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初二英语竞赛试题(Time:90 Score:100 )一、选择(15) ( )1 .In order to keep healthy,you should eat_fast food,_fresh vegetables and take enough exercise.A.fewer,fewer B. less,more C. fewer,more D. less,less ( )2. Would you mind not making any noise in the living room? My baby is sleeping. A.It doesnt matter B. Sorry, I wont do that C. Excuse me,Im wrong D.Ok, I will do that ( )3.He told us there_a football match on TV this evening. A.will have B. is going to have C. was going to be D. was going to have( )4.-Miss Li, Tim broke his leg, so he cant come to school today. -_. A. You are too careless B. Im sorry to hear that C. Help yourself to some fish D. You should go to school ( )5. -Will you buy me a new jacket,mum? -I have no idea. I ll have to _ A. look for it B. think it of C. think it about D. think it over ( )6.We are tired and hungry. So our steps(脚步) are getting_ A.slow and slow B. slowly and slowly C. slower and slower D. much and more slow ( )7.If you _go there, at least, you should wait till the rain _ A. can ,stops B. must ,will stop C. must, stops D. will, will stop ( )8.He asked_ A. whats your trouble B. what wrong was with you C. what was the matter with you D. what your trouble was ( )9.He raised several_for charity to help the poor kids.A.thousand of dollars B. thousand of dollar C. thousands of dollars D. thousands of dollar. ( )10.How many cities have you _ in China? A. travelled B. travel C. travelling D. travelled to ( )11.He said he _his bag in Toms office _A.has left, last week B. forgot , last week C. had left , the week before D. had left, the last week ( )12.If you dont go ,_ A. me,too B. I dont neither C. Neither do I D. Neither will I ( )13. The man must be our headmaster,_?A.isnt it B. must be C. is he D. isnt he ( )14.I cant remember his name .He _since I was ten years oldA.was dead B has died C has been died D has been dead ( )15. Such a small child as he_a ticket.A.cant have B. doesnt need C. mustnt have D. shouldnt have 二、补全对话(10) A.请从所给的选项中选出最佳项完成对话(有两项是多余的)A. Shall I be able to go out tomorrow?B. I really feel terribleC. I want to have an injectionD. Please give me some pillsE. Whats the matter with you,madam?F. Are you ill?G. I hat injections A: Morning!_1_.B: Ive got a sore throat and a headache.A: Do you feel tired?B: Yes, my whole body feels weak. _2_A: Im sorry to heat that. Ill have to examine you. Open your mouth wide so that I can look at your throat. Yes, theres something wrong. Ill have to give you an injection(注射)B:_3_A:But an injection is better than pillsB: Are you sure? _4_A: But you d better have an injection first. It is more helpful.B: OK. _5_A: Probably, if yu take a good rest todayB: Good. Ill go to bed early so that Ill be able to go out tomorrow.答案处: 1_2_3_4_5_B 在横线上写出相应的句子或单词,使对话完整A:Hi, LiMing, How was your holiday?B:I had a great timeA:_?B:Kunming, the_of Yunnan ProvinceA:Kunming must be very beautiful. Am I right?B:Yes, Its a garden city with many kinds of beautiful flowers.A:Hows the weather in Kunming?B:Its _too hot _too cold all the year round. Thats _Kunming is called“The Spring City”A:What did you do there?B: We visited the Stone Forest. A: Wow! _! I want to go there on my coming summer holidays.三、完型填空(20)A.选择正确的答案填空(10)Bob often broke school rules. One afternoon, he walked to the town and_1_to the cinema. But he must _2_the school at six. Its one of the school rules. But it was after eight oclock when he _3_school. He was a little worried. He ran quickly to the gate. It was _4_. He went round the school building to another door. That one was closed,too. Then he saw an open window_5_the groud floor. It was the headmasters office, Bob looked into the room,_6 _was there. He quickly climebed on and jumped into the room. Just then he _7_a sound. He looked round and stayed under the sofa. Then Mr Scott, the headmaster_8_. He turned on the light and sat down on the sofa. He began to read. Bob lay under the sofa and looked at the headmasters feet_9_an hour. He could not move. Then the headmaster stood up and walked toward the door. “Thank goodness. He didnt find me under the sofa.”Bob thought. “Would you _10_the light when you leave?”the headmaster said and left the office.( )1.A go B. to go C. went D. going ( )2. A. return B. return to C. give back D. go back( )3.A. got back B. reached to C. arrived at D. came back( )4. A. closed B. broken C. open D. lock( )5. A in B. on C. behind D. look( )6 A.someone B anyone C. no one D. at( )7. A saw B. heard C. listened to D. found ( )8. A. came out B. went away C. came in D. left( )9 A. in B at C. for D. of ( )10 A. turn on B.turn off C. turn down D. turn upB. 用所给词的适当形式填空,使短文完整。(把答案写在答案处)(10)two, noise, grow, peace, good, following, art, everyone ,close, meanWhats the real meaning of the word“peace”?The_1_story may tell us sonething about it.There was once a king sho offered an award to an artist who could paint the _2_picture of peace. Many_3_tried. The king looked at all the pictures. But there were only two he really liked and he had to choose between them.One picture was a calm lake. The lake was a perfect thing for peace because of the high mountains around it . Overhead was a blue sky with white clouds. _4_who saw this picture thought that it was a perfect picture of peace. The other picture had mountains too. But they were rugged(高低不平)。 Above was the dark sky,from which heavy rain fell. A waterfall was rushing down the side of the mountain. This did not look_5_at all . But when the king looked_6_,he found behind the waterfall a very small bush_7_in the midst(中间的)of the waterfall and a mother bird sitting on her nestin perfect peace. The king gave the award to the artist who painted the _8_picture. Why?“Because,”explained the king, “peace does not_9_to be in a place where there is no_10_,no trouble or hard work. Peace means in the midst of all those things,you are still calm in your heart. Thats the real meaning of peace.” 