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,David Yao, Senior Sales Director, Silicon Image, Inc. Vincent Hsia, Senior FAE Manager, Silicon Image, Inc.,Implementing New HDMI 1.3 Features,Specification released in June 2006 Developed to meet evolving needs of the high-definition marketplace Bandwidth more than doubled from 165 MHz (4.95 Gbps) to 340 MHz (10.2 Gbps) to support Higher Resolution, Faster Refresh, and Deep Color Extended color gamut for more natural and realistic color Support for lossless digital audio,New HDMI 1.3 Features Overview,Lip sync timing compensation Mini connector for cameras and camcorders Initial Spec 1.3 2,More Bandwidth 510Gb/s Deep Color 2448 bit xvYCC Wider Color Gamut Dolby True HD DTS-HD Lip Sync Mini Connector,35mm,Film,Eye,3,Human,1 Mpixel,10 Mpixel,100 Mpixel,1080p HDTV,Cinema Display,720p HDTV,480p EDTV,Compact Digital Still Camera Digital SLR,Cell Phone Camera,Digital Cinema 4K,VCR Sensor/ Recorder,Display,0.1 Mpixel,HDMI HDMI1.2,1.0 1.3,Greater Bandwidth for Higher Resolution 1440p/WQXGA Apple,4,Smoother Motion, Motion blur often occurs in LCD displays with 60Hz refresh rates LCD refresh rates increasing to,120Hz,Faster Response Time, For Gamers, response time is the,difference between life and death, Faster refresh rate means faster,response time means living to fight another day!,Greater Bandwidth for Faster Refresh,Co,din,rb,5, Billions of colors Eliminates artifacts that appear as bands or contours Most noticeable in subtle gradations and tonal transitions Increases contrast ratios for sharper images & greater detail More accurately represents original material Deeper color palette produces video more like original film Live events look more natural,Simplified example of tonal transitions with limited color palette,Simplified example of tonal transitions with extended color palette Current world: limited to 24 bits/ pixel color 16 million colors Not good enough for todays displays Deep Color allows 24, 30, 36 and 48 bits/pixel color depth,Simulated low-bit color depth Simulated high-bit color depth,lo,an,g,Greater Bandwidth for,Deep Color,6,Takes full advantage of color rendering capabilities of modern digital displays vs. older CRT technology,xvYCC Extended Color Gamut for Realistic and Natural Color xvYCC is the next generation HD color space standard IEC 619966-2-4 vs. older ITU BT.709-5 A collaboration between major Consumer Electronics manufacturers,sRGB,xvYCC,7,Maximum Audio Performance,HDMI 1.3 adds support for Dolby TrueHD & DTS-HD Master Audio formats, Approved audio formats for Blu-ray &,HD-DVD, Lossless audio formats offer digital surround sound with same fidelity as the sound stage and movie theater,Lossless Audio for a True Digital Cinema Experience,8,Advanced video processing in todays HDTVs sometimes introduces a delay in video output relative to audio output, Results in loss of “lip sync”, Distracts from viewing experience,HDMI 1.3 allows CE devices to automatically compensate for such timing differences, Results in synchronized audio and video Much more enjoyable viewing experience,Automatic Lip Sync,Timing Compensation,9,STB,AVR,Screen,Video Processor,Without Lip Sync Compensation 1. Signal delivered to AVR 2. AVR delivers audio to speakers and video to HDTV 3. Speakers present audio while HDTV still processing video 4. HDTV presents video out of sync with audio HDTV,10,STB,AVR,Screen,Video Processor,With Lip Sync Compensation 1. HDTV communicates video processing delay via HDMI 1.3 2. Signal delivered to AVR,3.,AVR delays audio to speakers to allow for video processing,4. Video and audio presented in sync HDTV,11,Thinner, shorter, narrower,Compatible with existing Type A connector,Plug is slightly smaller but Chassis receptacle is much smaller Requested by Camcorder and Digital Still Camera makers,Regular and Mini