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(18)阅读理解 七选五二1、根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。 A question brought me to the point of ending my life when I was fifty years old. My question was the simplest one that lies in every person. It is the question without which life is impossible: Why do I live? _Is there anything in my life that will not be destroyed by my death? These are the words of the famous Russian writer Leo Tolstoy. Many people ask these difficult questions. And they struggle to find meaning in their life. Tolstoy spent his whole life trying to answer difficult questions like these._ In the 1850s, Leo Tolstoy wrote his first stories. He wrote about his experiences in the military. He also told stories about when he was a child._He was finally successful. He earned respect from many wealthy and intelligent men, who talked a lot about faith and the meaning of life. But soon he found they were proud and they made very bad moral choices. _He opened a school for the children of people who worked on his land. They were very poor. He wanted to help them because he thought they were more honest than the wealthy people he knew. Tolstoy learned many things from his workers. He respected how they worked hard to provide for their families._So in 1862, Leo Tolstoy married a young woman named Sonya Behrs. The next 15 years were the best years of Tolstoys life. It was during this time that he wrote his most famous books- War and Peace and Anna Karenina. They communicate what he thought was the answer to all his questions- humans were supposed to live a simple life and take care of their families.A. These works were published and Tolstoy became a well-known writer.B. How can I realize my dream if I have one?C. Why do I wish for anything, or do anything?D. He gained a lot of inspirations which had great influence on his following actions.E. His search for answers influenced his writing.F. So in the 1860s, Tolstoy tried a different way to find the meaning of life.G. He began to believe that marriage and family would give his life meaning.2、 Where did your family eat dinner last night? In the car on the way to the gym? At McDonalds? Or at the dinner table? A survey conducted a few years ago found that 28% families ate dinner together at home seven nights a week. Another quarter said they ate together only three nights a week. Once upon a time, the situation was different._Plates, forks and spoons would be laid out. As dinner time approached, an increasing number of hungry mouths would begin to appear with the question, “Whats for dinner?”_The data seems to point to two main issues: overworked parents and overscheduled children. When parents get home in the evening, they are soon in the car again to send the children to learn soccer, music, and a host of other events. This nightly ceremony around thedinner table is both vital and fruitful;it is what keeps a family together. Sure, the conversation is notalwayssignificantand children argue.And sometimes the most meaningful time in a family is not at the table at all._The dinner table isthe place where a family builds the identity. Stories are passeddown,jokes areexchanged, and thewide world is examined through the lens(镜头)of the familys values. Children pick up the vocabulary and the sense of how a conversation is structured._Dinner time isfamily timeComing back daily to the same place helps gain the familiarity. The benefits of dinner time are more than above. Studies have shown that the more families eat together,the less likely the children are to smoke, drink, get depressed, and suffer from eating disorders, and the more likely they are to do well in school and learn how to socialize. One professor at Rutgers University in New Jersey stated, A meal is about civilizing children. _. So start to plan to stay at home for the family dinner together.A.During it, parents can teach them to be a member of their culture.B.Each night the dining table would be set with a simple cloth.C.Why not cut back on a few activities and have dinner with your family?D.What accounts for this decline in families eating together today?E.They also learn some good table manners, which will benefit them for life.F.It is important for children and parents to sit down together and get to know each other.G.However, there is still something unique about the time a family spends around the dinner table.3、 One day a professor entered the classroom and told the students about a surprise test. After hearing that, all students were seated and waited for the test to begin._Once he finished handing out the papers to all the students, he asked them to turn over the test pages and begin. The students were confused to see that there was not a question but just a black dot in the center of the page. The professor noticed the students facial expressions and told them, I want you to write about what you see there.”