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Unit 8 The Dragon Boat FestivalPeriod 1一、概述本课是湘少版小学英语六年级下册第八单元的第一课时, 本课时的学习内容为课文Part A & B。新单词有poet,dragon boat ,Dragon Boat Race, nuts, lunar month.本节课主要是激发学生学习兴趣,让学生了解中国的传统节日端午节的有关知识,渗透中国传统文化的教育,培养学生的爱国主义精神。二、教学目标分析知识与技能(1)能认读新单词dragon boat ,Dragon Boat Race, poet, nuts, lunar month.做到发音准确、清晰,并能听懂其含义。(2)学会运用特殊疑问句。(3)能够跟随flash课件自主听读英语对话。过程与方法(1)通过师生说和自主听读体验交际式英语教学的一般过程,掌握英语听说的基本方法。(2)采用视听法、听说法、任务型活动教学法及交际法,创设各种情景环境,以学生参与、体验的形式,来激发学生对英语学习的兴趣,调动学生学习英语的积极性。3情感态度与价值观(1)激发学生学习英语的兴趣,帮助学生树立学好英语的信心,培养学生热爱生活、热爱英语的态度,并在成功中体会英语学习的乐趣。(2)渗透中国传统文化的教育,培养学生的爱国主义精神。三、教学重点掌握本课新单词,理解并运用本课特殊疑问句问答。四、教学难点复述或表演本课对话。五、教学过程Step 1: Warming up1Greetings.2Revision:Talk about the price of the bag.PPT 呈现三个不同颜色的包,一个红色的200元,一个蓝色的100元,一个橙色的50元。T: What can you see?Ss: Three bags.T: Very good. Please say something about these three bags.S1: The red one is 200 yuan.S2: The blue one is 100 yuan.S3: The orange one is 50 yuan.T: You did a very good job. Then which one is the most expensive?S1: The red one is the most expensive.T: Which one is the least expensive?S2: The orange one is the least expensive.T:Which one is more expensive than the blue one?S3: The red one【设计意图】复习上一单元学习的比较级与最高级。Step 2 :Presentation播放Flash 动画:先出现一本2011年的日历,再翻到农历五月初五。T:Now, look! Today is the fifth day of the fifth lunar month. Is it the Mid-Autumn Festival?Ss: No. Its the Dragon Boat Festival.(引导学生回答)板书并教学单词lunar month, the Dragon Boat Festival。PPT呈现赛龙舟的画面,点击画面出现单词dragon boat race.T:What happens now? There is a dragon boat race.(带读dragon boat race几次)What food do we eat during the Dragon Boat Festival? And what do we often do? Ss:T: We can eat rice dumplings during the Dragon Boat Festival. We can also go to the river side to watch the Dragon Boat Race. We eat rice dumplings during the Dragon Boat Festival to remember a famous poet, Qu Yuan.板书并教学单词rice dumplings,remember, famous, poet。听课文B部分录音,跟读。PPT 呈现课文Part B图片及录音Step 3 :Practice 1Read Part A.让学生快速阅读Part A,回答问题。T: Mingming and his mother are talking on the Dragon Boat Festival. What are they talking about? Read the text as quickly as possible and try to answer the following question.PPT先呈现问题Why do we eat rice dumplings during the Dragon Boat Festival? 再呈现答案To remember the famous poet , Qu Yuan.2Listen to Part A and read aloud.播放Flash 动画: 呈现Part A 的动画及录音T: Read after the flash together.【设计意图】让学生模仿正确的语音、语调,掌握新词难句的读法。Step 4: Consolidation 1学生分组表演课文对话。2练习。(练习册)Step 5: Homework 1听A部分录音,背课文,抄单词dragon boat ,Dragon Boat Race, poet, nuts。