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Section Warming Up,Pre-reading, Reading & Comprehending课后篇巩固提升一、用方框内所给短语的适当形式填空die outpay attention toprotect.fromburst into laughterdo harm tohave an effect onin dangerin reliefsucceed inin peace1.Think of the movies,books,teachers,and friends that you most deeply.答案have an effect on2.Many animals have because of much killing and hunting.答案died out3.Do you think that work without rest will your health?答案do harm to4.We all when we saw the funny performance.答案burst into laughter5.The doctor told the parents that their son was injured badly,and was still .答案in danger6.We should take measures to the lake pollution.答案protect;from7.You are to your work because you are wise and hardworking.答案succeed in8.People wont you when they still have a lot of ideas of their own crying for expression.答案pay attention to9.Not until we succeed in letting wildlife live in peace,can we smile .答案in relief10.Dont bother me;just let me stay here .答案in peace二、单句语法填空1.Nature deserves our (protect) because we are part of it.答案protection2.It never occurred to him that his carelessness could do such great (harm) to himself.答案harm3.He prefers to live a (peace) life in the countryside.答案peaceful4.Do you know the task is very (danger)?答案dangerous5.(2017江苏)In southern Spain the sudden (increase) of greenhouses (which reflect light back to space) has changed the warming trend locally,and actually cooled the region.答案increase6.When we heard the joke,all of us burst out (laugh).答案laughing7.His question failed to get (respond)from his students.答案response8.Dont worry,Mom.The doctor said it was only the flu.What relief!Ill tell Dad theres nothing serious.答案a9.They were (succeed) in achieving both aims.答案successful10.(2017江苏)Far from charging consumers high prices,many of these services are free (users pay, effect,by handing over yet more data).答案in11.(2017全国)He posted his offer on a social networking website,and received thousands of e-mails,(include) thirty from actual Elizabeth Gallaghers with the right passports.答案including12.The films which (affect)us many years ago still have effect on our children.答案affected;an13.Great attention must (pay)to developing education,especially in the countryside.答案be paid14.In order to make money,some farmers often hunted some (endanger) species and killed them without mercy.答案endangered15.I would greatly appreciate if you would send me the application forms as soon as possible.答案it三、选词填空(可变换形式)pay no attention tohuntaffectin dangeras a resultprotectionnature reservedie outHuman beings must solve many problems so that they can continue to live successfully.Most problems can be solved,but some are impossible to solve.The way in which people solve problems 1. how long and how well they can live.In the past,people could go to wild areas to see nature,and they also could 2.,camp or fish.And governments also encouraged their people to enjoy themselves,3. the environment.4.,people are faced with a serious problem5. of wildlife.Just because some species have 6. and may never live with us and some are really 7.,the government has taken measures quickly to protect wildlife and created 8.But there is still a long way to go.答案1.affects2.hunt3.paying no attention to4.As a tection6.died out7.in danger8.nature reserves四、阅读理解AHave you ever wondered what wild animals do when no one is watching?Scientists have been able to record the “private” moments of wildlife with leading-edge technology.Low-cost,dependable and small modern cameras are a big help.Cameras placed in hard-to-reach places have taken videos of everything from small desert cats to larger snow-loving felines(猫科) in the northern Rocky Mountains.These cameras are important tools to learn new information on wildlife.Some videos help scientists see the effects of climate change.For example,the desert animal javelina and the tree-loving coatimundi(长鼻浣熊) have been caught on cameras north of their normal home.This could mean global warming is enlarging their living area northward.Researchers use cameras along with global positioning systems,or GPS.They attach GPS devices(设备)to mule deer and antelope(羚羊) in and around Yellowstone National Park.Then they can record their movements,or migrations(迁移).These cameras can be left in very rural(荒野的) areas for days,weeks or even months.They can provide information on how many animals are moving over a given period of time.Rural video can show details about animal behavior,such as the calls made by migrating mule deer.Also,some cameras record animal life,showing everything from bison in Saskatchewan,Canada,to the underwater weed forest off Californias Channel Islands.However,rural cameras have their problems too.Animals such as wolverines and bears sometimes attack them.Scientists do not know if the attacks are the results of anger or interest.Also,the devices have become popular tools to help hunters look for animals.Some people argue that it is unfair to use the cameras that way.Even with such problems,rural cameras are clearly an important scientific tool in researching wild animals.1.Which of the following helps scientists know about climate change?A.How active animals are.B.Where animals go.C.What animals eat.D.When animals move.答案B解析细节理解题。根据第四段的“Then they can record their movements,or migrations(迁移).They can provide information on how many animals are moving over a given period of time”可知,科学家们通过观察动物的去向,了解气候的变化。2.Where are the cameras fixed?A.In the field.B.Under water.C.On GPS devices.D.On wild animals.答案A解析细节理解题。根据第四段的“These cameras can be left in very rural(荒野的) areas for days,weeks or even months”可知答案。3.What may be the disadvantage of the rural cameras?A.They affect animals normal life.B.They make wild animals puzzled.C.They might bring threats to animals.D.They attract too much animals attention.答案C解析细节理解题。根据最后一段的“Also,the devices have become popular tools to help hunters look for animals.”可知,这些野外照相机可能给动物带来威胁。4.Which of the following can be the best title for the text?A.Every Coin Has Two SidesB.Animals No Longer Have SecretsC.An Invention Makes Animals MadD.Cameras Record Animals in the Wild答案D解析主旨大意题。本文主要讲述了科学家们通过野外照相机观察动物的行动,了解气候的变化。故选D项。BWildlife faces threats(威胁) from habitat destruction,pollution,and other human actions.Although protecting wildlife may seem too hard at times,even small actions in your own neighborhood can help protect many different animals.Here are some tips on how to protect wildlife through small actions.1.Create wildlife friendly areas in your backyard.When trying to make your garden more beautiful,you can choose plants that can provide food and shelter to native wildlife.This will also help cut down on pollution.Add bird or bat houses to your yard or garden to attract and shelter these species.2.Avoid harming the natural ecosystem(生态系统)in your area.Some plants from other places can kill or harm native plants that provide food and shelter for wildlife.3.Have a greener lifestyle.By using less water and fewer fuels,you will be helping to protect the wildlife around you.Take buses or the subway when you can,turn off electric devices when youre not using them,take shorter showers,and keep your room temperature at or below 68 degrees during the winter.4.Buy products that are wildlife friendly.Dont buy products that are made from endangered animals.Keep in mind that some endangered animals are killed by traps,catches or hunters who are after other wildlife within the same habitat.5.Donate money or time to organizations that protect wildlife and their habitats.You can give money to organizations or groups that protect wildlife species in your neighborhood.5.We infer that the purpose of this passage is to .A.tell us why protecting wildlife is extremely important nowB.suggest that we protect wildlife through actionsC.explain why protecting wildlife is not as hard as people thinkD.give us some tips on how to protect wildlife through small actions答案D解析细节理解题。根据第一段最后一句“Here are some tips on how to protect wildlife through small actions.”说明本文给出的是一些如何保护动物的建议,故选D项。6.Which of the following threats to wildlife is NOT me


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