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如何写 图表作文,My living expenses,Step 1 认识图表,表格,Table,year,item,某地区居民近4年的消费变化,曲线图,Line Graph,记忆规律曲线图,Bar Chart/Graph,柱形图/条形图,某校2006-2009年学生中拥有QQ号人数的调查,32% housing,other,other,(a) Percentage of Average Family Expenses in 2008,(b) Percentage of Average Family Expenses in 2009,饼状图,Pie Chart,下面表格是某地区居民近10年的消费变化,请根据要求写一篇文章,要求描述变化并得出结论,词数100左右。,Step 2 范例引路,范例引路 关键词:1.表明 2.改变 3.从.下降或者增加到 4. 在减少/增加中 5.因为原因 6.从一方面说,从另一方面来说,show,change,fall / increase from to, on the decrease / on the rise,for the reasons,on one hand on the other hand,扩写句子 1.Show:正如表格所示, 2.Change:发生了巨大的变化。 3.fall / increase from to 衣、食、喝方面的费用从40%下降到25%。,As is shown from the table,great changes have taken place,the expenses on food, drink and clothing fell from 40% to 25%,交通、休闲、教育和住房花费一直在上升。,The expenses on transport and recreation , education and housing have been on the rise,4.on the decrease / on the rise,5.Reasons:理由如下: 6.on one hand 从一方面说,人民的生活水准得到了极大的提高。 on the other hand从另一方面来说,人们更加重视教育和居住条件。,The reasons are as follows,Peoples living standard has been improved,people paid much more importance to education and living conditions.,连句成篇,As is shown from the table, great changes _ in peoples expenses from 2007 to2010. The expenses on food, drink and clothing _ from 40% in 2007 _ 25% in 2010. On the contrary, the expenses on transport and recreation , education and housing have been _. For the former, only 10% was spent on it in 2007, but the rate _ in 2010. The same also goes for the latter. The rate _ from 30% in 2007 _ 40% in 2010.,From the above, we can see that peoples living level has been rising greatly in the past 10 years. The reasons are as follows: on one hand, peoples living standard has been improved. on the other hand, people paid much more importance to education and living conditions.,As is shown from the table, great changes have taken place in peoples expenses from 2007-2010. The expenses on food, drink and clothing fell from 40% in 2007 to 25% in 2010. On the contrary, the expenses on transport and recreation , education and housing have been on the rise. For the former, only 10% was spent on it in 2007, but the rate doubled in 2010. The same also goes for the latter. The rate rose from 30% in 2007 to 40% in 2010. From the above, we can see that peoples living level has been rising greatly in the past 10 years. The reasons are as follows: on one hand, peoples living standard has been improved. on the other hand, people paid much more importance to education and living conditions.,第一步: 点明主题,第二步:观察图表中数据的 增减总趋势,分类式阐明,第三步:说明原因, 得出结论.,一、开头 简要描述图表,点明主题 Describing 二、正文 分析数据 Analyzing 三、结尾 说明原因,得出结论 Coming to a conclusion,Step 3 总结规律 图表式作文写作分三步:,请根据对某校2004-2007年这段时间学生中拥有 QQ号人数的调查写一篇文章,要求描述变化并 得出结论,词数100左右。,Step 3 实战演练,写作步骤Process Writing 1. 罗列关键词(Listing) 2. 展开关键词(Developing) 3. 打草稿(Drafting) 4. 修正稿(Revising) 5. 定稿(Editing),开头常用句型: 1. As is shown in the chart, . 2. The graph/chart/table above shows that 3. From the above graph/chart, it can be seen that. 分析数据常用句型: 1.There was a great /slight increase /rise in 2.It decreased/ fell/ increased from to 3.The number /rate has nearly doubled, 说明原因常用句型: 1.The reason foris that 2.The reasons are as follows: 3. There are several reasons for the change: First of all, . besides, whats more.,As is shown in the chart, the rate of students who own QQs increased in the past four years from 2004 to 2007. Back in 2004, only 20% of them have QQs; one year later, the rate becomes twice larger; compared with about 50% in 2006, the rate in 2007 rose to 60%. Clearly, it is tending to increase. The reasons are as follows: for one thing, the widespread use of the Internet makes it convenient for students to communicate with each other. For another, QQ provides all kinds of entertainments, such as playing games and enjoying music. Whats more, QQ


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