隐藏的作者的观点。,Features of Brownings Poetry,His great contributions to poetry are his dramatic monologues. He is realistic, much concerned with presenting facts and analyzing human psychology. He is optimistic and believes in the progress of mankind.,Elizabeth Barrett Browning (1806-1861),When she was 15, a fall from her horse injured her spine and from then on she became a helpless invalid confined to her own room. She was a lady of great natural abilities, reading Homer in the original Greek and reading the Bible in Hebrew. In 1843 appeared her poem Cry of the Children, which exposes the criminal system of child-labor prevailing in the 19th century England. When she first met Browning, she was a better-known poetess and 6 years older than he. In 1846 they eloped, were secretly married and went to Italy. They lived chiefly in Florence for 15 years in ideal happiness. Their love affair was a famous story in English literary history. During their courtship she wrote a collection of love poems, published under the title of Sonnets From the Portuguese. Mrs. Browning remained a radical in her views on society and politics.,How Do I Love Thee? 我是怎样地爱你,我是怎样地爱你?诉不尽万语千言: 我爱你的程度是那样地高深和广远, 怡似我的灵魂曾飞到了九天与黄泉, 去探索人生的奥妙,和神灵的恩典。 无论是白昼还是夜晚,我爱你不息, 像我每日必需的摄生食物不能间断。 我纯洁地爱你,不为奉承吹捧迷惑, 我勇敢地爱你,如同为正义而奋争! 爱你,以昔日的剧痛和童年的忠诚, 爱你,以眼泪、笑声及全部的生命。 要是没有你,我的心早就失去了圣贤, 要是没有你,我的心早就失去了激情。 假如上帝愿意,请为我作主和见证: 在我死后,我必将爱你更深,更深!,Chapter 5 the Rossettis and Swinburne,1. Dante Gabriel Rossetti The Pre-Raphaelite Brotherhood(拉斐尔前派兄弟会) Poems by D. G. Rossetti Ballads and Sonnets The House of Life 2. Chris


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