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竹纤维的特性及其生产技术胡延(南京化纤股份有限公司总工办 211511)纤维素纤维作为最早的人造纤维已有一百多年的历史。现在纤维素纤维产量已达260多万吨。进入二十一世纪以来,随着世界人口增长,能源危机,资源枯竭,可以由大自然产生的纤维素纤维倍受关注。由于传统的棉、麻天然纤维素纤维在发展规模方面有一定局限,如棉花的“与粮争地”的问题,人们把视线越来越多的集中在了新型天然、再生纤维素纤维的开发和利用上。我国竹类资源丰富,竹子是一种速生植物,栽培成活后2年3年即可连续砍伐使用,竹材产量高。竹子是森林资源的重要组成部分,全球现有竹子75个属1250种,我国占其中44个属300多种1。竹林面积为421万hm2,占全国森林面积的2.8%2。竹为单子叶被子植物,禾本科,竹亚科,系多年生植物,盛产于热带、亚热带、温带地区。竹子品种众多,材质坚硬,用途十分广泛。与木材相比,具有强度高、韧性好、硬度大的特点,是结构材和纤维材的理想原料3。竹子主要分布在四川、浙江、福建、江西等地。竹子中含有4050%的天然纤维素,其纤维长度介于针叶木与阔叶木之间。充分利用好这种纤维素纤维原材料。不仅可以缓解对天然纤维素纤维需求,而且为竹子的合理利用开辟了一条新途径。而竹子的再生能力强,成材期短,生长迅速,具有一次造林永久利用的特点。竹纤维作为一种新型的纤维用料,正值方兴未艾。一、 竹纤维的特性竹纤维是一种天然环保型绿色纤维。竹纤维具有优良的品质: 1.竹纤维单位细度细,白度好,染色后色泽儒雅,鲜艳真实,光泽亮丽,丰满挺刮,飘逸大方,具有一种天然朴实的高雅质感;韧性及耐磨性强,有独特的回弹性;较强的纵向和横向强度,且稳定均一,悬垂性佳;柔软滑爽不扎身,比棉还软,有着特有的丝绒感。2. 在2000倍电子显微镜下观察,竹纤维的横截面凹凸变形,布满了近似于椭圆形的孔隙,呈高度中空,毛细管效应极强,可以瞬间吸收并蒸发大量的水分;在所有天然纤维中,竹纤维的吸放湿性及透气性好是最好的,在温度为36C、相对湿度为100%的条件下,竹纤维的回潮率超过45%,透气性比棉强3.5倍,被美誉为“会呼吸的纤维”。用它制成的纺织品被称为“人的第二肌肤”。3. 舒适性:服装的舒适性取决于三个主要感观因素:即热舒适、触觉舒适和压力舒适。竹纤维吸湿性强,透气性好,因此符合热舒适的特点。我们根据不同季节的需要,采用不同工艺,使竹纤维产品产生冬暖夏凉的触感。同时竹纤维产品亲肤性优良,触感柔软,肤感舒爽。竹纤维制品蓬松轻盈,润滑而细腻,柔软而轻爽,具有棉一样的柔软感,丝绸一样的滑爽感,柔软贴身、亲和肌肤,悬垂性好,给人一种零压力的舒适度。夏天使用竹纤维制品,人体会感到凉爽无比,而在冬春季节使用既蓬松保暖,又能排除体内多余的热气和水份,不上火,不发燥。竹纤维因特有的优良特性被称为“会呼吸的生态纤维”。 竹纤维具有的特殊性能:1.抗菌性:竹纤维中含有一种名为“竹琨”的抗菌物质,具有天然抗菌、防螨、防臭的药物特性,竹沥有广泛的抗维生物功能,竹纤维中的叶绿素和叶绿素铜钠具有较好的除臭作用。经高科技工艺制做的竹纤维织品可有效地抑制细菌生长,清洁人体周围空气,预防传染病。其抑菌功能经反复洗涤后也不会衰减。经全球最大的检验、测定和认证机构SGS检测,同样数量的细菌在显微镜下观察,细菌在棉、木纤维制品中能够大量繁衍,而在竹纤维面料上24小时后则被杀死95%左右。2.保健性:本草纲目中有24处阐述了竹子的不同药用功能和方剂,民间药方更达近千种。竹含有丰富的果胶、竹蜜、酪氨酸、维生素E以及SE、GE等多种防癌抗衰老功能的微量元素。“竹元素”中的抗氧化化合物能有效的清除体内的自由基,具有抗衰老的生物功效;酯类过氧化合物能阻断强致癌物质N-亚硝酸氨化合物,显著提高机体免疫能力;竹纤维含有多种人体必需的氨基酸,对皮肤具有独特的保健功能;竹纤维素、竹密、果胶具有滋润皮肤和抗疲劳的功效;能增加人体的微循环血流,激活组织细胞,使人体产生温热效应,能有效调节神经系统,疏通经络改善睡眠质量;竹纤维不带自由电荷,抗静电,止瘙痒。3、抗紫外线性:竹纤维的紫外线穿透率为0.6%,是棉的41.6倍。二、竹纤维是名副其实的绿色纤维所谓环保绿色产品,是指在产品的生命周期全过程中,符合特定环境保护要求,对生态环境无害或危害极小,对人类生存无害或危害极小,资源利用率最高,能耗最低。例如,服装产品从它的纤维原料生产原料的加工纺织面料形成服装生产加工穿着消费废弃回收处理(再生或降解),这样一个全过程任何一个环节都要保持环保性。竹纤维称得上是真正的环保绿色产品。竹子大多生长在山清水秀的自然中,极少受到农药和有害物质的污染,在原料提取和生产制造过程中采用物理方式,无任何化学成分,无污染,因而竹纤维具有无毒、无害、无污染等特点。竹纤维是一种可降解的纤维,并在泥土中能完全分解,对周围环境不造成损害,是一种真正意义上的天然环保型、功能性绿色纤维。二、 竹纤维的生产技术竹纤维的制造方式:一种将竹材通过物理机械方法直接制得天然竹纤维,另一种采用化学方法将竹材制成竹浆粕,将浆粕溶解制成竹浆溶液,然后通过湿法纺丝制得竹浆纤维。、 天然竹纤维竹原纤维竹原纤维对其原料有非常高的要求,通常34年生的毛竹、苦竹、慈竹、黄竹等新竹是生产竹原纤维的比较理想的原材料。竹原纤维与亚麻纤维成分相近,目前竹原纤维的生产技术都是借鉴亚麻纤维的生产而发展的,它是采用独特的工艺从竹子中直接分离出来的。一般是根据纺织采用的纺纱系统的不同,将天然的竹材锯成生产上所需要的长度,采用机械、物理的方法去除竹子中的木质素、多戊糖、竹粉、果胶等杂质,从竹材中直接提取出的5。生产工艺:竹原纤维的生产工艺分前期处理工序,分解工序,成型工序和后处理工序四部分组成。具体步骤为1-2,6:选料截断制竹片浸泡蒸煮软化水洗分丝再蒸煮分丝还原脱水软化干燥梳纤筛选检验打包。2 、再生竹纤维再生竹纤维的制备方法主要有粘胶法和溶剂法。目前国内生产的再生竹纤维主要以粘胶法为主,而溶剂法还未见工业化生产报道。竹粘胶纤维的生产工艺:、制浆工艺流程:风干竹片水预水解硫酸盐蒸煮疏解筛选氯化碱处理第一次漂白第二次漂白酸处理除砂抄浆烘干竹浆粕成品。、纺丝工艺流程:竹浆粕切粕制胶(碱、二硫化碳处理,使其溶解于氢氧化钠溶液中)头道过滤二道过滤脱泡计量纺丝塑化切断水洗上油干燥成品。三、竹纤维的发展前景竹纤维产品以其高科技含量,及其柔滑软暖、凉爽舒适、抑菌抗菌、绿色环保、天然保健的独特品质牢握市场脉搏,独树一帜。在我国这样一个石油资源相对缺乏的能耗大国,更有必要发展纤维素纤维。竹纤维织物的天然抗菌、抑菌、抗紫外线作用在经多次反复洗涤、日晒后,仍能保证其原有的特点,这是因为竹纤维在生产过程中,通过采用高科技生产技术,使得形成这些特征的成分不被破坏。所以其抗菌作用明显优于其他产品。更不同于其它在后处理中加入抗菌剂、抗紫外线剂等整理剂的织物,所以它不会对人体皮肤造成任何过敏性不良反应,反而对人体皮肤具有保健作用和杀菌效果,是真正的亲肤保健产品,应用领域宽广。竹纤维面料在床上用品的应用,给广大消费者带来一个健康、舒适、凉爽的夏季。竹纤维面料也被业内人士誉为“二十一世纪最具有发展前景的健康面料”。 竹纤维虽然有诸多优点,但也有它的弱点。在加工工艺上,用传统的粘胶法生产竹纤维,技术较成熟,但存在如下三方面的问题工序多,生产周期长,产品质量如机械性能、干湿模量、吸水性、溶胀性,延伸性和手感等较差,不如棉纤维,生产过程有硫化物、氨、锌盐等副产物排出,严重污染环境。例如,生产1t纤维,C2S的消耗量为030.4t,大约产生2t的废气产物和大量的废水,其中随废水和废气排出的损失率占33%;生成H2s的损失率占25%,实际回收率仅为42%。