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SCI论文写作要点及 选刊和投稿注意事项 (心血管) 照日格图 中华医学杂志 英文版(Chin Med J) 总编辑 美国新英格兰医学杂志(N Engl J Med)编委 中华儿科杂志 副总编辑,英文医学论文的格式和内容 文题 Title 作者名单 Authors name 作者单位 Author affiliation 摘要 Abstract 关键词 Key words 引言 Introduction 材料与方法 Materials and Methods,英文医学论文的格式和内容 结果 Results 讨论 Discussions 致谢 Aknowledgement 利益冲突 Conflicts of interest 参考文献 References 图、表 Figures, tables 图注和表注等 Figure legends, etc. 附件 Appendices,文 题 用短语或句子形式集中反映一篇论文主要内容的一段文字 供审稿、引起读者阅读兴趣、供编制索引等 用一定逻辑关系连接起来的名词短语或句子,对文题的要求: 简(Brief, 字数18,2行) 明(Clear, 清楚,不模糊) 准(Precise, 不夸大、不过于概括、稍 具体),文题应避免的情况 不应过长、不应过于概括、不应抽象 文题中应避免使用不重要的、含义不明确的词,如: “A study on .”, “An investigation of .”, “A clinical study on .”, “A survey of .” 等词,文题如以定冠词The开头,多数情况下将其省略。 Use of exhaled nitric oxide measurements to guide treatment in chronic asthma (N Engl J Med 2005; 352:2163),复合文题: 例如:Effect of nonoxynol-9 gel on urogenital gonorrhea and chlamydial infection:A randomized controlled trial (JAMA. 2002;287:1117-1122),文题的书写格式: 国外期刊对文题书写格式要求与国内期刊的不同。 每个实词首字母都大写 Perioperative Chemotherapy versus Surgery Alone for Resectable Gastroesophageal Cancer (N Engl J Med, 2006, 355:11-20),仅第一个词的首字母大写: Prevalence of impaired glucose tolerance among children and adolescents with marked obesity (N Engl J Med 2002, 346:802-810),文题的某些特别注意事项: 数字:若以数字开始,用英文拼写的数词,不可用阿拉伯数字。 标点符号:引号用单引号 药名:用通用名 种属名称: 微生物、植物(草药)等的正式名用用斜体字,如Streptococcus pneumoneae, Helicobacter pyloris 缩略语:尽可能避免,举例 Transfusion-transmitted virus infection 改为: Transfusion-transmitted virus infection in patients with viral hepatitides A to E and healthy controls,Test results and clinical significance of the four serum markers in health persons and others suffering with chronic hepatitis Clinical significance of four serum markers of liver fibrosis in patients with chronic hepatitis and healthy persons,Psychiatric disorders: A rural-urban comparison Rural-urban differences in the prevalence of psychiatric disorders Prevalence of psychiatric disorders is higher in urban than in rural areas,Clinical study of purulent meningitis complicated with subdural effusion Clinical characteristics of purulent meningitis complicated with subdural effusion Symptoms and signes of purulent meningitis suggestive of subdural effusion,摘 要 (abstract, summary) 简明但稍微具体地反映一篇论文的主要内容,供阅读、编入数据库等。 背景(目的)、方法、结果和结论。不同期刊要求不同。如N Engl J Med要求:Background (Objective), Method, Result, Conclusion 写好摘要的重要性,Context (上下文,即Background), 包括Objective的实际内容 Design and Setting, Patients, Intervention, Main Outcome Measures, Results, Conclusions.,Method,目的 Objective Abstract Objective To evaluate the reliability of 13C-urea breath test (13C-UBT) in the diagnosis of Helicobacter pylori (HP) infection by using gastroscopy and serum HP antibody testing.,表示目的的这一段文字应尽可能避免与文题完全重复。 常用于表示目的的动词不定式短语有: To evaluate To explore (国外期刊少用) To understand To clarify To determine To compare To test the hypothesis ,The purpose of this paper was to study the relationship between The present study aimed to report the relationship between The present study was designed to describe the relationship between This study aimed to report our experience of using ,(目的) In this study, the aim was to . (本研究的目的为。) The aim of this study was to . This study aimed to ,方法 Method 1、研究对象基本特征、纳入和排除标准、分组 2、研究方法、设计、所用的技术、治疗的方法,等等 3、主要和次要终点指标 时态要用一般过去时。