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PEP六年级上册Unit3教案设计PEP英语六年级PEP六年级上册Unit3 What are you going to do? 教学设计 一、学生分析: 1、小学生随着年级的增长举手回答问题的人越来越少,特别是六年级学生不敢举手或者不愿意举手回答问题。原因是小学生在英语课堂上自信心不足,从而导致不举手回答问题。 2、过三年多的学习已经拥有较强的自学能力,打下了较好的英语语言基础,具备小组合作学习和探究学习的能力。可以开始培养他们的自主学习。 二、内容分析: 本课时内容是将来时态”be going to”重点是询问并回答未来几天或周末的活动安排,主要句型是:”What are you going to do? Im going to ” 要求学生能在实际语言环境中熟练运用。 2重点与难点 听、说、认读 Lets read 部分的对话。 三、教学目标: 1、能够听、说、认读 Lets read 部分的对话; 2、能够根据对话内容回答文后的问题; 3、能够就自己20年后的理想状况进行讨论。 四、教学准备用具 小黑板、录音机、磁带、人物图片、职业卡片 教学实录 Step 1:温故知新,创设愉快学习氛围。,根据教材及小学生的年龄特点,我在进入新课前先让学生唱自编歌谣。如:(Chant) GS: What are going to do? (twice each time)Play football, Play football BS: Im going to ply football.(如此不断替换新词)这样不但可复习大量旧词组:take pictures, play chess, play games, plant tree, watch TV, go chopping, go hiking and so on 且可较好操练新句型。”What are you going to do? Im going to Step 2:站起来,你说我说大家说,提高自信心 自由问答(教师不点名,让学生勇敢站起来one by one 问答) Step 3:Game:Guessing:”What is she /he going to do? She /He is going to ” 增强学习的趣味性,导入新课。出示人名图片。(在背面写将要干的事情)(John, Amy.WuYifan,Zhang Peng Sarah) E.g. 一What is Amy going to do this weekend? Guess! 一 She is going to T: What is Sarah going to do this afternoon? Lets have a look.(卡片后没写任何东西) Oh, Theres nothing. Today Lets learn. Unis 3 B Lets read” and find out. Step 4:学习新课,讲究方法 1、Read and circle your new words.(学生共同找出新单词,并板书) NW:need , else , use plant trees some plants - 对比学习 plant shop / 2、Listen the tape and try to learn by yourself. a.First time: Just listen. b.Second time: listen and follow. c. Third time:listen and follow loudly. 3、Learn the new words and sentences.(ss try .T help and explain) 4、Reading a. Follow the teacher. b. Read together c.Read in group. (Use the way they like) (小组内可选择自己喜欢的方式读,教师指导阅读方式,强调语音、语调、语速) d.小组读书比赛,突破“读” 5、Writing Finish the exercises(课后练习和教师增加的课外题) More exercises: 5)What are you going to do this weekend? 6)What is your father going to do this afternoon? 7)What are you going to be in the future? Step 5: 课外拓展,施展才华,真我风彩/你演我演大家乐!(改编或照演Lets read 的对话) Eg:(学生编的内容) A:Hello,Peter,What are you going to do this weekend? B:Im going to the bookstore . I want to buy some comic books .What are you? A:Im going to the bookstore ,too. I want to buy some post cards. B:Lets go together. A:Great! B:When are we going? A:On Saturday morning. B:OK. A:See you then. Step 6 :小结本课内容 教学反思 本节课的内容我选自人教版PEP六年级上册Unit3 What are you going to do?的最后一课时;B Lets read,在备课的过程中,我对教材进行了一定的加工,根据学生的实际生活,延深、扩展了教材的内容。除了教授课文中的重点句型外,还扩充了句型的多人称变化及特殊疑问句what when where how在一般将来时的运用,同时让学生自主创设情境,操练所学过的语言文化知识。现将我对这节课的整体思路阐述如下: 一、 导入、呈现新内容较自然 在本节课中,我从轻松愉快的chant引入通过chant 引出主要句型同时复习大量的动词短语为本课所学的内容及拓展做好准备.让学生站起来,你说我说大家说,提高自信心 自由问答,有效激发学生的学习兴趣和信心!通过游戏Guessing增强学习的趣味性,自然导入新课。 二、 自主学习,发挥学生的表演才能,在真实的情景中灵活的运用英语。 英语作为一门语言,应体现它的交际功能,我一贯认为学生会应用英语是关键。给学生自由发挥的空间,通过小组合作学习新的语言,互相帮助努力完成共同的任务。通过小组之间的竞争有效激发他们的学习热情。让他们充分的发挥想象,运用所学的内容自编自演谈话场景。这样学生可以活学活用英语,同时也培养了学生的表演才能。有的学生极有想象力和创造力,能够有一些新点子自创情境,而且往往不局限于本节的内容。学生的表演的成功与否是我教学的落实与否的一大衡量标准。 PEP英语五年级PEP BOOK 5 UNIT 1第五六课时 第五课时: 一、教学目标与要求 1能听懂、会说:襑hos that young lady? Shes our principalIs she strict? Yes, she is/ No, she isnt?等句型并能在情景中熟练运用。 2能够完成本单元Lets check部分,对一个单元的学习进行阶段性评价。 