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The Course of Comprehensive Skills (2),Unit 1,Section One Tactics for Listening,Part 1 PhoneticsStress, Intonation and Accent,Notes Stress: the degree of force or loudness with which a part of a word is pronounced Intonation: rise and fall of the pitch of the voice in speaking, esp as this affects the meaning of what is said 语音的抑扬; 语调; 音调: Accent: national, local or individual way of pronouncing words e.g. I dont want black tea. I want one cup of black coffee. Choose the right answer. 1. _ 2. _3. _4. _ 5. _,a,b,a,b,b,Part 2 Listen and Note-taking,Driving Carefully Focus 1. selecting key words 2. arranging notes in a logical way 3. writing as rapidly and neatly as possible,Driving Carefully,Notes van (van truck): a truck with an enclosed cargo space运货车,(载客的)面包车,Driving Carefully,zebra crossing: street crossing where pedestrians have right of way; often marked in some way especially with diagonal stripes 斑马线 overtake: catch up with and surpass 追上,超过,Driving Carefully,A: Fill in the missing information. 1. Drive _ and _ when _ are about. 2. _ pedestrians _ are either _ . 3. Be _ near a parked _ _ are more _ in ice-cream than in _. 4. When coming to a _, be ready to _ or _ to let people _. 5. You must _ once they have _ onto a _.,carefully,pedestrians,Three out of four,killed,under fifteen or over sixty,ice-cream van,children,zebra crossing,traffic,slow down,stop,stepped,crossing,give way,slowly,careful,interested,cross,Driving Carefully,B: Complete the following outline. I. Look out for pedestrians A. Drive carefully at _. B. Drive carefully near a _. C. Drive carefully near a _. II. Look out for the young, the old and the disabled A. _ pedestrians killed or seriously injured are either _. B. The young and the elderly may not _. C. Give them, and the infirm, _or, or _ people, plenty of _ to _.,crowded shopping streets,bus stop,parked mobile shop,Three out of four,under fifteen or over sixty,judge speeds very well,blind,disabled,time,cross the road,Driving Carefully,III. Look out for children A. Stop at a _. B. Drive slowly near a _. IV. Coming to a zebra crossing A. _ to let people cross. B. _other driver that you mean to slow down or stop. C. Never _ just before a zebra crossing,StopChildren sign,parked ice-cream van,Slow down or stop,Signal to,overtake,Section Two Listening Comprehension,Dialogue 1 Making Arrangements,Listen to the conversations and tick the right box and fill in the relevant information.,The hall has been hired.,To find someone to do it.,The sound system & records will be delivered by a local company next week.,The drinks will be delivered next week.,To have it done by the caterers in the village.,They are printed & will be sent soon.,Dialogue 2 Fast Food Survey,Dialogue 2 Fast Food Survey,A: Listen to the first part of the survey and tick the right box.,Dialogue 2 Fast Food Survey,B: Listen to the rest part of the survey and answer the question. What is the respondents opinion about fast food in terms of convenience, nutrition, speed, cost and impact on the environment? It is convenient and fast, thought it doesnt taste as good as food in good a restaurant. However it is bad to ones health because there are not enough vegetables. It is also quite an expensive way of eating, but youre paying for the convenience. And it creates litter because in the packaging there is a lot of paper, plastic and sometimes polystyrene involved.,Part 2 Passage Snack,Snack,Notes 7- Elevens Since 1927, 7-ELEVEn has been a leader in convenience retailing. 7-ELEVEn pioneered the convenience store concept back in 1927 in Dallas, Texas. In addition to selling blocks of ice to refrigerate food, an enterprising ice dock employee began offering milk, bread and eggs on Sundays and evenings when grocery stores were closed. This new business idea produced satisfied customers and increased sales, and convenience retailing was born! Today, 7-ELEVEn is the undisputed leader in convenience retailing with more than 30,000 stores operating in the U.S. and 18 other countries and total sales of more than $43 billion in 2005.,Snack,Notes Step out: 快步走出去 Perk up: gain or regain energy .(使)振作 Distract from:转移(注意力),使分心 Pick-me-up: a drink or medicine that makes you feel happier and gives you more energy 提神饮料,兴奋剂 Munch: vt.大声嚼 Tame: make (sth) tame or manageable 使(某 物)驯服或顺从,Snack,A: Pre-listening discussion Do you have a habit to have a snack in the afternoon? If you do, what would you like to have? a soda or a bag of chips; a piece of cake; a sandwich; a small bag of tomatoes; a small bag of apple slices; a serving of nuts; a glass of low-fat-milk; a serving of crackers, etc.,Snack,B: Choose the best answer. 1. _ 2. _ 3. _ 4. _ 5. _ 6. _ 7. _ 8. _ C: Listen and answer the questions. 1. What can be a dangerous habit? Using food to change your feelings. 2. How would you deal with loneliness? If you feel lonely, dont reach into the refrigerator. Call a friend. 3. What can be a perfect pick-me-up? A serving of nuts.,A,D,B,C,D,B,C,A,Part 3 News,Focus 1. International business 2. News summary 3. Selecting specific information,News Item 1,Notes Slash: cut or reduce (sth) drastically 大幅度裁减或削减(某物) Be listed on: 允许公司上市,交易 Take a beating: 投资受挫,失败 Global slump: 全球经济衰退 Appreciation: increase in value 增值; 涨价,News Item 1,A: Listen to the news item and complete the summary. This news item is about _. B: Listen to the news item again and decide whether the following statements are true or false. 