Connectors,Type-C Mini-Connector,5 meters 10 meters,Cable Equalization Theory 2) Receivers can compensate for that filter by applying an equal but opposite filter 1) Cables are just a big filter 2 meters,3) Different lengths change slope of attenuation receiver can target particular cable length 14,15,Reference Cable Equalizer,HDMI 1.3 measures Cat2 cable output after applying an ideal “Reference Cable Equalizer”,This assumes that,receivers will support such cable, so,HDMI 1.3 measures,receiver performance against this same spec,16,Greater Bandwidth How? Source Termination Serial transmission line basics Changes in impedance are bad Cause reflections back to the source of the signal Connectors frequently have impedance mismatches and cause some reflection High-impedance source will then bounce that,reflection back down the line,bad signal quality,17,Potential Problem,HDMI Cable,Signal transmitted from driver,Partial reflection back from connector,High-impedance source causes additional reflection,18,Source Termination,HDMI Cable,Partial reflection back from connector Signal transmitted from driver,Terminated source swallows reflection,19,Source Termination Typical Cable,Without source termination,With source termination,20,Source Termination Worst-Case Cable,Cable with high-impedance circuitry at input end causes large reflection/degradation:,But source termination cleans up,21,Source Termination Spec Changes,Previous HDMI Spec 1.2a and earlier had restrictions on Vh and Vl,HDMI Spec 1.3 reduces those restrictions when connected to 165MHz-capable sink,22,Greater Bandwidth How? Source Pre-Emphasis,Source can use “Pre-emphasis” to improve performance at higher speeds and longer cables,HDMI spec 1.2a and earlier had restrictions on Overshoot that prevented use of pre-emphasis 1.3 removes those restrictions,+1,-1,0,23,Deep Color,HDMI 1.0-1.2a: 24 bits/pixel,HDMI 1.3: 30-bit, 36-bit and 48-bit (10-, 12-, 16- bits/component), RGB 4:4:4 and YCbCr 4:4:4,24,Deep Color Basic Mechanism,Increase link clock and pack fatter pixels into more clocks, 4 pixels into 5 clocks (for 30 bits/pixel) 2 pixels into 3 clocks (for 36 bits/pixel) 1 pixel into 2 clocks (for 48 bits/pixel),Primary Effects:, Increased pixel clock rate (beyond 165MHz), New pixel packing definition and phase (includes all video-related,signaling: HSYNC, VSYNC), EDID indication (“upstream”) of Deep Color support, GCP indication (“downstream”) of Deep Color mode and phase,Non-Effects:, No change to HDCP, No change to Data Islands, CTL periods (except for HSYNC, VSYNC,indication), No change to video timings,TMDS,Channel,B0 G0 R0,B1 G1 R1,B2 G2 R2,B3 G3 R3,0 1 2,Current 24-bit Packing,Pixel 0,Pixel 1,Pixel 2,Pixel 3,Time 25,TMDS,36-bit Packing : 2 pixels/3 clocks,Pixel 0,Pxl 0/1,Pixel 1,Pxl 2/3,Channel 0 1 2 Time 26,Pixel 3,Pixel 2,27,xvYCC Color Gamut Metadata Packet,xvYCC allows a much broader selection of colors than display devices can typically handle,Displays need to know how best to map “input gamut” onto “display gamut”, Otherwise image may look “cartoony”,This requires knowledge of the input gamut Gamut Metadata Packet carries this information,28,New Cable Categories,HDMI 1.2a and earlier, Cables could be individually rated for higher speeds and,“eye” test methods scaled to frequency, Required all cables to support HDTV rates (74.25MHz). Problem: End-user and vendor confusion, false claims,insufficient testing, etc.,HDMI 1.3 Defined Two Cable Categories, Category 1: 74.25 MHz (2.23 Gbps), Sufficient to carry HDTV meets 99% of market need today,but insufficient for 1080p 60Hz., Category 2: All supported HDMI rates 27MHz 340MHz (10.2,Gbps), And beyond,29,Automatic Lipsync Timing Compensation Lipsync Info from Sink Sink EDID specifies: Video Latency (one indication for Interlaced and one for Pr


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