,Methods In four treatment centers for visceral leishmaniasis, 667 patients between 5 and 55 years of age who were negative for the human immunodeficiency virus and had parasitologically confirmed visceral leishman-iasis were randomly assigned in a 3:1 ratio to receive paromomycin (502 patients) at a dose of 11 mg per kilo-gram of body weight intramuscularly daily for 21 days or amphotericin B (165 patients) at a dose of 1 mg per kilogram intravenously every other day for 30 days. Final cure was assessed 6 months after the end of treatment; safety assessments included daily clinical evaluations and weekly laboratory and audiometric evaluations. Noninferiority testing was used to compare 6-month cure rates, with a chosen margin of noninferiority of 10 percentage points.,14 cases of LAM including one autopsy were collected from XXX hospital. Data of 14 cases with LAM including one autopsy were collected from XXX hospital.,There were 19 men and 6 women of the 25 cases with age range from 24 to 76 years (mean age, 54.9 years). Of the 25 cases, 19 were men and 6 were women with age ranged from 24 to 76 (mean 54.9) years.,结 果 Results 介绍最主要的研究结果,主要终点指标。 时态用一般过去时。 应介绍一些关键的数字,包括统计学处理结果(具有可信区间的有关数据或P值等)。,在摘要的结果部分描述结果时,应当避免的一些情况: The results of our study showed that It was shown that The present study showed that 等等。 因为前面有个小标题Results,可以直接开始描述结果。,下面是N Engl J Med一篇摘要的结果部分: Results The mortality rate was 30.8 percent in the placebo group and 24.7 percent in the drotrecogin alfa activated group. On the basis of the prospectively defined primary analysis, treatment with drotrecogin alfa activated was associated with a reduction in the relative risk of death of 19.4 percent (95 percent confidence interval,6.6 to 30.5) and an absolute reduction in the risk of death of 6.1 percent (P=0.005). The incidence of serious bleeding was higher in the drotrecogin alfa activated group than in the placebo group (3.5 percent vs. 2.0 percent, P=0.06).,(初步修改) The positive rates of B19-DNA and IgM in patients with Schonlein-Henoch purpura, juvenile rheumatoid arthritis, dermatomyositis, systemic lupus erythematosus and Kawasaki disease were 25% and 20%, 37.2% and 20%, 40% and 20%, 42.9% and 28.6%, 37.5% and 25.0%, respectively. There was no significant difference in the positive rates of B19-DNA and IgM among the above five types of childrens common rheumatism disorders of children (P0.05).,(进一步修改) No significant differences in positivity rates of B19-DNA and IgM antibody were found among the patients with Schonlein-Henoch purpura, juvenile rheumatoid arthritis, dermatomyositis, systemic lupus erythematosus and Kawasaki disease (P0.05).,RESULTSOf 900 patients receiving LM75/25 and 918 patients receiving glargine who completed initiation, 473 and 419, respectively, had A1C #7.0% and continued into maintenance. Baseline characteristics except age were similar in this group. Median time of maintaining the A1C goal was 16.8 months for LM75/25 (95%CI 14.019.7) and 14.4 months for glargine (95% CI 13.416.8; P = 0.040). A1C goal was maintained in 202 LM75/25-treated patients (43%) and in 147 glargine-treated patients (35%; P = 0.006). No differences were observed in overall, nocturnal, or severe hypoglycemia. LM75/25 patients had higher total daily insulin dose (0.45 6 0.21 vs. 0.37 6 0.21 units/kg/day) and more weight gain (5.4 6 5.8 vs. 3.7 6 5.6 kg) from baseline. Patients taking LM75/25 and glargine with lower baseline A1C levels were more likely to maintain the A1C goal (P = 0.043 and P , 0.001, respectively). Diabetes Care 34:249255, 2011,结 论 Conclusion 这一部分一般也就用13句话。