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江西省中考英语单项选择的命题特点及 应考策略,瑞金市第四中学 李华,一、中考英语复习现状 二、中考英语单项选择的命题特点 三、江西省中考英语单项选择的考 点分布 四、单项选择题的应考策略 五、我校中考英语复习的几点做法,一、中考英语复习现状,1、老师在复习课中最喜欢讲的是什么?讲的最多的是什么?最擅长讲什么?在讲评试卷中花时最多的是哪部分? 2、学生在平时做英语习题做的最多的是哪种题型?在考试中最喜欢做的是哪部分?,原因分析,老师方面: 1、单项选择题覆盖的知识范围较广,老师有话可讲。 2、认为学生在这方面出错较多,所以必须多讲。 3、个别老师认为讲解单项选择题最能体现出自己的知识水平。,学生方面: 1、单项选择题读题简单,做题最省事。 2、把语法和单项选择题等同起来了,认为要学会语法就必须多做单项选择题,而忽略了其它题型。,结果: 1、老师讲的很多都是不考的,属于低效或无效复习。 2、学生在解答单项选择题方面依然出错较多,做的越多,错的越多。,单项选择题到底 考什么? 怎么考?,二、中考英语单项选择的命题特点,单项选择题主要考查考生在一定的语境中语法、词汇及语用等知识的能力。 语法的范围有:时态、语态、非谓语动词、从句、形容词、副词等级比较等; 词汇包括名词、动词、形容词、副词、代词、连词及相关词组等,主要考查词义辨析。 本大题共15小题,每小题1分。每题留出1个空白,要求考生从每题所给的4个选项中选择最佳答案。,单项选择题的命题技术,A、要科学、合理地设计考点。 B、试题设计要具有严密的科学性和严谨性。 C、选项本身在语法上应该是正确的。 D、选项长度要适当、均衡。 E、要保证试题的答案没有争议。 F、要考查学生根据情景(上下文)的判断推理 能力 G、题干越简洁越好。,A、要科学、合理地设计考点,1. -I went to New York. -Did you? -Yes, Ive just come back. 2.-Have you heard of the accident about Lucy and her father? -Accident? No, I havent. Tell me about it. 3.-909-3652781. -Just let me check that. 9093652781. -Thats it.,1. -I went to New York. -_ you? -Yes, Ive just come back. A. Have B. Did C. Will D. Do 2.-Have you heard of the accident about Lucy and her father? -Accident? No, I havent. Tell me about _. A. it B. her C. him D. them 3. -909-3652781. -Just let me _ that. 9093652781. -Thats it. A. say B. check C. find D. catch,B、试题设计要具有严密的科学性和严谨性,The three months of spring in China are _. A. December, January and February B. March, April and May C. January, February and March,C、选项本身在语法上应该是正确的。,1. -Do you often go to those big concerts? -Sometimes. I like listening to CDs _. A. very much. B. better C. best D. a little 2. When you talk with others, try to talk about _ they are interested in. A. everything B. nothing C. something D. anything 3. Hello, Mary! This is John. You must know why I_ you . Oh,hello, John! Ive waited for this call since last month.(2012年) A .called B .am calling C .was calling D. have called 4. Where is my watch? I cant find it. Dont worry . It must be _ in your room.(2011年) A.somewhere B.anywhere C.everywhere D.nowhere,E、要保证试题的答案没有争议,The doctor told me to eat more _ because its good for my health.(2011年) A.orange B.vegetables C.ice cream D. fish,该题给出的参考答案为D,按常理B选项也符合题意。,F、要考查学生根据情景(上下文)的判断推理能力,1、If you go to visit London, dont forget your _ because it rains a lot.(2012年) A.passport B. money C .map D. umbrella,2、I knocked into a tree when I went to the railway station for my friend. I suppose you _too fast.(2007年) A. drive B. are driving C. drove D. were driving,以下几种命题方式不在江西省的中考试题中出现,1)选项本身有错误。 1、 There are a lot of _ in our schoolThey work very hard A. woman teachers Bwomen teachers C. womans teachers 2、Lucy didnt go to school today,didnt she? _ .Because her father was ill,she had to look after him at home. A. Yes, she did. B. No, she didnt C. Yes, she didnt D. No, she did 3、Believe yourself. Youre better than _. Youre the best. Wish you success! A. anyone else B. someone else C. else anyone,点评:例1的选项A、C,例2的选项C、D和例3的选项C本身就存在语法错误,学生不阅读题干就可立即排除。这样的试题不能真正考查学生在语境中运用语言的能力;另外,一些实验结果显示:让学生对人为编撰的错误进行识别,对他们的学习会产生负面的影响,他们日后常常会犯同样的错误。因此,在给学生进行语言输入时,尽可能选择思想健康、内容丰富、语言地道、形式正确的语言材料。,2)机械地考查对语法规则和固定搭配的记忆 1. The dictionary is Alans, but where is _? A. I B. me C. my D. mine 2. Tell him _ tomorrow, OK? A. come B. to come C. comes D. is coming 点评:这两题都是在脱离语境的情况下孤立地考查语法结构和固定搭配,违背了中考对语法和词汇的考查目标。其一,效度低:考查学生对语法规则和固定搭配的掌握情况,而不是在语境中灵活运用语法或词汇的能力;其二,易对教学产生消极的反拨作用。