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Wuhan university of technology,Part four chap.1 type of social security,1、three types of model 1.1自保公助型(英国、美国、德国) 1.2国家福利型(瑞典、荷兰) 1.3自我积累型(新加坡) 2、what we know from these classification?,Wuhan university of technology,chap.2 retirement plan achitecture,Building blocks: Defined contribution-defined benefit Voluntary -mandatory Market-based financing-PAYG financing Individual accounts-government accounts Personal property rights-lack of that,Wuhan university of technology,1.2 common pension designs-1,U.S.401(k) plan: Defined contribution Voluntary Market-based financing Individual accounts Personal property rights,Wuhan university of technology,1.3 designs 2,Defined contribution-defined benefit Mandatory Market-based financing Individual accounts Personal property rights,Wuhan university of technology,Chap.3 fund collection model,1、model of collection 1.1PAYG:现收现付制 1.2基金制 1.3部分积累制 1.4筹集模式的比较 2、type of fund management 2.1信托基金管理模式 2.2基金会管理模式 2.3商业经营性基金管理模式,Wuhan university of technology,3、investment and operation(运营),3.1composition of assets 政府债券、银行存款、股票、不动产等 3.2 common 3.3 future investment,Wuhan university of technology,Chap 4 level of benefits,level of benefits define the level amount in all amount of benefit by program,Wuhan university of technology,2、proper level,2.1determiation of proper level适度水平的测定 Factors of demand Factors of supply 2.2 in developed countries 2.3in developping country as ours,Wuhan university of technology,Chap5 organization of administration管理体制,1 administration 2、how to organize administration 行政管理 基金运营 监管,Wuhan university of technology,3、


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