



2012年浙江省普通高考考试说明(英语样卷-完形填空详解)It was a cold, wet day on June 6, when 14-year-old Wasana arrived at school. Waiting outside his classroom for his classmates to arrive, Wasana 1 aimlessly at the pouring rain. Then his 2 fell upon the hill that rose at the back of the classroom.He noticed huge amounts of rainwater 3 down the hill, and water was also bubbling at the base of a large rock on the hill. For a few 4 , Wasana looked at the water, wondering 5 it looked so familiar.Then it 6 him - the scene was surprisingly 7 to the pictures he was shown during Disaster Management classes. 8 a disaster was about to happen, Wasana waved 9 at students, shouting “Run, run, dont stay here! The rocks on the hill are going to 10 on us!”All the students and teachers ran to the open area that had been 11 as an emergency gathering point. 12 , they heard screams as the huge rock rolled down the hill, bringing sand, rock and mud. There was 13 they could do as they watched the earth bury an entire school block.Thanks to Wasanas quick action and sharp 14 , no one was hurt in the incident. The landslide 15 two classrooms and caused heavy damage to six 16 . “The financial damage is nothing compared to 17 would have happened had there been children in the classrooms,” says the schoolmaster.Wasana later received a Gold Star from the Foundation for Civilian Bravery, Sri Lanka. 18 at the incident, he says, “I feel disaster management 19 are important for everyone. Well never know when the 20 will come in handy.”1. A. staredB. nodded C. shoutedD. pointed2. A. thoughtsB. eyesC. wordsD. voices3. A. pullingB. jumpingC. slidingD. flowing4. A. timesB. minutes C. hoursD. periods5. A. howB. whereC. WhyD. when6. A. hitB. droveC. pushedD. stopped7. A. strange B. rareC. terribleD. similar8. A. RejectingB. FearingC. ScaringD. Avoiding9. A. angrilyB. sadlyC. excitedlyD. wildly10. A. beatB. moveC. fallD. dive11. A. put awayB. set asideC. brought forthD. taken apart12. A. Just thenB. In shortC. In good time D. As a result13. A. something B. much C. anythingD. little14. A. discoveryB. movementC. observationD. idea15. A. destroyed B. toreC. injured D. overcame16. A. another B. otherC. others D. ones17. A. thoseB. whichC. that D. what18. A. Looking back B. Looking around C. Looking throughD. Looking forward19. A. exhibitionsB. lessons C. unitsD. examinations20. A. concept B. image C. knowledge D. situation参考答案:1-5 ABDBC 6-10 ADBDC 11-15 BADCA 16-20 CDABC一、文本解析本文讲叙了Wasana看到山上的雨水聚集的奇怪景象,从而联想到在灾难管理课程上学到的知识,预知一场山体滑坡即将发生,并及时向同学和老师们发出警告,让大家及时逃离到安全地带,阻止了原本有能造成的生命危险事故的发生。他最后说,每个人都有必要学习灾难管理课程,因为我们所学的这些知识将在关键时刻发生作用,甚至拯救生命。文章按照事件发生的顺序来描写,解题关键在于理解Wasana最后所说的话,他强调正是“自己”在灾难管理课程上学到的知识,才促使了他拥有“敏锐的观察力”,才上演了文章第一至第三段的那一幕。最后一段也点明了主题:即每个人都应该学习一些有关灾难管理的知识。二、答案详解1. A 句意:当他站在教室外面等其他同学的时候,他漫不经心地“盯”着外面的倾盆大雨看。从aimlessly at可知,这里应指他“盯着” 瓢泼大雨在看,只能选stared, 凝视。2. B 然后,他的目光落在了教师后面的那座山上。目光落在 之上,ones eyes fell on sth.3. D 他注意到有大量的雨水(聚集)从山上“流”下来,而且山上的一块大石头的底部也不断地有雨水咕咕地冒出来。大量的雨水从山上“流下”来,当然用flowing down。Pull 用力拉;jump 跳跃; slide 滑动,悄悄地溜走。4. B 有几分钟,Wasana 盯着(山上的)那些水,很好奇的想(这个场景)为何看起来如此的熟悉。5. C 解析见上题。所以选Why。6. A Ithit sb: 某人忽然想起某事, 固定用法。如:It hit me all of a sudden that I had forgotten her birthday.7. D 这个场景与他在Disaster Management 课程上所看到的图片是很相似的。8. B 看到这个场景之后,Wasana应该是害怕(山体滑坡)灾难可能会发生,所以他疯狂地挥舞着手臂,警告其他人,“快跑! 快跑! 不要呆在这里,山上的石头就要滚落下来,会砸到我们的!”故选Fearing,做伴随状语。9. D 千钧一发之际,Wasana当然是疯狂地(wildly)挥舞着手臂。10. C 详解见第8小题。注意这句话的主语是“rocks on the hill”, 所以山上的石头很可能会滚落下来,而不是beat “打,(有规律的)敲打”。11. B 所有的学生和老师立即就跑到外面的一个空旷地区,这个地方是早就“留出,拨出”给应急之用的聚集场所。从后面的an emergency gathering point可知,这个地方应该是早就划为“紧急预防地带”。所以用 set aside“(为以后的某种用途) 留出,省出”。区分其他三个选项:put away:收起,将放回原处;bring forth:产生,引起;taken apart:拆卸,拆开。12. A 就在所有同学和老师都跑到安全地带的“那一刻”,他们就听到巨大的巨石咆哮地裹挟着沙子、石头和泥浆从山顶呼啸而下(山体滑坡的场景)。13. D 当他们亲眼目睹着整个校区被尘土淹没时,他们都无能为力(什么事情都不能做)。Little:表示否定,相当于they could do noting but watched it 。14. C 注意此空格前的形容词是sharp, 句意“多亏了Wasana的敏捷的反应和敏锐的_”,当然应该填observation“观察力”。综合全文可知, Wasana是将课堂上学的东西和敏锐的观察力相结合,才使得他预知灾难即将发生。15. A 后面出现了heavy damage ,所以这两间教室的破坏程度更严重,所以填destroyed “被毁坏”。16. C 这次山体滑坡毁坏了两间教室,并且对其他的六间(教室)造成了破坏。指代可数名词的复数用others(其他的、另外的人或事物) = other classrooms。17. D what would have happened “原本很有可能发生的事情”,what引导的名词短语做动词compared to 的宾语。这句话句意为-校长说:“这次灾难所造成的经济损失与原本可能(如果当时有孩子在教室里)造成的对孩子的生命危害比较起来,显得那么微不足道”。18. A 后来,Wasana获得了斯里兰卡民主社会主义共和国的见义勇为基金会颁发的金星奖。他在回想当时的这次事件时., 故选A。19. B Wasana说有关灾难管理的“课程”的学习对每个人来说都是非常重要的。20. C 此句意为:我们谁也不知道自己所学的“知识”在什么时候就会派上用场了。come in handy:be useful for a certain purpose派上用场。故选C knowledge。而 A concept概念;B. image 形象;D situation情形,三个选项均不合题意。三、语言学习1. “The financial damage is nothing compared to what would have happened had there been children in the classrooms,” says the schoolmaster. 直译为-校长说:“这次灾难所造成的经济损失与原本可能(如果当时有师生在教室里)造成的对学生的生命危害比较起来,显得那么微不足道”。此句有一个虚拟语气要理解,那就是had there been children in the classrooms,相当于if there had been children


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