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Financial English,任课教师:罗长青 博士 湖南商学院财政金融学院 邮箱:C,Suggestion,Preview the text before you come to class. Take notes in class. Review what you have learned after class.,教学目的,掌握专业词汇的英语表达,做到英汉互译。 能看懂一般难度的经济、金融类英语文章。 在了解金融背景的基础上,能就熟悉的话题进行笔头或口头翻译。,教材与参考书目,教材: 金融英语,复旦大学出版社,刘文国主编。,参考书目: 金融英语(基础类),清华大学出版社,金融英语教材编写委员会编写。 现代金融业务,中国金融出版社,金融专业英语证书考试委员会编。,金融英语证书(FECT)考试,金融英语证书考试制度是1994年经中国人民银行和原国家教委联合发文批准建立的我国第一个国家级行业性外语证书考试制度。自2009年开始,金融英语证书考试(FECT)共设两级,分别为FECT综合考试和FECT高级考试。金融英语证书考试每年进行一次。2011年度金融英语证书考试时间为2011年6月11日及12日。,1、FECT综合考试: 考试科目:现代金融业务; 2、FECT高级考试: (1)FECT高级考试必考科目现代金融理论与实务; (2)FECT高级考试选考科目银行业务与管理、保险与证券业务,两科任选一科。,网络资源online resources,1、 金融时报 2、经济学人期刊 3、 华尔街日报 4、商业周刊 5、 财富期刊 6、 中华人民共和国财政部,7、 中国人民银行 8、中华人民共和国国际外汇管理局 9、 中国证券监督管理委员会 10、 中国保险监督管理委员会,11、 中国银行监督管理委员会 12、 美国联邦储备委员会 13、 美国财政部 14、 世界银行 15、国际货币基金组织,American oil billionaire J. Paul Getty has a very famous saying, that is “ If you can actually count your money, then you are not really a rich man.”,美国石油大亨J. Paul Getty曾经说过一句话:如果你的钱是可以数得清楚的,那么你就不是一个真正的富人。,What is Money ?,Currency 货币,Currency (包括硬币和纸币) is one type of money. When most people talk about money, they are talking about currency.,check 支票,Because checks are also accepted as payment for purchases, checking account deposits are considered money as well.,wealth 财富,The word money is frequently used synonymously with wealth. e.g. Joe is richhe has a lot of money.,It means that Joe not only has a lot of currency and a high balance in his checking account but also has stocks, bonds, four cars, three houses, and so on.,Balance 帐户存款的余额 e.g. Could you tell me what my balance is please? 你能告诉我的帐户余额吗?,Whats the difference between money and wealth?,Wealth includes not only money but also other assets such as bonds, common stock, art, land, furniture, cars, and houses.,Income 收入,e.g. Susan has a good job and earns a lot of money. 收入是某一单位时间内收益的流量, 而货币是一个存量, 即某一时间点上一个特定的金额。,If someone tells you that he has an income of $1 000, you can not tell whether he earned a lot or a little without knowing whether this $1 000 is earned per year, per month, or even per day. But if someone tells you that she has $1 000 in her pocket, you know exactly how much this is.,Definition of Money,Economists define money as anything that is generally accepted in payment for goods or services or in the repayment of debts.,货币是在支付商品和服务或在偿还债务时被普遍接受的任何东西。,Exercise: Different Types of Money,区分以下词语的含义,What are the exact meanings of these words in English? Cash, Currency, Salary, Wages, Income, Loan, Pension, Fund, Capital, Installments, Debt, Deposit, Aid.,Exercise,1. Money in notes and coins is called a. cash b. capital c. reserves The dollar, the mark and the yen are a. currencies b. funds c. salary Money borrowed from a bank is a a. deposit b. income c. loan,a. cash,a. currencies,c. loan,Exercise,Borrowed money that has to be paid back constitutes a a. debt b. fund c. income All the money received by a person or a company is known as a. cash b. income c. wages,a. debt,b. income,The money earned for a weeks manual work is called income b. salary c. wages The money paid for a months (professional) work is a a. loan b. salary c. wages,c. wages,b. salary,Money placed in banks and other savings institutions constitutes capital b. deposits c finance Money paid by the government or a company to a retired person is a a. pension b. income c. loan,b. deposits,a. pension,10. The money that will ultimately be used to pay pensions is kept in a a. budget b. deposit c. fund 11. The money needed to start a company is called a. aid b. capital c. debt,c. fund,b. capital,12. The money paid to lawyers, architects, private schools, etc. is called a. fees b. installments c. wages 13. Regular part payments of debts are called a. deposits b. loans c. installments,a. fees,c. installments,14. Estimated expenditure and income is written in a a. budget b. reserve c. loan 15. Money given to developing countries by richer ones is known as a. aid b. debt c. loan,a. budget,a. aid,Reading: The history of money,Precious metal Holey dollar Token Plastic note Plastic/credit card Medium of exchange Unit of account Store of value,贵金属,有洞的钱币,辅币,塑料钞票,信用卡,交换媒介,计算单位,价值储存手段,What is Finance ?,Finance is the science of funds management.,The field of finance deals with the concepts of time, money and risk and how they are interrelated.,The main techniques and sectors,Lender and Borrower A specific example of corporate finance The categories of finance Finance is important,Personal finance,Personal finance is the application of the finance to the monetary decisions of an individual or family unit. Personal financial decisions may involve paying for education, financing durable goods such as real estate and cars.,Corporate finance,What is the corporate finance? Long term and short term decision Investment banking Task of managerial or corporate finance Long term funds Fund management Financial management vs financial accounting,Capital,Financial capital Capital, in the financial sense, is the money that gives the business the power to buy goods to be used in the production of other goods or the offering of a services.,The desirability of budgeting,Budget is an estimation of the revenue and expenses over a specified future period of time. Capital budget Cash budget is an estimation of the cash inflow and outflows for a business or individual for a specific period of time.,Management of current assets,Credit Forms of credit Advantages of credit trade Disadvantages of credit trade Factors which influence credit condition Effective credit control Duties of the credit department,Cash,Reasons for keeping cash Advantages of sufficient cash Cash is usually the king in finance,Insurance,Insurance, in law and economics, is a form of risk management primarily used to hedge against the risk of a contingent loss. Requirement of an insurance contract,Financial economics Financial mathematics Experimental finance Quantitative behavior finance Intangible asset f


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