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初一英语期末试卷学校 班级 姓名一、单项选择题。(共15分)1()-Is_red bag under the table yours?-No,I only have_yellow bag.A.a; theB.the;aC.a;aD.the; the2()Id like to hold our next meeting_June 23rd. Is that OK for you?A.inB.atC.on3()-I want to go out for dinner. Is there a_near here?-Yes, there is one next to the post office.A.BankB.libraryC.RestaurantD.pay phone4.()When Peter comes,please ask him to leave a_.A.noticeB.messageC.sentenceD.information5.()You dont need to pay for them because they are_.A.freeB.trueC.busyD.clean6.()-Excuse me,_is the hospital?-Its next to the supermarket.A.WhatB.howC.whereD.which7.()-What does your uncle look Like?_A.He is out goingB.He likes fishingC.He is tall and thinD.He is kind8.()-Excuse me. Is there a bank near here?-Yes_.A.there isB.there areC.it isD.they are9.()-_is it from your home to school!-Five kilometers.A.How muchB.How oldC.How farD.How long10.()My teacher often tells us_in the river because it is too dangerous.A.not to swimB.to swimC.swim11.()-Where is Linda?-Look left. She_under the tree.A.DrawB.drawsC.DrewD.is drawing12.()We should keep quiet in the cinema.We_speak loudly.A.CanB.mustC.needntD.mustnt13.()-He doesnt speak English or Japanese,_?-_. He speaks Chinese.A.does he;Yes, he doesntB.doesnt he; , he doesC.does he;No, he doesntD.does he;Yes, he does14.()The novel was_interesting_I wanted to read it again.A.such;thatB.so;thatC.too;toD.enough;to15.()-Tom,1 went to the party yesterday evening.-Oh,I want to know_at the party.A.who do you meetB.who you meetC.who did you meetD.who you met二、reading comprehension(阅读理解)。(共30分) A()1.When did Eric have the basketball game?A.On Sunday.B.On a sunny day.C.On June 7th.D.On June 14th.()2.Jim couldnt go to the beach because_.A.he had to watch the basketball gameB.he had to learn to drawC.he cleaned the rooms at homeD.it started to rain after breakfast()3.What did Ruth think of her Sunday?A.Exciting.B.Bad.C.Boring.D.Busy.()4.The word won means_ in Chinese.A.赢得B.输掉C.放弃D.对抗()5.Which one is TRUE?A. It was sunny when Eric had the basketball game.B.Fathers Day was on June 15th.C.Jim learned to draw and cleaned the rooms on Sunday morning.D.Ruth went to see a movie with Jim and Eric. B My name is Olivia. I live in the outback. That is in Australia.It is in the countryside (乡下 ) and a long way from other people.My closest (最近的 ) neighbours (邻居) are 500 km away ! I dont go to school. I have classes at home. It is a very special school,the School of the Air (空中学校). This means that I have Internet and radio class every day. I have one hour of class. The rest of the day I have to do schoolwork with my brother or my mum. Every year in April and October, there are camps. All the children and teachers get together in the camps. It is really fun to see people. My teacher says she has the largest (最大的) classroom in the world !()1.Which country does Olivia live in?A.America.B.Australia.C.Austria.D.England.()2.Where does Olivia have classes?A.At home.B.At school.C.In the garden.D.In the playground.()3.How long does Olivia have class every day?A.For half an hour.B.For two hours.C.For one hour.D.For three hours.()4.Who does Olivia do schoolwork with?A.Her sister.B.Her brother or her mum.C.Her aunt.D.Her best friend.()5.When do they have camps every year?A.In April and July.B.In April and August.C.In April and October.D.In June and October.A C Do you like traveling? Here is some advice.Always wear your most comfortable clothes when going on long journeys. .Traveling on trains or buses can be boring, so take a good book to read. .If you are going somewhere sunny, remember to wear sunblock(防晒霜) and sunglasses.Always take a camera with you tocapturethose special moments. .Be careful with your things whenever you go to busy places, like a train station. There are often thieves there. .Most countries have lower prices for students, so if you have one student card, take your card with you to save money. .If you travel abroad, remember to take your passport.Whatever you do, dont lose it !()1.If you go to Hainan for a trip in summer, you should take _with you.A.some fruit and drinksB.warm clothes and sports shoesC.sunglasses and sunblock()2.According to the passage, _ is a good way to keepaway from boredom.A.reading a good bookB.taking a cameraC.listening to music()3.You must always_because there are often thieves at some busy places.A.put your things downB.look after your things wellC.take few things with you()4.If a student shows_to the shop assistant, he can buy some presents at lower prices while traveling.A.his thingsB.his passportC.his student card()5. The underlined word capture in this passage means _.A.感受B.拍摄C.控制三、填空题。(请在横线上直接作答)(共30分)1.完形填空。 In the world, there are many interesting festivals. Now let me (1)you something about one of them Mothers Day. People celebrate(庆祝) Mothers Day in the USA first.It is also a (2)in some other countries. Its(3)the second Sunday in May. It is a day to thank (4). On that day, people show their love for their mothers by (5)cards and other gifts. On the cards, children will writeThanks,Mom. To the best mother in the world. Best (6)for Mothers Day. and so on. Fathers and children do the housework,so mothers (7)have a rest(休息). In China, people (8)celebrate this special day.Last Mothers Day, I bought some flowers for my mother to thank her for her (9)work. I helped my mother (10)clothes, cook, clean the house and so on. My mother and I were very happy.(1).A.tell B.say C.speak D .talk(2).A.country B.sport C.festival D.subject(3).A.in B.on C.at D.to(4).A.teachers B.friends C.fathers D.mothers(5).A.making B.to make C.make D.made(6).A.days B.wishes C.names D.rules(7).A.must B.mustnt C.can D.cant(8).A.also B.too C.or D.again(9).A.funny B.easy C.hard D.interesting(10).A.wear B.wash C.cut D.show2.从方框中选择合适的选项补全短文。 Laughter yoga (欢笑瑜伽 ) is a new way for people to take exercise. (1)Laughter is an easy way to make you happy and healthy. Dr. Madan Kataria started the first laughter club in 1995 in India(印度). (2) You dont need to pay for it.Now there are over 5,000 laughter clubs all around the world. World Laughter Dayis on the first Sunday of May every year. (3)Dr. Madan Kataria said,Laughter is good for your body. (4)If you spend more time laughing, you will be healthy. So more and more people join the laughter clubs to improve(改善) their health. In India, laughter yoga classes are popular with school students. (5)3.根据句意和汉语提示写出所缺的单词。(1).Is there a(医院)near here?(2).Are you ready to(点菜),sir?(3).Could you please take a(口信)for him?(4).Its(重要的)for us to learn English well.(5).Please(描述)your wallet again.4.用括号中所给词的适当形式填空。(1).The problem is easy and he can work it out(easy)(2).-Hows the weather today? -Its(cloud)(3).The girl is quiet and she always sits on the sofa(quiet)(4).Its very(danger) for the little boy to climb the tree.(5).There arent any(different) between the two pictures.5.根据对话内容,从方框内选择恰当的句子将对话补充完整。有两项多余。A: Excuse me. (1) I want to go there with my son.B: Certainly. Just go along the street and you will see the Clock Towe


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