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高中英语短文改错,考 查 目 标,测试考生的书面表达能力:即语言基本功和正确用英语进行表达能力 1)考生应具备判断、发现、纠正语篇中错误的能力。 2)综合运用英语知识准确性的能力,文章的特征 材料通常取自学生自己的作品, 或类似学生的作品 内容来自学生身边的常见话题 语言明白易懂, 基本上不涉及生僻的语言现象和复杂的句子结构,1.一致性问题: 1)主谓一致 2)时态一致 3)名词的数 与格的一 致 4)代词中指代关系的一致 5)句式结构与语意的一致 6)行文逻辑关系的一致 特征,2.词的用法 1)词的分类知识: 2)构词法知识: 3)词的惯用法,3.短文改错考查项目 1)错词更正(最多) 2)多词删除(主要是介词) 3)缺词补漏主要涉及介词和冠词),试题的设问特征,修改的形式,错误的设置,1.Dont lose hearts, youll be successful in time. 1_ 2.I need some more informations. 2_ 3.These machines look the same,but they are of different kind. 3_ 4.People remember him for his contribution to the country. 4_,名词和数词,返回,1.At a very beginning, I choose a play and actors. 1_ 2.You cant consider him a honest man. 2_ 3.In China,children usually start school at an age of seven. 3_ 4.The play is set in the Paris. 4_ 5.It is necessary for the teachers to add the art to their teachings. 5_ 6.I cant stop because Im in hurry. 6_,冠 词,返回,_ the,1.Knowing is one thing; doing is other. 1_ 2.This is the best film which I have ever seen. 2_ 3.I also enjoyed the days when we spent together. 3_ 4.The ones what you decide not to keep can be traded with other people. 4_ 5.He drove too fast, and the police stopped her and handed him a ticket. 5_,代 词,返回,1.By the time when he was 15,he had had his own lab. 1_ 2.The bad news made us feel sadly. 2_ 3.Are you certainly that he will help us check the information? 3_ 4.The children learn to read and write,they play games as good. 4_ 5.He set off for work an hour before. 5_ 6.I hate him as many as you do. 6_ 7.he was caught in a heavily rain. 7_ 8.Its not good to keep children busily with their studies all day long. 8_,形容词和副词,返回,1.Dont get into the habit of smoke. 1_ 2.Waving ones hand can be accepted for crying for help. 2_ 3.He called on Jenny on the hope of getting help from her. 3_ 4.Both Mary and her mother were pleased at the girl. 4_ 5.They will start working after an hour. 5_ 6.He is the very person that set the theater in fire. 6_ 7.I persuaded him to reduce the price at $1,500. 7_ 8.Your words encourage me to go on my study. 8_ 9.A great many of students would like give up drinking. 9_ 10.China daily is also popular to students of English. 10_ 11.Class three intends to put in a dance. 11_ 12.I want to see it by my own eyes. 12_,介 词,返回,1.She look like enjoying the concert the other day. 1_ 2.Water pollution often bring in disease. 2_ 3.The students watches the teacher doing the experiment. 3_ 4.He care for collecting coins. 4_ 5.So far, he made a living by picking up wastes. 5_ 6.The young man dressed in blue are my brother. 6_ 7.The church burned down yesterday date from the 18th century. 7_ 8.He is said to saving money to by a bicycle. 8_ 9.Money is spent to looking after people with illnesses. 9_ 10.She was persuaded taking the job. 10_ 11.Compare to 1992, the price of grain was increased about 50%.11_ 12.Judge from his accent, he is a southerner. 12_ 13.She is used to live in the country at present. 13_ 14.We should stop the children from play fire. 14_ 15.With a boy led the way,they started towards the village. 15_,动 词,返回,1.Though it was cold, but he went out without a cat. 1_ 2.He likes sports, but I like music. 2_ 3.Pick out the wrong sentences but correct them. 3_ 4.Work hard,and youll succeed sooner and later. 4_ 5.Whatever you do, and Ill be right here waiting for you. 5_ 6.This kind of car costs a lot of money, and he can afford it. 6_,连 词,返回,备考方案,Rome was not built in a day. 1.积累词汇搭配习惯用法; 2.强化语法,夯实基础; 3.收集自己的错题; 4.回归语篇,整体推进。,做题步骤,做短文该错应采取三个步骤,1.通读短文,掌握大意,2.细读全文,逐行分析 一要注意名词的单复数, 二要注意动词的形式 三要看人称代词的一致性和连接代词的正确性, 四要根据在句子中的功能确定词性:名词(通常作主语和宾 语), 形容词(表语和定语)和副词(状语) 五要看是否多或少了介词和冠词,做题技巧 1、 答卷一定要规范(改一个单词,不是两个, 不改 大小写、标点符号,没有单词拼写错误, 只有一 行是正确的。 2、要以句为单位进行审查,因为一行通常不是一个句子。 3、先弄懂意思,再分析结构方面的错误。 4、注重整体内容和前后照应,即从单句入手,又要注意从全文着眼行文逻辑, 注意句与句之间的关系,前后文之间的联系和统一这样一来才能找出在单句中不易发现的错误,如连词运用不当人称混乱前后矛盾等。,改错歌诀 现将总结的短文改错歌诀提供给大家,希望有所帮助。 短文改错要做好,常见类型应记牢。 名词爱考“数”与“格”,冠词在前“错”“多”“少”。 动词时态和语态,非谓语搭配莫错了。 连代形副错一样,多是故意来混淆。 介词多半搭配,多漏误用想周到。 句法涉及到“一致”,从句多考关系词。 词法句法均未错,逻辑推理去寻找。 “1126”惯常比,回读复查敲定稿。 注:“一致”:包括主谓一致,代词及相应的限定词在数、性、称方面的一致,主语与主语补语,宾语和宾语补语的一致等。 “1126”:指的是通常10个题项有一处是正确的,一处(或两处)属多余,两处(或一处)需补加成分,6处需更改。当然,此非“定势”,仅作参考。,短文改错试题命题趋势,1.与语法规则有关的选项将减少; 2.淡化固定短语与结构的机械性记忆; 3.增加需要从语篇的高度关照上下文的评判能力的因素。,巩固练习,Another problem is that good soil is gradual lost. 1_ When trees is cut down,there is nothin


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