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瑜伽课堂常用英语2010-07-30 21:20:27 作者:master 来源: 网友评论 0 条 inhale (breath in) 吸气exhale (breath out) 呼气deep breath in 深吸气deep breath out深呼气hold breath in保持吸气hold breath out保持呼气dont force your breath不要强迫呼吸keep relax and normal保持自然和放松keep back straight (spine)保持背部挺直open your shoulder打开你的肩膀open our pelvic打开我们的盆骨(臀部)tighten your hips,tighten knee, calf, muscle臀部,膝盖,小腿肌肉收紧lift your chest, roll your shoulder back挺胸,向后转动你的肩bend forward/bend back前弯/后弯focus your mind in balance注意力集中在平衡上open your feet 3 to 3.5 feet打开双足3到3.5英尺twist your body right向右扭转身体twist your body left向左扭转身体lie flat on your back on the ground仰卧平躺在垫子上neck relax, shoulder spine, all back muscle. hip muscle/joint, thigh, knee, calf, ankle, kneel, toes, elbow, palm, fingers, relax颈部放松,肩膀,脊柱,所有背部肌肉,臀部肌肉/关节,大腿,膝盖,小腿,脚踝,脚趾,肘部,手掌,手指,全部放松。relax your breath/and mind放松你的呼吸和意识observe your body on ground. how peace full and relaxfind same peace in your mind.专注你的身体。并在意识中寻找同样的宁静与放松。Simple cross your legs简易坐(双腿交叉坐)Keep your chest up and your back erect挺胸,背部正直Put your palms on your knees双手放在膝盖上Close your eyes闭上眼睛Bring your palms together front of your chest双手合十,放于你的胸前Well begin with 3 OMS together我们一起唱颂3遍OMThen shartir mantra开篇唱诵Down your head低下你的头Generally raise your head up ,open your eyes and release your arms缓慢的抬起你的头,睁开眼睛,放松你的两臂。Deep inhale, raise your arms up, with exhale, drop your body forward. (3-5 inhale)深吸气,抬起你的双臂,呼气,让你身体向前倾(3-5个吸气)With inhale, come up随着吸气,抬起身体。Right palm on left knee and left palm back, with exhale, turn back with inhale, looking front, same practice with another side右手放在左膝上,左手放在身后,吸气时,身体向后转,注视前方,另一侧,做同样的练习。Open your legs, move your legs, toes, fingers分开你的双腿,活动你的两腿,脚趾,手指。Bend your legs ones by one, come into stand position依次弯曲你的腿,慢慢站立起来。Sit in any comfortable posture with back,neck and head in one line.选择任何舒适的坐姿,背部,颈部,头成一条直线Hands on knees in Jnan mudra, shoulders relax.两手放在两膝上,结成智慧手印,两肩放松Divide the weight of whole body on both hips evenly.身体的重量均匀地分布在臀部Now pay attention on body, observe subtle sensations around the body.现在关注你的身体,观察身体精微的感觉Observe breath. Let in be natural now.专注于呼吸,让它变得自然。Take few deep breaths.做几次深呼吸。Let begin our practice with three times OM chantings.让我们唱诵3次OM开始我们的练习。Observe the vibrations of OM all over the body.感受OM在身体所产生的震动。Remain in this peace for a while, then begin with subtle yogic joints movements.保持这种平和的状态,然后开始精微的关节活动。瑜伽体式:Adho Mukha Svanasana下犬式Adho Mukha Svanasana(AH-doh MOO-kah shvah-NAHS-anna)adho = downwardmukha = facesvana = dogDownward-Facing DogStep by Step1、Come onto the floor on your hands and knees. Set your knees directly below your hips and your hands slightly forward of your shoulders. Spread your palms, index fingers parallel or slightly turned out, and turn your toes under.