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成人GM-CDS包皮环扎术 民勤县济民医院,赵伯元,一、概述,阴茎包皮异常包括: 包茎和包皮过长。 两者在我国男性中所占的比例约80%左右。由于封建意识及性教育的缺乏和惧怕开刀手术,给很多男性(成人、小孩)带来很大的烦恼和危害,以至于造成阴茎癌。,起源于欧美,是一种无痛、安全、不出血去处包 皮的新方法。是对包皮环切术的简化和改进,患者易于接受,满意度高,是一种可供选择的包皮环切新方法。因其不同于传统手术的优势很快引起医学界的广泛关注,并风行一时,成为欧美和部分亚洲地区治疗包皮过长和包茎的经典治疗技术。,包皮环扎术,二、包茎和包皮过长的危害性:,(1)对男子本身,包皮过长容易引起感染并积存包皮垢,长期慢性刺激可以导致慢性炎症(如冠状沟炎),严重的甚至诱发癌变。 (2)对女性极为不利,丈夫包皮过长,性交时包皮垢进入女性生殖道,多次长期慢性刺激子宫颈,可能诱发宫颈癌。有调查发现,未切除包皮者的妻子与做过包皮环切术者的妻子对比分析,前者子宫颈癌发病率比后者高倍 (3) 孩童包茎(包皮过紧,不能上翻至冠壮沟,从而不能充分暴露尿道口或龟头者)可使阴茎发育不良(阴茎短小),如发生则导致阴茎血肿,坏死。,(4)包茎如未能及时治疗,阴茎头长期被包皮紧锁,致使青春期后造成阴茎发育不良,还会影响性生活。包茎和包皮过长如强行上翻后而不能复位时,可造成包皮嵌顿,严重时会引起龟头坏死。 (5)尖锐湿疣,疱疹等性传播性病,珍珠样阴茎丘疹的发生和复发,也和包茎和包皮过长有直接的关系。 (6)包茎和包皮过长,可阻碍外生殖器发育,造成阴茎短小症,婚后夫妻生活受到障碍,并发生阳痿早泄,造成终身遗憾。,三、包皮环扎术原理分析与比较:,与传统手术对比:包皮环扎术系利用结扎法致过长包皮缺血,坏死的原理作为临床治疗包皮过长理论依据的。 该产品为无菌包装之一次性使用,产品分号合理,使用人群广泛,结扎线具有良好的弹性和韧性能确保远端包皮缺血,坏死再加上有外环的保障,更能防止结扎线断裂,线结松脱而造成远端包皮不能完全坏死的现象发生。 与传统的包皮治疗方法如手术,激光,高频电刀等术式比较,该法操作方便,手术环境要求简单,不出血,疼痛轻,恢复快,感染发生率低,适用范围广,术后创缘光滑美观,无需担心包皮切除过多,术后无需口服雌激素, 总之,通过临床观察与分析,包皮环扎术治疗包皮过长是目前最理想的手术方式,值得临床广为推广,四、韩氏包皮环扎术与传统手术比较,五、包皮环扎术的优点: 与传统包皮切除手术相比,包皮环扎术具有很多优势,(1)无需备皮和局部麻醉;无需用剪刀及缝合的 扎结手术用具。 (2)操作简单方便,手术时间短 ,在门诊既可以完成,熟练后单人操作几分钟便可完成; (3)能准确控制切除范围,切缘整齐,美观,瘢痕少小,手术后愈合时间短。 (4)手术无出血,无结扎线头,没有拆线痛苦, 无术后血肿.感染等; (5)手术时几乎没有痛感,手术后可以自由活动,生活没有不便,术后可以洗澡,不影响排尿,勃起时也无妨碍; (6)根据个体差异有不同型号环可供选择。 (7)本产品为杀菌消毒一次性产品,可预防各种传染 (8)一次手术,永无并发症。,与传统包皮切除手术相比,韩式包皮环 扎术具有四大优势:,简 不开刀,不缝针,不需麻醉,不需住院,门诊即可手术。 快 五分钟即可完成,恢复时间仅需8天左右。 好 无痛苦,不出血,无感染,术后即可冲凉,不影响排尿及正常工作、生活。 省 不酸痛,不需麻醉。 省:省时、省力、省钱。,六、包皮环扎术的适应症:,所有包茎和包皮过长患者,六岁以上男性均适合该术治疗。,七、GMCDS手术与传统手术比较,GM-CDS Surgical Operation,八、注意事项,本产品为卫生处理而真空包装,必须一次性使用。如果重新使用时会传染各种性病,艾滋病及其他细菌。千万不要重新使用。 真性包茎,严重皮肤炎,性病感染者,血友病患者,生殖器疾患者不宜使用本产品。 糖尿病患者,药物过多服用者及正在服用 药物者不宜使用本产品。 施术后8天之内严禁饮酒。 施术后8天之内严禁摄取肉食类(牛肉类)及高蛋白鱿鱼,贝类等。如果以上述提及的东西摄取时,可能会造成疼痛,浮肿严重等副作用。,1. This product is per-sterilizing and vacuum packed for the single use only. The reuse of it may cause the infection of venereal bacteria, AIDS and other bacteria. 2. Patients with genuine phimosis, dermatitis, venereal disease, genital ailment and hemophiliacs should use the circular ring. 3. Diabetics, drug addicts and drug user should not our product 4. Alcohol must be controlled for 8 days. 5. Do not eat any meat (chicken.pork and beef), high protein food, squid(or dried sqid), sea shells etc. Keep the contents of 4 and 5 or you can suffer serious pain and swelling up.,请注意!,绑线千万不要中途解开。 系好绑线后,有时候绑线从圆圈槽儿的中央部位脱离,应该检查有无此现象。如果发现脱离时,应解开或切断绑线后重新绑好。 施术后一周内服用消炎药更好。 绑线绑得要最大紧点儿,否则经过一点儿时间后会发生疼痛,请注意! 施术后3天内严禁过度的活动或运动。 施术后要穿教宽松的内裤,保持生殖器清洁干燥。 患者觉得出现问题时,要及时与施术的医院联系处理。,1. Do not untighten the string in process. Oozing qill occur if the string is loose. 2. Confirm the escape of string from the V shape groove the ring. If so,untighten or cut the string and tighten it again. 