随着科学技术的发展和人类环境保护意识的增强,世界各国的科学家都在努力探索寻求一条能够用溶剂直接溶解纤维素的方法来生产纤维素纤维,以减少环境的污染但又不缺乏纤维素纤维的特征。发展以竹子为原料的Lyocell纤维更符合我国的可持续发展战略。对于它的生产,我们可借鉴粘胶法生产的那样,采取部分设备进口的方法,实现它的工业化生产。而天然竹纤维的制取主要有两个难点:一是竹子单纤维太短,无法纺纱;二是纤维中的木质素含量很高,难以除去。常规的化学脱胶方法工艺流程长,周期长,需消耗大量的能量,且设备腐蚀较严重,对环境污染极为严重,加工出的纤维质量不够稳定。而生物脱胶法也有相当大的难度,由竹材自身结构紧密,密度很大,而且细胞组织中又有大量空气存在,浸渍液很难浸透,势必延长脱胶时间,且竹子本身具有多种抑菌物质,菌种的选择也有较困难,因此有待于进一步的研究和探索。在织造过程中,由于竹纤维易吸湿、湿伸长大以及塑性变形大的特点,极易脆断39。成衣制造中100的竹纤维还设有很好地解决缩水性问题,手感与悬垂性也有待改善40。纤维鉴别和检测技术相对滞后,目前仍然找不到行之有效的方法区分出竹纤维和麻类纤维,因此,市场上不乏有以麻代竹的现象。如何克服以上的不足,进一步推进竹纤维的产业化,将是今后研究的重点。参考文献:1 黄知清等:竹及其纤维的研究开发状况和发展前景,广西化纤通讯,2003(2)2 傅佳佳 郁崇文:竹纤维的性质及其发展现状 (东华大学纺织学院,上海,200051)3 王雪华等:竹原纤维利用中存在的问题与对策,四川丝绸,2005(4)4 邹朝霞,张永刚.几种新型纤维及我国纤维发展的方向J.山东纺织经济,2006,(4):74-76.5 江厚有,郑书华,赵建芬等.竹材粘胶纤维及其生产工艺P.中国专利:CN1399011A,2003-02-26.The characteristics of bamboo fiber and its production technologyHu YanNanjing Chemical Fiber Company Limited, Chief Engineer OfficeCellulose fiber, as the first man-made fiber, has more than one hundred years of history. Nowadays cellulose fiber production has reached more than 260 million tons. Entering the twenty-first century, with the world population growing, energy crisis, resource depletion, cellulose fiber that can be generated from natural environment has drawn greater attention. Due to the limitation in development scale of traditional natural cellulose fibers produced from cotton and flax, such as “cotton fighting for the land against food crops issue, people focus their attention more and more on the development and exploitation of a new type of natural, renewable cellulose fiber. Chinas bamboo resources are abundant. Bamboo is a fast-growing and high-yield plant. Two or three years after planting, it can be continuously logged for use. Bamboo is an important component of the forest resources. Globally there are 75 genus and 1250 species bamboo existing. China accounts for 44 genus and more than 300 species of them1. Chinas bamboo forests covers 4.21 million hm2, accounting for 2.8% of total domestic forest area 2. Bamboo belongs to the category of Monocotyledons and angiosperm. It is of the Gramineae, bambusoideae, and a kind of perennial plant. It is mostly grown in tropical, subtropical and temperate regions. Bamboo has various species and is a very hard material, can be used in a wide range of areas. Compared with wood, bamboo is of high strength, toughness, and hardness and so on. It is the ideal raw material for producing structural material and fiber timber3. Bamboos are mainly distributed in Sichuan, Zhejiang, Fujian, Jiangxi and other places. Bamboo contains 40% 50% of the natural cellulose, the fiber length is between coniferous and broad-leaved wood. To make full use of this cellulose fiber raw material, can not only ease the demand on natural cellulose fibers, but also provide a new way for the rational utilization of bamboo. Bamboo has strong regeneration ability, short mature period and rapid growing speed. It has the characteristics of “ Once gorwn, permanent use”. Bamboo fiber as a new type of fiber material, has a promising future.I、 The characteristics of bamboo fiberBamboo fiber is a natural green environmentally-friendly fiber. Bamboo fiber has excellent quality: 1. Bamboo fiber has very high degree of fineness and whiteness. After dyeing, the color turns out to be a elegant and bright one, with fine gloss and shape. Its texture brings a feeling of both elegance and natural beauty, with both tenacity and elasticity. The bamboo fiber has good horizontal and vertical strength, with good stability and drapability. It is soft and smooth, even softer than cotton, and has a unique feeling of velvet. 