学生被传递一个错误的信息:只要能分析语法结构和背诵固定搭配就能把题答对。我们需要让学生明白的是:分析语法结构、熟记固定搭配是基础,关键是运用。,3)同时考查两个语言点。 1. People say the subway (地铁) _ building in Harbin in a few years. Sounds _. I have never seen it before. A. will finish; interesting B. is finished; interested C. will be finished; interesting 2. I am just going to _ market, mum. Do you want _? A(不填);something Bthe;everything C(不填);nothing D. the;anything 点评:上述两道题同时考查了两个语言点。它们的缺陷在于:如果学生知道一个语言点的用法而不知道另一个语言点的用法,那么考试结果就难于反映学生的实际情况。此外,从测试结果分析的角度来说,如果很多学生没有答对这些题目,就很难判断学生的问题所在。,单项选择命题建议,(1)在语境中考查学生灵活运用词汇和语法的能力,不能孤立、机械地考查学生对于某个知识点、某种语法形式或句子结构的记忆情况。知识是基础,运用是关键。按语言的实际使用情形来命题。在实际情形中,人们总是在一定的语境中运用语言进行真实的理解和表达活动。 (2)要特别避免人为地编撰错误给学生识别,同时不能把知识点高度概括化或把考点模式化,由此对教学带来的负面影响不可低估。教师根据考点,设计大量的练习,把生动活泼的外语教学变成枯燥的应试技巧训练。学生在“题海”训练中,获得了应试技巧,但应试技巧不等同于语言能力(Hughes, 2000)。,三、20072012年江西省中考英语单项选择的考点分布,考点分布特点:考点分布相对稳定、集中,以考查实词为主。近6年的试题都是围绕上表所列出的语法项目进行考查,而对冠词、数词、介词、感叹句、反义疑问句、虚拟语气、定语从句等语法项目几乎都不考。,语法复习原则: 主项精讲、次项抽讲 (甚至不讲),次项:1. 冠词(不讲) 2. 名词 (不讲) 在平时的教学中积累 3. 数词(不讲) 4. 反意疑问句/感叹句(不讲) 5. 形容词 副词(抽讲) . ,主项:1. 代词 one, that, those, neither, either, both, all, none -thing等 2. 动词 时态语态 情态动词 非谓语动词 动词短语 3. 句法 宾语从句 状语从句 4. 交际英语,固定句式和固定搭配,各考点命题特点,一、名词,( )1I dont know how to use this machine. ( 07 ) It doesnt matter. Here is the _. A. instruction B. direction C. information D. advertisement ( )2.Why not go to the Great Wall this Saturday? ( 08 ) Im afraid its not a good _ . Many of us have been there. A.place B. day C. plan D. idea ( )3You look worried. Whats your _? (09) I have trouble learning English. A. name B. question C. problem D. job ( )4What _ do you have for Paul? (10) I think he should study harder than before. A. news B. advice C. help D. information ( )5.The doctor told me to eat more _ because its good for my health. (11) A. orange B. vegetables C. ice cream D. fish ( )6 .If you go to visit London, dont forget your _ because it rains a lot.(12) A.passport B. money C .map D. umbrella,命题特点:淡化语法, 重点考查词义辨析,以及学生在特定的语境 中的语言运用能力。,各考点命题特点,二、代词,1What a hot day! Have you had a drink? ( 07 ) Yes. But Id like to have _after work. A. it B. one C. other D. another 2.Have you found the information about famous people _ you can use for the report? Not yet. Ill search some on the Internet. ( 07 ) A. which B. who C. what D. whom 3.Have you heard the latest news? ( 08 ) No, what _ ? A.is it B. is there C. are they D. are those 4.May I have a glass of beer, please ? ( 08 ) Beer? Sorry, theres _ left, but would you like some juice instead? A. none B. something C. no one D. nothing,各考点命题特点,二、代词,5.Which of the two T-shirts will you take? Ill take _, one for my brother, the other for myself.(09) A. either B. neither C. all D. both 6.Where did you go for your winter vacation? My family went to Paris._ had a great time.(11) A. He B. She C. We D. They 7.Its easy to find a good hotel in our city because we have _ of them here.(12) A.none B.few C.many D.each,命题特点: 以考查不定代词为主,重点考查它们的词义辨析, 偶尔考查人称代词和关系代词的用法。,各考点命题特点,三、时态,1、I knocked into a tree when I went to the railway station for my friend. ( 07 ) I suppose you _too fast. A. drive B. are driving C. drove D. were driving 2、You dont look well. Youd better see the doctor. (10) I_. But the doctor said there was nothing serious. A. have B. will C. am D. was 以上两题的命题特点:情景化、省略化。第1小题在fast 后省略了when you knocked the tree. 第2小题的完整回答应为I have already seen the doctor. 可见,解答这类题目的关键在于找出题干中被省略的部分。