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T1 S7 12By+将来时间将来完成时By+过去时间过去完成时By next year the old vaudeville theater had been converted into two small theaters in which films can be shown. No error解析:“By+将来时间”是一常见的时态判断依据,绝大多数情况搭配将来完成时,因此had been错,改成will have been。T1 S7 15Both Dorothy Sayers plus Carolyn Heibrun have written scholarly works as well as popular murder mysteries, demonstrating a diversity of talents and interests. No error解析:plus是一个用法很不清晰的词,作为介词表示“加上”,在SAT中划线时是必错选项。T1 S7 20Chess players find that playing against a computer is helpful to improve their skills, even though no chess-playing computer has yet won a championship. No error解析:help的常见固定搭配有如下几个:Help to doHelp sb. (to) doBe helpful to sb.Be helpful in doing sth.It is helpful (for sb.) to do sth.T1 S7 21Reaching lengths of twelve inches, banana slugs are the much larger of all the slug species that inhabit North America. No error解析:比较级/最高级之间的区别,这道题并不难,强调两点。1. 可以说 A is the XXer of the two. 这种句子。1. inhabit 是一个及物动词,后面直接跟地点而不跟介词in。我们来看一下曾经考过的一道题目(0705 S5 11):Twice as many bird species inhabit Ecuador as in North America.(A) as in(B) as inhabit(C) instead of in(D) when compared to(E) thanT1 S7 22Maya Madera proudly wore her sisters most popular invention, a watch for winter campers that flashes the temperature in lighted numerals and sends out a loud alarm when pressing a button. No error解析:这是一道常考题目,考察逻辑主语。大家可以注意到这个句子还使用了一个SAT IS题中的常见句型“句子,a+名词+修饰语”。T1 S7 25Although she considers her chemistry research complete, she has heeded her professors advice and is conducting three additional experiments. No error解析:这道题有些人会质疑C选项has heeded的时态,但实际上这道提并没有任何关于时态的判断依据,而且从逻辑上时间上的先后关系也确实存在,因此我们并不能判断时态有绝对错误。更多的人质疑B选项这里complete的用法,其实这里是consider the research complete这么一个结构,complete这里是一个形容词,做宾补。T1 S7 26Princeton University officials first broke with a tradition of awarding honorary degrees only to men when they awarded it to author Willa Cather. No errorFrom untilEnter intoDifferent thanNot only but also 对Not only and also 错Not just but also 对解析:这里it实际上是一个代词指代的问题,it很显然想要指代一个“degree”,但是文中只出现了degrees,并没有出现degree,因此it这里可以说是空指代。有同学认为前文出现了degrees所以应当用them去指代,但是这样和原意又不符,因为确实只能award一个degree给Willa Cather。因此这里如果要深究的话,最好的修改方式是改成one或者one degree。T1 S7 27His love of politics led him to volunteer in local campaigns as well as a job in a government office in the state capital. No errorA, B, as well as C 错解析:这道题考察平行结构,只不过相对比较隐蔽,标志词是as well as,应该是一个led him to do as well as to do的结构。改成to workT1 S7 28Now that Michiko finished the research, she feels reasonably confident about writing her paper on the rise of the progressive movement in the United States. No errorNow that +现在完成/一般现在解析:这道题考察时态,但是并没有明确的时态判断依据,可以说并不是非常符合真题的命题策略,因此出现在了Online Course中,而出现在真题里的可能性极小。但是这道题从句意的角度还是很容易看出来前面的动作对后面的事件产生了影响,强调动作的影响的,我们应该使用现在完成时。T1 S7 29The condition known as laryngitis usually causes the vocal cords and surroundings tissue to swell, thus preventing the cords to move freely. No error解析:考察固定搭配,prevent sb. from doing sth.。thus doing和thereby doing类似,都是常出现的一种副词的用法。T2 S6 12For the cyclist exploring Irelands western cliffs, every road leading out of the town of Clifden offers their own set of wonders. No error单:each、every、either、one、everyone类、each/every+Noun解析:凡是every或each修饰的名词都按单数对待,因此应该用its而非their指代。