二、教学重、难点分析 1本课时需要重点掌握的句型:Whos that young lady? Shes our principalIs she strict? Yes, she isIs she active? No, she isntShes quiet要求学生能在相似的情景中正确替换句中关键词,练习新语言。 2本课时的难点是一般疑问句“Is he / she . ?”及其肯定和否定回答。 三、课前准备 1教师准备一幅本课时的教学挂图。 2教师准备本课时所需的人物图片,最好是能够直接粘贴在黑板上的人物形象图片。 3教师和学生共同准备学校里一些教师的照片或图片。 4教师准备录音机及该课时录音带。 四、教学步骤和建议 1热身(Warm-up) (1)新编歌谣大比拼:让学生改编第四课时的歌谣,进行汇报演出,班内评选出最佳创意奖、最幽默奖、最贴切奖等。 (2)日常口语练习。可放本单元第一首歌谣的录音,让学生随节奏吟唱: A: My math teacher is very smart B: My English teacher has a kind heart C: My PEteacher is very strong D: My music teacher sings nice songs 2预习(Preview) 利用第四课时中学过的单词和句型:“Whos your principal? Miss LinIs she young? No, shes oldShes very kind”结合人物照片或图片替换句型中的关键词,复习上一课时所学的四会单词,并为本课时学习句型做好准备。 3新课呈现(Presentation) Lets talk (1)通过观看配套的教学VCD或者挂图,让学生对对话中的年轻校长有一定的感性认识,然后要求学生对该校长进行简单描述,再开始对话学习,重点把握strict, active, quiet这几个单词在句子中的意思。 (2)教师出示Lets talk部分三张替换图,描述其中一张的人物特征,让学生猜测是哪一位教师。三张图片分别表示的个性特征为smart, kind和funny。可让学生参照所给句型替换关键词,操练所学语言。再请几组学生做演示,其他学生做评价。 (3)听录音,跟读对话,指导学生口头操练一般疑问句“Is he / she . ?”及其肯定和否定回答。可在班内做“我的朋友是谁”的游戏。具体步骤如下:一名学生表述:I have a new friend教师引导大家用一般疑问句询问相关信息:A boy or girl? Is he / she tall / short / quiet / active . ? 直到最后猜出:Is he / she?游戏过程中该生始终回答:Yes, he / she is或No, he / she isnt Group work 教师在学生较为熟练地掌握了新句式后简单描述学生比较熟悉的某位教师,如:Shes our teacherShes kindWhos she? Guess! 请学生用一般疑问句发问,获得有关该教师更为详细的信息,如:Is she young? Is she pretty? 等等,然后作答,看哪位学生能最快猜出这位教师是谁。 Lets try 听录音,完成学生用书Lets try部分的练习。录音内容如下: Boy: Whos that man? Girl: Hes our new art teacher Boy: Hes so tall Girl: Yes Boy: Is he strict? Girl: Yes, but hes very funny Whos the man theyre talking about? Lets check 播放录音,让学生根据录音内容给四张小图排序,进行单元评价。录音内容如下: Girl: Whos your Chinese teacher? Boy: Mr WuHes short and strong Girl: Is he strict? Boy: Yes, but hes very kind Boy: Whos that woman? Girl: Shes our art teacher Boy: Shes very young Girl: YesShes a university student Girl: Look at that man! Is he your PEteacher? Boy: No, he isntHes our science teacher Girl: Hes tall and strong Boy: Yes, he is Boy: We have a new English teacher Girl: Whats he like? Boy: Hes old and funnyWe all like him 4巩固和延伸 (Consolidation and extension) (1)让学生做B Lets talk部分的活动手册配套练习。 (2)让学生听Lets talk部分的录音,读给朋友或家长听。 (3)让学生描述某位教师的体貌或个性特征,可以是学生所熟悉的教师,也可以是他们心目中的优秀教师形象。可参照语言:I want an English teacherShe is prettyShe speaks English wellShes tall and thinShes very funnyShes our friend 第六课时: 一、教学目标与要求 1能听懂、会说:I have a new math teacherHer class is so much funReally? Whats she like? Shes young and prettyShes a university student等句子并能在情景中正确运用。 2能够听、说、读、写两组四会掌握句子,并理解篇章意义。 3能够按照对方描述大体绘出人物形象,完成Talk and draw中的任务。 二、教学重、难点分析 1本课时需要重点掌握的句型:Is she quiet? No, she isntShes very activeIs she strict? Yes, she is, but shes very kind要求学生能在相似的情景中替换关键词,正确运用新句式,并重点掌握这两组四会句型的书写。 2本课时难点Task time是教材的选学部分,教师可根据教学实际安排学生课下以小组为单位制作贺卡,然后在班内展示。注意引导学生在展示时尽量多使用本单元所学新语言。 三、课前准备 1教师准备一幅本课时的教学挂图。 2教师准备本课时所需的人物图片,最好是能够直接粘贴在黑板上的人物形象图片。 3教师和学生共同准备学校里一些教师的照片或图片。 4教师准备录音机及录音带。 5学生准备本课时所需的单词卡片和人物卡片。 6教师和学生共同准备制作教师节贺卡的纸张和工具。 四、教学步骤和建议 1热身(Warm-up) (1)故事表演:让学生在课堂上表演自己编排的故事,教师要鼓励学生主动使用所学新语言。 (2)日常口语练习,内容可参考如下: A: Whos this man? B: Hes our new math teacher C: Is he strict? A: Yes, he is 2预习(Preview) 结合单词卡片复习所学的四会单词,可让学生进行口头拼读比赛。 3新课呈现(Presentation) Read and write (1)教师先让学生仔细看本部分挂图,请学生描述图中女教师,叙述错误也没关系,鼓励学生尽量多说。 (2)学生阅读对话,提出不理解的单词和句子,教师解答或请其他学生尝试解答。 (3)看挂图、听录音带跟读对话,注意理解和体会,然后完成句子填空。 (4)教师指导书写,让学生在练习本上仿写句子,可进行“看谁写得好”的竞赛活动。 Talk and draw 教师可以先请一名擅长画画的学生到黑板前做示范。请另一名学生口头描述某位教师,由擅长画画的学生根据描述画出这位教师的形象,画好后进行总结描述,并请全体学生进行评价。这项任务可以同桌练习,也可以小组完成。教师需注意不要让学生只着眼于绘画,要注意在画的过程中操练所学的对话。 Task time 这部分是本单元的选学部分,可视教学实际灵活安排。在时间充裕的情况下可以放在课内完成。教师要注意组织并引导学生完成任务,同时鼓励他们多使用所学语言。该项任务可以让学生独立完成,也可以由小组共同设计完成。在制作过程中,要注意培养学生的合作精神,鼓励学生尝试用英语解决问题、交流信息。 4巩固和延伸(Consolidation and extension) (1)让学生做B部分Read and write的活动手册配套练习。 (2)让学生听 Read and write部分的录音,读给朋友或家长听,并写一写四会句型。 (3)让学生参照Task time说一说,做一做,设计更多的卡片送给喜欢的教师。 (4)教师将学生设计的教师卡进行展览和评价。 PEP英语五年级PEP Book5 Unit3 Part B 教学详案 1.教学内容: Unit3 Part B “Lets Learn” & “Lets Chant”。 2.教学目标: 知识技能: a.能够听、说、读、写本课时的四会单词:tasty, salty, sweet, sour, fresh, 并认读单词healthy。 b.能够说唱歌谣,并能理解其含义。 c.了解与本课时有关的,学生想知道的词。 情感态度:感受学习生活中的英语的乐趣,体会英语就在身边感觉,延续孩子们学习英语的兴趣。 3.教学重点: 四会tasty, salty, sweet, sour, fresh五个单词。 4.教学难点:healthy的发音。 5.课前准备: 三杯刚用开水调的溶液(一杯里放稍多的盐,一杯里放稍多的糖,最后一杯里倒上一些醋);一把小汤匙;磁带(Song & learn);本单元的单词卡片;吸铁石;活动手册及其磁带;纸袋;两束野花(一束新鲜的,一束焉儿了的)。 6.教学步骤及说明:(注:内的为说明的内容) I. Warm-up: A. Sing the song “What Do You H*e For Lunch?”. B. Free talk: Ha! Boys and girls, what day is it today? What do you h*e on Fridays? Whats the weather like today? What do you h*e for lunch today? What about you? 主要为巩固此单元之前的一些主要句型及单词,将学生带入英语学习的氛围。 (Waiting) PEP英语五年级pep小学英语第五册教案(Unit3) 教学内容: Lets start Main scene Lets chant A. Lets learn Group work 教学目标: Be able to listen, say, read and write four-skills words: tomato, tofu, green beans fish, potato, eggplant. Can recognize the words: cabbage, mutton, pork. Grasp the drill: What would you like for lunch? Can listen and chant. 重点难点: Four-skills words and sentences. 教具准备: Recorder, tape, picture, cards, color pens, white papers.。 教学过程 Step I warm up Sing a song Review the words Review the structures: What would you like four lunch/? Id like Step Preview Listen and chant (Book4 unit6 B. Lets chant) Lets start T shows the picture then says: Im yummy to eat. Im yellow and long. I grow on the tree. My name begins with the letter as “bee”. What am I? (Let Ss guess: Whats this?) Step Presentation Lets learn a. Guess: Im yummy to eat. Im red and round. I grow on the ground. My name begins with the letter as “tea”. What am I? tomato b. T shows the word card, reads the word“tomato”, Ss read and spell it: t-o-m-a-t-o, tomato. c. Teach the other words. Play game: T: eggplant. Ss: purple T: red. Ss: tomato Listen to the tape and read the words: cabbage, tomato, tofu, eggplant, mutton, fish, potato, green beans. Have a race: Spell the four-skills words quickly. Lets chant Learn to chant: What would you like for lunch? 3. Group work Step IV Consolidation and extension Action 1: 编谜语 Action 2: 做调查( What would you like for breakfast/lunch/supper Id like) Do exercises Listen and repeat 教学反思 单词和句型在第四册中都以接触过,学生掌握较快;在一些名词的单复数上问题较多,主要表现可数和不可数名词以及词的变化上。 课 题: Unit3 Whats your favourite food? 教学内容: A .Lets try Lets talk Talk and match C. Lets sing 教学目标: Understand and be able to use: What do you have for lunch today? I have eggplant Understand the command and do. 能够了解中国一些传统食物所蕴含的文化。 