用手和膝来到垫子上。膝要在髋的正下方,手在肩下微微向前的位置。食指互相平行,或者轻微转向外,并转脚趾向下。2、Exhale and lift your knees away from the floor. At first keep the knees slightly bent and the heels lifted away from the floor. Lengthen your tailbone away from the back of your pelvis and press it lightly toward the pubis. Against this resistance, lift the sitting bones toward the ceiling, and from your inner ankles draw the inner legs up into the groins.呼气并提起膝部离开地板。开始保持膝部轻微弯曲并提起脚跟离开地板。从骨盆的后部拉长尾骨,并轻轻地把它压向耻骨。相对这个阻力,提起坐骨朝向天花板,从脚踝内侧拉大腿内侧向上进入腹股沟。3、Then with an exhalation, push your top thighs back and stretch your heels onto or down toward the floor. Straighten your knees but be sure not to lock them. Firm the outer thighs and roll the upper thighs inward slightly. Narrow the front of the pelvis.然后随着呼气,推你的大腿上部的后侧并伸展你的脚跟向地板的方向,或者落到地板上。伸展膝盖但确保不要锁死。稳固大腿外侧,并把大腿上部轻轻地向内卷。缩短前侧的骨盆。4、Firm the outer arms and press the bases of the index fingers actively into the floor. From these two points lift along your inner arms from the wrists to the tops of the shoulders. Firm your shoulder blades against your back, then widen them and draw them toward the tailbone. Keep the head between the upper arms; dont let it hang.牢固手臂外侧并把食指的根基积极地压向地板。沿着手臂,从双手的这两点提起,从手腕到肩膀的顶点。稳固肩胛骨进入背部,然后扩宽肩胛骨并拉它们向尾骨的方向。保持头在两上臂之间,不要悬起。5、Adho Mukha Svanasana is one of the poses in the traditional Sun Salutation sequence. Its also an excellent yoga asana all on its own. Stay in this pose anywhere from 1 to 3 minutes. Then bend your knees to the floor with an exhalation and rest in Childs Pose.下犬式是传统拜日式中的一个体式。它本身就是一个卓越的体式。在这个体式保持1到3分钟。然后随着呼气屈膝到地板,婴儿式休息。Parsvottanasana加强侧伸展式 Step by StepStand in Tadasana . With an exhalation, step or lightly jump your feet 3.5to 4 feet apart. Rest your hands on your hips. Turn your left foot in 45 to 60 degrees to the right and your right foot out to the right 90 degrees. Align the right heel with the left heel. Firm your thighs and turn your right thigh outward, so that the center of the right knee cap is in line with the center of the right ankle.山式站姿。呼气,走或者跳开3.5到4步的距离。把手放在髋部。转左脚向右45到60度,右脚向右90度。右脚的脚跟和左脚的脚跟对齐。稳固你的大腿并把右大腿向外转,让右膝盖的中心和右脚踝的中心在一直线。Exhale and rotate your torso to the right, squaring the front of your pelvis as much as possible with the front edge of your mat. As the left hip point turns forward, press the head of the left femur back to ground the back heel. Press your outer thighs inward, as if squeezing a block between your thighs. Firm your scapulas against your back torso, lengthen your coccyx toward the floor, and arch your upper torso back slightly.呼气并把躯干转向右侧,让你的骨盆的前面尽可能地与垫子前侧边缘一致。在左髋向前转的同时,左大腿股骨往回拉并大腿往后脚跟的方向固定。大腿外侧往里侧压,就像大腿之间夹一块瑜伽砖。把肩胛稳固于躯干后侧,向地板方向拉长尾骨,并把躯干上部往后轻轻地拱起。