T2 S6 13The construction of a waterway linking the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans was first proposed in 1524, but not until the Panama Canal opened in 1914 did such a project become a reality. No erroran independence 对解析:这句话是正确的,有一些同学会质疑“a reality”这个选项,因为reality在很多同学看来是“现实”这样一个抽象概念因此是不可数的。但实际上reality也可以做可数名词,意为“真实的事物”。SAT的所有参考资料中,并不考察名词的可数与否,即“a+名词”这种形式出现并不会因为多加冠词“a”而产生错误。T2 S6 14The charm of Loftings book lies in the humorous reversal of rolesthe animals guide, assist, and generally they take care of the helpless humans. No errorA, B, and C 解析:这道题考察平行结构,但是也略微有点隐蔽,需要大家判断出是“A, B, and C”这样一个标志。判断出来之后大家就可以看出来,前两个部分都是Verb,而最后一个部分中多了一个主语they,我们直接删掉they就可以了。在SAT中前面两个是纯动词而最后一个部分主语冗余的错误是经常出现的一种模式。*T2 S6 16 名词的数(同位语)The Stegosaurus, plant-eating dinosaurs with protective bony plates and tail spikes, was once common in what is now Colorado. No errorFriends解析:大多数考察名词的数的题目都是单数名词划线(即a+名词),这道题是复数名词划线,略微有点新意;作为主语同位语,我们可以根据Stegosaurus是单数来判定dinosaurs的错误。当然有些同学不敢确定Stegosaurus一定是单数,那么我们还可以根据was来首先判断Stegosaurus是单数。从这道题我们也可以看出来,SAT的出题人在设计题目的过程中还是给我们留足了解题线索。T2 S6 17Some plants use chemical signals that repel insects, and also, these signals help to put neighboring plants on alert so they can mount their own defenses. No errorShi Yan is our SAT teacher, and because he is very WS, we all like him.句子,and+adv+句子。解析:此题涉及到标点的使用,或者说分句连接的问题。“句子,and+副词+句子。”就可以了,and+副词后面不需要再加逗号。T2 S6 21From 1566 until 1576 Santa Elena, now an excavation site in South Carolina, was the capital of Spanish Florida; however, it has become an English settlement by 1735. No error解析:“by 1735”符合我们所强调的“by+过去时间”的判断标准,因此应该连接过去完成时。而无论如何现在完成时是不可能在此使用的,因为该动作并没有持续到现在,这里也并不强调对现在的影响。T2 S6 23Yearning for a truly representative art form of the Americans, the art world of the 1920s looked hopefully to the three popular Mexican mural artists of the day. No errorOf the day/of his day/of their day 在那个时代解析:of the day/of his day这个词组表示“在那个时代”,这是一个在SAT中常见的表达,是正确的。该表达在真题和OG都曾经被划线,但没有一次被选了。T3 S4 14Confucianism is more a code of ethics than like a religion; it presents no deities but fosters instead a respect for ones ancestors and for an orderly society. No errorMorethan解析:more than 是一个不大常用的比较结构,但我们一样要保证比较双方同类可比,而like一词明显是多余的。T3 S4 18Pauls letter to myself about the missing money was not intended to be read by any other member of the organization. No error解析:反身代词如果作宾语,那么主语必须是本人。否则myself只能作主语或宾语的同位语。T3 S4 19After the prince characterized modern architecture as ugly, he has been severely criticized for having been so outspoken in public. No error解析:Before和After在SAT中都是不跟现在完成时的,而且这里没有任何时间线索能够让我们确定该动作持续到现在。T3 S4 27I have gone to only one football game after I graduated from high school. No errorSince after解析:现在完成时跟since连用。T3 S4 28The radio station received the most number of calls from listeners on the evening it aired a discussion of the music of Aretha Franklin. No errorIn the evening (泛指)在晚上On the evening 特指某一天的晚上解析:真题中未涉及到这类题目,这里most是无法修饰number的,我们只能用biggest来修饰。T3 S4 29When the village elders present recommendations, there is hardly ever any opposition against their proposals. No error解析:Opposition to是一个固定搭配,这里我们不用against。T4 S5 19After two terms in the Texas State Senate, Barbara Jordan elected to the United States House of Representatives, where she served from 1973 to 1979. No error解析:主动和被动的问题,这里显然是被选举,应该是“was elected”。T4 S5 22When the Spanish conquistadors reached Peru in 1532, they encountered the vast empire of the Incas, it extended along the Pacific coast of South America from modern Ecuador to central Chili and inland across the Andes. No error解析:这里it有指代不明的嫌疑,而且造成了逗号直接连接两个完整的句子。