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Review,1. Listening practice. 2. Revise the grammar: The degrees of comparison (形容词的比较级和最高级). 3. Do exercises.,Listening practice.,对话理解。 题型概述:对话理解题是指两人或多人之间进行的一个或几个回合的对话,并根据对话内容设置有一个或多个问题,考生根据所提问题从几个选项中选择一个最佳答案。根据对话回合的多少我们可以把对话理解题区分为“短对话理解”和“长对话理解”两种题型。短对话理解题一般指一两个回合的简短对话,其后一般设置一个问题;较长对话理解一般指两三个回合,甚至更多回合的对话,其后一般设置多个问题。,实战演练。 短对话理解。 Part A.听下面5段对话,每段对话后都有一个小题,请从题中所给A,B,C的三个选项中选出最佳选项回答问题。 ( ) 1. Where are they talking? A. At a bookshop. B. At a restaurant. C. At a drugstore. ( ) 2. What does Mikes Uncle probably do? A. A teacher. B. A lawyer. C. A worker. ( ) 3. Whats the man going to do? A. To buy a new watch. B. To find someone to repair his watch. C. To buy a new shirt.,( ) 4. Why doesnt the woman go to listen to the report? A. She is not interested in it. B. She is too busy to go. C. She hasnt got any ticket. ( ) 5. Who keeps the dictionary now? A. Mary. B. Jack. C. Lucy. Part B.听下面5段对话,每段对话后都有一个小题,请从题中所给A,B,C的三个选项中选出最佳选项回答问题。 ( ) 1. Whats the telephone number? A. 6662450. B. 6662045. C. 6662540.,( ) 2. What will Jim do this weekend? A. Go to the cinema. B. Go to his grandmothers home. C. Go to play football. ( ) 3. What do they talk about? A. Buildings age. B. Houses age. C. Bridges age. ( ) 4. What does the woman think of the boy? A. She thinks the boy is able to see. B. She thinks the boy is not able to see. C. She thinks the boy needs help. ( ) 5. Where are they talking? A. On the train. B. At the cinema. C. On the street.,解题指导,听录音前快速浏览题目和选项。在听录音前对卷面上的题目和选项等信息迅速与预览一遍,这样不仅可以使你对题意有初步的理解,还可以查找出选项之间的差别,明白该题将要考查的目标,使我们可以集中精力听录音中与选项内容相关的信息,缩小听录音的范围,从而提高选择的准确性。 听录音时注意捕捉细节信息,必要时可以适当做快速笔记,以便于区分和排除一些干扰选项。 在日常学习中,考生应注重对语言的积累,尤其是注意记忆一些常用词组和常用短语,这对我们理解对话非常有帮助。,形容词的比较等级,写出下列词的比较级和最高级。 cold warm 2. large nice 3. thin wet 4. busy happy 5. difficult careful 6. bad/ill many/much good/well far old little,形容词比较级和最高级的构词规则。 规则变化,5. 其他双音节单词和多音节单词,都在其前面加“more”或“most”。(beautiful) 6. 不规则变化。 记忆口诀: 合二为一共三对,“坏bad”,“病ill”,两多many/much”和“两好good/well”, 一分为二只两个,一是“远far”来二是“老old”, 还有一词little含双义,只记“少”来不记“小”。,形容词比较级和最高级的基本用法.,1 两者相比:甲=乙. 用“as+原级+as” Lin Tao is as tall as Jim. 2 两者相比:甲乙. 用“not as(so)+原级+as” Ann is not as careful as Jane. 3 两者相比:甲乙. 用“比较级+than” This cake is nicer than that one.,4. 三者或三者以上相比,用最高级,形容词最高级前加the。 The story is the most interesting of all. 形容词比较级和最高级的特殊用法. 1. “比较级+and +比较级” ,表示“越来越” 多音节词则用“more and more+原级”. Its getting warmer and warmer in spring. Shes more and more careful.,2. a little, a lot, much, even 多修饰比较级。 He is much/a lot taller than I. 3. 当表示“两个,两者之间最一个”时,常用“the+比较级”. Lucy is the taller of the twins. 4. 在最高级前可以加序数词the表示“第几最” Mike is the second strongest boy in his class.,5. “the+比较级+(主谓),the+比较级+(主谓)”,表示“越,就越” The more friends we have, the happier we can feel. 6. “one of the+最高级” 表示“最之一”,形容词后的名词用复数形式。 Mr. Green is one of the most popular teachers in our school.,链接中考,单项选择。 ( ) 1. My brother is _ more outgoing than me. A. many B. little C. much ( ) 2. October 12th was one of _ days in 2005. Shenzhou-VI was launched(发射)successfully. A. exciting B. more exciting C. the most exciting ( ) 3. Which city is _, Beijing, Shanghai or Fuzhou? A. beautiful B. more beautiful C. the most beautiful,( ) 4. _ children there are in a family, _ their life will be. A. The less, the better B. Fewer, richer C. The fewer, the better ( ) 5. Mobile phones are very popular now and they are _ than before. A. cheap B. cheaper C. the cheapest ( ) 6. In our city, its _ in July, but its even _ in August. A. hotter, hottest B. hot, hot C. hot, hotter,( ) 7. Of the two skirts, the pink one is _. A. the nicest B. the nicer C. nicer ( ) 8. Jacks handwriting is as _ as Mikes. A. good B. better C. best ( ) 9. We can do the work better with _ money and _ people. A. little, few B. less, fewer C. fewer, less ( ) 10. Jim is the tallest student in our class and Tom is the second _ one. A


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