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江西省上饶市2018届九年级英语下学期第一次月考试题1、 听力测试(25分)现在是试听时间。请听一段对话,然后回答问题。What is the boy going to buy? A. Some juice. B. Some oranges. C. Some apples. 答案是C。 A)请听下面6段对话。每段对话后有一小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并在答题卷上将该项涂黑。听完每段对话后,你都将有10秒钟的时间回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话读两遍。(每小题1分)1. Whats the weather like now?A. Cloudy. B. Rainy. C. Sunny.2. How will they travel this weekend?A. By bus. B. By car. C. By bike.3. What sport does the woman like?A. Volleyball. B. Baseball. C. Football.4. Where is the conversation probably taking place?A. In a street. B. In a hotel. C. In a hospital.5. Why hasnt Maria read the e-mail? A. Because she is too busy. B. Because she has a bad cold. C. Because her computer doesnt work.6. What does the man mean?A. He doesnt like the film at all.B. Hell go to see the film with the woman.C. Hell have his music lessons on Saturday evening. B)请听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并在答题卷上将该项涂黑。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。(每小题1分) 请听第1段材料,回答第7、8小题。7. Who is the woman looking for? A. Her daughter. B. Her son. C. Her brother.8. What color is the dress?A. Red. B. Blue. C. Red and Blue.请听第2段对话,回答第9至第10小题。9. How many children are there in Sarahs family? A. Four. B. Five. C. Six.10. Who is fifteen years old? A. Sarah. B.Vivian. C. Sally.请听第3段对话,回答第11至第13小题。11. Why is the boy unhappy? A. He is not feeling well. B. He cant think of a topic for his writing.C. He cant find his picture taken in Xian.12. What will the boy do? A. To take a course in writing. B. To go on a visit to China. C. To write about his travel in China.13. Whats the relationship between the two speakers?A. Classmates. B. Brother and sister. C. Mother and son.请听第l段独白,回答第14至第16小题。14. When will Mr. Brown be back? A. Next month. B. Next Monday. C. Two hours later. 15. Whats Johnsons telephone number? A. 2046357 B. 2346057 C. 203465716. What can we get from the conversation? A. The man will leave a message.B. Mr. Smith will be free in more than two hours.C. The man has something important to tell Mr. Smith.请听第2段独自,回答第17至第20小题。17. Who is the speaker? A. Daniel. B. Daniels father. C. Daniels mother. 18. What did Daniel make so dirty? A. The house. B. The yard. C. The car.19. Why were the parents so angry with Daniel? A. Because Daniel spent too much time watching TV. B. Because Daniel played the computer too long. C. Because Daniel ran to his room and shut the door.20. What can we learn from the monologue? A. Daniels parents wouldnt do the housework this week. B. Daniel was not polite to his parents this morning. C. Daniel may stay out at night this week.C)请听下面一段独白,根据独白内容完成下列句子,每个空格不超过3个单词。将答案填写到答题卷的相应位置。听独白前你将有50秒钟的时间阅读句子内容。独白读两遍。(每小题1分)21. Well go to Cambridge by _ tomorrow. 22. The trip will take more than _.23. Well take sandwiches and _ for lunch .24. Well take a walk around _.25. We are going to _ at the place where our bus stops.二、 单项填空 (15分) 请阅读下面各小题, 从题中所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卷上将该项涂黑。(每小题1分)26. Why dont you do it yourself?Sorry, I dont think Im _ to. I need someones help.A. possibleB. readyC. afraidD. able27. The food here is nice enough. Yeah. My friend _ me a right place.A. introduces B. introduced C. had introduced D. was introducing28. How are you feeling today, Jim? Im feeling even _. I dont think the medicine is good for me.A. better B. worse C. good D. well 29. Hello! Is that Miss King speaking? Sorry, youve got the wrong _.A. number B. name C. address D. call30. Mike, I cant stop playing computer games. For your eyes, my dear friend, Im afraid you _.A. can B. may C. will D. have to31. Whats real friendship? We must _ happiness and trouble with each other.A. have B. make C. share D. help32. There was a big earthquake in Toms hometown, but luckily most people _.A. are saved B. save C. saved D. were saved33. I dont think Mum saw us. She _ a TV play and deeply moved by it. A. was watching B. is watching C. watch D. watched34. Most young people think _ interesting to watch sports programs.A. this B that C. it D. one35. I dont mind helping to carry these things to your home. _, the walk will be good for my health.A. however B. still C. instead D. besides三、 完形填空 (25分) A)请先阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从各小题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出可以填入相应空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卷上将该项涂黑。(每小题1分)Once there was a man in a small town. His name was Goldsmith. He always helped others. 36 he himself didnt have much money, he always 37 his money to the poor. He studied 38 , so people in the town called him “Doctor Goldsmith”. One day a 39 woman asked Goldsmith to go and see her 40 . She said to the doctor, “My husband is ill and hasnt 41 anything for three days.” Goldsmith went with her. He 42 the family needed food and money very much. The man had been out of 43 for a long time. In fact, he was not ill but hungry because there was 44 food in the house. “Come to my house this evening,” said Goldsmith to the woman, “and Ill give you some 45 for your husband.”In the evening, Goldsmith 46 the woman a small paper box. “Here is the medicine,” he said. “It will 47 your husband a lot. But dont open the box 48 you get home.” After the woman arrived at home, she and her husband opened the box. To their 49 , there was some money and a note 50 the box. The note said, “Take some when necessary.” 