重点难点: Important point: What do you have for lunch today? Difficult point: the difference between “What would you like for lunch?” with “What do you have for lunch today?” 教具准备: Recorder, tape, picture, word cards. 教学过程 Step I warm up Sing a song: “What Do You Have for Lunch?” Dialogue practice (S1-S2): S1: What would you like for lunch/? S2: Id like Step Preview 检查调查情况“What do you have for lunch/breakfast/dinner?” Lets try Listen and tick or cross: Amy: Im hungry. Chen Jie: What do you have for lunch today? Amy: I have green beans and tofu. Zhang Peng: Hi, John. What do you have for lunch today? John: I have cabbage and beef. Step Presentation Lets talk T: What would you like for lunch? Ss: T: What do you have for lunch today? T: I have T-S practise (2 )S-S practise. (3)Listen and read after the tape. Talk and match Good to know Step IV Consolidation and extension 找朋友: communicate each other with :“I have fish for lunch today. Do you have fish/pork? What do you have for lunch today?” 学生收集外国具有代表性的节日食物的信息。 Do exercise(Activity-book5) Listen to the tape and repeat. 教学反思 句型较容易,学生容易掌握,但在区分Id like 和 I like时要多加练习。 课 题: Unit3 Whats your favourite food ? 教学内容: A. Read and write Group work C. Lets sing 教学目标: Grasp the four-skills sentences: What do you have for lunch on Mondays? We have tomatoes, tofu and fish. Understand the dialogues of “Read and write”. understand and sing the song “What Do You Have for Lunch?” 重点难点: Four-skills sentences: What do you have for lunch on Mondays? We have 教具准备: Recorder, tape, picture, School Menu. 教学过程 Step I warm up Sing a song Daily dialogue: A: What day is it today? B: Its Monday. A: What do you have for lunch? B: I haveWhat about you? B: I have Step Preview Listen and chant(Book4 Recycle1) Step Presentation Read and write T asks: What day is it today? What do we have on Monday? What do you have on Mondays? Ss: T shows a School Menu: Lets see together. Ss communicate in groups, then make a School Menu. (T praises the best: That sounds good.) Listen and read after the tape, finish the sentences. Practise the new structures: What do you have for lunch on Mondays? We have 2. Group work Step IV Consolidation and extension 1.Action:幸运“52” Make a dialogue and play. Do exercise. Listen to the tape and repeat. 教学反思 本课要注意在实际情境中的实际运用,通过练习帮助学生掌握四会句子。 课 题: Unit3 Whats your favorite food? 教学内容: B. Lets learn Lets chant C. Story time 教学目标: Be able to listen, say, read and write four-skills words: tasty, salty, sweet, sour, fresh. Be able to recognize “healthy”. Understand and can listen and chant. Good to know the story. 重点难点: Important point: four-skills words. Difficult point: the pronunciation of“healthy”. 教具准备: Recorder, tape, picture, word cards. 教学过程 Step I warm up Sing a song Daily dialogue: What do you have for lunch on Mondays? I/We have Step Preview Sing and do“An Apple a Day”. Step Presentation Lets learn (1)T shows some fruits, let Ss say out. T: Yes, they are very fresh. Read the word“fresh”. (2)Sing a song“An apple a day keeps doctors away”. T: Yes, we must eat some fresh fruits to keep healthy. Ss read the word: healthy. (3)T shows some salty, sweet, sour, let Ss taste, then read the words. (4)T tastes the sweet and says:“ Mm, its tasty. Its my favorite.” Then let Ss taste and say“Its tasty. Its my favorite. ” (5)用不同的水果来操练句型“Its tasty.Its my favourite.” (6)教师出示三杯溶液,让一学生尝并做出面部表情,然后让其他学生猜单词。 (7)Listen to the tape and read the words. (8)T shows the word card quickly, Ss spell the words quickly. 2. Lets chant Step IV Consolidation and extension Action1:猜味道. Story time Do exercise. Listen to the tape and repeat. 让学生搜集有关食品的广告信 教学反思 应该让学生从实际的体验中来领会英语单词的含义,即使不能完全符合语法要求也让学生自己去体会。 课 题: Unit3 Whats your favourite food? 教学内容: B. Lets learn Lets chant C. Story time 教学目标: Understand and be able to say and use: Whats your favourite food? I/We like Understand the content of “Lets try”, finish the exercise alone. Make a advertisement. 重点难点: Important point: Whats your favourite food? I like Difficult point: the pronunciation of “favourite”. 教具准备: Recorder, tape, word cards, color pens. 教学过程 Step I warm up Sing a song“What Would You Like?” Daily dialogue: A: Do you like? B: Yes, theyre sweet/ No, theyre sour Step Preview Lets chant ?(Part B Lets chant) Lets try: Girl: Do you like bananas? Boy: Yes, theyre sweet. Boy: Do you like tomatoes? Girl: Yes, theyre fresh. Girl: Whats your favourite food? Boy: Beef, its healthy. Boy: Do you like ice-cream? Girl: Yes, its tasty. Step Presentation Lets talk T shows some food and says: I like chicken, beef and fish. T points the beef and says: I like beef. (Draw a smile face) T points the chicken and says: I like chicken better. (Draw two smile faces) T points the fish and says: I like fish best. (Draw three smile faces) So, my favourite food is fish. T shows the card and read: favourite, Whats your favourite food? T-S practise: Whats your favourite food?/I like S-s practice: Whats your favourite food/fruit/drink? I like Listen to the tape and read. Pair work Task time Step IV Consolidation and extension Action1: To be a advertiser Action2: Lets chant: Whats your favourite fruit? Lemons are my favourite fruit Do exercise. Listen to the tape and read 教学反思 多联系实际是最主要的教学方法,让学生从实际的生活中去体会英语学习的乐趣。 课 题: Unit3 Whats your favourite food? 教学内容: B.Read and write Group work C. Pronunciation Lets check 教学目标: Grasp the four-skills sentences: Whats your favourite fruit? I like apples. Theyre sweet. I dont like grapes. Theyre sour. Understand the dialogue in “Read and write”, then fill in the blanks. 理解字母组合的发音规则,读出相关的单词。 Finish “Lets check”. 重点难点: Important point: four-skills sentences. Difficult point: How to spell and write the word“favourite”. 教具准备: Recorder, tape, pictures. 教学过程 Step I warm up Lets sing“My New Teacher”. Daily dialogue: A: Whats your favourite food? B: I likeTheyreWhat about you? Step Preview Advertisement show S-s practices: Whats your favourite food/fruit? I like Step Presentation Read and write T shows an advertising picture, let Ss ask: Whats your favourite fruit? T: I like apples. They are sweet. (T takes out an apple and tastes.) T: I dont like grapes. They are sour. (T takes out grape and tastes.) Ss taste and practise the structures. T shows the picture and says: Look! Whats Zooms favourite food? Can he have it? Why? Lets listen to the t


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