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称谓语的翻译,排行+亲属词 译为序数词+亲属词这样翻译,虽然词汇上对应,但语义上并非完全对等,汉语排行称谓所反映的民族风情,译语读者仍是很难感受。由于两个民族的社会和民族心理不同,汉语中习惯用排行称谓,英语习惯用姓名称谓,翻译时可以把排行称谓直接译为姓名称谓,那么这种翻译方法就是归化法,也可以采用异化的翻译方法,即序数词+亲属词,1)一天,邻居王二婶不小心把钥匙锁在家里,很多热心人都前来帮忙,但都无济于事。 One day, through carelessness, Wang Ers wife, one of the elderly neighbors, locked herself out. 2)王二婶感激万分,特意买来一盒过滤嘴香烟,非要塞给他。 To express her gratitude, Mrs. Wang bought a pack of filter cigarettes and insisted that he accept it.,3) 前不久,王嫂又给他介绍一位叫蓉蓉的姑娘。 Not long ago, Mrs. Wang introduced him to another girl, called Rongrong. 5) 第一要算我们老栓叔运气;第二是夏三爷赏了25两雪白的银子,独自落腰包,一文不花。 Our Old Shuan was luckiest, and after him Third Uncle Xia. He pocketed the whole reward-twenty-five taels of bright silver-and didnt have to spend a cent.,6)村人看见赵七爷到村,都赶紧吃完饭,聚在七斤家饭桌的周围。 Seventh Master Zhaos arrival in the village made all the villagers finish their supper quickly and gather round Sevenpounders table.,7) 我孩子时候,在斜对门的豆腐店里确乎终日坐着一个杨二嫂,人都叫伊“豆腐西施”。 When I was a child there was a Mrs. Yang who used to sit nearly all day long in the beancurd shop across the road, and everybody used to call her Beancurd Beauty.,8) 他的态度终于恭敬起来了,分明的叫道:“老爷!” Finally, assuming a respectful attitude, he said clearly: “Master! ”,9) 虽说故乡,然而已没有家,所以只得暂寓在鲁四老爷的宅子里。他是我的本家,比我长一辈,应该称之曰“四叔”。 I call it my hometown, but I put up at the house of a Fourth Uncle since he belongs to the generation before mine in my clan.,10)四妹,时间不早了,要逛动物园就得赶快走。 Huifang! Its getting late. Well have to get a move on if you want to see the zoo.,讲礼貌、尚谦让是中华民族的传统美德,人们在说话时总是尽量谦卑,于人唯恐礼数不周,于是在社交称谓中产生了谦称和敬称。比如先生晚生 贤弟愚弟 夫人贱内令郎犬子大人下官 汉语中的自称称谓语有很多 朕孤 微臣下官 奴才小的 弟子 妾 奴家 贫道 贫僧 鄙人 英语里面自称称谓语一般只有第一人称代词 所以在汉译英中一般把那些自称称谓词译为英语的第一人称代词,11) 雨村起身也让道:“老先生请便。晚生乃常造之客,稍候何妨。” “Dont stand on ceremony, sir” said Yu-tsun, rising. “I am a regular guest here, I dont mind waiting.”,称呼别人用尊称是汉语的习惯,老太太 老太爷 世翁 恩师 令郎 千金 英语中的对称语只有第二人称代词 陛下 Your/his/her Majesty your/ his/her/ honor your/his/her lordship 汉语中的尊称可以译为对应的英语的尊称 或在指称名词前加上honorable respected worthy 等词,以使称谓语的语义相当。,12) 小人告了一年的状,竟无人作主;求大老爷拘拿凶犯,以扶善良,存殁感激不尽。 I lodged a charge a year ago, but nothing came of it. I beg Your Honor to arrest the criminals, punish the evil-doers and help the widow and the orphan. Then both the living and the dead will be ever-lastingly grateful.,13)“这就是尊夫人了?” 张医生问道。 “Is this your worthy wife?” asked Dr. Chang.,声音词的翻译,声音词是以模仿动作事物的声音构成的词。它的所指意义是模仿的声音,语用意义是该词的修辞效果。声音词的突出功能就是美感功能,使语言生动鲜明,绘声绘色,增加艺术效果。英汉语都有声音词,由于词语构成和声音象征性的不同,汉译英时需注意酌情调整,特别要留心常用声音词的对应关系。,14)轰的一声,房子塌了。 The house collapsed with a bang. 15)一声炸雷,把孩子吓得哇的一声哭了。 Suddenly came a rumbling thunder, which frightened the child into a loud cry.,16)天空更暗了,接着来的是豆大的雨点,啪嗒啪嗒落在地上。 The sky was becoming darker still, then large heavy drops of rain began pitter-pattering on the ground.,17)蛙声咯咯,渠水淙淙,稻苗上的清风如泣如诉,恰似时隐时现的和弦。 Outside frogs were croaking, the waters in the ditch gurgling, and the wind blowing over the paddy seedbeds, complainingly and weepingly, like so many intermittent chords.,18)在灰沉沉的天底下,忽而来一阵凉风,便息里索洛地下起雨来了。 A sudden gust of cool wind crosses the somber sky, and a patter of rain begins. 19)正中的门呀地开了一半。 The center door creaks half-open.,20)“嘎-”传来一声水禽被惊动的鸣叫。 “Quack!” came the cry of a startled water bird. 21)“砰-”老杨开枪了。 “Bang!” Old Yang fired. 22)老杨只是嘿嘿笑了几声,拍着枪连声说:“好枪,好枪!” Old Yang chuckled, patted the gun and said, “Excellent shotgun! Excellent indeed!”,因境择词 22) 登!登!登!一阵楼板响,匪徒们上楼了。 Then followed a loud clump, clump, they rushed up the stairs. 23) 她说着就登登登地下楼了。 With these words she clattered downstairs.,24) 啪地一声响,那支象牙鸦片烟枪断成两截。 Crack! The long ivory opium-pipe broke into two. 25) 啪地一声,老人把鸟笼的门给关上了。 The old man slid down the cage-door with a click.,因境删减 26) 妈妈扑哧笑了,我


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