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课时跟踪练(二) Warming Up & Reading Language Points一、全练语言点,基稳才能楼高.单词拼写1The doctor advised him to try to avoid foods which contain (含有) a lot of fat.2The boss employed (雇用) about 20 people to work for him yesterday.3We must let everyone know the importance (重要性) of environment protection.4On rainy days, umbrellas can provide us with protection (保护)5People should decrease (减少) the amount of fat they eat.6Sugary foods can be harmful (有害的) to childrens teeth.7An unhappy home environment can affect (影响) a childs behaviour.8The disease failed to respond (反应) to the new drugs the doctor applied.9China is getting more and more powerful (强大的) in the world.10It is certain (确定的;无疑的) that the earth goes around the sun.11The Internet and television make it possible for us to see a distant (遥远的) scene.12We really appreciate (感激) everything youve done for our daughter.单句改错1Great attention must be paid to develop education, especially in the countryside.developdeveloping2I suggested he work out a new plan but he didnt respond it.respond后加to3Be especially careful of information containing in advertisements.containingcontained4It was great relief for him to find nothing had been stolen.great前加a5He is in danger losing his job because of an unexpected incident.danger后加of6We students should have mercy to the people in need.toon7Id appreciate if you can tell me how to learn English better.appreciate后加it8Im trying to keep going crazy most days.keep后加from.补全句子1Jack was in_danger_of_losing_his_life (有失去生命的危险) because of his serious heart disease.2We young people should do something we can to_keep/stop/prevent_the_sea_from being_polluted (阻止海洋受到污染)3She suggested_staying_there (建议待在那里) for another day.4I long_to_go_to_university (渴望去上大学) to learn more important and useful knowledge. 5On hearing the funny words from her daughter, she_burst_into_laughter/burst_out_laughing (她突然大笑起来). 6Polluted air and water will do_harm_to/be_harmful_to_our_health (对我们身体健康有害)7She tried to pay_attention_to_what_the_teacher_was_saying (注意老师在说什么). 8As a matter of fact, your opinion will not affect_my_decision (影响我的决定)9People around the world are hoping to_live_in_peace (平静地生活)10The work was finished as_it_had_been_planned (按计划的那样).课文语法填空Not long ago there was a girl 1.called (call) Daisy, who went to see the animals that gave fur to make her sweater 2.with the help of a flying carpet. In Tibet, she saw an antelope with a sad face looking at her, 3.who told her that they were killed for the wool that was taken from under their 4.stomachs (stomach). In Zimbabwe, the elephant Daisy saw said they were 5.endangered (danger) there. Farmers used to hunt them because they were considered 6.to_have_destroyed (destroy) the farms. Later, the government tried to help the farmers by asking the tour companies to bring 7.more (many) tourists to the area and setting the number of animals to be hunted, which brought the farmers a lot of incomes. As 8.a result, farmers started to protect them. In the thick rainforest, Daisy saw a monkey 9.rubbing (rub) an insect over his body to protect against mosquitoes. With all her experience, Daisy had learned how 10.to_work (work) with WWF to protect wildlife.串点成篇微表达过度捕猎(hunt)极大地影响(affect)了野生动物的数量。结果,一些动物灭绝(die out)了。有一些动物处境危险(in danger)。我们要保护野生动物免受(protect . from .)伤害(harm),并与它们和平共处(live in peace)。政府已经关注(pay attention to)这个形式并采取了一系列措施。到目前为止,我们已经成功(succeed)阻止(prevent . from .)了这种状况的恶化。Hunting too much greatly affected the number of wild animals. As a result, some animals have died out and others are in danger. We should protect wild animals from being harmed and live in peace with them. Fortunately, our government has paid attention to the situation and has taken a series of measures. So far, we have succeeded in preventing the situation from getting worse.