With another exhalation, lean the torso forward from the groins over the right leg. Stop when the torso is parallel to the floor. Press your fingertips to the floor on either side of the right foot. If it isnt possible for you to touch the floor, support your hands on a pair of blocks or the seat of a folding chair. Press the thighs back and lengthen the torso forward, lifting through the top of the sternum.随着另一个呼气,把躯干向前屈到右腿的上方。当躯干和地板平行时停止。把指尖压向地板,或者放在右腿的两侧。如果不能接触到地板,用瑜伽砖或者一折叠的椅子的座位支撑手。把大腿压向后,并拉长躯干前侧,通过胸骨的上端来上提。In this pose the front-leg hip tends to lift up toward the shoulder and swing out to the side, which shortens the front-leg side. Be sure to soften the front-leg hip toward the earth and away from the same-side shoulder while you continue squeezing the outer thighs. Press the base of the big toe and the inner heel of the front foot firmly into the floor, then lift the inner groin of the front leg deep into the pelvis.在这个体式,前腿的髋部倾向于抬起向肩膀和方向并向这一侧摆动,从而缩短了前侧腿这边。确保缩短前侧腿髋部向地面的距离并远离同侧肩膀,同时继续把大腿外侧向内压。把前脚的大脚趾趾球和脚跟内侧牢牢地压向地板,然后提起前腿内侧腹股沟深深进入骨盆。Hold your torso and head parallel to the floor for a few breaths. Then, if you have the flexibility, bring the front torso closer to the top of the thigh, but dont round forward from the waist to do this. Eventually the long front torso will rest down on the thigh. Hold your maximum position for 15 to 30 seconds, then come up with an inhalation by pressing actively through the back heel and dragging the coccyx first down and then into the pelvis. Then go to the left side.保持你的躯干和头和地板平行几个呼吸。然后,如果你柔韧性好,把躯干前侧更近地带向大腿顶端,但不要从腰部弓着背做一动作。最终,躯干放在大腿上休息。在你最大限度的体式保持15到30秒,然后随着呼气,通过把后脚跟积极地压向地板和先把尾骨拉向下进入骨盆再起来。然后进行左侧。瑜伽体式名称参考梵文、英文、中文(A)梵文英文中文Adho Mukha MatsyasanaDownward Facing Fish反鱼式Adho Mukha SvanasanaDownward Facing Dog下犬式Adho Mukha Svanasana, SalambaDownward Facing Dog, Supported支撑下犬式Adho Mukha UtkatasanaUpsidedown Chair/Awkward倒立幻椅式Adho Mukha VirasanaDownward Facing Hero儿童式Adho Mukha Vrkshasana in PadmasanaDownward Facing Lotus Tree手倒立莲花式Adho Mukha Vrksasana/VrkshasanaDownward Facing Tree / Arm Balance/ Handstand手倒立式 AdvasanaProne俯卧放松式AgnistambhasanaFire Log单盘前曲伸展式Akarna DhanurasanaArchers / Shooting Bow弓箭式AnantasanaLord Vishnus Couch毗湿奴式 AnjaneyasanaLunge冲刺式AnuvittasanaStanding Back Bend站立后弯式ApanasanaKnees to Chest膝到胸式Ardha Baddha Pada MayurasanaHalf Bound Lotus in Peacock单莲花结合孔雀式Ardha Baddha Padma PaschimottanasanaSeated Bound Half Lotus Forward Bend单莲花结合前曲式Ardha Baddha PadmasanaSeated Half Bound Lotus Posture半莲花加强背部前曲伸展坐式Ardha Baddha PadmottanasanaStanding Bound Half Lotus Forward Bend半莲坐前屈式Ardha BhekasanaHalf Frog半蛙式Ardha Bhekasana in UstrasanaHalf Frog in Camel半蛙骆驼式Ardha BhujangasanaLow Cobra / Half Cobra半眼镜蛇式Ardha Chandrasana 1 & 2Half Moon新月式Ardha Chandrasana, Parivrtta SalambaRevolved Half Moon, Supported支撑扭转半月式Ardha DhanurasanaHalf