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Body Slimming,By李麟、李柏澄、何靜怡、李春琳,Study the following excerpts from newspaper and internet articles and answer the questions.,Excerpt 1 國際日報 (2004-01-12 19:05:00) 【本報訊】當體重(公斤/Kg)除以身高(米/M)2,等出的結果超過二十五便屬於癡肥。伊利沙伯醫 院兒科顧問醫生謝詠儀表示,最新數字顯示,香港十歲的學童中,逾兩成男童及一成女童出 現癡肥。而十五歲的青少年中,則有逾一成男生及百分之六的女生癡肥。她指出,癡肥者除了令自尊心低落之外,更可能會引致睡眠窒息症、心臟病及患癌的機會也會提高,構成生命危險。 謝續說,由於減肥會引致情緒問題、影響發育,故癡肥的青少年要減磅並非易事,必須按部就 班。不過,外國研究發現,約有三成癡肥者曾自殺,她擔心若香港兒童癡肥情況進一步惡化,將會引發其他問題,加重社會負擔。,Excerpt 2 星強制胖學童小息做運動(2004年10月5日) 港小學推健康飲食計劃 3年內零學生超重 【明報專訊】新加坡政府為防癡肥成為嚴重社會問題,在校園預早做好防範,強制被界定為過肥的小孩加入減肥小組,直至瘦身成功始能退會,成功令癡肥學童比例由1992年的14減至2003年的10。本港學生過胖情亦普遍,有小學為防學生過胖,推行健康飲食計劃,3年後成功達到全校學生零超重目標。 新加坡每間小學都要設立的減肥小組叫健康會(Health Club),所有過胖學童都被強制踢入會。每逢小息,該會成員都不可跟同學玩耍,而要聚集到學校禮堂,跟隨老師指示跳繩、跑步和打籃球。,據香港衛生署統計,2002/03年參加健康檢查的中、小學生,約一成半超重。學童做運動能夠一展身手之餘,也可以舒展筋骨。 (鄭樹清攝),Excerpt 3 吃肉減肥法: 這種減肥法是以高蛋白或高脂肪的肉類為主要食物來源,而限制醣類的攝取或完全將其刪除,例如可隨意吃肉類,但不可吃米飯、麵類或水果等,長久下來,易導致血糖下降、刺激腦下腺之生長激素及腎上腺素的分泌,促進體脂肪燃燒,而使體重下降。 體脂肪燃燒時會產生大量酮體,進而引起酮尿症,造成鈉及水份的流失,也會有厭食現象,長期施行將會使血膽固醇、血脂肪上升,無形中增加心血管性疾病的發生機率。,Excerpt 4 Liposuction - Weight Loss Surgery Introduction to Liposuction Liposuction is a surgical procedure which removes fat from your body. Heres what happens: A substance is pumped into the area from where fat is to be removed. This softens the fat cells. Then a tube is introduced into the area and moved around to loosen the fat. The loosened fat is then sucked out of the body through the tube. Due to the internal movements which are required to loosen the fat, the body remains bruised and swollen for about a fortnight the operation, and patients are advised to rest and to wear a tight corset until they recover. No quick fix At present, no more than about 4 pounds of fat can safely be removed in any one operation, so a patient with a lot of excess fat, will need several operations. Whats more, liposuction does not remove cellulite.,Excerpt 5 聘教練上門 助英童瘦身 10月 19日 星期二 03:20 更新 16歲以下不宜器械健身 由於專家指16歲以下的兒童不宜使用健身器材做運動,以免影響他們的肌肉及關節成長,故為兒童提供度身訂做健身計劃的私人教練,被家長視為家中肥仔肥女的救星。在過去1年,私人瘦身教練成為英國家長爭相羅致的對象。在部分地區,私人瘦身教練的顧客中,佔了5至15是兒童。,Excerpt 6 最年幼糖尿死者僅5歲 5月 12日 星期三 02:25 更新 【明報專訊】據最新一期德國明鏡周刊報道,一名5歲大德國小童因癡肥而患II型糖尿病於近日死亡。醫學專家稱,這是目前全球最年幼的糖尿病死亡病例。 糖尿病可分為兩類型,I型糖尿病因基因遺傳,患者主要是兒童,需要每日接受胰島素注射控制病情。但有90的糖尿病個案均屬於II型糖尿病,其中58是肥胖及缺乏運動引起。世界衛生組織上周三警告,全球正面對糖尿病的威脅,全球每年有320萬人死於糖尿病引發的併發症,高於愛滋病的死亡數字,而且患者數目正以驚人速度增長。 世衛表示,II型糖尿病患者除了吃藥外,應改變飲食習慣,減少糖分吸收、少吃含脂肪的食物和多吃蔬果,以及每日做至少30分鐘的適量運動。法新社/路透社/新華社,Excerpt 7 本報曾報道 服後損肝臟 健美素維美健減肥藥回收 10月 17日 星期日 03:00 更新 【太陽報專訊】林林總總的減肥產品,消費者稍一不慎隨時危及性命,本報上月報道一名三十三歲女子,因吃了名為健美素及維美健的減肥中成藥出現急性肝衰竭,需要換肝保命;生署追查後發現,兩種產品含有可損害肝臟的化學物質,昨呼籲市民即時停止服用及飭令分銷商回收,有不適更要立即求醫。 有問題的產品在包裝上列明是由十二種中草藥製成,如人參、首烏及山楂等,並沒表明有其他西藥或化學成分,又聲稱服食產品可以在四十天內減輕八至十五磅。代理該兩種問題減肥藥的展商有限公司發言人藍小姐接受查詢時表示,產品於六年前從內地引入香港售賣,平均每月售出約一百瓶,從未發現有問題,直至本報上月披露事件後,生署即登門調查。 生署發言人指出,化驗顯示兩種產品都含有害健康的化學成分N-亞硝基二乙基苯胺,這成分已曾在日本、新加坡及英國引致肝臟受損的個案,故署方已飭令分銷商即時從市面回收有關產品。該分銷商已設立熱線2317 5458供市民查詢,或可致電生署熱線2575 1221查問詳情。