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一般过去时一、 一般过去时表示在过去某个特定时间发生,或过去习惯性、经常性的动作。一般过去时不强调动作对现在的影响,只说明过去的事情。1. 表示过去发生的动作或存在的状态。 如:He bought the computer five years ago. 这电脑是他五年前买的。 It was then a small fishing village那时它只是一个小渔村。2. 表示过去经常性或习惯性的动作。 如:We often played together when we were children 【注】表过去习惯性的动词,也可用used to或would。 如:He used to go to work by bus. 他过去常乘公共汽车去上班。3. 常用于一般过去时的时间状语或从句连用。(一般过去时最明显的现象就是常 由表达过去之时间的副词或副词短语来修饰它)just now(刚才) yesterday(昨天) the day before yesterday(前天)、 yesterday (morning,afternoon,evening)(昨天早上/下午/晚上) the other day = a few days ago(前几天)、before liberation(解放前)、once upon a time(很久以前)、 in the old days(过去的日子里)、That + 时间 eg. That day (那天)时间 + ago eg:two days ago(两天前)at+一个时间点、 eg. at the age of 10 (过去年龄)段last + 时间 eg.:night/week/Sunday/weekend/month/winter/year/century世纪)、when引导的状语从句 (过去时) eg.When I was 8 years old(当我八岁时)、二一般过去时的构成: 1. 用动词的过去式。作谓语的行为动词的词尾变化如下: 一般情况+edwork-worked以e字母结尾的辅音+dwrite-writed以辅音字母+y结尾变y变i+edfly-flies study supply重读闭音节结尾的单词,末尾只有一个辅音字母双写词尾字母+edstop-stopped regret plan refer 2. 一般过去时态的肯定句、否定句和疑问句形式(1)基本结构主动: 肯定句型 be 分为was,were v+ed 否定句型 was/were not didnt+v 一般疑问句型 was/were+ 主 did+主+V 特殊疑问句 特殊疑问词 + 一般疑问句 例句She often came to help us in those days. I didnt know you were so busy. (以be和like为例): 主 语肯 定 式否 定 式疑 问 式第一、二人称和第三人称复数以及名词复数I was a student. We/You/ They were students. He/ She was a student. I / We/ You/ They/ liked music. Many people liked music.I was not a student. We/You/ They were not students. He/ She was not a student. I / We/ You/ They/ didnt like music. Many people didnt like music.Were you a student. Were you/ they students? Was he/ she a student? Did you/ they like music?Did many people like music?(2)一般过去时态的“三变”技巧 一变:肯定句变为否定句 1当句中含有情态动词或助动词could,would,should等时,可直接在其后面加not构成否定句。例如:I could get you a concert ticket. I could not / couldnt get you a concert ticket. 2当句中含有系动词was,were 时,可直接在其后加not构成否定句。 例如:I was on the Internet when you called me. I was not / wasnt on the Internet when you called me. 3当句中谓语是除情态动词、助动词、系动词was, were以外的动词时,在该动词之前加did not / didnt,动词还原,构成否定句。例如:The famous singer sang some Chinese songs. The famous singer did not / didnt sing any Chinese songs. 二变:陈述句变为一般疑问句 1移动词语的位置。将was,were, could,would,should等移到句首。 例如:He could pack his things himself. Could he pack his things himself? 2添加助动词did。谓语是除情态动词、助动词、系动词was, were以外的动词时,在主语之前加did,动词还原。例如: Mr Li looked very old. Did Mr Li look very old? 三变:陈述句变为特殊疑问句 1确定疑问词: 人who / whom, 物what, 原因why 频率how often, 长度how long, 时间when / what time 距离how far等等。 例如:They gave the concert last night. 地点where, When did they give the concert? 2辨认结构形式:疑问词+情态动词/助动词/ was / were / did +主语+.? 例如:The accident happened near the station. Where did the accident happen?例题解析: 1. Li Ming studied English this morning. (把此句变为一般疑问句) 例题解析: 1Mr. Mott is out. But he _ here a few minutes ago. A. was B. is C. will be D. would be 2. He promised to tell me by himself when I _. A. come B. would come C. came D. had come 解析:在时间状语从句中,用一般过去时表示过去将来。应选C。3、 一般过去时表现在: 1.过去”的概念并不是只指如 “yesterday, last week, ” 等,实际上“与现在对立的过去”,亦即“非现在的以前”,哪怕是“过了说话时间的几分钟之前”,只要所要表达的时间与说话时的“现在”形成对立,就必须使用一般过去时来表达。例如: He was here only a few minutes ago. (仅仅几分钟前他还在这里。) I didnt know you were here. 我不知道你在这儿。(were实际上指现在)I got up very early this morning. (今天早晨我起床很早。) He was late for school again today. (今天他又迟到了。) 例题解析: -Hi, Tom. -Hello, Fancy. I _ you were here. A.dont know B.wont think C. think D. didnt know 2.在宾语从句中,由于时态呼应的关系,可用一般过去时表示现在。 如:I didnt know you were here. 我不知道你在这儿。 (were实际上指现在) 例题解析: Im so sorry to disturb you, I didnt know you _ (be) so busy 3.表示客气委婉的现在。 如:I wondered if you were free this evening. 不知您今晚是否有空。 I thought you might like some flowers. 我想您也许想要些花。 【注】能这样有的动词主要限于want, wonder, think, hope, intend等少数动词。