Bow半弓式Ardha KumasanaHalf Tortoise半龟式Ardha MandalasanaHalf Circle半圆式Ardha MatsyendrasanaHalf Lord of the Fishes/Seated Spinal Twist半鱼王式Ardha NamaskarHalf Prayer半祈祷式Ardha NavasanaHalf Boat半船式Ardha PadmasanaHalf Lotus半莲花式Ardha PavanamuktasanaHalf Wind Releasing单腿膝到胸式(半祛风式)Ardha Pincha MayurasanaHalf Peacock/DolphinorPincha Mayrasana Prep海豚式Ardha SavasanaHalf Corpse半仰卧放松式Ardha SirsasanaHalf Headstand半头倒立式Ardha SalabhasanaHalf Locust半蝗虫式Ardha Urdhva PadmasanaHalf-Aloft Lotus半莲花提升式Ardha UttanasanaHalf Forward Bend半站立前曲式Ashwa SanchalasanaEquestrian奔马式AstavakrasanaArm Balancing八字扭转式Baddha Dandayamana Surya YantrasanaBound Standing Sun Dial站立结合罗盘式Baddha DhanurasanaRevolved Bow扭转弓式Baddha Hasta Eka PadasanaBound One Hand to Leg单腿锁手式Baddha Hasta SirsasanaBound One Hand Headstanding束手头倒立式Baddha KonasanaCobblers/Bound Angle/Bound Lotus束角式Baddha PadmasanaBound Lotus闭莲式Baddha Parivrtta ParighasnaBound Gate Latch闭合门闩式Baddha Parivrtta VatsayasanaBound Revolved Equestrial奔马结合扭转式Baddha Parivrtta Parsva KonasanaBound Revolved Extended Side Angle侧角扭转结合伸展式Baddha Parivrtta Ardha ChandrasanaBound Revolved Half Moon结合扭转半月式Baddha TrivikramasanaBound Three Step/Stride站立单腿上伸展结合式Baddha VatyasanaBound Horse/Equestrian结合奔马式BakasanaCrane/Crow禅鹤式(起重机式)BalasanaChilds儿童式BhadrasanaGentle/AuspiciousorThrone绅士式BhairavasanaTerrible / Formidable敬畏式Bharadvajasana 1 & 2Seated Side Twist (no cross legs)坐立侧扭转式BhekasanaFrog蛙式BhujangasanaCobra眼镜蛇式BhujapidasanaArm Pressure脚交叉双臂支撑式BidalasanaCat猫弓背式BrahmacharyasanaThe Controlled One / The Continence独身式BuddhasanaBuddha / Enlightened佛陀式ChakorasanaPartridge鹌鹑式Chakra BhandasanaChakra Stimulating飞轮式 ChakrasanaWheelor(inverted) Bow轮式ChakravakasanaTiger虎式ChandrasanaMoon新月式Chaturanga DandasanaFour-Limbed Staff俯卧撑式瑜伽英语园地 瑜珈知识:首页 全部 ypes of YogaThere are over a hundred different schools of Yoga. Some of the most well known are described below:辅助瑜伽( Iyengar yoga )Iyengar yoga is a kind of creative and inspirational method of Hatha yoga, which was invented by B.K.S.Iyengar 60 years ago. 60多年前,B.K.S.Iyengar 发明了一种极具创新性和富有灵感的传统Hatha瑜伽习练方法辅助瑜伽。In the Iyengar system, classical yoga asanas (postures) are taught, aided, when necessary by various props. This innovative use of props - belts, bricks, benches, chairs (and others) has made yoga accessible to everyone regardless of age, flexibility or infirmity.辅助瑜伽习练方式的特点是靠借助不同道具的帮助以达到准确习练体式,比如带子、瑜伽砖、凳子和其他工具,因此也可以称之为辅助瑜伽。每个人都可以练习,不受年龄、柔韧性和身体缺点的影响。流瑜伽( Hatha Vinyasa Flow Yoga )Vinyasa Flow Yoga Flow yoga stems from Ashtanga Yoga, which means eight-limbed. Vinyasa Flow Yoga incorporates fluid movements with deep, rhythmic breathing.流瑜伽起源于 Ashtanga 瑜伽,意思是八支。流瑜伽是一套流畅连贯的动作配合深长有节奏的呼吸。流瑜伽的英文是 hatha vinyasa flow yoga,也简称为 flow yoga,其中“vinyasa”的概念同阿师汤伽瑜伽相同,“Flow”在这里有象流水一样连续不断的含义,即:在流瑜伽的练习过程中感受各种组合顺序的动中有静,静中有动的意思,一般是用来区别传统普通哈他瑜伽课中单个体式的锻炼方法。