36. A. When B. Because C. Although D. So37. A. gave up B. gave in C. gave off D. gave away38. A. science B. medicine C. physics D. music39. A. rich B. poor C. young D. beautiful40. A. husband B. father C. son D. friend41. A. taken B. drunk C. eaten D. done42. A. thought B. found C. believed D. hoped43. A. work B. house C. hospital D. time44. A. enough B. much C. some D. no45. A. medicine B. money C. food D. advice46. A. bought B. lent C. brought D. gave47. A. give B. help C. teach D. save48. A. when B. until C. after D. if49. A. happiness B. surprise C. enjoyment D. sadness50. A. in B. on C. under D. outsideB)请先阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后用方框中所给的词的适当形式填空,并将答案填写到答题卷的相应位置。每个词限用一次。(每小题1分) make but use child health never easy them good chat The Internet is used by people of all ages. Many use it for work, 51 for many others its also a kind of hobby. There are many popular sites where 52 can chat safely. On the one hand, socializing(社交) on the internet is fun. The 53 thing about these sites is that you can make hundreds of friends from all over the world. You can tell 54 about yourself and your life, and you can find out things about them and their lives. On the other hand, most of the “friends” that you 55 on the internet are not real friends. You can 56 together or email each other, but you will probably 57 meet! Another drawback of socializing online is that you can 58 spend hours on the computer, which isnt good for your 59 . To sum up, these sites are enjoyable 60 sometimes, but not all the time! Its important to enjoy life in the real world, not just on a computer screen.四、阅读理解(40分)A Live Pop MusicEnjoy the music from Jay Chou, the famous pop singer.PLACE: The music hall DATE: July 2022PRICE:¥200¥250TIME: 8: 00pm10: 00pmLatin DancingLatin dancing is fun and easy to learn.Come and learn this wonderful dance.PLACE: John SmithsDATE: July 131 PRICE: ¥60 TIME: 7: 30pm9: 30pmTEL: 3012768Shows Daqian MuseumDaqian Museum has over 1,000 pieces on display here. Come and see the whole of Chinese history!PLACE: Daqian Museum DATE: July 1August 31PRICE: ¥50(half for students) TEL: 2711399TIME: Monday to Friday: 8: 30am5: 30pm Weekends: 9: 00am8: 00pm 61. When can you enjoy the popular music?A. At 20:10 on July 21. B. At 7: 30pm on July 22.C. At 21:10 on July 12. D. At 8: 00am on July 20.62. Where can you go if you are free at 8:20 pm on July 28?A. The music hall. B. Caoyang District. C. Daqian Museum. D. John Smiths.63. How long does the shows in Daqian Museum last?A. For less than two months. B. For over three months. C. For around sixty days. D. For about six weeks.BComedian(喜剧演员) Chris RockChris Rock was born in the state of South Carolina in the United States. When he was a child, his family moved, and he grew up in a poor area in Brooklyn, New York. As a teenager, Rock left high school and started telling jokes in comedy clubs in New York City. Even at age 18, Chris Rock was very funny. He told jokes about his family (his parents were very strict), and about growing up in Brooklyn in the 1980s. Many of his jokes were also about high school, which Rock says was terrible. Famous comedians went to see Rocks performances. One comedian (Eddie Murphy) helped him get work on television and in the movies. Chris Rock still acts in movies, but he does not want to be a serious actor. For him, comedy is more important. It makes people laugh, but it can also make people think. Today, Chris Rock still does live comedy shows around the world. He also created a TV show called “Everybody Hates Chris.” It is about his teenage years growing up and going to school in Brooklyn. In 2006, it was rated (排名) one of the best comedy shows on American television. 64. What are Chris Rocks jokes about? A. South Carolina. B. Brooklyn. C. Comedians. D. Comedy clubs. 65. Today, what does Chris Rock say is the most important?A. Making people laugh. B. Being a serious actor. C. Helping teenagers. D. Having his own club.66. What is “Everybody Hates Chris”? A. A TV show about Chris Rocks teenage years. B. A book about Chris Rocks life. C. A movie of Chris Rock telling jokes. D. A CD of Chris Rocks favorite music. 67. Which sentence about Chris Rock is true?A. As a teenager, he was not funny. B. He started working in clubs after he graduated from college. C. He loved going to high school. D. A famous comedian helped him get work on TV and in the movies. CThese days, people who do manual work (体力活) often get much more money than people who work in the offices. Those who work in the offices are often called as white collar (白领) workers for the simple reason that they usually wear a collar and tie to go to work. Now, many people are often willing to give up higher pay and want to become white collar workers. This can lead to strange situations. Alfred Blogs, who worked as a dustman for the Xinhua Company, is a good example. And people call him Alf for short.When he got married, Alf was too embarrassed to say anything to his wife about his job. He simply told her that he worked for the Company. Every morning, he left home dressed in a black suit. But he changed into overalls (工作服) at once when he arrived at his workplace. Then he spent the next eight hours in cleaning the roads and streets in the company as a dustman. Before returning home