2. Under the observation of 2,000 times electron microscope, the cross-section of bamboo fiber has concavo and convex deformation, and is covered with similar oval pores, which is highly hollow, and produces very strong capillary effect, which can instantly, absorb and then evaporate a lot of moisture. Among all natural fibers , the bamboo fiber absorption and desorption of moisture and ventilation characteristics are the best. Under the condition of 36 C, and of relative humidity of 100%, the bamboo fibers moisture regain rate is more than 45%, and permeability 3.5 times stronger than cotton. That is why it is known as “the fiber that can breathe. Textile products made from bamboo fiber are known as humans second skin. 3. Comfort: comfortable clothing depends on three main sensory factors: namely, thermal comfort, tactile comfort and pressure comfort. Bamboo fibers strong hygroscopicity and permeability are therefore consistent with the characteristics of thermal comfort. Tailored to the needs of different seasons, using different techniques, we can produce bamboo fiber products that are warm in winter and cool in summer. At the same time, bamboo fiber products are soft and comfort to touch. Bamboo fiber products are fluffy, delicate and lightweight, with the same soft feel of cotton and silk, gives a zero-pressure comfort. Using bamboo fiber products in the summer will make the body feel very cool, and in winter and spring it will make the body feel comfortable and warm, but can also let go the bodys excess heat and moisture.Bamboo fiber is thus called ecological fibers that will breathe because of its excellent features.Bamboo fiber has special properties: 1. Antibacterial: Bamboo fiber contains a so-called Bamboo Kun antimicrobial substance, which is natural, antibacterial, anti-mite, and odor-proof. Bamboo trickle are anti-biotic in a wide range of dimensions. Bamboo fibers chlorophyll and sodium copper chlorophyllin are good at deodorization. Bamboo fiber fabrics made through high technology are effective in inhibiting bacterial growth, cleaning the air around human body, and preventing infectious diseases. Its inhibitory function will not decay after repeated washing. Tested by the worlds largest inspection, measurement and certification body SGS, under the microscope observation, the same number of bacteria, can be substantially reproduce in cotton and wood fiber products, but were killed for about 95% after 24 hours on bamboo fiber fabrics. 