流瑜伽(hatha vinyasa flow yoga)是哈他瑜伽(hatha yoga)中的一种流行风格,它引自著名的阿师汤伽瑜伽(Ashtanga vinyasa yoga)。vinyasa 串联体位法,一般是指与呼吸同步的动作。这个“动作”,在瑜伽锻炼中当然就是指体式而言。体式在开始、转承、完成的整个过程中紧密配合呼吸。所以实际上注意力将会集中于两个方面,其实这和练习传统哈塔瑜伽很多体式过程中也是一样的。它的最大好处在于塑造完美的身材,这方面的优势要明显强于流行我们国内的哈他传统风格课程。高温瑜伽 ( Bikram Yoga )Living yoga master Bikram Choudhury is a Hot Yoga innovator. His method of Hot Yoga is a set series of 26 yoga poses, including two pranayama exercises, his series of 26 poses done in a hot room heated to 105F (40.5C) each of which is performed twice in a single 90 minute class.热瑜伽是由 Bikram Choudhury 大师发明的。热瑜伽包含一系列26个瑜伽体式,这26个瑜伽体式在高温38-42摄氏度的教室中完成,其中包括2次调息练习,在90分钟的课堂中每一个体式完成2遍。Types of Other YogaHatha Yoga 哈他瑜伽:The physical movements and postures, plus breathing techniques. This is what most people associate with yogapractice. 体位配合呼吸的一种瑜伽练习,也是大多数人采用的瑜伽练习方法。Jnana Yoga 智瑜伽: The path of wisdom; considered the most difficult path.用智慧的方法实现瑜伽最高境界,也是最难的一种方法。Bhakti Yoga 爱心服务瑜伽: The practice of extreme devotion in one-pointed concentration upon ones concept of God.一心一意对神的敬拜,从而实现瑜伽的最高境界。Karma Yoga 实践瑜伽:All movement, all work of any kind is done with the mind centered on a personal concept of God所有的行为和各种工作都要集中精力去做。 本篇文章来源于博雅瑜伽网()转载请以链接形式注明出处网址:/yoga/yyy/yyyd/1、For things to change, I must change first.要改变,就要先改变自己。 点评:可惜世人大多只会抱怨同事、下属、上司、客人、企业、大环境,希望等到他们改变了,自己的命运才会改变。改变自己,才有可能改变周遭的一切。如果自己也改变了,但环境还是不变,那只能说明你改变得还远远不够。2、If it is To Be, it is Up to Me.从我做起。点评:做好自己的本职工作,学好专业本领,主动与别人沟通,做最好的自己。3、YOU are the club, because YOU are the person who is going to help fill his or her needs.你就代表俱乐部,因为你是帮助客人满足其需求的人。点评:任何员工都是酒店的形象代言人,你的一言一行都在客人眼中,心中。4、Every call is the first call of the day.每一次接触客人都是今天的第一次。点评:第一印象决定一切,今天最后一个客人也需要你用心给他留下最美好的第一印象。5、If you are not serving the customer, your job is to serve somebody who is.如果你不是为客人服务,那么你是在为客人服务的人服务。点评:后台岗位虽不直接接触客人,但通过对一线员工提供良好服务和支援,也是在为客人服务,所以应该跟一线员工一样严格要求,甚至更严些。要想一线好,二线必须更好才行。6、Simple rule for success, Walk the Extra Mile. (Always do what is required PLUS a bit more.)成功之道:总是做得比期望的多一点点。点评:这一点似乎不必解释,问题只有一个:你真的知道客人的期望吗?试着说出来吧,看看你能否满足。7、It doesnt matter whether the customer is right or wrong. It matters how they feel.客人对与错并不重要,重要的是他们的感觉。点评:我们往往只会纠缠于客人的对错,忘记了他们的感觉。8、The customer may not always be right, but they should be treated right.客人也许并不总是正确的,但是他们应该得到正确的对待。点评:站在我们的角度看,其实客人大多数时候并不正确,要求也过于无理,只是客人永远只会站在客人的角度,不大会站在我们的角度。9、Its the little things that matters.小事会影响客人的感受。 点评:影响客人感受的基本都是小事,少有大事,我们的工作就是做好无数的小事而已。10、Do ordinary things extraordinary well.小事也要力求完美。 点评:小事做好了,自然就完美了。11、Anger is one letter away from Danger.在英文中生气与危险仅差一个字母。 点评:跟客人生气时,离危险就不远了。12、Our customers judge us by, What we say, How we say, What we do.客人是通过我们说什么、怎么说、做什么来判断我们的。 点评:说话的内容,方式和作为与否。13、Learn from your mistakes, but never repeat them.