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关于“课堂指令话语”的行动研究报告姓名:赵代庆 实习学校:曲靖麒麟区六中 一、发现问题:实习期间,我上了十几节课,通过指导老师和组员的评课以及自己观看录音录像,我发现自己的课堂话语存在很多问题,如教师话语混乱,没有逻辑,条理不清,甚至出现语法错误等。其中问题最大的是指令话语,我的指令非常复杂混乱,经常是先说英语指令,再穿插中文翻译,然后又重复英语指令,而且这样来回好几次,冗长啰嗦, 很多学生都听不清楚指令,不知道该做什么,显得很急躁,这大大地挫伤了他们参与课堂的积极性,也影响了课程的顺利进行。根据调查表明,成功的课堂指令应符合以下要求:1. 语速较慢,声调提高,有必要的停顿或重复。2. 用基础或普通词汇,尽量用简单句或短语。3.前后指令要有一定的逻辑。 4. 用疑问句引导。5. 检查学生是否明白要求。而我的指令话语没有达到这些要求,为了解决这个问题,我有必要展开关于课堂指令话语的行动研究,使自己的课堂教学得以改善。二、制定方案:课堂话语分析和指导老师及组员听课评课反馈。我于2011年11月11日在农垦中学初二(3)班上了仁爱版八年级上册 Unit 3, Topic 1, Section B的内容,上课录音,课后指导老师和组员都对这节课进行了评课反馈,我也将这节课的录音转写出来进行话语的调查和分析。 三、调查结果和数据分析: 1、报告调查的总体情况:通过在初二(3)班上的Unit 3, Topic 1, Section B这一堂听说课的话语分析,我总结了我这堂课的调查结果:整堂课没有一个明确突出的目标,每个活动都各自为政,没有一个共同的目标将它们紧密地串联起来。教师的课堂话语非常粗糙随意,没有一定的逻辑,语言很混乱。1. 目标。这节课的目标除了一些新词外,主要是让学生学习掌握used to 的肯定形式和否定形式,课堂上的活动有复习(让学生看图翻译表达兴趣爱好的句子、报告各自组员的兴趣爱好、呈现一些人们日常生活中常有的收集、讲解1a 呈现 used to , 表格替换操练 used to 的肯定句和否定句,引入阅读短文2a , 除了替换操练 used to句型这个活动是直接为目标服务之外,其他活动都没有明确地体现出目的性。我没有深入地思考教学活动和教学目标之间的关系,误认为完成了教学活动就算是达到了教学目标,在设计教案和制作课件的过程中也没有思考每个活动都应该紧紧围绕和体现教学目标。因此出现了上课目标不明确,学生不知道这节课到底该掌握哪些内容。2. 具体的教学活动过程不清晰,没有层次和逻辑,特别是对1a 的处理,整个讲解过程非常混乱。出现这种情况主要是我上课之前没有充分地理解所教的内容,课件制作不细致(出现文字显示不清晰),问题设计不严密(参看T46, T48)前期准备只是熟悉了大概思路,没有认真细致地准备每一步的具体操作方法。最终导致整个讲解花费很多时间却没有达到最终目的。3. 教师话语混乱,没有逻辑,条理不清。这节课不成功的很大原因在于教师话语组织不清。分析这节课我所用的教师话语,发现有以下明显的特点。A. 指令非常复杂混乱,我经常是先说英语指令,再穿插中文翻译,然后又重复英语指令,而且这样来回好几次,冗长啰嗦,完全不符合指令要简洁、清晰、明了的要求。B. 部分话语没有逻辑,语无伦次,前后矛盾,还出现语法错误。C. 语速过快,经常忽视学生,不关注学生的反应,没有给学生充分的思考理解时间,总是急于说出答案。D. 对同一内容的讲解没有一个很清晰的思路,对学生的引导目的性不强,讲解话语很随意。2、数据分析: 我针对我的“课堂指令”问题做了如下分析1.指令清楚简洁但语速过快,没有必要的停顿,共出现11次。典型话语如下:(T1: Lets review. Look at these pictures, I say Chinese you say English. The first one, use “love doing sth” 这个妇女喜欢遛狗。T2: Next picture, use “prefer doing sth” 他更喜欢种花。How to say?T9: I am fond of collecting stamps. Say after me, I am fond of collecting stamps. )2.指令中英混杂,冗长啰嗦,此类指令出现7次 典型话语如下:(T20: I love coins, too. I enjoy collecting coins, it is great fun. I can learn a lot about it. 我喜欢收集硬币,而且还可以学到很多东西。Now lets guess, what do Michael and Maria love collecting? Open your books and turn to page 55, lets see, look at this picture, can you see?T27: Yes, ok, good, sit down please. 还有没有补充的?。 No more, ok, lets see together. What can she learn from it? We can learn a lot about people, places, history and special events from stamps. Whats the meaning? We can learn a lot about people, places, history and special events from stamps. 我们可以从邮票中学到很多关于人、地点、历史和特殊事件。 some of them are of great value, some of them are of great value, 它们有些价值很大,有很大的价值。Right? Now read the answers after me, we can learn a lot about people, places, history and special events from stamps. (Ss: No response.) Say after me, we can begin!) again, we can begin! )3.用疑问句做指令引导,此类指令共出现6次。典型话语如下:(T13: Whats Lin Fanghaos hobby? T15: Ok, lets see what do people often collect. (T shows the picture of stones ) whats this?)4.指令下达后没有及时确认学生是否明白,此类指令一共才出现3次。 (T: Ok, are you clear what collection are they talking about? T30: What did Michel use to love? Can you find the answer? )四、研究计划和行动方案:1、研究计划实施阶段实施时间实施地点实施对象实施方法数据统计与分析方法第一阶段2012.10.24初二(3班)初二(3)班全体学生课堂实录分析采用文本分析的方法分析课堂实录第二阶段2012.10.30初二(3班)初二(3)班全体学生课堂实录分析采用文本分析的方法分析课堂实录2、行动方案1. 下达指令时要放慢语速,提高声调,若观察到学生没什么反应,要有必要的停顿和重复。2. 不要说一句就翻译一句,避免中英混杂没有条理,要尽量用目标语表达,可以多用短语或短句子帮助解释。3.用简单句下达指令,尽量避免复合句或长句子,若发现难以表达清楚就做示范,直接给学生演示。4. 坚持用疑问句表达指令,带动学生互动。5. 确认学生是否听懂时,不能凭他们习惯性地回答yes 就认为他们听懂了,要观察学生的反应,根据反应决定是否要重复指令。五、研究过程:第一阶段: 在准备第一次公开课的时候,我根据教案和课件将课堂主要教师话语写下来,其中特别注意每一次的指令话语,认真思考指令的表达方式,选用简单明了的指令话语并反复练习。1、数据分析: 指令简单清晰,前后有逻辑总共21处用到指令,大部分指令比较清晰,有2处用到复合句,且语法错误。1. find out what does each person like and why.2. Find out what does each person will do at the party.用目标语下达指令,避免中英混杂所有的指令几乎都是英语表达,只有两句有汉语提醒,学生基本上能听懂指令。1. Now open your books and turn to page 67, complete the sentences with what or how.做课本上第67页的练习2. Now lets do some exercise, 我们来做一些练习,看你们掌握了没有。用疑问句表达指令总共5次,都是比较简单的疑问句,较好地表达了指令意图。1. First, we learnt some musical instruments, do you remember? (write “musical instruments” on Bb), what are they?2. Second, we have learnt some types of music (write on Bb), what are they?3. Guess: do the four people like the same music? Can you guess? 确认学生听懂指令总共21次指令,有5次确认(Do you understand? / are yu clear?) 2、对本阶段方案实施效果的总结和反思:1. 语速相比之前有一定的放慢,声调与其他课堂话语相比,没有特别地提高,但有必要的停顿或重复。2. 用词都比较简单,大多是简单句,但也有少数复合句,如find out what does each person like and why. / Find out what does each person will do at the party.(两句复合句都有语法错误)虽然指令话语比较简短,但和前后的解释话语放在一起就显得有些复杂.3. 指令语前后的逻辑有一定的加强,之前课堂指令经常是中英混合,逻辑不清,这次基本上没有出现逻辑混乱的句子,前后话语都联系比较紧密。4. 指令中有许多使用疑问句引导,这些疑问句的使用有助于学生的思考,帮助他们理解。5. 较长的指令语下达后,我基本上都用 do you understand?或 are you clear?询问他们是否明白, 但也有少数几句问完后没等学生反应就开始。总的来说,我的指令语的简洁性和逻辑性都有了明显的改善,从课堂效果来看,学生基本上能清楚地听懂指示并按要求去做,这节课的指令话语基本上符合要求。3、对下一步行动方案的调整:1. 要注意不用复合句或长句子,如果用到,也要注意不要出现语法错误。2. 确认学生是否听懂时要给予适当的等待,不能将确认形式化,一说完就马上进入下一步。3. 下达指令时要注意适当提高音量,放慢语速,以引起学生关注。第二阶段: 1、数据分析:第二次上公开课时由于话筒出问题,课堂纪律没有维持好,课堂指令话语也没有达到预期效果,整堂课的语速还是偏快,指令下达时没有放慢语速,适当重复强调。有6次是英语指令之后又用汉语翻译,来回重复,有些啰嗦。疑问句引导指令有9处,很好地引导了学生完成任务,整堂课的指令话语都是简单句,比较好理解,但是在布置小组活动时,没有讲清楚规则,本来是想直接引导一组做示范,就不用专门用话语解释了,但是示范小组声音太小,其他学生听不清楚,没有达到示范的作用,这个活动的指令就不清楚。2、对本阶段方案实施效果的总结和反思: 这次的课堂指令话语没有第一阶段的效果好,上课过程中出现了之前存在的老毛病,如语速过快,指令中英混杂,不够简洁明了,指令前后话语逻辑不清等问题。除了课堂因话筒故障受影响之外,主要还是我自己没有把握好课堂,面对比较吵闹的课堂就增加了汉语的使用频率,降低了对学生的要求。3、对下一步行动方案的调整:1. 做好面对突发状况的准备,掌控好课堂纪律,下达指令时要有意识地放慢语速,提高音量,关注学生反应并做适当停顿和重复。2. 避免陷入英文+中文翻译的指令模式中,提前准备好每一个活动的指令话语并预测学生的反应,准备好其他解释话语帮助学生理解。六、行动研究的总结和综合反思:通过此次行动研究,我在课堂指令话语这方面得到了很大的改善。第一个阶段的实施效果最佳,而第二阶段实施的效果不尽人意。 我发现如果教师的课堂指令话语清晰明了,那么他就能很好地引导学生思考和理解所学习的内容,整个课堂过程就会很流畅,而如果指令不清,那么学生就会失去参与课堂的信心,老师也无法顺利地完成教学目标。关于课堂指令话语的行动研究随着实习的结束而结束,虽然结果并不尽人意,我的指令话语仍然存在着许多问题,但我知道,作为一名未来的英语老师,我的行动研究才刚刚开始,我会在今后的教学过程中不断地完善自己。附录Section B 指令语T1: Lets review. Look at these pictures, I say Chinese you say English. The first one, use “love doing sth” 这个妇女喜欢遛狗。T2: Next picture, use “prefer doing sth” 他更喜欢种花。How to say?T3: Read after me, he prefers planting flowers. T4: Ok, next picture, use “be fond of doing sth” 这个男孩喜爱远足。T5: 远足怎么说?T6: Ok, next one, use “be interested in doing sth” 这个女孩对放风筝感兴趣。