2. Health care: Chinas Compendium of Materia Medica has set out 24 different bamboo function and medicinal prescriptions, folk prescriptions are even more than a thousand. Bamboo is rich in pectin, bamboo Honey, tyrosine, vitamin E and SE, GE and many other anti-aging anti-cancer trace elements. Antioxidant compounds in Bamboo element can effectively clear the free radicals in human body, with anti-aging bio-efficacy; peroxy ester compounds can block the strong carcinogen N-nitrite ammonia compounds and significantly enhance the immune capacity; bamboo fiber contains a variety of essential amino acids, and is uniquely helpful for the human skin; bamboo cellulose, bamboo honey, pectin can effectively nourish the skin and with the efficacy of anti-fatigue. They can increase the bodys microcirculation blood flow, activate tissue cells, so as to produce the hyper-thermal effect of the human body, effectively regulate the nervous system, clear the meridians to improve sleep quality; bamboo fibers carry no free charge, are anti-static and anti-pruritic. 3, Anti-UV: bamboo fibers UV transmittance is 0.6%, which is 41.6 times that of cotton.II、 Bamboo fiber production technologyBamboo fiber manufacturing method: 1, Getting natural bamboo fiber from bamboo wood through a direct system of physical and mechanical methods. 2,Using chemical method to produce bamboo pulp from bamboo wood, and then dissolve bamboo pulp into bamboo solution, and then through the wet spinning method to obtain bamboo fiber.(1) Natural bamboo fiberOriginal bamboo fiberBamboo fiber has very high requirements for its raw material, usually 3 4-year-old new bamboo such as Phyllostachys, Pleioblastus, Neosinocalamus, whangee etc, are ideal raw material for the production of bamboo fiber. Bamboo fibers composition is similar to that of flax fiber. Currently bamboo fiber production technology is drawing on the production of flax fiber. it uses a unique process directly extracting from the bamboo. Generally based on the textiles used in the different spinning systems, cutting bamboo according to the required length, then using machinery and physical methods to remove impurities such as bamboo lignin, multi-pentose, bamboo powder, pectin, etc. from the bamboo directly 5. Production Process: bamboo fiber production process is separated into four parts: pre-treatment processes, decomposition processes, forming processes and post-treatment processes. Concrete steps are as follows 1-2,6: material selection cut-off immerse bamboo cook to soften wash devillicate Cook again devillicate restore dehydration soften dry dehydration soften dry de-fibration filter test package.(2) Renewable bamboo fiber Renewable bamboo fiber preparation methods are mainly viscose and solvent. At present, domestic production of renewable bamboo fiber mainly uses viscose method, and solvent in industrial production has not been reported. Bamboo viscose fiber production processes are as follows: , pulping process: pre-dried bamboo water hydrolysis sulfate cooking discongest screening chloridize alkali treatment the first time bleach the second bleach acid treatment desanding copy drying bamboo pulp products. , spinning process: Bamboo Pulp cut glue manufacture (alkaline, carbon disulfide treatment, dissolved in sodium hydroxide solution) filter second time filter deaeration measurement spinning plastic cut off washing oil drying final product.III、 The development prospects of bamboo fiberBamboo Fiber Products