_At the end of the class, the professor took all the answer sheets back and started reading each answer from each sheet in front of all students. All of them described the black dot and tried to explain its position, etc. _ The professor began to explain, “Dont worry. I am not going to give you grades for this,but I just want you to think about something. Here everyone focused on the black dot and wrote about it, but no one wrote about the white paper._The white paper represents our whole life and the black dot represents problems in our life.” “Our life is a gift given to us by God with love and care, and we always have reasons to celebrateour friends around us, the jobs that provide us with our livelihood, and the miracles we see every day.” “_But we never see that these problems are very small compared with everything we have in our life.”A.The test paper is like our life.B.Instead, you should be responsible for what you did.C.The students were still confused but started to write.D.After the professor finished reading, the whole class was silent.E.Luckily, research shows there is a lot you can do to avoid those moments.F.Still we just focus on day-to-day problems like health issues and a lack of money.G.Then, the professor gave the test papers to all students with text facing down at the desk.4、根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。 When I was a child, I often dreamed of the time when I could leave home and escape to the city. We lived on a farm. Especially in the winter we wear quite out off from the outside world. As soon as I left school, I packed my bags and moved to the capital. However,_ _It costs so much to go out, not to mention basics like food and housing. Another disadvantage is pollution. I suffer from a kind of throat illness, and the air is so bad that I am afraid to go outside. _Although I have a car, I seldom use it because of the traffic jams. One choice is to go by bicycle, but that can be quite dangerous. _First, there is so much to do in the city, whatever your taste in culture or entertainment. Besides, there are wonderful jobs and greater chances of moving to a more important job or position. Finally, if you like shopping, the variety of goods is very surprisingand, what is more, shops are often only a short walk away. Is life better then, in the city? Perhaps it is, when you are in your teens or twenties. However, as you get older, the peace of the countryside may seem preferable. _A.One big disadvantage is money.B.Of course there are advantages.C.Besides, I was used to the city life.D.Then there is the problem of traveling round.E.I can remember the life on the farm forever.F.I certainly hope to move back to the countryside soon.G.I soon discovered that my life has its disadvantage too.5、 I was ten when I first sat with my grandmother behind the cashier(收银台) in hergeneral store._I quickly learned the importance of treating customers politely and saying “thank you.” At first I was paid in candy._I worked every day after school, and during the summer and on weekends and holidays from 8 a.m. to 7 p.m. My father helped me set up a bank account. _ By the time I was 12, my grandmother thought I had done such a good job that she promoted me to selling cosmetics(化妆品). I developed the ability to look customers directly in the eye. Even though I was just a kid, women would ask me such things as “What color do you think I should wear?” I took a real interest in their questions and was able to translate what they wanted into makeup(化妆) ideas._ The job taught me a valuable lesson: to be a successful salesperson, you didnt need to be a rocket scientistyou needed to be a great listener._Expect they are no longer women buying cosmetics from me; instead, they are kids who tell me which toys they would like to see designed and developed.A.Later I received 50 cents an hour. B.Before long, she let me sit there by myself.C.I endedmy selling a record amount of cosmetics.D.Today I still carry that lesson with me: I listen to customers.E.My grandmas trust taught me how to handle responsibility.F.Soon I found myself looking more beautiful than ever before.G.Watching my money grow was more rewarding/worthy than anything I could have bought.G.Thatcher was well-known.as a female leader.6、Tips on buying outdoor solar lights As solar lighting is becoming useful for homes, many different such outdoor lights can now be found in supermarkets. Here are some helpful tips for customers.Does your