要从错误中吸取教训,不要重复错误。 点评:重复错误和犯低级错误是我们共同的缺点。14、Be a thermostat not a thermometer.要象恒温器,不要象温度计。 点评:恒温器会自我调节温度,无论环境的变化,代表主动积极的人。温度计的数字则取决于环境,代表消极被动的人。15、A happy experence begins with ATTITUDE.好的感受来自于好的态度。点评:态度决定成败。16、Under promise but over deliver.所提供的服务要比所承诺的好。点评:承诺100分,服务120分。17、Do what you do well, and do it better every day.做你所擅长的并且每天都要做得更好些。点评:似乎不用解释。18、Each day I either get better or worse. The choice is mine.每天我会变好也会变坏,这完全取决于我自己。点评:似乎也不用解释。19、Warning, Customers are perishiable.警告:客人极易消失。 点评:要让一个客人消失,得罪他一次就够了,不用两次。20、No customer can be worse than hard customer.苛刻的客人比没有客人强。 点评:我们面对的众多客人中除了苛刻的以外,剩下的就没有什么人了一节45分钟的阿斯汤伽课Surya Namaskara A 拜日式a 3次Surya Namaskara B 拜日式b 3次Padangusthasana 站姿前屈Utthita Trikonasana 三角伸展式Utthita Parsvakonasana 侧角伸展式Prasarita Padottanasana A 双角式aPrasarita Padottanasana C 双角式cUtthita Hasta Padangushasana A 手抓大脚趾单腿直立式aArdha baddha Padmottanasana 半莲花单腿加强背部伸展式Virabhadrasana A 战士第一式Virabhadrasana B 战士第二式Dandasana 手杖式Paschimottanasana A 双腿背部伸展式aArdha Baddha Paschimottanasana 半莲花背部伸展式Jaru Sirsasana A 单腿背部伸展式aMarichyasana A 玛里琪aMarichyasana C 玛里琪cNavasana 船式 3次Baddha Konasana A 束角式AUpvishta Konasana A 坐角式AUrdhava Dhanurasana 轮式(简化式)Urdhava Dhanurasana 轮式Paschimottanasana B 双腿背部伸展式bSavangasana 肩倒立Halasana 犁式Karnapidasana 膝碰耳犁式Matsyasana 鱼式(简化式)Baddha Padmasana 束莲花式Padmasana 莲花式Tolasana 天平式Savasana 摊尸式Restrict the opening of the throat Nadi so that the air touches fromthe throat to the chest, making a sound while passing. (Hatha Yoga Pradipika Chapter 2 verse 51)控制喉轮的开合, 让气流触压喉部进入胸腔, 并在通过时发出声音 (哈他瑜伽之光 第二章51节) Ujjayi means rising victoriously. When practiced regularly the chest and torso remain up giving the practitioner a look of pride. Ujjayi pranayama is the roots of yoga breathing techniques. It is the foundation of proper breathing and one of the most commonly practiced yoga breathing techniques. In Ujjayi pranayama the body becomes a musical instrument. The ears and mind continually listening and fine tuning this instrument to create the perfect sounds during inhalation and exhalation. 乌加依意为至高无上的征服.练习时胸部和躯干扩张如同一位骄傲的征服者. 乌加依呼吸控制法是瑜伽呼吸技巧的基础, 是建立正确呼吸的基石, 也是练习最广的呼吸技巧. 在乌加依呼吸中, 身体成为一件乐器. 耳朵和大脑不断倾听,调谐,从而在呼吸中创造出完美的音色. Many yoga practitioners believe that our life is measured by the amount of breaths that are taken. For this reason Ujjayi is used to lengthen the breath and lengthen the span of life.An unsteady breath leads to an unsteady mind therefore Ujjayi is also practiced to smoother the flow of breath and harmonize the breathing rhythms. 许多练习者认为生命的长度被呼吸的次数限制, 因此乌加依被用来延长呼吸,扩展生命. 呼吸不稳导致头脑浑浊, 因此乌加依练习也被用来调节呼吸频率, 令呼吸更加和谐.Technique : Inhale gently allowing the air to pass into the body with ease and no resistance. Exhal


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