显然这里的it想要就近指代前半句的Incas,因此改成which就可以了。这种题目在IS题中应该是更常见的。T4 S5 26The common cold, like chickenpox, measles, and many other viral diseases, can be spread both before and after their symptoms emerge. No error解析:这道题在于插入语部分是非常有迷惑性的,这里我们如果不看插入语部分而只看句子主干部分,就非常明朗了。代词优先指代主干中的名词。所以我们在分析句子结构时,往往可以考虑先忽略插入语的叙述。T4 S5 28From its modest beginnings as a series of brief vignettes and its establishment as the longest-running prime-time comedy series on television, The Simpsons has transformed the way that both audiences and television programmers view the animated sitcom. No error解析:实际上就是一个固定搭配,只不过这里From and 两个词离得比较远,容易被人忽视。T5 S6 16Most ships move through the Suez Canal under their own power, so extremely large ships must be assisted by a tugboat. No error解析:考察逻辑关系。T5 S6 17Ralph Ellisons Invisible Man is the story of a nameless young Black man who ultimately decides to forge his own identity rather than accept the one assigned to him. No error两个to do的并列,第二个可以省略to解析:文学作品的内容,用一般现在时。T5 S6 20In many parts of the world where grasses cover vast expanses of land, periodic, controlled burning is practiced in order to keep woody brush from gaining a foothold and it stimulates continuing grass growth. No error解析:平行结构T5 S6 21The newspaper reported that having the increase in the minimum wage, many people are still having trouble making ends meet. No errorDoing作状语表伴随、因果解析:逻辑关系T5 S6 23The United States is the worlds largest producer of cranberries and cranberry products, most of which is consumed there and in Canada. No errorSome/Most/All of A:A(不可数/单)单A(复数)复解析:主谓一致T5 S6 24Almost all animals that hibernate prepare for it during summer by eating large amounts of food, which they convert to thick layers of fat. No error解析:代词的空指代T5 S6 27In many large cities in the United States, the presence of a culturally diverse population has led to repeated calls that curricula taught wholly or partly in languages other than English. No error解析:这里需要一个词组表示“要求,需要”,这时call应当搭配介词for,如果后面跟that,那么我们只能理解为一个宾语从句。有些同学说那也可以,就是call表示“要求”,后面直接跟一个宾语从句。首先这种用法不一定符合英语语言习惯,其次,that后面并不是一句完整的话而只是curricula后面跟了一个后置的过去分词作定语。T5 S6 29By the early 1920s, Louis Armstrong recorded his first solos as a member of King Olivers Creole Jazz Band in such pieces as “Chimes Blues” and “Tears”, which he composed with pianist Lil Hardin. No error解析:By+过去时间,这里应该搭配的时态是过去完成时而非一般过去时,但这里由于一般过去时未划线,我们无法做出修改,因此我们只能考虑将By改掉。在Online Course和真题中均出现过时态和标志连词发生冲突时不修改时态而修改标志词的情况,说明这也是一种被SAT出题人认可的修改方式。T6 S5 12Every year, toy manufacturers gather groups of children into playrooms, observing their choices of toys as predicting which new products will become the most popular. No error解析:逻辑关系,这里很显然是一个目的状语,用to predict。T6 S5 13*During/In/For + the last/past + 一段时间现在完成时During the last fifty years, we come to take radio communication for granted, but the mere suggestion that we could communicate in such a fashion must once have seemed outlandish. No error解析:During+ the last+时间段,这是一个明确的现在完成时态标志。T6 S5 22Experts agree that permanently modifying eating and exercise habits rather than merely dieting for brief periods are the key to controlling weight. No error解析:主谓一致的问题,但由于主语又臭又长,而且主语中还有一个“and”,因此许多人会认为are这个谓语动词用的没问题。但实际上主语的结构是“modifying”,单独的ing是一个单数的主语。T6 S5 25The common cold is one of our most indiscriminate diseases; it makes no distinction between you and me, mil


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