1. _ 2. _ 3. _ 4. _ 5. _,Sonys first loss in 14 years,F,F,T,F,T,News Item 1,The Japanese electronic giant Sony has slashed its annual earnings forecast again. Its expected to report an annual operating loss of almost 3 billion dollars. The company had previously forecast a profit of 2 billion dollars. If confirmed, this would be Sonys first loss in 14 years, the second only since the company was listed on the Tokyo stock exchange in 1958. Like other Japanese exporters, Sony is taking a beating from the global slump. The yens appreciation also means less profit - as the company gets 80 percent of its sales from overseas.,News Item 2,The World Trade Organization (WTO) is the only global international organization dealing with the rules of trade between nations, designed to supervise and liberalize international trade. At its heart are the WTO agreements, negotiated and signed by the bulk of the worlds trading nations and ratified in their parliaments. The goal is to help producers of goods and services, exporters, and importers conduct their business. The WTO came into being on 1 January 1995;The WTO has 153 members, which represents more than 95% of total world trade. The WTO is governed by a Ministerial Conference, which meets every two years; a General Council, which implements the conferences policy decisions and is responsible for day-to-day administration; and a director-general, who is appointed by the Ministerial Conference. The WTOs headquarters is in Geneva, Switzerland.,News Item 2,A: Listen and complete the news summary. This news item is about _ _.,a world Trade Organization meeting on reducing taxes and government farming aid,News Item 2,B: Listen and fill in the blanks with what you hear. The trade ministers have been the issue of _ important taxes and government aid for certain services, especially _. Major agricultural exports like the Unites States, Australia and _ want all import duties cut to an average of 25%. Importers such as the European Unions, Japan and some _ countries say import taxes should be cut by some _ based on the country.,debating,reducing,farming,Brazil,developing,reasonable percentage,News Item 2,World Trade Organization ministers are meeting in Montreal*, Canada. The trade ministers have been debating the issue of reducing import taxes and government aid for certain services, especially farming. Major agricultural exporters like the United States, Australia and Brazil want all import duties cut to an average of 25%. Importers such as the European Unions, Japan and some developing countries say import taxes should be cut by some reasonable percentage based on the country. The United States and European Unions are under pressure to reach a farming agreement that other WTO members can support. The WTO is also divided on the issue of providing necessary drugs to poor countries.,News Item 3,Notes Resume: begin (sth) again or continue (sth) after stoppingfor a time 重新开始(某事物); (停顿後)继续进行 Underlying issue: 有争议的问题 Transit fees: 过境运输费用,News Item 3,A: Listen and summarize the news item This news item is about _ B: Listen again and answer the questions: 1. What was the condition on which Russian would agree to resume its gas supply to Europe. _ _ 2. When did Russia give that key demand? _,the crisis between Russian and Ukraine in terms of gas supply.,Ukraine would allow Russian monitors to check the volume of Russian gas entering and exiting Ukraine.,on Thursday night.,News Item 3,3. Would Ukraine accept the deal? _ 4. What was the underlying issue that caused the switch-off in the first place? _ _ 5. Is the crisis between Russian and Ukraine settled? why? _,Yes, Ukraine would accept the deal.,The underlying issue was how much Ukraine should pay Russia for the gas it consumes, and how much Russia should pay Ukraine in return, in transit fees.,No, it isnt. Until that issue is resolved, this crisis is far from settled. .,News Item 3,Russian gas could soon be flowing back into Europe. A spokesman for Naftogaz, the Ukrainian state energy company, told the BBC that Ukraine would accept the presence of Russian monitors as part of a broader EU mission to check the volume of Russian gas entering and exiting Ukraine. This appeared on Thursday night to be the key demand from Moscow, the condition on which Gazprom, the Russian energy giant, would agree to turn on the taps. But, even if the deal is accepted by all sides and gas flows to Europe resume, there are still difficult negotiations ahead on the underlying issue that caused the switch-off in the first place: how much Ukraine should pay Russia for the gas it consumes, and how much Russia should pay Ukraine in return, in transit fees. Until that issue is resolved, this crisis is far from settled.,Section Three Oral Work,Oral Work,Focus Retelling Notes Cuckoo Clock 布谷鸟钟(报时似布谷鸟叫声的钟),Grandmother Clock,落地式座钟 ( 尺寸约为 grandfather clock 三分 之二的高木匣摆钟 ),Grandfather Clock,落地式大摆钟,Section Four Supplementary Work,Passage 1 World Sight Day,A. Complete the following sentences. 1. The World Sight Day is on October 9th . 2. The World Health Organization says in eight out of ten cases, blindness can be cured or avoided. 3. A campaign called Vision 2020 aims at the prevention of blindness. 4. The blindness that can be cured or avoided mostly occurs in developing nations.,Passage 1 World Sight Day,B. complete the following outline. 1. Name: Cataracts Treatment: A simple operation can remove cataracts. 2. Name: Trachoma Treatment: Antibiotic medicines and an operation can correct the damage. 3. Name: River blindness Treatment: The drug Mexican can control the disease. 4. Malnutrition leads to a lack of vitamin A. Treatment: Food and medicines with ample vitamin A can cure the disease.,Passage 2 Tips to Healthy Eating and Physical Activity,Background Information The Food Guide Pyramid The current USDA food pyramid,The 1992 food pyramid diagram,aerobic activity/aerobic exercise,Aerobic exercise refers to exercise that involves or improves oxygen consumption by the body. Aerobic means “with oxygen“, and refers to the use of oxygen in the bodys metabolic or energy-generating process. Many types of exercise are aerobic, and by definition are performed a


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