T7: The girl is interested in flying kites. Ok, the last picture, use “be fond of doing sth”, 我喜爱收集邮票. T8: I am fond of 收集邮票,how to say?T9: I am fond of collecting stamps. Say after me, I am fond of collecting stamps. T10: Good, now lets check our homework. Do you remember your homework? 昨天我要求你们询问你们各组员的兴趣爱好。那每个组选一个代表做一个报告。在你们组自己是什么兴趣爱好以及其他组员的兴趣爱好。Now which group?Which group would like to give a report? Ok, Zheng Han这个组. Please be quiet! 安静下来啊。T11: 其他同学安静下来,认真听,听好他们每个组员的兴趣爱好,待会找人说的啊!T12: Very good, lets check, whats Zeng Hans hobby?T13: Whats Lin Fanghaos hobby? T14: Whats Wu Rourous hobby? T15: Ok, lets see what do people often collect. (T shows the picture of stones ) whats this?T16: 石头,how to say in English?T17: Stone, stones. Now read after me, stone, stone, stone. (Ss read after T)T18: Model planes, read after me, model planes, model planes. (Ss: )T19: Coin, ok, coin, say after me, coin, coin. Do you love coins?T20: I love coins, too. I enjoy collecting coins, it is great fun. I can learn a lot about it. 我喜欢收集硬币,而且还可以学到很多东西。Now lets guess, what do Michael and Maria love collecting? Open your books and turn to page 55, lets see, look at this picture, can you see?T21: What are they talking about? Can you guess? T22: About stamps, Ok, now watch the video and take your guess. (T plays the video.) Ok, are you clear what collection are they talking about? T23: Whats this, whats that, what are they talking about? (语言混乱,语速太快。)T24: Collecting stamps, good. Now read the dialogue by yourselves and answer the following questions. 你们自己读一下这段对话,try to answer the following questions. Question 1: Whats Marias hobby? Find out Marias hobby. And No.2, What can she learn from it? 3. Whats Michaels hobby? Please read the dialogue by yourselves and underline the answers. 把答案划下线啊。Read by yourselves, now begin! T25: Have you finished? 做完了没有?Yes, ok, lets see together. T26: Whats Marias hobby? Who can tell us, hands up! Whats Marias hobby? Wang Shihong, can you try? (学生不愿意) Whats Marias hobby? Marias hobby is Ok, Zeng Weihao, good, you please.T27: Yes, ok, good, sit down please. 还有没有补充的?。 No more, ok, lets see together. What can she learn from it? We can learn a lot about people, places, history and special events from stamps. Whats the meaning? We can learn a lot about people, places, history and special events from stamps. (重复啰嗦,本该给学生思考的时间都让老师拿来不断重复说过的话了) 我们可以从邮票中学到很多关于人、地点、历史和特殊事件。 some of them are of great value, some of them are of great value, 它们有些价值很大,有很大的价值。Right? Now read the answers after me, we can learn a lot about people, places, history and special events from stamps. (Ss: No response.) Say after me, we can begin!) again, we can begin! (Ss read again.) (学生有几处声音很弱,老师强化) places, events, special events, we can learn a lot about people, places, history and special events from stamps. Some of them are of great value. (Ss say after T) T28: Now whats No.3, whats Michaels hobby? Who can? Good, Yang Hao please.T29: Michael loves collecting paintings and telephone cards. Class, do you agree? (Ss: No response) Is anything wrong? Michael loves collecting paintings and telephone cards. Yes, ok, thank you. Sit down, please. T30: What did Michel use to love? Can you find the answer? (Ss: no response) Michael 之前有没有兴趣爱好?