3. 用于某些特殊结构中表示现在Its time we started. 我们该动身了。 I wish I knew his name. 要是我知道他的名字就好了。 Id rather you lived closer to us. 我希望你能住得离我们近点。 【注】(1)该用法主要用于 its time, I wish, Id rather, if only, as if, as though 等少数结构后接从句的情形,(2)其中有些结构后面的句子还可用一般过去时表示将来。如:Id rather you come next Monday. 我宁愿你下周星期一来。(3)另外表主观想法的虚拟条件句也用一般过去时表示现在。如: If I had the money now Id buy a car. 假若我现在有钱,我就买辆小汽车。 补充内容:(句子中谓语动词是用一般过去时还是用现在完成时,取决于动作是否对现在有影响。 Have you had your lunch? 你吃过午饭了吗?(你现在不饿吗?) Yes, I have. 是的,我已经吃过了。(已经吃饱了,不想再吃了。) When did you have it? 你是什么时候吃的?(关心的是吃的动作发生在何时。) I had it about ten minutes ago. 我大约是十分钟以前吃的。 ) Used to do something 表示过去常做而现在已经停止了的习惯动作。 I used to work fourteen hours a day. 我过去常常一天干十四个小时。 I ate it at 6:45。我在六点四十五分吃了。 2 表示过去连续发生的动作时,要用过去时 这种情况下,往往没有表示过去的时间状语,而通过上下文来表示。 The boy opened his eyes for a moment,looked at the captain,and then died. 那男孩把眼睛张开了一会儿,看看船长,然后就去世了。 3 表示过去一段时间内经常或反复的动作 常与always,never等连用。 (1)Mrs. Peter always carried an umbrella. 彼得太太过去老是带着一把伞。 (只是说明她过去的动作,不表明她现在是否常带着伞。) 比较 (2)Mrs. Peter always carries an umbrella. 彼得太太老是带着伞。 (说明这是她的习惯,表明她现在仍然还习惯总带着一把伞) (3)Mrs. Peter is always carrying an umbrella. 彼得太太 总是带着一把伞。(表示说话者对这一动作或行为厌烦) (4)I never drank wine.我以前从不喝酒。 (不涉及到现在,不说明现在是否喝酒) 4 如果强调已经终止的习惯时要用 used to do(过去常常做,而现在不那样做了) He used to drink. 他过去喝酒。 (意味着他现在不喝酒了。喝酒这个动作终止了) I used to take a walk in the morning. 我过去是在早晨散步。 (意味着现在不在早晨散步了) 比较: I took a walk in the morning. 我曾经在早晨散过步。 (只是说明过去这一动作) 5 有些句子,虽然没有表示过去确定时间的状语,但实际上是指过去发生的动作或存在的状态的话,也要用过去时,这一点,我们中国学生往往出错,要特别注意! I didnt know you were in Paris. 我不知道你在巴黎。 (因为在说话时,我已经知道你在巴黎了。这句话指的是说话之前,所以只能用过去时表示。实际上,这句话暗指:But now I know you are here.) I thought you were ill. 我以为你病了呢。 (这句话应是在说话之前,我以为你病了。但是现在我知道你没病) 基础练习一、写出下列动词的过去式isam_ fly_ plant_ are _ drink_play_ go_ make _ does_ dance_worry_ ask _ taste_ eat_ draw_put _ throw_ kick_ pass_ do _have_ become_ grow_ teach_ buy_二、用be动词的适当形式填空1. I _ an English teacher now.2. She _ happy yesterday.3. They _ glad to see each other last month.4. Helen and Nancy _ good friends.5. The little dog _ two years old this year.6. Look, there _ lots of grapes here.7. There _ a sign on the chair on Monday.8. Today _ the second of June. Yesterday _ the first of June. It _ Childrens Day. All the students _ very excited.行为动词的过去时练习:1. He _ (live) in Wuxi two years ago.2. The cat _ (eat) a bird last night.3. We _ (have) a party last Halloween.4. Nancy _(pick) up oranges on the farm last week.5. I _ (make) a model ship with Mike yesterday.6. They_ (play) chess in the classroom last PE lesson.7.My mother_(cook) a nice food last Spring Festival.8. The girls_(sing) and_(dance) at the party.9 We(not eat) apples yesterday.10 We(not play) basketball every day.11 He(not go ) home once a week.三、句型变换1 There was a car in front of the house just now.否定句:_一般疑问句:_肯定回答:_否定回答:_2 They played football in the playground.否定句:_一般疑问句:_肯定回答:_否定回答:_1、Lucy did her homework at home.(改否定句)Lucy _ _ her homework at home.2、He found some meat in the fridge(冰箱).(变一般疑问句)_ he _ _ meat in the fridge?3、She stayed there for a week.(对划线部分提问)_ _ _ she _ there?4、There was some orange in the cup.(变一般疑问句)_ there _ orange in the cup?四、选择1、I know a little bit about Italy as my wife and I _ there several years ago. 2007 全国卷I A. are going B. had been C. went D. have been2、 Did you tidy your room? 2007 上海卷 No, I was going to tidy my room but I _ visitors.A. had B. have C. have had D. will have3、 When I called you this morning, nobody answered the phone. -Where_ 2007 重庆卷A. did you go B. have you gone C. were you D. had you been4、 The play had already been on for quite some time when we _ at the New Theatre. 2007 浙A. have arrived B. arrived C. had arri


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