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优美英语这么说 -英语发音秘诀,发音:大声,清晰,速度,The four key criteria to be a real English user,Contribution,五大发音秘诀,1.长元音拉长、双元音饱满 英语是否好听,主要取决于元音是否饱满、到位 I made a terrible mistake. 我犯了一个严重的错误. ai I like sky ei great make take face dangerous famous e never seven eleven better e apple, thank you, bad man, passion, absolutely fantastic satisfaction,If you buy our product, your satisfaction will be absolutely guaranteed. 如果你购买我们的产品,你一定会非常满意 Great minds think alike. 英雄所见略同.,au now about how How are you doing? How is your daughter doing? I am so proud of you.,u no slow go smoke hope I dont know how to thank you enough. 我不知道该如何感谢你. When are you going to quit smoking. 你打算什么时候发誓戒烟?,i: please Chinese agree feeling extremely Nice to meet you. Its my treat this time. 今天我请客 A: Please have/take a seat. 请坐. B: Thank you. A: Sweet dreams. 做个好梦 B: You too. 你也一样 The movie is extremely funny. 那部电影极其有趣 Please feel free to call me. 请随时给我打电话,2.短元音,收小腹,短促有力,干净利落 u i e Good city busy minute hurry get along Five minutes ago. I am busy today. 短元音单词在一起, 深吸气,一次搞定. Lets get together again soon. 过段我们再找一天聚一聚 Dont bother me. I am busy!别烦我,我忙着呢! He is difficult to get along with. 他很难相处,3. 连读 (1)字尾辅音+字首元音 I am working on-it. We believe-in you. 我相信你能做到,你能成功. Ill think-it-over. 我会仔细考虑的 Take a look at it.,(2)字尾 r, 音+字首元音 单词末尾有字母“r”或“ ”的词,在短语或句子中和以字首元音开始的词相邻时,在英语中“r”也要读出音来,与后面的元音连读。 far away. 遥远 My friend comes from a country far away.我的朋友来自遥远的国家。 for ever 永远 I will keep my promise forever.我将永远信守诺言。 there are ; there is There are a lot of problems in the world. There is no school today. 今天不用上课,4. 略音 I am a student. ()辅音+辅音 , “同性相斥” I dont-know what-to do. 我不知道做什么。 Id-like-to try on that shirt.我想试试那件衬衫。,(2)同类爆破+同类爆破 相同的两个爆破音相邻时,第一个爆破音省略,只读后面的一个爆破音 Part time Shes looking for a part-time job.她正在寻找兼职工作. take care Please take care of yourself.请多保重。 Ill take-care-of the problem.我会亲自来解决这个问题。,(3) 异类 A: What do you think? 你认为怎么做 B: Sorry, I wasnt listening. 对不起,我刚才没听。 两个元音中间的t要浊化成d better matter The sooner, the better. 愈快愈好。 I think youd better see a doctor. 我想你最好去看医生。 Whats the matter of you?,5. 咬舌头,把舌尖轻轻放在上下牙齿的中间 three thousand three hundred and thirtythree.【五次咬舌头】 This is better than that. Its the same thing.,句子语调 根据标点从句结构等断句 As a matter of fact, its attitude instead of aptitude that decides your success. 事实上,决定你能否成功的是态度而不是能力 2.在逻辑中断句 After dinner I read a newspaper. Sally married a handsome young man named jackie.,五步搞定语音语调,Step 1: 听录音,做标记 Step 2: 狂模范,心要细


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