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Section Integrating Skills & Cultural Corner 品句填词1All the people _(在场的) were all quite satisfied with his performance.答案:present2Webster wrote a dictionary in order to _(简化) the spelling of English words.答案:simplify3Her_(与众不同的) voice made her a famous singer after many years hard work.答案:distinctive4He _(批评) me for that I did not complete the work in time.答案:criticised5The climbers _(努力) to reach the top of the mountain, but failed.答案:attempted6After the president made an official _(声明), she expressed her personal opinion.答案:announcement7The questions in the tests are more and more flexible and many of them dont have _(标准的)answers.答案:standard8Keep the dictionary on your desk for your_(查阅)答案:reference 单句改错1People who work in office are usually referred to “white collar workers”_答案:在to后加as2Thanks for the teacher, I have found the proper method of learning English. _答案:forto3She made a delicious chocolate cake in her first attempt, which made her very happy._答案:inat4Some people in favour of building a swimming pool for children, while others are against it._答案:在in前加are5I rushed to the station, only find the train had already gone._答案:在find前加to 课文语篇改错Noah Webster, a teacher who graduated from Yale University in 1778, once fight against the British in the American War of Independence. He felt that writing English in the newly independent United States should have distinctive “American” look.His first book, The Elementary Spelling Book, suggested simplify the spelling of English words. The book was extreme popular. By the 1850s it was selling one million copies a year, making them one of the most popular school books ever.Whats more, Webster is best know for his American Dictionary of the English Language, which first was appeared in 1828.Today, it was still the number one dictionaries for American students.答案:Noah Webster, a teacher who graduated from Yale University in 1778, once against the British in the American War of Independence. He felt that English in the newly independent United States should have distinctive “American” look.His first book, The Elementary Spelling Book, suggested the spelling of English words. The book was popular. By the 1850s it was selling one million copies a year, making one of the most popular school books ever.Whats more, Webster is best for his American Dictionary of the English Language, which first appeared in 1828. Today, it still the number one for American students. 单句语法填空1How about your trip to Beijing during the 2018 summer vacation?Oh, thanks _ the fine weather, we enjoyed ourselves indeed.答案:to2Younger generations love to share things online, such as photos, music, etc., so theyve got used to_(talk)答案:talking3I think it is really a waste of money for you to buy famous brands. Besides, it will also add _ the burden of your parents.答案:to4She took a complex topic and _(simple) it in a way that we could all understand.答案:simplified5The book _(refer) to by the psychology expert teaches you how to find out _ is causing the stress in your life.答案:referred;what6The boy didnt study hard, thus _(fail) to pass the 2019 college entrance examination.答案:failing7Could you do me _ favour and pick _ Sam from school today?答案:a;up8He attempted _(finish) the task in advance,but he failed in the end.答案:to finish9The ideas _(present) by our manager in the meeting sound reasonable.答案:presented10We dont have enough books for _; some of you will have to share. 答案:everybody 阅读理解Learning English as the second language for nonnative English speakers is not an easy task.It needs to spend a considerable time before you could speak or write the English language.There are only two ways to learn the English language or any other language you prefer.The first one needs a lot of money because of the requirements needed.If you notice, a person migrated(移民) to another country and stayed there for a couple of years and then went back to his home nonnative speaking country, the person became so familiar in speaking English.This is the most effective way of learning to speak and write a language unfamiliar to you.The learner learns the language because he/she is forced to do so because there is no other language being used.Not to mention that, the learner should adapt to the environment.It is all started from listening.This is the process how language is acquired if you will stay long in a foreign