firmly grip the market pulse for its high-tech content, and its warm silky soft comfort, anti-bacterial, and green qualities that leads natural health.In an energy-consuming giant like our country, which is also lack of oil resources, it is even more necessary to develop cellulose fiber. Bamboo fiber fabrics natural antibacterial, antimicrobial, anti-ultraviolet function can survive washing and sunshine. This is because in the production process of bamboo fiber, high-tech production techniques are adopted, so as to allow the formation of the composition not been destroyed. Therefore, its antimicrobial function is superior to other products. Different from products that antibacterial and anti-UV agents are added during the post-treatment, it will not cause any skin allergies and adverse reactions, but has health-care and bactericidal effect on the human skin. It is the real pro-skin care product with a broad range of application. Bamboo fiber fabric s application in bedding products, provides a vast number of consumers with a healthy and cool summer. Bamboo fiber fabric has also been known among industry insiders as the twenty-first centurys most promising health fabric.Although the bamboo fiber has many advantages, it also has its weaknesses. In processing technology, the traditional viscose production method is more technologically sophisticated, but faces problems in three aspects complicated processes and lengthy production cycle, the quality of products such as mechanical properties, wet and dry modulus, water absorption, swelling capacity, extension and hand feeling is not as good as that of cotton fiber, the production process has sulfide, ammonia, zinc and other by-products which seriously pollute the environment. For example, the production of 1t fiber, entails C2S consumption for 0.3 0.4t, about 2t of substantial emissions and waste products, including wastewater and gas emissions with the loss rate of 33%; generated H2S with loss rate of 25%. The actual recovery rate is only 42%. With the development of science and technology and the growing awareness of environmental protection among people, the worlds scientists are working hard to explore to find a solvent to dissolve cellulose directly to produce cellulose fibers, in order to reduce the pollution of the environment but not the lack of cellulose fiber characteristics. The development of Lyocell fiber with bamboo as raw material is more in line with Chinas sustainable development strategy. For its production, we can learn from viscose production, import part of the equipment to realize its industrial production. While for the natural bamboo fiber preparation there lies two major difficulties: First, a single bamboo fiber is too short to spin; II bamboo fibers are high in lignin content and difficult to remove. Conventional methods of chemical degumming process has a lengthy process cycle and need to consume a large amount of energy, equipment corrosion and environmental pollution are extremely serious, the quality of bamboo fiber thus produced is not stable enough. And bio-degumming method also has considerable difficulty. Because of its own tigh


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