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1,Company Logo,2009.06,Homepage,Copyright by ARTCOM PT All rights reserved.,Unit 11 The Great American Garage Sale,2,搭配: 1. Do some spring housecleaning 大扫除/动词词组 2. Sort through 分类,整理/动词词组 3. Set out 陈列,展示/动词词组 4. Hold garage sales 在车库买旧货/动词词组 5. Be considered by sb. as sth. 被某人认为作为什么/动词词组 6. Sth. is priced at 某物定价在/动词词组 7. Sb. is fed up with sth./sb.=be turned off 某人厌倦了某人或某 物/动词词组 8. Search for 寻找/动词词组 9. Spend 时间 doing sth. 花了多少时间做某事/动词词组 10. Run across 偶然遇到/动词词组 11. Be of great value=valuable 很有价值的 12. Separate sth./sb. from sth./sb. 把什么和什么隔开/动词词组 13. Be bound to do sth. 一定做某事/动词词组 14. Be faced with 面对/动词词组,Text A The Great American Garage Sale,3,Text A 语言点,1. Sorting through(分词做状语) their possessions, they came up with(发现) some 1500 old, unwanted items-all sorts of things they wanted to get rid of(摆脱)。 2. The Ericksons 定冠词the+姓氏名称+s:表示一家人 3. The Ericksons decided to do what a lot of other Americans are doing these days-have a “garage sale. 4. Neednt have done sth. 做了一件本不需要做的事 5. Eager buyers bought all but 50 of the items in one weekend, leaving(现分作结果状语) the family $442 richer. 6. The variety of (大量的)things put up(过分作后置定语) for(提供以提供) sale is really wonderful.,4,7. Rising living costs(生活费用) are considered by almost everyone as a reason both for holding sales and for attending them. 8. Garage sales have become suburban social events, drawing people of all ages.(划线部分为现在分词作状语,之所以用drawing是因为主语Garage sales 可以发出draw吸引的动作) 9. Neighbors enjoy meeting new people. Enjoy这个动词后只能用ving动名词来作宾语。 10. They spend their weekends going from sale to sale, hoping to run across a real treasure(hoping为现在分词作状语,之所以用ving是因为they能发出hope的动词),5,Text B American Stores,搭配: 1. a wide range of sth. 很大的范围 2. Be urged to do sth. 被催促作某事/动词词组 3. Sth. is confusing to sb. 什么事情很是令某人迷惑 4. Choose from 从什么中选取/动词词组 5. Specialize in 专长于/动词词组 6. Be likely to do sth. 很可能作某事/形容词词组 7. Refer to 指的是/动词词组(to 是介词) 8. A g


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