at night, he took a shower and changed back into his suit. Alf did this for over two years and his workmates kept his secret. Alfs wife has never discovered that she married a dustman and she never will, for Alf has just found another job. He will soon be working in an office. He will be making only half as much as he used to. Although he will get less money than before, he feels very happy because he thinks that his status (地位) will rise. From now on, he will wear a suit all day and other people will call him Mr. Blogs, not Alf.68. Why would many people like to work in the offices? A. Because they can wear a collar and tie to go to work. B. Because they can get more money. C. Because they dont work for a long time. D. Because they feel that they will have higher status.69. What does the underlined word this in the second paragraph refer to? A. Changing his clothes before and after work. B. Returning home late every day.C. Saying nothing to his wife about his job. D. Taking a shower and changing back into his suit.70. What can we infer (推断) from the passage? A. Alfs wife knew that her husband worked as a dustman. B. Alf will get more money because he has a new job. C. Alfs workmates didnt tell his wife the truth. D. Alf worked as a dustman for less than two years.71. Whats the best title of the passage? A. The interesting job of Alfred Blogs.B. The double life of Alfred Blogs. C. The happy family of Alfred Blogs D. The rising status of Alfred Blogs. DThe world is getting smaller, at least when it comes to language. More and more people speak the three most common languages: English, Spanish, and Chinese. As a result, local languages are being forgotten. In many parts of the world, grandparents speak a language their grandparents do not understand. As cultures adjust to (适应) these changes, and languages arent taught to children or spoken at home, these local languages are slowly disappearing. A language is said to be in trouble when less than 30 percent of children in the community speak it. It is considered a dying language. If children no longer learn to use a language, it will have fewer and fewer speakers over time and after a long time the language will be gone. Why keep languages alive? Languages hold the key to understanding a cultures beliefs and values. They show how a culture understands or explains the world. “You need to look at different kinds of languages, because no one language gets it all,” said researcher Dr. Linda Cumberland who is working to save Assiniboine, a Native American language. According to Dr. Cumberland a dying language needs a dictionary and people to understand and record its grammar. Most importantly, you need to listen to those who still speak the language. This can be very difficult, especially if there are very few speakers of the language left. For example, when researchers were working to save the language Ayapaneco in Mexico, it was hard for them to record anything because the last two people on Earth who could speak the language declined to speak to each other. 72. Why are local languages being spoken less and less? A. People who know the language speak to each other less and less.B. People prefer to learn and speak more common languages. C. People use a computer to communicate now.D. Children do not talk to their grandparents.73. When is a language considered to be dying? A. When it doesnt have a dictionary. B. When it is only spoken by old people. C. When about 50 percent of local people speak it. D. When fewer than 30 percent of local children learn it. 74. What does the underlined word “declined” mean? A. expected B. decided C. refused D. failed75. What is the main idea of this passage? A. Many languages are disappearing around the world. B. Most people speak English, Spanish, and Chinese. C. Languages help us understand other cultures. D. People should learn new languages.B) 请先阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后根据短文内容从下面方框内的七个选项中选择五个还原到文中,使短文意思通顺、结构完整,并在答题卷上将其序号涂黑。(每小题2分) In the USA, outdoor vacations are popular, for example at the Grand Canyon or Yosemite or Yellowstone or the national parks or forests. 76 Many people have small trailer(拖车) in which to travel, or if they are in a car, they may stay at Motels on the journey. Disneyland and Disneyworld are also popular and people can to ski in the Rocky Mountains of Colorado, Wyoming and Montana. 77 They may live in states a long distance away. Some children go to summer camp for a holiday during the summer vacation form school, where they do special activities, such as sports or crafts(工艺). 78 they usually go to Florida, Hawaii, Mexico or the Caribbean. They may go to Europe for culture, for example, to see art, plays, and places of historic interest. 79 There are places near the sea, such as Black pool, Scarborough and Bournemouth, where there is plenty to do even if it rains. In a traditional British seaside holiday, the children can watch a Punch and Judy Show, eat candy, rock and make sandcastles(沙雕). 80 People also like to go to the country, especially to walk, in places like Scotland, Wales and the Lake District.A. Few people enjoy the beautiful mountains.B.Many people drive to another part of country.C.Many Americans want a holiday for sun and rest.D.Older people can ask for a deckchair to sit on the beach.E. It i


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