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从初中英语教学基本要求与训练谈起,嘉定区教师进修学院 陈永兴,07年的英语中考试题,卷面的结构: 今年的试卷具有广泛性、基础性、原创性、多样性、时代性、开放性的特点,兼顾了本市现有的三套英语教材,始终体现了”基础知识和基本技能”的基础要求,没有偏题怪题. 重要的信息:英语教学始终要体现学以致用、与时俱进、培养学生实践能力和创新精神的教学目标.,紧扣考纲 难度降低 贴近生活-试卷中出现了诸如保护环境、香港回归十周年、青藏铁路通车、上海“特奥会”、感恩教育和两纲教育等内容,具有浓厚的时代气息。 注重基础 强调运用,一、对“说明”中几个原则的理解,1、必须有听力和口试 2、能力类试题要充分保证 3、试题内容要注重语言的运用 4、掌握最基本的语言技能和语言知识,形成初步运用英语进行交际的能力,二、 对语言技能的理解,一、 听: 1. 略浅于课文难度的对话和短文,了解大意,抓住要点,理解说话人的目的和态度,能根据上下文推测生词的意义 2. 能听懂浅近的广播、影视节目的大意 二、 说: 与口试有关,三、 读:,1、阅读含有3%生词的多种文体的语言材料(包括信件、广告、说明) 2、能根据上下文的意思,推测生词的意义;抓住要点,进行适当的推理和判断,领会作者的意图 3、能从各种媒体获得基本信息 4、能理解常用英文标志和英文图表提供的信息,四、写:,1、 能对人物、事件、物件和场所等作简单的描述和议论 2、能填写简单的表格,能写简单的便条、信件和日记等,三、 对语言知识的理解:,(一)词汇 1、英英解释 2、 近义词和反义词 3、教材中出现的构词法,包括合成、派生、兼类和多义 (二) 词法 十大词类:连词,(三) 句法 复合句:掌握语序、时态和连词的用法 (四) 语言功能 (23个) 对几个符合英、美国家与东方国家不同表达的思维习惯的用法,如:道歉、赞赏、关心和同情等,四、对题型和题例的理解,语言技能和语言知识 读:news的文章,今年的冰雪灾害,奥运会的召开, 完型填空中的首字母填空: 主要考核学生的综合能力,根据上下文运用词语,有一定的难度。 需要从词汇、搭配、语法、阅读理解等分析中想出适当的词填空 写:简单句与复合句, 符合英语表达习惯的句字,五、复习策略,1、对语言知识的梳理 知识点以教材和考纲中提到的为依据 “淡化语法、增强能力考查”仍是今年的考查方向 不要受胡编乱造的练习册干扰 注意知识点的归纳、整理、区分和总结 注意语言知识的考查的能力化,词法,冠词、代词、名词、数词、介词、感叹词、形容词、副词、动词、连词 非谓语动词(不定式、动名词),不定冠词 a report an old man a university an uncle a house an hour a European city an empty room a one-yuan stamp an 8-year-old boy,定冠词,the sun the east the tallest boy the first day the Huangpu River the Great Wall the girl in red the high jump the piano the poor,零冠词,history Lesson One Tom, monitor of Class 3 by bus Beijing Yangpu Park play basketball at school next week my other hand,注意区分,history Lesson One Tom, monitor of Class 3 by bus Beijing Yangpu Park play basketball at school next week my other hand,数词,two hundred students hundreds of students *two hundred of the students one-third of the students two-thirds of the students,two hours and a half two and a half hours a ten-year-old boy The boy is ten years old. He is over fifty years old. He is in his fifties. Its ten minutes walk. Its a ten-minute walk.,名词,my fathers friend a friend of my fathers the gate of the school the teachers office the Browns house the Childrens Palace,可数名词与不可数名词,job work suggestion advice newspaper news picnic dinner coin money mountain water book fiction,不同名词的数量表达,a number of students an amount of money a pair of trousers a piece of advice a couple of days three cups of tea a group of boys two loaves of bread a lot of reporters lots of information plenty of books plenty of milk,many children much information a few books a little time some boys some time a basket of apples a basket of fruit a bag of books two bags of money ten bowls of beans four bowls of rice,不定代词,one ., the other (one) . one ., another (one) ., (the other) some/five ., the others (ones) . some ., others (ones) . the rest (of sth./sb.) ,Both of them are here. Neither of them is here. Either of them is here. All of them are here. None of them are (is) here,either side = both sides either end = both ends not