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Unit 3 Asking the way (Sound time,Culture time &Cartoon time),Play a game,Rules(规则): 大声说出闪过的图片内容。,Look and say,Go along and turn . at You can see./ The shoe shop is,Moon Street,How does she get to the shoe shop ?,Tips:同桌讨论如何指路,下面的句子会对你有帮助哦!,Sound time,sheep ship shoe shop,sh / /,Can you say some other words?,你能说出还有哪些单词中sh发/ /,你能根据发音规律读出以下单词吗?,sharp(锋利的),shy(害羞的),shift(变化),shell(贝壳),shape(形状),Cartoon time,film 电影,How do they go to the cinema?,Guess,How do they go to the cinema?,Watch and answer,Read and answer,Q1: Why dont they take the bus? Q2: Do they get to the cinema by taxi? Why? Q3: Do they see the film at last(最后)? Why?,Tips:小组内讨论回答问题,在文中划出相关的句子吧。,Why dont they take the bus?,Read and answer,full 满的;饱的,Traffic jam 交通堵塞,Read and answer,Do they get to the cinema by taxi? Why?,Read and answer,Do they see the film at last(最后)? Why?,over 结束了;完了,Lets read,注意:人物的语气、动作和表情哦!,Read together. (齐读),Read in roles. (分角色读),Tips: 小组内自由朗读,人人参与, 可以多人同读一个角色哦!,Read and act,Bobby and Tina want to . First, they .Next, they . Then, they . Finally, they .,Retell the story,Tips:小组内试着复述故事,可以每人说一句哦!,What can we do to stop the traffic jam? (我们能做什么来减少交通堵塞?),Think and discuss,Tips:组内讨论,给些建议吧!,toilet 厕所;卫生间,Culture time,restroom 厕所;卫生间,rest 休息,Culture time,Culture time,In China,we call a “toilet” :“厕所“,“卫生间“,“洗手间“,“更衣室“,“化妆间“.,Culture time,英美说法不同的单词,电影 film movie 橡皮 rubber eraser 电影院 cinema movie theater 信件 letter mail 商店 shop store 出租车 cab taxi,Summary,2. Talk about the way from your home to your schoo


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