3. If required, oral and/or topical antibiotics may be used for the maintenance or hygiene, and analgesics may be used for minor discomfort. 4. Tighten the string strictly, otherwise you can for feel pain later by swelling up 5. Avoid violent activities and exercise for 2 days. 6. Wear a loose trunk and clean your testicle evening. Pls keep the cleanness of your penis without any moist. 7. Any problem should be informed to the operation hospital.,九、禁忌症,应急性尿路感染。 隐匿性包茎。 尿道外口畸形,系带过短的包皮过长患者。 有出血性疾病病史者。 糖尿病患者必须临床控制后方能手术。,手术操作方法,成人包皮除去环GMCDS,1.打开包装之前,洗干净手和生殖器。将消毒液在包皮内务部擦好,此时生殖器未勃起状态下操作。 No.1 Before unpacking the product and starting the procedure, wash the hands, the penis, and the foreskin thoroughly. Rub some alcohol as a disinfectant on the foreskin. Ensure that the penis is not erect.,2.按图2把包皮完全后推,内环的直径夹的部位朝向生殖器根部。 No.2 Retract the foreskin all the way.(Drawing No. 2)Put the solid plastic ring on the penis, with the larger diameter of the ring towards the glans,3.按图3将内环推到冠状沟后边。 No.3 Ensure that the ring is past the glans, the head of the penis.(Drawing No.3),第 三 步,4.按图4附着圆圈后,将后推的包皮向原位覆在圆圈上边。此时应注意将包皮内面的肌肉一起拉下来。 No.4 Pull the foreskin back to its original position, so that it entirely covers the plastic ring.(Drawing No.4)Rub some alcohol onto the outer prepuce again.,5.按图4把已解开的辅助外环套在内环槽的上部,拧紧螺丝固定辅助外环。 No.5 Open the external locking ring with both hands. Ensure that the thumbscrew is on the left side of the males body. Loosely close the external ring around the foreskin and the solid internal ring. Ensure that the foreskin is pulled up tight on solid internal ring and that the external ring is centered over the internal ring.(Drawing No.4),6.按图5把绑线拉紧,在辅助外环的槽儿上使劲地旋转两三次,然后打个结。把绑线的余部剪掉。 No.6 With the aid of an assistant, wind the string three or four revolution around the secured foreskin center it over the groove in the plastic ring. The amount of foreskin tissue to be removed will vary from person to person. Twist the string two or three times and tightly tie up the string. Trim the loose ends of the string.(Drawing No.5),7.按图6系绑线的过程完成后,再松开螺丝,把辅助外环打开,套在系好的绑线上边,再将螺丝拧紧完成。 No.7 Break off the string holder on the external ring just after the tie-up of the string. And you are through with the installation. (Drawing No.6),8.按图7三天后把已枯死的包皮用手术刀或剪刀除掉。此时从伤处出来的液体是体液,这是自然现象,然后把打开的辅助外环除去。 No.8 On the third day after the application of the device, the external locking ring can be removed,(Ref. generally 36 or 48 hours later from application, foreskin becomes dead tissue as a scab.)if the patient experiences a lot of pain the constricted foreskin, or if urination is painful, you should cut throught the foreskin up to the ring and, if it is safe, completely around the penis, thus freeing the dead tissue. Do not worry about any sebum(waste) from


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