all = some not every = some not both = either,比 较,both sides of the road 路的两边 either side of the road 路的两边 each side of the road 路的每一边 all sides of the square 广场的四周 every side of the square 广场的每 一边,There are some sheep in the fields. There is something strange in the sky. Would you lend me some money? Shall we have some fish instead of chicken? Will you get us something to drink?,If you have any questions, please let me know. Any student can join the singing group. Anyone can work out the problem. Tom is taller than any girl in his class. Mary is taller than any other girl in her class. Jack is taller than anyone else in his class.,any boy = any of the boys any other boy= any of the other boys anyone else = any of the others,形容词/副词,She is a beautiful dancer. The dancer is beautiful. She dances beautifully. The report was beautifully written. Luckily she won the first prize.,原级,so good too bad very clever quite important rather difficult old enough as often as not as/so easy as,比较级,bigger than much better far more useful even earlier still greater a little longer better and better The earlier, the better,最高级,the fastest in our class the tallest of the three the second longest river one of the longest rivers among the best films,注意区分,quickly soon good well alive living far long high tall hard hardly,形容词副词同形,early early fast fast hard hard high high late late,系动词,sound beautiful look angry look angrily at sth. feel soft taste delicious smell good seem strange,become useful fall ill get angry stay awake turn red grow dark come true go wrong keep warm,特殊动词 keep the room clean make the city greener find the man dead leave the door open get everything ready set the man free,enter for the item =sign for take part in the group singing join in the group singing join the singing group attend the meeting / a concert go to the meeting / a concert go in for the long jump / music,put up a picture / ones hand put down a basket put off a meeting put out a fire take up English take down a map pull down a house,put on a pair of glasses wear a red T shirt have a coat on dress sb. in a red coat be dressed in a red coat = wear,look for a book in the room search the room for the book find a mistake find out who broke the window discover a new star,bring the book when you come here take the book when you go there fetch some water send / post/ mail him a letter carry fifty passengers carry much water move into a new flat,情态动词 May I watch TV? No, you mustnt/ may not/ cant. Must I do the work? No, you neednt. may be 可能是 must be 一定是 cant be 不可能是,注意区分,You neednt help him. You dont need to help him. He doesnt need money. He needs help. (He need help.