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At Christmas,如皋经济开发区实验小学 Miss Shao,Read and guess(读一读,猜一猜),Father Christmas,Who?,Christmas tree,What?,Read and guess(读一读,猜一猜),What?,Christmas stocking,Read and guess(读一读,猜一猜),Christmas,Father Christmas,Christmas tree,Christmas stocking,What do you know about Christmas? 关于圣诞节你知道什么呢?,At Christmas,By Mike,Read and match (默读纸条,了解大意,图文匹配),stick(粘贴),What do they do at Christmas? 他们在圣诞节做了什么事情呢?,We put some pretty things on the Christmas tree. We also put our presents under the tree. It looks great!,pretty things,presents,beautiful things(东西),遇到不懂的单词,可以根据插图或联系 上下文猜测!,A:What do they do? B:They,/,/,Read and underline (细读剩余三页,划出他们做的事情),遇到不懂的单词,可以根据插图或联系 上下文猜测!,?,?,Discuss in groups 小组讨论; 如有不会的词句,可向组员或老师求助,A: What do they do? B:They,We buy presents for our family and friends. We also buy a Christmas tree. We sometimes go to see Father Christmas.,A:What do they do? B: They,jingle bells Christmas hat sleigh reindeer ,/,/,等待礼物,wait for presents,A:What do they do? B:They,/,stocking,如果你有一只圣诞袜,你会期待什么礼物呢?,I wait for,It is Christmas Day! We wake up early and open our presents. We have a big lunch. We eat a turkey and Christmas pudding. We all have a good time!,up early,wake,turkey,Christmas pudding,A:What do they do? B: They,/,/,Read and order (先按时间顺序标页码,再大声读读是否通顺),( ),( ),( ),( ),You know a lot about Christmas activities. But the pages are not in order. Lets read and order. We can order them according to the timeline.,1,2,4,3,before Christmas (在圣诞节之前),on Christmas Eve,on Christmas Day,First, we buy presents for our family and friends. We also buy a Christmas tree. We sometimes go to see Father Christmas.,-1-,试着找出Mike的故事书和你的书在语言组织上的不同点。,We always have a lot of fun at Christmas.,-1-,Next, we put some pretty things on the Christmas tree. We also put our presents under the tree. It looks great!,-2-,First, we buy presents for our family and friends. We also buy a Christmas tree. We sometimes go to see Father Christmas.,Then, Christmas Eve comes. We put a stocking on our beds and wait for presents.,-3-,Next, we put some pretty things on the Christmas tree. We also put our presents under the tree. It looks great!,-4-,Finally, it is Christmas Day! We wake up early and open our presents. We have a big lunch. We eat a turkey and Christmas pudding. We all have a good time!,Then, Christmas Eve comes. We put a stocking on our beds and wait for presents.,First , we buy presents for our family and friends. We also buy a Christmas tree. We sometimes go to see Father Christmas.,Next, we put some pretty things on the Christmas tree. We also put our presents under the tree. It looks great!,Then, Christmas Eve comes. We put a stocking on our beds and wait for presents.,Finally, it is Christmas Day! We wake up early and open our presents. We have a big lunch. We eat a turkey and Christmas pudding. We all have a good time!,Mike的故事书和你的书在语言组织上有什么不同?,有条理,write retell,根据黑板上的提示说说圣诞节。,Retell the story 复述课文,work in groups. 组内分工合作。可以一起说,也可轮流说。,Date (日期),Symbols (标志物),Traditional food(传统食物),Activities (活动),Feelings (感受),Work in groups 小组合作,从以下方面说说你所知道的圣诞节。可以每人说一个或几个方面。,We eat ,We see ,Its on ,We can ,We feel ,Christmas,Boxing Day,Homework,1. Look for more information about Christmas. 从书本、杂志、网络上搜集更多关于圣诞节的英文信息。,Homework,1. Look for more information about Christmas. 从书本、杂志、网络上搜集更多关于圣诞节的英文信息。,Finally, it is Christmas Day! We wake up early and open our presents. We have a big lunch. We eat a turkey and Christmas pudding. We all have a good time!,After lunch, we have a party. We also play games.,2.Use your imagination to enrich the story. 想象Mike一家在圣诞节还做些什么,将故事补充得更加丰富。,Homework,1. Look for more i


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