



高考提能练(十一) Module 5Newspapers and Magazines.阅读理解A2019重庆第二次调研The Belt and Road started people going around. Now 2019 is slowly coming to the middle, which means its time to start brainstorming your plans for the next half year. Here weve just released the top four places to visit.Seville, SpainSeville has traded heavy traffic for bicycles and trams in recent years, making it an enjoyable city to visit and get around. And the city is known for its beautiful Moorish architecture. This year its celebrating the 400th anniversary of Bartolom Esteban Murillo, a baroque (巴洛克风格的) painter and a native of Seville.Detroit, AmericaIn recent years, Detroit has transformed from a heap of abandoned sites to a fashionable city that boasts trendy galleries, hotels, and bike shops. Theres a hockey and basketball arena (竞技场) downtown and three new parks that will help extend the riverfront trail. Plus, getting to all of Detroits hotspots is easy thanks to the QLine streetcar.Canberra, AustraliaTheres a lot happening in Canberra this year. For the first time ever, the capital city will host a cricket (板球) Test match between Australia and Sri Lanka at the Manuka Oval. Outside of this event, the city is full of national landmarks, as well as plenty of memorable cultural and cooking experiences.Hamburg, GermanyHamburgs new 789 million euro concert hall is the very reason to visit this northern German city in 2019. The hall took years to complete, but its striking glass walls and contrasting brick bottom are a sight to view. The hall is conveniently located in HafenCity port area, which stretches along the Elbe River and is home to riverfront bars and busy nightlife.体裁:应用文题材:旅游主题:推荐四个景点【语篇解读】“一带一路”让国人的眼光投向世界。2019年即将过半,下半年世界上最值得一游的四个地方是西班牙的Seville、美国的Detroit、澳大利亚的Canberra和德国的Hamburg。【难句分析】Now 2019 is slowly coming to the middle, which means its time to start brainstorming your plans for the next half year.分析:该句为主从复合句。句中“which means its time to start brainstorming your plans for the next half year”为which引导的非限制性定语从句,which指代前面的整个句子,在从句中作主语。译文:现在2019年正慢慢走向年中阶段,这意味着是时候开始考虑你下半年的计划了。1In which column (栏目) of a magazine can you most probably find such a passage?ASports.BCulture.CTravel. DArchitecture.答案与解析:C考查推理判断。通读全文可知,文章第一段最后一句“Here weve just released the top four places to visit”为全文的主旨句;结合文章介绍了2019年下半年世界上最值得一游的四个地方,即西班牙的Seville、美国的Detroit、澳大利亚的Canberra和德国的Hamburg可知,本文最可能出现在旅游栏目中,故C项正确。2Where can you enjoy both sports and riverbank sights or views?ASeville. BDetroit.CCanberra. DHamburg.答案与解析:B考查细节理解。由题干关键词“both sports and riverbank sights or views”定位至第三段第二句“Theres a hockey and basketball arena (竞技场) downtown and three new parks that will help extend the riverfront trail”,据此可知,美国的Detroit有一个曲棍球和篮球竞技场和三个新公园,这些新公园延长了河边小道,故在美国的Detroit你可以享受河岸美景和体育运动,故B项正确。3If you are interested in architectural styles, you may choose to visit _.ASeville and Detroit BDetroit and CanberraCCanberra and Hamburg DHamburg and Seville答案与解析:D考查细节理解。由题干关键词“architectural styles”定位至第二段的第二句“And the city is known for its beautiful Moorish architecture”,据此可知,西班牙的Seville以其美丽的摩尔式建筑而闻名,故西班牙的Seville值得对建筑风格感兴趣的人一游;根据尾段第二句“The hall took years to complete, but its striking glass walls and contrasting brick bottom are a sight to view”可知,该音乐厅经数年时间才建成,它那引人注目的玻璃墙和与之形成对比的砖砌的底部是值得一看的景观,据此可知,德国的Hamburg值得对建筑风格感兴趣的人一游。故D项正确。B2019江西联考 In its early history, Chicago had floods frequently, especially in the spring, making the streets so muddy that people, horses and carts got stuck. An old joke that was popular at the time went like this: A man is stuck up to his waist in a muddy Chicago street. Asked if he needs help, he replies, “No, thanks. Ive got a good horse under me.”The city planner decided to build an underground drainage (排水) system, but there simply wasnt enough difference between the height of the ground level and the water level. The only two options were to lower the Chicago River or raise the city.An engineer named Ellis Chesbrough convinced the city that it had no choice but to build the pipes above ground and then cover them with dirt. This raised the level of the citys streets by as much as 12 feet.This of course created a new problem: dirt practically buried the first floors of every building in Chicago. Building owners were faced with a choice: either change the first floors of their buildings into basements, and the second stories into main floors, or hoist (吊起) the entire buildings to meet the new street level. Small woodframe buildings could be lifted fairly easily. But what about large, heavy structures like the Tremont Hotel, which was a sixstory brick building?Thats where George Pullman came in. He had developed some housemoving skills successfully. To lift a big structure like the Tremont Hotel, Pullman would place thousands of jackscrews (螺旋千斤顶) beneath the buildings foundation. One man was assigned to operate each section of roughly 10 jackscrews. At Pullmans sign each man turned his jackscrews by the same amount at the same time, thereby raising the building slowly and evenly. Astonishingly, the Tremont Hotel stayed open during the entire operation, and many of its guests didnt even notice anything was happening. Some people like to say that every problem has a solution. But in Chicagos early history, every engineering solution seemed to create a new problem. Now that Chicagos waste water was draining efficiently into the Chicago River, the citys next step was to clean the polluted river.