2查找有关屈原的故事和作品,以及有关端午节的资料。Period 2一、概述本课时是湘少版小学英语六年级下册第八单元的第二课时。本课时要达到的教学目标有两个。第一个目标是要求学生掌握本课的单词death, poem, rule, save, so that &start,第二个目标是让学生能知道屈原的故事。学生通过阅读C部分的短文,提高学生的阅读能力。 二、教学目标1知识与技能(1)掌握单词death, poem, rule, save, so that, start。(2)培养良好的英语阅读习惯,提高英语阅读能力。2过程与方法(1)通过阅读短文,完成Part D的练习。(2)在教学过程中,运用启发式教学法、任务型活动教学法,以开展小组比赛的形式,来激发学生学习英语的兴趣。3情感态度与价值观以小组比赛的形式贯穿全课时,培养小学生热爱集体和团队合作意识和相互协作的精神。三、教学重点阅读并理解课文C部分。四、教学难点理解并运用新单词death, poem, rule, save, so that, start。五、教学过程Step1:Warming up1Greetings.2Revision.(1)检查上一课时布置的家庭作业,查找关于端午节故事和资料的情况。(2)利用图片复习单词。3Free talk: Talk about the weather and the dateStep2: Presentation and drills 1Present the new words.T: Lets learn some new words.PPT呈现新单词(左栏竖排):start, death, poem, rule, save, so that;(右栏竖排)呈现上述新词汇的中文意思(顺序打乱)。依次点击每个单词,红色箭头分别指向相应的中文意思。T: Read after me, please !(领读三遍,后两遍为一升一降,同时板书单词,如s-t-a-r-t,并要求学生书空练习)T: Very good!2Drills of the new words.Step 3: Fast reading快速阅读Part C,回答问题。T: Do you eat Zongzi?Ss: Yes! T:Do you know Qu Yuan?Ss: Yes!T: OK, lets read a story about him. 教师要求学生快速阅读Part C,给回答正确的组加Step 4: Practice and listening1 Picture talking:(看图说话)2 要求学生借助课文中的相关表达描述图画。3帮助学生理解本段重要词汇: is held to remember, loved, wrote, was very sad with, jumped into, came to save, threw rice dumplings into, so that .并板书在黑板上。4听课文Part C的录音。PPT呈现课文内容,播放课文录音。Step5 :Intensive reading再次阅读Part C,并分组讨论完成课文Part D部分练习。Step6:Homework1练习(练习册)。2家庭作业。(1)听磁带,背课文。(2)查找并了解有关中西方节日的知识。Period 3一、概述 本课选自湘少版小学英语六年级下册第八单元第三课时, 本课时的学习内容为Part E&F。二、教学目标1知识与技能(1)巩固对本单元新知识的掌握与运用。(2)培养学生综合运用语言的能力。过程与方法 通过学生自己动手收集有关中国传统节日文化及有纪念意义地方的图片,让学生有更深刻地了解。3情感态度与价值观通过学习,培养学生的爱国主义精神。三、教学重点掌握并运用本单元所学的主题节日与纪念。四、教学难点口头和笔头表达所学主题的相关情况。五、教学过程Step 1: Warming-up 1Greetings2RevisionT: How many boys are there in our class? Whom do you want to play with? Where is he/she from?Ss: 3Free talkStep 2: Presentation and drillsPPT (Part E)呈现龙舟赛场景T: Look! Whats this?Ss: It is a photo of a Dragon Boat Race. T: Yes. Very Good!T: There are more than ten beautiful dragon boats in the river. It is the most interesting race. Tell your friends about the Dragon Boat Festival, please and write some sentences in Part E.(e.g. Now look at this photo. There is a dragon boat race. Many people are watching it. Mingming and I are watching it too. There are fifty boats. I find it very interesting.)学生分组,先在组内口头练习,再笔头表达,然后小组展示。Step 3 :PracticePPT呈现Part F图片,再出现Example。1.出示毛主席故居的图片。Example:This is Chairman Maos birthplace in Shaoshan. Chairman Mao is love


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