答案处:1._2_3_4_5_6_7_8_9_10_四、阅读理解(30) (A.)Do you know that you can use your watch as a compass(指南针)on a sunny day?Take a watch and point the hourhand in the direction of the sun. Imagine a line which runs from the center of the watch through a point half-way between the hourhand and number one. This line will surely point south.If you know astronomy a little, you will understand why this works, In the northern half of the earth, the sun is in the south at noon. In Russia, the real noon is one oclock. If at that time we point the hourhand at the sun, the hourhand and number one will point south. That is why you must imagine a line which will run from the center of the wacth through a point half-way between and hour-hand and number one. It will point south. If you are in the southern part of our planet,you must point number12 at the sun. The line which you can imagine between number twelve and the hour-hand will then show north.( )1.When we carry out this experiment in the northern part of the earth, we should point_at the sun.A. number 12 B. the hour-hand C. the minute-hand D. number one( )2.What does “astronomy”mean in the passage? A.天文学 B 宇航学 C 地理学 D逻辑学( )3.This passage tells us that we can use a watch _on a sunny day. A .to keep good time B. to study the weather C. to show direction D. to enjoy themselves( )4. If you are in Australia, which of the following is the right way to show north?( )5.Whats the best title of this passage? A. An Interesting Watch B. The story of a watch C. The Sun and a Watch D. Your Watch Becomes a Compass (B)Can you imagine dancing with friends in the school cafeteria(自助食堂)?I couldnt either. That was until last week.Every term , my school throws a “reward night”party. It is to help the students relax. Its held in the cafeteria from 6:30 pm to 8:00 pm.I usually dont go,but this time my friends Danny and Swatti asked me to come . On the night of the party, I went to the cafeteria. But I didnt bring any money. No one told me there was a 2 fee to get in !I had to wait until Danny showed up and lent me the money. But is was worth trouble. The party was amazing. Music was playing , the lights were off, and the people were dancing. It was easy to forget that we were inside the school cafeteria.I looked up and saw a projector(投影仪)and a screen. It was Dance Dance Revolution(跳舞机),one of my favorite video games! In the game, your feet follow the arrows(箭头) on the screen to dance. Danny entered the DDR contest. I stood to one side and watched him dance.Then I began to pay attention to the music.I had never heard music so loud in school.And, I had never heard a school play popular music either. I was amazed. We were there for about an hour. But I began to get hungry. There were slices of pizza for sale, but I didnt want to borrow any more money. The party was also becoming less energetic(active) . Then the music changed to a song that I didnt know. Even though I had been a really good party.I knew it was time to leave.( )1. It was the _time for the writer to dance with his or her friends in the school cafeteriaA.first B. second C. third D. last ( )2. The “reward night”party is held at their school so to _A.help the students learn to dance.BLet the students receive rewardsCGive students a chance to have funDEncourage the students to study harder funther ( )3.The underlined phrase“showed up ”means_ A. came back B. arrived C. performed D. went away ( )4. What did the writer think of the party? A. It was great trouble. B. It was waste of moneyC. It was really boring D. It was amazing ( )5.When the writer left the party, he or she felt _A.very happy B. very hungry C. tired out D. sad (C) 阅读后回答下列问题 They looked like army men. They wore green uniforms. They did exercises. But their faces were so young. They were junior school kids at an army camp! Late this August,some schools in Hefei,Anhui Province, held army camps for their students. The Middle School Affiliated to Anhui Agricultural University was one of them. “We want the kids to learn teamwork ,”said Wang Zhenhui,the headmaster of the school. “We also hope that they can hace a special start for the new school year.” At the week-long camp,the kids trained just like soldiers. They had to wake up at 5 oclock in the morning . They stood in the sun for hours . They took showers with cold water. “It was terribly hot during the day. My uniform was always wet!”said Chen Sheng, a Junior 2 boy. While Liu Qinyuan, a 15-year-old girl, was scared by the insects(昆虫) in the dorm. “There were mosquitoes(蚊子) and even chilopode(蜈蚣)”! Although it was hard, the students also had lots of fun. They gave nicknames(绰号)to the officers. One of the officers was nickname“Windflower”.“Because he has a lot of white hair,”said Li Mengya ,a 15-year-old girl. One camper even played a trick on the other students. Song Yuan, a 15-year-old girl, dressed herself like a ghost(鬼). She scared some people to tears. Song was then punished. She had to run 1.000 metres! The camp ended after a week. “We made friends and we also made our minds strong here!”said Xie Xinhui, girl, 15. Headmaster Wang was also pleased that the kids now looked refreshed(精神振作的).“They are now also happier with the school rules,”said Wang.1.When do they hold it? _2.Who hold it?_3.Why do people hold it?_4.How long did it last?_5.How were the kids trained?_ (D) Who is the greatest teacher in Chinese history? You cant think of anyone else when you hear people read Confucius(孔子)2.500-year-old words:(A)“All study but no thinking makes people puzzled(迷惑的).All thinking but no study makes people lazy.” Whos Confucius?Tuesday was Confucius birthday. He was born on September 28,551 BC in the Kingdom of Lu(鲁国),in todays Shandong Province. Chinese see Confucius as the greatest thinker and also the greated teacher. He had about 3,000 students . For morn than 2000 years,Confucius ideas have been around in peoples everyday (B)_Now they have gone far into east and south Asia. People can still hear them today. Why are his ideas so popular?(C) They help not only in everyday life but also in society. Conf


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