area receive enough direct lighting?So you shouldnt even give it a thought if you live in an area that doesnt get much sunlight. These lights need direct sunlight, or they just wont work very well. The expensive one usually means good quality. Choosing the cheapest ones will result in many problems. For once, its best to buy more expensive lights of high quality. At least you should know the difference between a $ 10 light and a $ 45 light.Buy lights that require less installation(安装) . Most solar lights are simply driven into the ground. Therefore, you shouldnt deal with the difficulty in installing a system that involves anything more than that. You dont need to buy lights that require half an hour each to plant into the ground because thats just a waste of time.Make sure the lights can store enough energy.Different solar lights can store different amounts of energy. Therefore, you should choose lights that are able to store enough energy to last for a few hours or more, at least those that will last from nightfall throughout most of the night and part of the morning.A. Without sunlight, solar lighting is useless.B. Buy many solar lights instead of just one or two.C. It means some will stay lit longer than the others.D. Choose something a bit more expensive for once.E. Solar lights are becoming more and more popular.F. That doesnt mean you have to spend all your money.G. They should take a few minutes each to get into the ground.7、 For the rest of March, a disease will sweep across the US. It will keep kids home from school.Employees will suddenly lose their ability to concentrate. The disease, known as March Madness , refers to the yearly 65-team US mens college basketball tournament (联赛).Teams compete againsteach other in a single-elimination (单局均汰) tournament that eventually crowns a national champion. Nearly 20 million Americans will find themselves prisoners of basketball festival madness. The fun comes partly from guessing the winners of every game. Friends compete against friends.Colleagues gainst bosses. Big-name schools are usually favored to advance into the tournament. But each year there are dark horses from litde-known universities. This adds to the madness. Watching a team from a school with 3,000 students beat a team from a school with 30,000, for many Americans, is an exciting experience. Two years ago, the little-known George Mason University was one of the final four teams. College basketball players are not paid, so the game is more about making a name for their university and themselves.About $ 4 billion will be spent gambling (赌博) on the event. According to Media Life magazine, the event will bring in $ 500 million in advertising income this year, topping the post-season income of every US professional league, including that of the NBA.A.The players will go all out for the games.B.Husbands against wives.C.But that doesnt mean money isnt involved.D.College students will ignore piles of homework.E.It begins on March 15 and lasts through the beginning of April.F.People are willing to spend more money on watching it.G.Many people had never even heard of the university before the tournament.答案以及解析1答案及解析:答案:C; E; A; F; G解析:语篇解读本文介绍了托尔斯泰在成功道路上对人生和人性的深入思考,而这些思考成就了这位文豪。1.C细节句。根据空前空后的问题以及下文信息可知,这些问题是托尔斯泰对人生意义的思考,故选C。2.E过渡句。本题出现在段末,既可能是本段的总结句,也可能是引出下文的过渡句。根据下一段的首句可知,托尔斯泰对这些问题的思考影响了他的写作,故E项符合。3.A过渡句。由上文信息可知,托尔斯泰写了很多有关自己的故事,下文谈到他最终成功了。故A项符合上下文。4.F过渡句。上文提到了托尔斯泰贏得了许多富人和智者的尊敬,但是他很快发现他们自负而且做出了许多不道德的选择,本段下文提到了托尔斯泰办学,由此判断,F项符合,表示他尝试了一种不同的方式来发现生命的意义。5.G 细节句。由下文信息“Leo Tolstoy married a young woman” 可知,G 项信息中的“marriage and family”与之匹配,故选G。2答案及解析:答案:B; D; G; E; A解析:语篇解读本文介绍了晚饭时家庭聚餐的重要性1.B细节句。根据空后句可知,晚餐时桌子上会摆放盘子,刀叉等餐具。B项与后句衔接,符合题意。2.D主旨句。根据空后句可知,数据中指出了两个主要问题,由此判断,空格处应为询问问題出现的原因,因此D项(什么是现在家庭聚餐减少的原因呢?)符合题意。3.G过渡句。上文信息表示有时候家庭中最有意义的时刻并不是在餐桌旁,以及下文信息表示餐桌是一个能够构建家庭认同感的地方, 由此判断,餐桌仍然能给家人带来一些不一样的东西。故G项符合上下文。4.E细节句。根据前文信息可知,孩子会在餐桌旁学会一些东西.因此E选项中的“They also leam some good table manners(孩子们也能学会一些好的餐桌礼仪)”符合题意,故选E。5.A 细节句。根据空前句“ A meal is about civilizing children.”可知,一顿饭是关于教化孩子的。A项是对上文信息的解读,故选A。3答案及解析:答案:G; C; D; A; F解析:1. G 细节句。由空后信息“he asked them to tum over the test pages可知,此处教授要求学生把试卷翻过来,由此判断,之前教授要求学生把试卷反扣在桌子上,故G项信息“with text facing down at the desk”与之匹配.2. C过渡句。由上文信息“The tudents were confused to see”以及下文提到的学生们的答题情况判断,学生此时还是一头雾水,故C项符合语境3. D 细节句。由上文信息.started reading each answer from each sheet in front of all students”可知,教授在全班同学前读每一份答案,D项信息“After the professor finished reading”与上文匹配,故选 D。4.A 过渡句。由下文信息“The white paper represents our whole life and the black dot represents problems in our life”判断,教授想由这次考试让学生联想到生活,故A项符合上下文。5.F 过渡句。由下文信息“But we never see that these problems are very sma


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