二、勤练高考题型,多练自能生巧.完形填空Sixyearold Mia Rabii is from California.She didnt expect to become a(n) _1_ when she went for a walk with her mom recently.But when some strangers called out for _2_, Mia and her mom ran to their side.It turns out that some ducklings (小鸭子) had gotten stuck and the people who found them were unable to _3_ them.But luckily for the ducklings, Mia had just what it took to bring them to _4_.Now the sixyearolds _5_ act is being talked about around the world.It all _6_ when a family found a mother duck _7_ with only one duckling.The father duck was nearby, but _8_, there were no other ducklings following them._9_ the family knew that ducks often travel in flocks (群), they realized that something was probably _10_.Then suddenly, there were strange _11_ coming from a drainage pipe (排水管)They were the cries of ducklings.It turned out that the other ducklings had _12_ into the pipe and gotten stuck.Unluckily, no one in the family had slim (纤细的) enough _13_ to reach down and pull out the ducklings but _14_, there was a hero nearby.The family _15_ Mia and her mom, who immediately rushed to them.The family filled Mia and her mom in on what had _16_, and Mia decided to take action _17_ and try to bring the ducklings to safety.Mia put her arm down into the darkness and carefully _18_ the first duckling.Mia then rushed back to save the _19_ duckling.And the next .until she had brought all eight ducklings to safety.After Mia saved the little creatures from _20_, the overjoyed mother duck went off with her beloved ducklings.语篇解读:本文是记叙文。Mia在一次和妈妈散步的路上,挽救了一些被困在排水管道里的小鸭子,成为了小英雄。1.A.actorBinterviewerChero Ddoctor解析:选C由下一段中的“act is being talked about around the world”和第四段中的“there was a hero nearby”可知,Mia帮助小鸭子脱离困境的行为使她成为一名“英雄(hero)”。2A.advice BhelpCtreatment Dencouragement解析:选B由第四段中的“Unluckily, no one in the family had slim (纤细的) enough .to reach down and pull out the ducklings .there was a hero nearby.”和Mia帮助小鸭子的行为可知,一些陌生人向Mia和她妈妈寻求“帮助(help)”。3A.lose BfeedCprotect Dsave解析:选D由上文有一家人向Mia和她妈妈寻求帮助可知,他们虽然发现了受困的小鸭子,但是无法“施救(save)”。4A.safety BhealthCjoy Dstrength解析:选A由转折连词But以及下文可知,Mia胳膊足够细能够伸进排水管,因此帮助小鸭子摆脱了困境,使它们的处境“安全(safety)”。5A.smart BcreativeCkind Dfair解析:选CMia帮助小鸭子摆脱困境是“善(kind)”举。6A.succeeded BfailedCstopped Dstarted解析:选D由本句中的“when a family found”可知,本句叙述的是这件事情是怎么“开始(started)”的。7A.working BwalkingCwaiting Dplaying解析:选B由下文中的“following them”可知,鸭妈妈只带着一只小鸭子在“走(walking)”。8A.strangely BsuddenlyCusually Dundoubtedly解析:选A由下文中的“there were no other ducklings following them”和“in flocks”可知,鸭妈妈只带着一只小鸭子的情形非常“奇怪(strangely)”。9A.Though BIfCBefore DBecause解析:选D“因为(Because)”这家人知道鸭子都是成群出行的,因此断定可能是哪里出了“问题(wrong)”。10A.wrong BdifferentCcommon Dfamiliar解析:选A参见上题解析。11A.warnings BfeelingsCsounds Dsmells解析:选C由下文中的“the cries of ducklings”可知,此处指从排水管传来奇怪的“声音(sounds)”。12A.broken BfallenClooked Dflown解析:选B由上文中的“some ducklings had gotten stuck”以及下文中的“bring the ducklings to safety”和“the overjoyed mother duck”可知,这些小鸭子是意外“掉(fallen)”入排水管的。13A.ropes BarmsCsticks Dfingers解析:选B由下文中的“Mia put her arm down”可知,那家人向Mia和她妈妈求助是因为他们家没有人的“胳膊(arms)”足够细,能够伸到排水管中。14A.surprisingly BclearlyCnaturally Dluckily解析:选D在大家束手无策的时候,Mia正好出现在附近,因此很“幸运(luckily)”。15A.nodded to Blistened toClaughed at Dshouted at解析:选D由上文中的“But when some strangers called out”可知,那家人向Mia和她妈妈“呼喊(shouted at)”。16A.happened BchangedCremained Dfinished解析:选A由下文中的“Mia decided to take action”可知,在施救之前,那家人先讲述了“发生(happened)”的事情。17A.patiently BsecretlyCimmediately Dfinally解析:选C由文中出现的hero和Mia对小鸭子的营救可知,Mia“立刻(immediately)”决定对小鸭子施救。18A.guided BexaminedCcovered Dlifted解析:选D由下文中的“Mia then rushed back to save”可知,她“托起(lifted)”第一只小鸭子。19A.same BotherCnext Dlast解析:选C由上文中的“the fir


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