很多摘 要只用一句话表示结论。例如: Conclusion Patients who received their first CABG surgery without cardiopul-monary bypass had improved cognitive outcomes 3 months after the procedure, but the effects were limited and became negligible at 12 months. 谓语动词用一般过去时。,Conclusions Exercise capacity is a more powerful predictor of mortality among men than other established risk factors for cardiovascular disease. 仅一句话,谓语动词用了一般现在时。,结论部分,内容上要紧紧围绕或针对研究的目的和取得的结果叙述,不应扩大范围、慎重使用或不用推测的语句、也不应对研究本身进行评论或褒奖(这种作法在国内作者写的摘要中经常出现)。应当“就事论事”。 至于对研究本身的意义或价值,应等待其他研究人员重复或有关部门进行评价、鉴定,而且这种鉴定或评价的结果也不是写进论文摘要中的内容。,“This paper reported application of the new technique in China for the first time. ” 所说的研究可能确实在国内是首次报告应用这种技术,但结论中只应谈应用的结果说明这种技术是否适用,对诊断治疗有何作用等,没有必要说明是否是第一次应用。很多情况下,证明某件事是第一次是很难作到的。,The present study provides theoretical and experimental basis for pathogenesis of the syndrome. This study paved the way to establishment of new treatment for the disease. 这些说法都是空洞的,往往是过于夸大的,是脱离研究内容本身的语句,应绝对避免。,引 言 INTRODUCTION 说明研究的背景、现状,本项研究的目的。 (目的应比较具体,不应扩大范围。) 仅列举直接相关的文献,不要包括本论文的数据和结论。,引 言 INTRODUCTION 一般用3-4段文字。时态多用一般过去时。 第1段,历史。 第2段,现状。 第3段,未解决的问题。 第4段,本研究的目的。 避免:太长、太短、引用过多文献、贬低别人的 工作、谈本研究的方法或结果。,材料(病例)与方法 25段。时态:绝大部分情况下要用一般过去时 1、研究对象 一般资料(如系患者或健康人,人口统计学资料,包括种族、民族、年龄范围、性别,等。)诊断、分型及依据或出处,确定诊断的方法。纳入和排除的标准。 2、研究的总体设计。如系随机双盲对照的研究,说明随机分组的具体方法,双盲的性质,如何作到双盲了。对照组的选择依据、其特征。如何确定样本量的,样本量计算的依据, 功效或把握度多少。,材料(病例)与方法 3、研究用的方法和技术。药物的名称(通用名)、剂量、给药途径、疗程。对实验室技术,主要步骤、主要仪器设备和试剂的名称、生产厂家及其所在地(城市及国家名称),主要或关键试剂的批号。 4、随访观察的时间及内容等。 5、伦理学和知情同意书。 6、统计学分析(包括数据的表示方法、统计学软件的名称、版本,统计学分析的方法、显著性水平的界线。需要时要说明检验是双侧的还是单侧的)。,材料(病例)与方法 随机临床试验(RCT)报告应该描述所有主要研究要素,包括研究方案(研究人群、干预或暴露措施、结果和统计学分析原理),干预分配(随机方法、不同治疗组的保密)和掩饰方法(盲法)。应符合CONSORT要求。,结 果 要重点介绍主要终点指标或主要观察指标或项目的变化情况、组与组之间比较的结果,提供主要数据及统计学处理的结果。 在正文和图表中按逻辑顺序对研究结果进行分类、分段描述。正文不要重复图表中的数据,仅需强调或概述重要的观察结果,趋势、规律性现象等。,结 果 将文字描述和图表结合起来,按重要性,描述研究的结果。数据资料要经过分析、总结、归纳,指出变化的趋势、规律和最重要的改变和关联。可以按内容设立小标题。 避免:绝对不可将数据资料列成表或绘成图,文字里只说:结果见。也要避免文字和表或图中的内容大量重复。 表和图都要有题目,而且题目要有充足的信息。图表中用的缩写词要在每个图或表的说明中提供全称。要避免将讨论或解释的内容放入结果这部分。,讨 论 一般用36段文字。 1、概括研究的主要结果。 2、与作者过去同一领域研究或其他作者过去的研究结果进行适当的比较。对本研究的主要结果进行分析,讨论取得的结果说明的问题,取得结果的可能原因等。,讨 论 3、讨论研究结果的实际意义,但要客观、具 体,不超出研究结果的范围。 4、不足之处(limitation)及未来研究的方向。 5、总结,结论。 着重讨论本研究中创新和重要的发现,以及由此得出的结论,不要过于详细地重复在前言或结果部分的数据或其他资料。,讨 论 应将结论与研究目的联系起来讨论。 应避免不留有余地的断言和研究数据尚不充分便下结论。尤其应避免因经济利益而作出某些陈述,除非文章中包括经济数据并进行了分析。,讨 论 避免工作尚未完成,就声称或暗示首创权(“首次”、“首例”,)。 如理由充足,可提出新的假说,但应实事求是。必要时,可以提出建设性意见。,讨 论 讨论部分,不应扩大范围。 慎重使用或不用推测的语句、也不应对研究本身进行评论或褒奖(这种作法在国内作者写的摘要中经常出现)。应当“就事论事”。,讨 论 举例:Serum levels of IL-6, TNF- were lower and IL- 2 higher in children with type I diabetes than in controls, which might indicate that abnormal function of T helper 1 and T helper 2 lymphocytes had occurred. Such abnormality might affect the regulatory func


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