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2015年专升本专业英语模拟试卷(四)Part Vocabulary and Structure ( 1 30 points)Directions: There are 30 incomplete sentences in this part. For each sentence there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the ONE that best completes the sentence, and then you should mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet.1. Martin Luther King, a great Black leader in the movement against racial discrimination, was the Nobel Prize for peace for his outstanding contribution to world peace.A. rewarded B. given C. awarded D. offered2. There is a space at the bottom of the form for you to sign your name in. A. empty B. Vacant C. Blank D. hollow 3. We must that the telegram arrives in time.A. Secure B. assure C. Ensure D. insure4. The manufacturers that all the washing machines they supply are properly tested.A. testify B. Convince C. warrant D. manifest 5. What time do you usually (up)?A. evoke B. arouse C. awake D. wake 6. Taipei is located at 121.7 degrees east longitude and 25 degrees north .A. altitude B. aptitude C. Attitude D. latitude 7. We will not interference in our home affairs. A. stand B. agree with C. endure D. tolerate 8. Since everyone would like to find an apartment near the university, there are very few apartments in the area.A. Free B. Empty C. Vacant D. reserved 9. She had always been in of meeting with an accident.A. horror B. alarm C. terror D. dread10. He used to be a Christian, but he is now to Buddhism.A. converted B. changed C. transformed D. reformed11. , a friend of Mrs. Black found the watch she had lost two days before. A. Especially B. Usually C. Generally D. Fortunately12. Our president will hold a special party at May Flower Hotel tonight your honor. A. with B. at C. in D. on13. My schedule is quite . I could arrange to meet with you any day next week.A. faint B. flexible C. faithful D. frank14. Ive always looked to my father for in these matters.A. guidance B. goal C. grace D. guard15. Some research workers completely all those facts as though they never existed. A. ignore B. leave C. refuse D. miss16. The problem confronting as today is not dissimilar from the nation confronted in the 1930s. A. One B. That C. the one D. ones17. Three of us who work in that chemical plant should have lungs X rayed.A. Their B. His C. Our D. your18. Its head was bigger than of an average monkey.A. It B. That C. This D. those19. The population of Shanghai is about three times as large as of Nanjing.A. the one B. Ones C. That D. it20. She has two brothers but of them likes soccer.A. Both B. Neither C. Either D. none21. All is continuous supply of the basic necessities of life.A. what is needed B. the thing needed C. which we need D. that is needed22. If calls when I am out, ask him to leave me a message.A. anybody B. someone C. anything D. somebody23. Each student in my class is working as hard as can.A. They B. He C. It D. one24. He is the only one of those boys who willing to take responsibilities.A. ishis B. aretheir C. areones D. isits25. Is the climate of Italy ?A. similar like Florida B. somewhat similar to Florida C. so much like Florida D. somewhat like that of Florida26. When traveling, you are advised to take travelers checks, which provide a secure to carrying your money in cash.A. preference B. selection C. choice D. alternative27. The car well to the controls.A. responds B. corresponds C. replies D. reflects28. I stumbled.A. all in B. all but C. all over D. above all 29. The rain was heavy and the land was flooded.A. Consequently B. Continuously C. Constantly D. consistently30. The policemen went into action they heard the alarm.A. Presently B. promptly C. directly D. quicklyPart Reading Comprehension(220 points)Directions: There are 4 passages in this part. Each passage is followed by some questions or incomplete statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. You should decide on the best choice and then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet.Passage 1The United States is a sports loving nation. Sports in America take a variety of forms: organized competitive struggles, which draw huge crowds to cheer their favorite team to victory; athletic games, played for recreation anywhere sufficient space is found; and hunting and fishing. Most sports are seasonal, so that what is happening in sports depends upon the time of year. Some sports are called spectator sports, as the number of spectators greatly exceeds the number playing in the game.Baseball is the most popular sport in the US. It is played throughout the spring and summer, and professional baseball teams play well into the fall. Although no other game is exactly like baseball, perhaps the one most nearly like it is the English game of cricket.Football is the most popular sport in the fall. The game originated as a college sport more than 75 years ago. It is still played by almost every college and university in the country, and the football stadiums of some of the largest universities seat as many as 80,000 people. The game is not the same as European football or soccer. In American football there are 11 players on each team, and they are dressed in padded uniforms and helmets because the game is rough and injuries are likely to occur.Basketball is the winter sport in American schools and college. Like football, basketball originated in the US and is not popular in other countries. Many Americans prefer it to football because it is played indoors throughout the winter and because it is a faster game. It is a very popular game with high schools, and in more than 20 states, state wide high school matches are held yearly.Other spectator sports