,各考点命题特点,三、时态,3. Wheres the cake I made this morning? ( 06 ) We it, mom, Can you make another one for us? A. ate B. eat C. will eat D. were eating 4Inventors have changed the way we live. ( 07 ) So they are famous for the great things they_. A. do B. did C. are doing D. had done 5.Nancy is not coming to the party tonight. ( 08 ) But she _ me shed love to. A. tells B. told C. had told D. is telling 6 Im now in New York with my friend Jenny. We _ by plane on Monday.(11) A. arrive B. arrived C. are arriving D. will arrive 7Hello, mum. Are you still on Lushan Mountain? Oh, no. We are back home. We _ a really good journey.(12) A .have B .had C .are having D .will have,命题特点:在特定的语境下重点对一般过去时的考查。,各考点命题特点,三、时态,8.It _ outside. Youd better take an umbrella with you.(09) A. rains B. is raining C. rained D. has rained,9.Mary isnt here at the moment. She _ later. (11) A. comes B. came C. has come D. is coming,10Hello, Mary! This is John. You must know why I_ you . Oh,hello, John! Ive waited for this call since last month.(12) A.called B.am calling C.was calling D. have called,11.Can I help you?(09) I bought this watch yesterday, but it _ work. A. wont B. didnt C. doesnt D. wouldnt,12.Hello, Sandy. This is Jack. What are you doing? (10) I am watching a match. It started at 7:00 pm and _ on for another half an hour. A. has been B. had been C. was D. will be,动词时态考点分布特点,1、一般过去时和现在进行时为历年的高频考点 2、偶尔也会考查过去进行时、现在完成时、一般将来时和一般现在时 3、过去完成时、现在完成进行时不在考查范围之内。,各考点命题特点,四、被动语态,1.-I feel very happy that I _to be the host. ( 07 ) -Congratulations! A. choose B. am chosen C. was chosen D. haven chosen 2.How many cakes can I have, Mum? ( 08 ) None, dear. They _ for your father. A. prepare B. prepared C. have prepared D. were prepared 3.I _ to get there before seven tomorrow, so Ill have to get up early.(09) A. told B.have told C.will tell D.was told 4.Can you tell me how to make apple juice? (10) Sure. Please watch carefully and youll see how it _. A.is made B.is making C.makes D.will make .5What happened to Billy? He _ because of his drink-driving. (11) A. is caught B. was caught C. has caught D. had caught 6.Oh, my God! I cant find my key to the office. Dont worry. Perhaps it _ at your home.(12) A .left B .has left C. was left D. had left 命题特点:时态和语态混杂在一起,既考查了学生对时态的掌握情况又考查了学生能 否正确使用被动语态,含有双考点;而且选项中若有包含被动语态的选项,应先考虑 该选项,再对时态进行斟酌。,各考点命题特点,五、非谓语动词,1.What should I do, doctor? ( 07 ) _healthy, you should take more exercise. A. Keep B. Keeping C. To keep D. Having kept 2._more information about the trip, you can go to . ( 08 ) A. Find B. Finding C. To find D. Found 3.Why did you buy a radio? (09) _English. A. Learn B. Learning C. To learn D. Be learning 4.How kind you are! You always do what you can _ me.(11) A. help B. helping C. to help D. helps 5.You need to take notes at the meeting so make sure _ a pen and some paper with you. (12) A .bring B. bringing C. to bring D .not bring 6.Mary dances best in our school. (10) I agree. Ill never forget _ her dance for the first time. A. seeing B. to see C. see D. seen 命题特点:以考查动词不定式作目的状语为主,兼考动词现在分词,有时还会出现省略 成分,如11年的考题有很大考生若没有注意到can后面省略了do,很容易上当而误选A。,各考点命题特点,六、情态动词,1.-Are you going to Bejing by plane? (07) -Its fast ,but expensive. So I am not sure. I _ take a train. A. should B. may C. must D. will 2.If the traffic light is red, you _ cross the road. Its very dangerous. ( 08 ) A. dont B. mustnt C. neednt D. wouldnt 3.Susan has bought a large house with a swimming pool. It _be very expensive. I never even dream about it. (09) A.must B.might C.cant D.shouldnt 4.How was the youth club last night, Mark? (10) It was great fun. You _ come. A. must B.can C.should D.may,5.The work is too hard for him. He _ finish it on time.