《fun time 1 recycle 1》课件小学英语人教(精通)版三年级起点(郝建平主编)五年级下册(2013年11月第1版)(1)_第1页
《fun time 1 recycle 1》课件小学英语人教(精通)版三年级起点(郝建平主编)五年级下册(2013年11月第1版)(1)_第2页
《fun time 1 recycle 1》课件小学英语人教(精通)版三年级起点(郝建平主编)五年级下册(2013年11月第1版)(1)_第3页
《fun time 1 recycle 1》课件小学英语人教(精通)版三年级起点(郝建平主编)五年级下册(2013年11月第1版)(1)_第4页
《fun time 1 recycle 1》课件小学英语人教(精通)版三年级起点(郝建平主编)五年级下册(2013年11月第1版)(1)_第5页
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Unit 3 We should obey the rules,Revision,A social studies trip,任务箱,任务箱,Be quiet,No crossing,Look out,Keep off the grass,No littering,help old people,Dont pick flowers,Dont make noise,signs,Task(任务): Please put the signs in the right places.,Keep your room clean,Play on the street,Go home late,Read in bed,hospital,They come to a hospital.,Be quiet!,She wants to tell people, “_”,The rabbit puts her sign in front of the hospital.,_,Be quiet,Be quiet = You must be quiet. 你必须保持安静,Busy street,hospital,Busy street,The dog puts his sign near the street to tell people, “_” Mimi holds up a sign to tell people, “_”,No crossing!,No crossing,Look out!,Look out,No crossing=You mustnt cross. 你不能横穿.,Look out=You must look out. 你必须当心,Busy street,park,hospital,They come to a beautiful park.,The panda holds up a sign to tell people,Mickey holds up a sign to tell people, “_”,“_”,Keep off the grass,Keep off the grass,No littering,No littering=You mustnt litter. 你不能乱扔垃圾。,No littering,Now, Mickey feels hungry. He _. Then, he throws the banana skin on the ground.,throw 扔 ground 地上,eats a banana,Whats wrong with Mickey? What are his classmates saying to him?,No littering,park,Busy street,hospital,school,3,2,1,4,5,6,Task: Make rules in group,Classroom Rules,Supermarket Rules,Passageway Rules 楼道规则,Bus Rules,Library Rules,Scenic areas Rules 景区规则,We must obey the rules all the time and we must be a good mannered student. 我们一定要时刻遵守各项规则,一定要做一个懂规矩的好学生。,任务


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