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Ttake along; take care of; take place; take out take along 随身携带take care of 照顾、照料、照管take place 发生 是不及物动词,无被动语态。take out 拿出、取出、掏出Exercise:1) Miss Wang a handkerchief (手帕, 纸巾) and blew her nose 2) Mr Zhang some of his pictures in the hope of getting a job there 3) Since 1996, great changes in our school 4) My grandmother was illI must stay at home to her Key: took out took along have taken place take care oftell from; tell between二者均为习惯用法:tell A from B意为“区分A和B”,也可以说成tell the difference between A and B。Can you tell American English from British English? the same as; the same thatthe same as是表示“相似或同一类的人和事”之意。Many of the sports were the same as they are now 过去的很多体育项目和现在的一样。 This is the same book as Mr Wang lost 这本书跟王先生丢失的那本一模一样。而the same that作“同一个人或同一件事”解。This is the same book that Mr Wang lost 这本书就是王先生丢失的那本书。 think ofthink aboutthink over 这三个词组都与“想”有关,但所表达的含义有所不同。1. think of多用来指 “想起,认为”。 Last night,before I went to bed,I thought of my parents昨晚我睡觉前,想起了我的父母。 What do you think of that book?你认为那本书怎么样? 2. think about 多用来指 “考虑某事情或对某事进行思考”。 Think about what you have done!想想你所做的这一切吧! 3. think over意思是“仔细考虑,认真思考”。 Before you answer this question,please think it over在回答这个问题之前,请认真考虑一下。 this kind of of this kind 二者都表示“这种”,但“this kind of名词”作主语时,谓语动词的数常与kind保持一致; “名词of this kind”作主语时,谓语动词的数常与该名词保持一致。This kind of actress is easy to find but directors of this kind are scarce 这种女演员不难找,可是这种导演却不多见。 through; over; across; into 1. through意为“通过;穿过”,侧重于指从物体的中间穿过。2. over意为“(位置)横跨;在上面”,表示动作时为“越过”之意。 3. across意为“横过;穿过”,一般指从房间、原野、海洋等一端横越到另一端或两个动作方向成十字交叉状。4. into意为“进入;到里”,含动作方向为由外向里之意。Exercise:1) The man jumped the water to save the boy 2) The highway goes under the river the tunnel 3) There is a bridge the river 4) The ship sailed the Atlantic 5) The students walked the gate with Mr Liu Key: into; through; over; across; acrosstrip; journey; travel; tour 1. trip是非正式用语,指短时间内往返的商业旅行或观光旅行。We went on a pleasant trip to the nearest seaside during our vacation 在假期里我们到最近的海滨作了一次愉快的旅行。 2. journey常指旅行的路程,是比较正式的用语。 He made a long journey from Beijing to London 他从北京到伦敦做了一次长途旅行。 3. travel泛指旅行、游历,是最为普通的用语,但无路程的含义。He came home after five years of travel五年的旅行后,他回到家中。 4. tour常指访问多处的观光旅行,常指周游后回到原出发地之意。Confucius began to make his tour among the states 孔夫子开始周游列国。 try on; try out 1. try on指“试穿、试戴”,其中的on为副词,当宾语是代词时,该宾语要放在on之前;如果宾语是名词,该宾语放在on之前或之后均可。try on a coattry a coat on 试穿衣服 The new hat is for youPlease try it on 这新帽子是给你的,请试试看。 2. try out指“试验或试用”某种机器、理论或方法,其中的out为副词,当宾语是代词时,try out要分开用。 We tried out this new crop on a large area last year 去年我们大面积试种这种新庄稼。 Ill try it out and see if it works我来试试看能否行得通。Uused to; be used to; get used to 1. used to意为“过去常常(做某事)”,后接动词原形。常用来表示今昔对比,含“(现在)已不那样做了”之意。 She used to work hard她过去工作很努力。(暗指现在工作不努力了。) 2. be used to 有两个含义:“被用来做某事”,后接动词原形。“习惯于;适应”,后接名词、代词或ving,表示一种状态。 Computers are used to do many things for people now 现在计算机被用来做许多事情。 He is used to hard work他现在习惯于艰苦的工作。 She isnt used to living in the countryside now她不习惯在乡下生活。 3. get used to 意为“习惯于”,表示一个动作,含“由不适应向适应的转变”,其后接名词、代词或ving。Youll soon get used to the weather here你很快就会适应这儿的天气。Wwear;have on;put on;dress;(be)in颜色、服装、眼镜等1. wear主要用于穿衣服、戴眼镜(手套、首饰、帽)等,以强调“穿(戴)着”的状态。 Mr Wu always wears a blue coat in winter 2. have on作“穿(戴)着”解,同wear一样,也表状态,但不用于进行时态。 He has on a white shirt today He is wearing a white shirt today 3. put on着重强调“穿(戴)上”的动作。 I like to put on my hat when I go out in winter 4. dress既可作及物动词,又可作不及物动词,所接宾语是人而不是衣、帽等物。Her mother is dressing her The nurses are dressed in white5. “(be)in颜色或服装、眼镜等”也表示“穿着”的状态,在句中作表语或定语。 He is in uniform todaywork onwork at work on表示“从事、创作、进行”,后面接名词、代词或Ving,强调做具体的事;还可表示“继续工作、努力说服”,既可作及物动词短语用,又可作不及物动词短语用。Miss Liu is working on a new book刘老师正在写一部新书。 Well work on till midnight我们将继续工作到午夜。 work at表示“致力于、从事于、研究、学习”,后面接名词、代词或Ving,强调把时间和精力等用在某一方面的事情上,侧重于说明所从事的工作性质。 Mr. Zhang is working at a new invention张先生正从事于一项新的发明。 He has wor


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