(11) A. cant B. mustnt C. shouldnt D. neednt 6.Last year I _ drive. I used to take the bus. (12) A.could B.couldnt C.should D.shouldnt,命题特点:重点考查了各个情态动词词义和语气的差异性,在各句的题干中均有暗示成分;其中must、should、may考查的频率较高,同时也涉及到could表过去的能力这一考点。,1.Look at that model ship.(10) I know, but it looks like a real one. Its just _ A. small B. very small C. smaller D. smallest 2.Were doing a lot to protect our environment, but it is not good enough. So we should try _ to look after it.(11) A. hard B. harder C. hardest D. hardly 3.You should practice more to improve your English, then youll be _ at it.(12) A .good B. better C. best D .the best 4.Oh! Whats the matter? (10) Im really _ all the time. I have no energy. A. busy B. happy C. tired D. excited 5.I cant eat any more food, I am _.(11) A. busy B .hungry C .full D. serious 6.My dog is very _. It is safe to touch him if you want to.(12) A. smart B .brave C. happy D .friendly,七、形容词,命题特点:近几年都是在特定的语境下考查形容词的比较等级,而且都含有省略部分,即省略了被比较的部分; 同时也增加了考查形容词的词意辩析的题目。,各考点命题特点,各考点命题特点,八、连词,1.Were going to the bookstore. You can come with us _ you can meet us there later. ( 08 ) A. and B. but C. or D. then 2. Help others whenever you can _ youll make the world a nicer place to live. (09) A. and B. or C. unless D. but 3 Money is very important, _ its not the most important thing. (10) A. or B. and C. so D. but 3.Come on, _ youll be late. (11) A. and B. but C. or D. So 4._ the girl is only nine, she takes care of her brothers and cooks meals every day.(11) A. If B. Because C. Although D. As,命题特点:对连词的考查实际上也是对状语从句的考查,主要是要让学生把握住主句与从句之间的关系,要根据主从句之间的关系来选择相应的连接词。unless是近几年考查的热点。,九、宾语从句,1.Do you know _ the Smiths left Shanghai? ( 08 ) Im not sure. I only remember it was a Sunday. A.if B. when C. how D. Why 2.Do you know _ the man with sunglasses is?(09) Im not sure. Maybe a reporter. A. who B. what C. where D. how 3.Hey, Tina. _ are you going for your vocation? (10 ) Hmmm, I think Im going to Shanghai. A. How B. Where C. When D. Why 4.Ive decided to go to London next weekend. I was wondering _ you could go with me. (11) A. if B. when C. that D .where 5.I know _ I promised to take you to dinner, but I wont finish working until ten oclock.(12) A .that B .if C .what D .why,命题特点:主要考查学生在特定的语境下如何选用引导词,在题干当中一般都有暗示成分。,各考点命题特点,学生答题情况分析 (1)学生灵活运用语法和词汇的能力较弱。 (2)对于需要借助语境来答题的题目,学生的表现差强人意。 (3)学生对单词的掌握停留在音、形、意(意思)上。 (4)学生并未真正掌握相关的语法规则,更不用说正确使用语法规则。,单项选择题考试微技能,1、从上下文的时间隐含来确定正确的时态。现在中考题有关时态的单项选择一般不给出具体时间.而是将时间隐含在题干的上下文中,.考生应善于体会语境,来确定时态。例如 Hello,Sandy. This is Jack. What are you doing? (2010年) I am watching a match. It started at 7:00 pm and _on for another half an hour. A.has been B.had been C.was D.will be 分析:该题中多种时态交叉在一起,有现在进行时和一般过去时,根据语境,比赛已经开始,目前还在进行当中,“for another half an hour ”暗示比赛还将持续半个小时,故正确答案为表将来的D 选项。,2、排除思维定势干扰,以免误选答案。 命题者往往会根据学生的思维定势而设计一些陷阱,考生稍不注意审题便会误入陷阱。 例1、Have you found the information about famous people _ you can use for the report? Not yet. Ill search some on the Internet. (2007年 ) A. which B. who C. what D. Whom 分析:对于该题,考生会因为思维定势,误把people当成了先行词而误选B项。事实上,该句的先行词是information ,about famous people作information的定语,而i


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