*) He is in need of help.,介词,at night at eight at first at the moment at present at the weekend at school at home at the gate at the airport at the end of the road,时间,in the morning in the night in September in spring in 2010 in the future in the beginning in a minute in no time in ones fifties 地点 in the factory in the city in the forest in the river in the world in space,over the head under the tree above the head below the hill between the two among the students along the river around the lake about the city on modern jazz,反意疑问句 There is little time left, is there? He can hardly do the work, can he? Lets go home, shall we? Let us go home, will you? Please go and buy me a pencil, will you? I dont think he will come, will he? She doesnt think he will come, does she?,连词(宾语从句) I dont know when he will come. Would you please tell me if he will come tonight? I wonder if it will rain tomorrow. 连词(状语从句) We will hold a meeting when Mr Lee comes back. He will phone us if he comes tomorrow. We shall go on with the game if the rain stops.,连词(并列句和条件状语从句) Work harder, and you will make much progress. If you work hard, you will make much progress. Get up now, or you will miss the early bus. If you dont get up now, you will miss the early bus. Unless you get up now, you will miss the early bus.,阅读,阅读理解 1略读或扫读抓关键句 2进行合理推断 3猜测推敲生词 4紧扣题目要求 5带着问题阅读 6综观全篇,复查检验,1略读或扫读抓关键句,抓关键句也就是抓主题句,主题句是文章中用来概括大意的句子,主题句往往是每个段落的第一个句子,有时可能是最后一个句子,在特殊情况下可能出现在段落当中,它是连接上下文的纽带。每段的首句和尾句,一般是表达文章主题和段落中心思想的,各段的段落大意往往概括在一个主题句中,其他句子只是对主题句的补充、说明、解释或引申。,2进行合理推断,1)了解西方社会风土人情、社交活动、新年、圣诞节活动、宗教信仰、风俗习惯等。 2)了解教材、阅读材料及课后短文。 3)了解生态平衡、环境污染、计算机应用、人造地球卫星、登月纪实、诺贝尔奖金等科普常识。 4)博览群书,扩大视野,拓宽知识面;多读一些各种体裁、题材的英语读物。,3猜测推敲生词,阅读短文时,常常遇到一些生词。这时,要沉着、冷静,细心思考。首先要把整段、整篇文章看完。通过对全篇短文的阅读理解,很可能猜测出生词的大意。还可以从生词的上下句子,以及句子和段落之间的关系来判断、理解生词。猜测生词的另一种方法是,利用英语构词法推断词义,构词法由转换、派生与合成三种形式。,4紧扣题目要求,在阅读文章时,有时试题内容恰好是你所熟悉的题材,但也不要立刻就答,一定要仔细看完、看清楚试题要求再回答。因为试题的要求往往与你所想象的有出入,不能马虎。对who,whom,which,what,where,when,why,how等疑问词问题的回答一定要切题,能短则短。,5带着问题阅读,这种方法是先阅读一下短文后面的思考题,了解思考题的要求,然后带着问题到短文中去寻找答案。这样可以做到心中有数,可缩短阅读时间,效果也就会更好。阅读过程中,根据考查的题目内容在文章中寻找“依据”;然后用笔做出记号,明确哪一题的答案可在文章第几节第几行中找到。这样初步确定思考题答案。有时遇到看不懂的难句,读了几遍仍然不懂,可做记号,暂时放下,留待有时间再来考虑。,6综观全篇,复查检验,复查检验是阅读理解等试题中答题方法的最后一步,也是很重要的一环。在做完阅读理解题后,要立足于文章整体,再迅速读一遍短文及试题和答案,注意检查各题答案中有无自相矛盾之处。因为每一篇短文中问题和答案的设置前后都是相互关联的,有着一定的连续性,体现着文章的基本脉络。要仔细阅读,反复推敲,分析推理,判断理解,从语感上体会所做答案是否正确,提高答题的正确性。,完 形 填空,1初读全文,抓住主题 2精读细研,初填试选 3瞻前顾后,反复推敲 4复读全篇,校对答案,1初读全文,抓住主题 完形填空的首句一般不留空,因此认真阅读短文开头的一二句,有利于准确地预测和推断短文的主旨大意,不要急于看选项,找答案。应通篇浏览文章,掌握文中的时间、地点、人物及事件。也不要拘泥于个别细节,否则难于达到整体上的把握。,2精读细研,初填试选,再读时,可以运用排除法、判断法和推理法来全面地审视。填空时,而应充分利自己平时所积累的英语语言知识,根据文中语义、语法、逻辑和搭配上的需要来推测应填什么词。动词要注意时态,名词要注意单复数,形容词或副词则要注意比较级和最高级。,3瞻前顾后,反复推敲,对于那些不易定夺的选项或单词,可以从前后文和单词的搭配、语义、语法上进行分析推断。即:先看前后搭配是否符合语法;再看上下文意思是否通顺;后看情节是否合理以及是否符合生活常识和文化背景,从而选出正确的答案。,4复读全篇,校对答案,填完所有空格以后,还需要进行最后的校核。考试时,校核最好在检查完其它试题之后进行。因为刚做完完型填空题,你的思路仍留在原来的线上,如稍隔一些时间或做一些其它题目,回头再复读全文,从语感上体会文章是否通顺,校核所填的词是否合理,前后是否连贯,结构是否完整。你可以从另一个角度来观察一切,从而提高答题的准确率。,首字母填空练习,Animals traveling from one country to another to follow laws as people do. They dont have to keep p_1_, but they have to obey other rules. Most countries have laws about animals coming into


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