,1. State three causes of obesity. (1.5 marks),Ingesting food of high energy content Genetic factor Lack of exercise,2. State and describe three diseases induced by obesity. (6 marks),a) Coronary heart disease. / Stroke -Eating disorder resulted in taking in larger amount of Low Density Cholesterol but less High Density Cholesterol, while the former one is hardly to be removed from blood and is deposited on the wall of arteries. -Such deposit forms a plague gradually and narrows blood vessels. For Coronary heart disease: -Coronary arteries blocked by blood clot will become hardened and supply less oxygen and nutrients to the heart muscle. -Then the muscle will be damaged and mal-functioned. Patient suffers severe pain in the chest, or the heart may stop beating and the man dies .,For stroke : -Clotted blood cause high blood pressure in man, while in the brain, bursting of blood vessels under strain is likely to happened. -Besides, the less supply of oxygen and nutrients to brain cells will lead to their death. It may leave the patients partly paralyzed , while in severe case the patients may die. b) Diabetes - inability to produce sufficient insulin by pancreas - glucose ingested not converted into glycogen for storage - thus glucose is lost in urination c) Osteoarthritis - overloading at joints (e.g knee joints) due to the body mass - wearing of cartilage and damage of synovial membrane - inflammation,3 a). Briefly outline the mechanism of slimming by eating only meats. (2 marks),Eating only proteins With little or no carbohydrates Body uses stored fats as energy source,3 b). Describe and explain disadvantages of slimming by eating only meats. (2 marks),1. Since animal protein has high level of Low-Density Cholesterol, large amount of intake can lead to coronary heart disease. 2. Since the main diet involves meat only, the lack of cellulose from vegetables and fruits lead to constipation. 3. Since excess amino acids cannot be stored in the body, they are deaminated by liver to urea which is excreted by the kidneys. Thus, the increase workload of liver and kidney could deteriorate their functions and in turn ones health condition.,4. State the danger of consuming slimming pills. (2 marks),Unknown side effects Illegal drugs might be used,5. State the disadvantages of liposuction. (2 marks),Infection, blood poisoning and complications from the anaesthetic. Complications from removing too much fat. These can be serious. Internal damage from the tubes. Skin numbness resulting from damage to nerve endings. Anemia resulting from bleeding and bruising. Lumpy appearance if fat is not removed evenly. Puffiness of the skin if fluid isnt drained properly.,6. Why do doctors suggest that children under 16 should not perform gym to keep slim? (2 marks),Children under 16 are at puberty / high growth rate Bones are not yet mature. Heavy loads affect the healthy growth of bones,7. What kind of exercises should be done? Why? (2 marks),Jogging for 30min. During the first 20 minutes of aerobic


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