country.The second one is the traditional way.You go to school or learning center specialized in teaching English as the second language.Obviously, this is cheaper than the first, but it needs a considerable time before you will learn to familiarize the language.Today, there are different language centers offering their services for people to learn the language in your own country.They brought all the materials needed because, compared to the first one, theyre affordable and reasonable.Nowadays, learning English as the second language is one of the global trends. Since the English language is used in most of the business transactions you should be on it too.Otherwise you will not go along with the future trends that will arise.【解题导语】本文主要介绍了学习英语的两种方法。一种是到说英语的国家生活几年,在这种环境下会很快学好这门语言,但这种方法费用太高了;另一种是传统的学习方式,在学校花大量时间学习或上培训班,这是种费时但大部分人都负担得起的方式。无论怎样,学习英语是大势所趋,是未来工作的需要。1The most effective way of learning a second language is to _.Alearn from the native speakers Bspend a lot of time Copen your mouth to practice more Dlive in the speaking country several daysA解析:细节理解题。从第二段的第二句话和最后一句话可知选A。2Now an affordable way to learn a foreign language but not to go abroad is to _.Ago to a foreign language school Bstudy in a language center Ccommunicate with more peopleDinvite a foreigner as a teacherB解析:细节理解题。从第四段的第四句“Today, there are different language centers offering their services.”可知选B。3The last paragraph mainly tells us _.Athe global trends of the present world Bthe difficulty of learning a second languageCthe most important way of learning a second languageDthe importance of learning a second language D解析:段落大意题。最后一段说明了学习第二语言是当今的一个趋势,是人人都应该做的,否则就跟不上时代的潮流了。所以这一段主要告诉我们学习第二语言的重要性。4From the passage we can learn _.Alearning foreign languages is easy Bthere are many ways to learn foreign languages Cfamily environment is very helpful for learning foreign languages Dlearning foreign languages is good for your future careerD解析:推理判断题。从最后一段可以判断出学习好外语对将来的就业很有好处;从第一段的第一句话可以看出A项不正确;从第一段的最后一句话可以判断B项不正确;环境对语言学习很重要,但不是家庭环境,故C项不正确。 完形填空Throughout history, people have been interested in knowing how language first began, but no one knows exactly where or how this happened. _1_, we do know a lot about _2_, the languages of today and also the languages of _3_ times. There are _4_ about three thousand languages in the world today. Chinese is the language _5_ the most speakers. English, Russian and Spanish are also spoken by many millions of people. _6_, some languages in the world have less than one hundred speakers.There are several important _7_ of languages in the world. For example, most of the languages of _8_ are in one large family called the IndoEuropean language family. The _9_ language of this family was spoken about 4,500 years _10_. Many of the present languages of Europe and India are modern _11_ of the languages of 4,500 years ago.Languages are _12_ changing. The English of today is very different _13_ the English of 500 years ago. In time some even _14_ completely. About 1,000 years ago _15_ was a littleknown relative of German _16_ on one of the borders(边界) of Europe. If a language has _17_ speakers or if it is very old, there may be _18_ in the way it is spoken in different areas. _19_, the language may have several dialects. Chinese is a good example of dialect differences. Chinese has been spoken for thousands of years by many millions of speakers. The differences among the dialects of Chinese are so great that speakers of Chinese from some parts of China _20_ understand speakers from other parts.【解题导语】虽然人们没有找到语言形成的准确时间和地点以及具体形成过程,但是我们对世界上现存的语言还是了解不少的。1A.ButBSoCHoweverDBesidesC解析:语言的起源一直是人们感兴趣的事情,但是没人确切地知道语言的起源究竟是怎样的。然而,我们还是对语言了解许多的。but后不能出现逗号。2A.EnglishBhistoryCChineseDlanguagesD解析:由上下文可知全文一直是在讲对语言的认识,而不单纯是对汉语或英语的认识。3A.earlierBlaterCmodernDhardA解析:人们对现在的语言以及更早的语言有所了解。由上下文可知此处与today对应。4A.possibleBprobablyClikelyDimpossiblyB解析:当今世界上大约有三千种语言。此处应用副词,排除A、C两项;根据句意排除D项。5A.forBwithCinDofB解析:由with引导的介词短语作定语,修饰language,表示“汉语是使用人数最多的一种语言”。6A.In a wordBOn the one handCWhats moreDOn the other handD解析:上文提出汉语是使用人数最多的一种语言,接着又说英语、俄语和西班牙语也有数百万人使用,后文话锋一转讲到,还有不到一百人使用的语言,所以此处用on the other hand。7A.formsBsystemsCfamiliesDchangesC解析:由后面的内容可知语言有几大语系,用families表示。下文的“one large family”也是提示。8A.EuropeBAsiaCAfricaDAmericaA解析:由后面的“IndoEuropean language family”可知,欧洲的大多数语言都属于一个大的语系印欧语系。9A.obviousBoriginalCconfusingDdistinctiveB解析:original“原始的,起


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