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6 B Project 1,Do you want to know me well?,Who is she?,I get up early.,I go to bed late.,I eat a lot of meat.,I dont like drinking water.,I walk on the pavement.,I cross the road carefully.,Read and find:,Talk in groups, finish this table. 小组讨论,完成表格,get up early have breakfast every day,go to school early help her classmates finish her homework before dinner,wait for the green man,watch TV after school eat a lot of meat for lunch and dinner,say“good morning”to his teachers. do his homework in the evening.,wait for the green man sometimes run quickly on the road.,Who is a good student? Amy or John?,Lets have a debate(辩论).,Tips : 1、小组讨论,支持自己的观点。 2、可能用到的句型: I think,because I dont think so. 3、 每次每人说一个观点, 不要重复别人的话语。,Who is a good student?,John has many bad habits, but it doesnt mean he is a bad student. Can you give him any suggestions? What makes a good student ?,Tips : 小组讨论,给John 提建议。 可能用到的句型: A good student should/must/mustnt,Everyone has so many good habits, If you can get rid of your bad habits , learn from the others, try your best to be a good student, you must be a good student!,每个人有很多好习惯, 如果你们可以改掉坏习惯, 互相取长补短,努力去做好学生, 你们一定会成为好学生!,Do you want to be a good student ?,How can you be a good student ?,He is a bad soldier who doesnt dream of becoming a general.,不想当将军的士兵不是好士兵。,Talk in groups.,Tips : 1、小组讨论. 2、把讨论的内容写在所给的卡纸上, 尽量美观。 3、每组选派一名同学展示介绍, 把卡纸放到黑板上相对应的版块。,How can you be a good student ?,Just do it.,I believe all of you will be better and better !,There is a will , there is a way ! 有志者事竟成!,Make a plan of your habits . keep your good habits, get rid of your bad habits ,


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