(Ss: 有!)whats that? Ok, you please.T31: Ok, good, sit down please. Yes, lets see Michaels hobby. (T shows the answer.) He used to enjoy listening to rock music, but now he loves collecting paintings and telephone cards. Rock music, whats rock music?T32: Yes, good, 摇滚乐。 Now please read the answer together. 一起读一下, he used to begin! (Ss read the answer together.)T33: Good, now please read the dialogue together. T34: 现在我们说了这段对话的大概意思,now read the passage by yourselves and underline the key words and useful sentence patterns. 你们自己读一下,找出这段对话中重要的句子和短语。自己划一下. I will ask someone to give a report. T walks around in the class and repeats the instructions.) (指令下达中英混杂,不简洁明了,在过道巡视时不需要重复指令,应让学生安静地思考完成任务。)T35: 找出来没有?Ok, lets see. (One S says some phrases and sentences, T repeats them) ok, thank you. Jiang Jiajia says a lot of useful phrases and key sentence patterns. 有没有做补充的?Any more? 有没有做补充的,she has found a lot, 他已经找到很多了。 Ok, lets see together. (T shows some language points and explains them.) (语言点讲解条理不清,没有提前细致地安排好,很散乱,耗时太多。)T36: Please read the dialogue after me. (Ss read after T)T37: Now class read together. (Ss read together.)T38: Now read after me. (Ss 没有听懂指令,没有跟读,后来直接齐读了)T39: Ok, todays homework: read the passage on page 56, 翻到56页, 阅读这个短文2a, 然后完成2b, are you clear?公开课1 指令语4. First, we learnt some musical instruments, do you remember? (write “musical instruments” on Bb), what are they?5. Second, we have learnt some types of music (write on Bb), what are they?6. My favorite music is folk music, because I think its simple and special. And I dont like rock music; I think its very noisy. What about you? Lets talk about your favorite music.7. You like different music, now there are four people, look, Kangkang, Li Xiang, Tom and Wang Junfeng. They like music very much. Guess: do the four people like the same music? Can you guess?8. Now lets read the passage 1on page 67, open your book and turn to page 67, got it? (Ss: yes) read the passage quickly and answer the question: Do Kangkang, Li Xiang, Tom and Wang Junfeng like the same music? Do you understand?9. Now read the passage and find the answer, one minute. Go.10. They like different music, so what kind of music does each of them like? And why? . Please read the passage again, read the passage on page 67 again and finish the table. (Show the table) find out what does each person like and why. Do you understand?11. Now finish the table, two minutes.12. Ok, most of you finished the table, lets check, what does Kangkang like? He likes piano music, and the reasons? I want to name someone. Yan Yu, whats your answer?13. We have known the four people, they like different music, now lets retell the passage, lets retell the passage according to the table above. I will say the first sentence as an example. Listen carefully: Kangkang likes piano music because playi


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