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,1.sulphur: 硫磺 sulphurous:地狱般的,狂热的,尖刻的,刻毒的 2.dispatch: a. a report sent to a newspaper by journalist who is working in a foreign country(驻外记者发给报刊的)新闻报道,电讯 with dispatch:quickly and efficiently He carries out his duties with dispatch b. a message or report sent quickly form one military officer to another or between government officials(军事人员或政府官员之间的)急件,快信 3.run sb out of: (informal)force sb to leave a place,4. refer to sb/sth:to describe or to be connected with sb or sth. 5. yokel:people who dont have much education or understanding of modern life,especially used to describe a person comes from the countryside. 6. telegraph:电报 telegraphist:a person who sent messages by telegraph,H.L.门肯穿着短裤,一边吹着电扇,一边写出了一些含辛辣讽刺意味的电讯文稿。由于他在文中将当地居民称作“乡巴佬”,因此人们议论着要将他驱逐出镇。二十二个报务员每天要拍发十六万五千字的报道这场庭审的电文。,7.collapse: to fall down or fall in suddenly The roof collapsed under the weight of the snow. If you work too hard, your health may collapse. Their marriage collapsed. 8.throng: n. a crowd of people v.to go somewhere in large numbers群集,拥向 The children thronged into the hall. throng with sb/sth(be thronged with sb/sth):to be full of people cars,ect.挤满(人、汽车等) The street was thronged with people.,9.resume:begin again or continue after an interruption. Well stop here and resume working at 2 oclock. resume your seat/place/position:to go back to the seat or place that you had before.恢复席位、地位、职位 10.squat: v. 蹲坐,偷住,擅自占用 n.偷住的房子 to live in a squat擅自住在他人空着的房子里 adj.short and wide or fat 矮而宽的,矮胖的 a squat tower矮而粗的塔 a squat muscular man矮壮的男人 perch:to land and stay on a branch(鸟类) 栖息,停留; to sit or to make sb sit on sth(使)坐,坐在 gawk:to stare at sb/sth in a rude or stupid way,由于天气炎热,加之又担心古老的法庭地板会因承受不住人群的重量而坍塌,审判活动改在户外枫树荫下继续进行。前来观审的有两千多人,他们有的坐在长条木凳上,有的蹲在草地上,有的趴在停放着的汽车的车顶上,还有的人则从窗户里傻呆呆地伸长脖子向外张望。,11.prosecute v.t. : to start legal proceedings against (sb) 告发,检举,起诉(某人) e.g. to be prosecuted for exceeding the speed limit 因行车超速而被检举 prosecutor n. :告发者,检举人,起诉方 prosecution n. :告发,检举,起诉 e.g. to make oneself liable to prosecution 使自己可能遭受检举 to start a prosecution against sb. 检举某人 12.startle:to surpurise sb suddenly使惊吓,使大吃一惊 startled:吃惊的,13.trump card:sth that gives you an advantage over other people,especially when they dont know what it is and you are able to use it to surprise them.王牌,绝招,杀手锏 play the trump card:take the most decisive course of action which one believes cannot fail.,Darrow sprang his trump card by calling Bryan as a witness for the defense. The judge looked startled . Darrow played his winning card by calling Bryan to give evidence in court on behalf of the defense, which is sth very unexpected, sth quite unheard of, because if you speak for the prosecution you cant be the witness for the defense as you cant be on both sides. That is why the judge was shocked or very mu


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