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Introduction of Chinese Festivals,Spring Festival,Jan.1st of lunar calendar,Dragon Boat Festival,May 5th of lunar calendar,Mid-autumn Day,Aug. 15th of lunar calendar,Tomb-sweeping Day,in the early March of lunar calendar,Double Ninth Festival,Sept. 9th of lunar calendar,What should be included in your introduction?,time,meaning,celebrations,1. time: (某节日)是在(某月某日)_ 追溯到_ 2. meaning: 对表示尊敬_ 和家人团聚_ 团圆、幸运和吉祥的象征_ 敬老 _,fall on,date back to,show respect for,have a family reunion,a symbol of reunion, luck and fortune,honor the senior,向所爱的人表达最美好的祝愿_ 3.celebrations: 赏月_ 遵守风俗_ 放烟花_ 表演节日_ 走亲访友_,express the best wishes to the beloved ones,admire the moon,observe the customs,set off fireworks,put on performances,visit relatives and friends,给小孩压岁钱_ 举行龙舟赛_ 吃粽子_ 观看升旗仪式 _ 登高 _ 赏菊_,give children lucky money,hold dragon boat races,eat rice dumplings/ zongzi,watch the flag-raising ceremoney,climb a mountain,admire the chrysanthemum,一,简介(时间、历史、来源等) 元宵节是中国的一个传统节日,落在农历正月十 The Lantern Festival is a traditional Chinese festival, which falls on the 15th day of the 1st month of the lunar year. 中秋节有两千年的历史,可追溯到夏朝。 The Mid-autumn Festival has a history of 2000 years, dating back to the Xia Dynasty. 二,庆祝方式 我们举行舞会来庆祝新年。 We celebrate the New Year with a dance party.,2,中秋节的主要庆祝活动是赏月和吃月饼。 The main celebrations during the Mid-Autumn Festival are admiring the moon and eating moon cakes together. 3,在除夕,全家人会聚在一起吃团圆饭,给小孩发红包。 On New Years Eve, the whole family will get together to have meals and give children lucky money in red paper. 4,一般来说,人们在农历新年有七天假。 Generally speaking, people can have seven days off for the Chinese Lunar New Year.,5,燃放烟花庆祝新年的到来时一种古老的传说。 Its an ancient tradition to celebrate the coming of the New Year by setting off fireworks. 三,意义、作用: 1,人们庆祝端午节是为了纪念古代伟大的诗人屈原。 The Dragon Boat Festival is held in honor of the great ancient poet Qu Yuan. 2,教师节是一个有意义的节日,用来表达对老师的尊敬。 Teachers Day is a meaningful holiday celebrated to show our respect for the teachers.,假定你是李华,你的外国朋友Mike给你写了一封信询问中国的中秋节,请你给他回一封信给他介绍该节日。写作内容如下: 1.节日的时间; 2.节日的意义和庆祝活动。 para1: Knowing from your last letter that. Im writing to. You told me in your last letter that. So Im writing to.,Dear Mike, Knowing from your last letter that youre attracted to Chinese traditional culture and have a great interest in Mid-autumn Day, Im writing to tell you something about it. Its widely acknowledged that(是举世公认的) the Mid-autumn Day, falling on August 15th of the lunar calendar every year, is one of the most important traditional festivals in China. Not only is it popular in China but it is also enjoying an increasing popularity in many other countries. People believe that the moon is a symbol of reunion, luck and fortune, .Therefore, it is widely recognized as a custom to express best wishes to each other at this particular time. Besides, on that day people usually go back home to have a family reunion, enjoying a large meal with their family. They will also eat moon cakes, which are roun


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