include wrestling, boxing, and horse racing. Although horse racing fans call themselves sportsmen, the accuracy of term is questionable, as only the jockeys who ride the horses in the races can be considered athletes. The so called sportsmen are the spectators, who do “not assemble” primarily to see the horse race, but to bet upon the outcome of each race. Gambling is the attraction of horse racing.31. Baseball is so popular in America that some professional teams play it until .A. spring B. summer C. fall D. winter 32. When playing football, American players are dressed in a special uniforms .A. to avoid unexpected injuries B. to play it like European football C. to make the game rough enough D. to look like professional players 33. Many Americans prefer basketball to football because.A. NBA games are very popular B. it is originated in the US C. it is much faster than football D. it is played indoors throughout winter 34. Horse racing fans cant be exactly considered as sportsmen because they .A. mainly stand and watch the races B. dont ride horse in the races C. are only interested in the results D. dont care who wins in the races 35. The underlined word “jockeys” in the last paragraph refers to .A. the person who bets upon the race B. the person who cares about horse racing C. the rider who enjoys watching the race D. the rider who competes in horse racingPassage 2In 1784, five years before he became president of the United States, George Washington, 52, was nearly toothless. So he hired a dentist to transplant nine teeth into his jawhaving extracted them from the mouths of his slaves.Thats a far different image from the cherry tree chopping George most people remember from their history books. But recently, many historians have begun to focus on the roles slavery played in the lives of the founding generation. They have been spurred in part by DNA evidence made available in 1998, which almost certainly proved Thomas Jefferson had fathered at least one child with his slave Sally Hemings. And only over the past 30 years have scholars examined history from the bottom up. Works of several historians reveal the moral compromises made by the nations early leaders and the fragile nature of the countrys infancy. More significantly, they argue that many of the Founding Fathers knew slavery was wrongand yet most did little to fight it.More than anything, the historians say, the founders were hampered by the culture of their time. While Washington and Jefferson privately expressed distaste for slavery, they also understood that it was part of the political and economic bedrock of the country they helped to create.For one thing, the South could not afford to part with its slaves. Owning slaves was “like having a large bank account,” says Wiencek, author of An Imperfect God: George Washington, His Slaves, and the Creation of America. The southern states would not have signed the Constitution without protections for the “peculiar institution,” including a clause that counted a slave as three fifths of a man for purposes of congressional representation.And the statesmens political lives depended on slavery. The three fifths formula handed Jefferson his narrow victory in the presidential election of 1800 by inflating the votes of the southern states in the Electoral College. Once in office, Jefferson extended slavery with the Louisiana Purchase in 1803; the new land was carved into 13 states, including three slave states.Still, Jefferson freed Hemingss childrenthough not Hemings herself or his approximately 150 other slaves. Washington, who had begun to believe that all men were created equal after observing the bravery of the black soldiers during the Revolutionary War, overcame the strong opposition of his relatives to grant his slaves their freedom in his will. Only a decade earlier, such an act would have required legislative approval in Virginia.36.George Washingtons dental surgery is mentioned to.A. show the primitive medical practice in the pastB. demonstrate the cruelty of slavery in his daysC. stress the role of slaves in the U.S. historyD. reveal some unknown aspect of his life37.We may infer from the second paragraph that.A. DNA technology has been widely applied to history researchB. in its early days the U.S. was confronted with delicate situationsC. historians deliberately made up some stories of Jeffersons lifeD. political compromises are easily found throughout the U.S. history38.What do we learn about Thomas Jefferson?A. His political view changed his attitude towards slavery.B. His status as a father made him free the child slaves.C. His attitude towards slavery was complex.D. His affair with a slave stained his prestige.39.Which of the following is true according to the text?A. Some Founding Fathers benefit politically from slavery.B. Slaves in the old days did not have the right to vote.C. Slave owners usually had large savings accounts.D. Slavery was regarded as a peculiar institution.40.Washingtons decision to free slaves originated from his.A. moral considerations B. military experienceC. financial conditions D. political standPassage 3For the past several years, the Sunday newspaper supplement Parade has featured a column called “Ask Marilyn”. People are invited to query Marilyn vos Savant, who at age 10 had tested at a mental level of someone about 23 years old; that gave her an IQ of 228the highest score ever recorded. IQ tests ask you to complete verbal and visual analogies, to envision paper after it has been folded and cut, and to deduce numerical sequences, among other similar tasks. So it is a bit confusing when vos Savant fields such queries from the average Joe (whose IQ is 100) as. Whats the difference between love and fondness? Or what is the nature of luck and coincidence? Its not obvious how the capacity to visualize objects and to figure out numerical patterns suits one to answer questions that have eluded some of the best poets and philosophers.Clearly, intelligence encompasses more than a score on a test. Just what does it mean to be smart? How much of intelligence can be specified, and how much can we learn about it from neurology, genetics, computer science and other fields?The defining term of intelligence in humans still seems to be the IQ score, even though IQ tests are not given as often as they used to be. The test comes primarily in two forms: the Stanford Binet Intelligence Scale and the Wechsler Intelligence Scales (both come in adult and childrens version). Generally costing several hundred dollars, they are usually given only by psychologists, although variations of them populate bookstores and the World Wide Web. Superhigh scores like vos Savants are no longer possible, because scoring is now based on a statistical population distribution among age peers, rather than simply dividing the mental age by the chronological age and multiplying by 100. Other standardized tests, such as the Scholastic Assessment Test (SAT) and the Graduate Record Exam (GRE), capture the main aspects of IQ tests.Such standardized tests may not assess all the important elements necessary to succeed in school and in life, argues Robert J. Sternberg. In his article “How Intelligent Is Intelligence Testing?”, Sternberg notes that traditional test best assess analytical and verbal skills but fail to measure creativity and practical knowledge, components also critical to problem solving and life success. Moreover, IQ tests do not necessarily predict so well once populations or situations change. Research has found that IQ predicted leadership skills when the tests were given under low stress conditions, but under high stress conditions, IQ was negatively correlated with leadershipthat is, it predicted the opposite. Anyone who has toiled through SAT will testify that test taking skill also matters, whether its knowing when to guess or what questions to skip.41.Which of the following may be required in an intelligence test?A. Answering philosophical questions.B. Folding or cutting paper into different shapes.C. Telling the differences between certain concepts. D. Choosing words or graphs similar to the given ones.42.What can be inferred about intelligence testing from Paragraph 3?A. People no longer use IQ scores as an indicator of intelligence.B. More versions of IQ tests are now available on the Internet.C. The test contents and formats for adults and children may be different. D. Scientists have defined the important elements of human intelligence.43.People nowadays can no longer achieve IQ scores as high as vos Savants because.A. the scores are obtained through different computational proceduresB. creativity rather than analytical skills is emphasized nowC. vos Savants case is an extreme one that will not repeat D. the defining characteristic of IQ tests has changed44.We can conclude from the last paragraph that.A. test scores may not be reliable indicators of ones abilityB. IQ scores and SAT results are highly correlatedC. testing involves a lot of guessworkD. traditional test are out of date45.What is the authors attitude towards IQ tests?A. Supportive.B. Skeptical.C. Impartial. D. Biased.Passage 4Its no secret that were into computers. And why not? On the Internet, we can catch up on news, plan vacations, pay bills and make friends. But for some, once they type their way onto the Internet, they just cant stop.Internet addiction(沉溺)can happen to anyone whos lonely, and that includes two surprising groups: college students and homemakers. Away from their families, home sick and overwhelmed, many college students seek connections on the computer. That wouldnt surprise administrators at Africa University. When a high number of their brightest freshmen were failing to maintain good grades, they realized half were using the Internet excessively(过度的)!They couldnt forbid it, because students needed it for schoolwork. So they provided counseling(咨询)to help students adjust to collegeand a year later, the number of web junkie flunkers(不及格的学生)dropped by half. And homemakers are prone to (有的倾向)addiction too, if theyre shy. But the more on line connection vulnerable (易受伤害的)people make, the more they may neglect the connections they hold dear in real life.In recent study, 51 percent of men and 42 percent of women named the Internet as one of the reasons theyre not getting enough sleep! And 68 percent of Internet addicts surveyed (被调查的)said their on line usage was destroying their relationships. The person will return to the computers at night instead of the bedroom and form cyberspace(网络空间)relationships with strangers instead of communicating with a spouse.There are steps to take to make sure your family doesnt get hooked (上瘾,入迷), such as:Putting the computer in a common area like a living room where you cant spend hour after uninterrupted hour on line; using a timer to limit on line time; joining a club or taking up a hobby. Anyone with balance and face to face contact with others isnt likely to get hooked.Your family member or friend could be a cyberholic(电脑狂)if: Theyre lying about how much time they spend on line. Theyre spending more and more time on line and less and less time with you. They get anxious when they try to cut back on on line time. Theyre losing sleep to go on line. 46. What can we do on the Inte


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