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科普版四年级英语,Lesson 2 Read,谢玲,What colour are Mrs Cows bananas?,南召向东小学,Can you say any animals? 2.How many fruits(水果)can you say?,Revision,一、设疑自探 Hi, boys and girls There is a party in the forest(森林). What do you want to know(知道)? What question do you want to ask?,问题梳理:,1.How many animals ? Who are they? 2.How many fruits(水果)? 3. What colour are the fruits?,自探提示(一): 1、自学:先自读故事,将不会的词句画下来,能利用单词表的先自己拼读,初步理解课文。6号同学记录不会的单词,并写在纸上。 2、合作:将第6名同学写出的生词,每人读一个,注意相互正音。注意:只试读一遍,将生词交给老师。 展示读单词: 1、小组6号试读单词,5号补充。,hair /h / sock /sk/ his /hiz/ shorts /:ts/ 5.orange /rind / 6.shoe /u:/ 7.nut /nt/,头发,短袜,他的,短裤,橘子;橘色的,鞋,Which one can you read?,坚果,Lets say,sock sock a pair of socks My socks are orange,shoe shoe a pair of shoes My shoes are ,shorts shorts a pair of shorts My shorts are,nut nut a yellow nut My nut is.,hair hair the dolls hair Her hair is ,自探提示(二): 1、读课文,组长先领读一遍,一人一句翻译课文。小组展示。 2、回答设疑自探中的问题。自由展示。,质疑再探: Do you have any questions ? (关于本课你还有想问的问题吗?),In the forest there is a party,look, _ ! Her hair is _.her _are red,too. Mr Monkey has(有)a _, his _is brown,too. Mrs Cow has bnanas, her_ are yellow,too. Mr Panda has a pear, his _ are green,too. Miss Cat has_, her _ are orange.,red,socks,nut,shirt,trousers,shorts,oranges,shoes,拓展练习,1.Let me tell you (让我给你讲故事),2自编题: 你还能编一道与本课相关有关颜色的问题吗? 在小组内


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