体裁:说明文题材:社会问题主题:芝加哥洪水问题【语篇解读】本文主要介绍了芝加哥为了应对洪水泛滥的问题而实行了一些解决方案的故事。4The author mentions the joke in Paragraph 1 to show _.Ahorses were fairly useful in ChicagoBChicagos streets were extremely muddyCChicago was very dangerous in the springDthe Chicago people were particularly humorous答案与解析:B考查推理判断。根据第一段第一句“In its early history, Chicago had floods frequently, especially in the spring, making the streets so muddy that people, horses and carts got stuck”可推知,作者提及这个笑话是为了表明芝加哥的街道非常泥泞,故选B。5The city planners were convinced by Ellis Chesbrough to _.Aget rid of the street dirtBlower the Chicago RiverCfight against heavy floodsDbuild the pipes above ground答案与解析:D考查细节理解。根据第三段第一句“An engineer named Ellis Chesbrough convinced the city that it had no choice but to build the pipes above ground and then cover them with dirt”可知,Ellis Chesbrough让城市规划者相信在地上建管道才能解决洪水泛滥所带来的问题,故选D。6What can we conclude about the moving operation of the Tremont Hotel?AIt went on smoothly as intended.BIt interrupted the business of the hotel.CIt involved Pullman in turning ten jackscrews.DIt separated the building from its foundation.答案与解析:A考查细节理解。根据第五段内容可推知,用螺旋千斤顶把the Tremont Hotel升高的事项进展顺利,故选A。7The passage is mainly about the early Chicagos _.Apopular lifestyles and their influencesBenvironmental disasters and their causesCengineering problems and their solutionsDsuccessful businessmen and their achievements答案与解析:C考查主旨大意。结合全文可知,本文主要讲的是早期芝加哥如何应对洪水泛滥的问题的故事,故选C。.七选五2019石家庄检测一A gratitude journal is a great way to keep yourself in a positive state of mind. This article will offer some tips for starting and keeping one.Make it a rule to write down things you are thankful for per day. _1_ This will make writing the journal more challenging as time goes on, but thats how your awareness and thankfulness will grow. Youll find new things to be thankful for that you hardly noticed before.Write about extended material things in your life. _2_ For example, if you love to paint, you may be grateful for the paints that you have. Or, if you like music, you may be grateful for your CD collections. _3_ You can start by feeling grateful to be alive. Avoid the trap of being grateful for something that is better than what others have. Instead, compare whatever you are grateful for with how you would feel if you didnt have it. Think about your abilities. You may start with basic abilities like your ability to see and hear. _4_ Think about skillful things like dancing and singing, and your character like your skills in cheering up people or your skills in being a good friend. Consider the people in your life. Think about all the people you are grateful to and write down the reasons. Its also good to write about the people that you dont really like and find a reason to appreciate them. _5_ After all, there is good in everyone.AAvoid repeating the same things. BDescribe how you are grateful for what you have. CThis can be difficult but very uplifting. DThen progress to those that are unique to you. EFeel grateful for any advantage you may have. FThese things vary greatly depending on your interests. GIn this way, everything will become more heartwarming.体裁:说明文题材:生活主题:感恩日志【语篇解读】本文主要介绍了一些写感恩日志的建议。1答案与解析:A上文提到把你每天感恩的事情写下来,下文提到随着时间的推移,这会使写日志变得更具挑战性,并且你会发现以前几乎没有注意到的值得感谢的事情。A项表示避免重复同样的事情,前后语义衔接,故选A项。2答案与解析:F下文说,如果你喜欢画画,你可能会感激你所拥有的颜料,或者,如果你喜欢音乐,你可能会感激你的CD收藏。F项表示这些事情会因你的兴趣而有很大不同,前后逻辑一致,其中love to paint和like music与interests对应,故选F项。3答案与解析:B结合其他段可知,空处位于段首,为段落主题句。下文提到你可以从感激自己活着开始,而B项表示“描述你是如何感激你所拥有的”,符合语境,其中what you have亦为提示,故选B项。4答案与解析:D本段的主旨是想想你自己的能力。上文提到你可以从感激你有基本的能力开始,如看和听的能力;下文提到思考一些需要技巧的事情,如跳舞和唱歌;前后为递进关系,D项提到然后感激那些你特有的能力,前后语义衔接,故选D项。5答案与解析:C上文提到把你不喜欢的人写下来,找一个欣赏他们的理由也很好,根据常识及下文可知,空处应表示这可能很难,但非常令人振奋,故选C项。.短文改错When I was young, I lived in the countryside. At that time, the trees there were very green, that left a deep impression on me and the water there was so much clear that I even could see the fish swimming. When it gets dark, the air was cooler than it in the daytime. People liked to walk out their houses to chat together. I liked to play games with my friends but ran along the village happily. As the moon rose highly in the sky, the village was lighting. When I looked up, I could see the moon and a few star. They were so close to me. It seemed that I could touch them. The life in the countryside were so wonderful.答案:When I was young, I lived in the countryside. At that time, the trees there were very gree


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