



议论文和说明文(2)说明文(2018黑龙江哈尔滨六中三模)New genetic analysis has revealed that many Amazon tree species are likely to survive humanmade climate warming in the coming century,contrary to previous findings that temperature increases would cause them to die out. A study, _1. C_ in the latest edition of Ecology and Evolution,reveals the _2. B_ age of some Amazonian tree speciesmore than 8 million yearsand _3. D_ shows that they have survived previous periods as warm as many of the global warming imagined periods _4. C_ for the year 2100. The authors write that,having survived warm periods in the past,the trees will _5. B_ survive future warming,provided there are no other major environmental changes. _6. B_ extreme droughts and forest fires will impact Amazonia as temperatures _7. A_ ,the trees will stand the direct impact of higher temperatures. The authors _8. D_ that as well as reducing greenhouse gas emissions to minimize the risk of drought and fire,conservation policy should remain _9. C_ on preventing deforestation(采伐森林) for agriculture and mining. The study disagrees with other recent researches which predicted tree species extinctions _10. B_ relatively small increases in global average air temperatures. Study coauthor Dr Simon Lewis (UCL Geography) said the _11. A_ were good news for Amazon tree species,but warned that drought and overexploitation of the forest remained major _12. A_ to the Amazons future. Dr Lewis said,“The past cannot be compared directly with the future. While tree species seem likely to _13. B_ higher air temperatures than today,the Amazon forest is being transformed for agriculture and _14. D_ ,and what remains is being degraded(使恶化) by logging (伐木) ,and increasingly split up by fields and roads. “Species will not move as freely in todays Amazon as they did in previous warm periods,when there was no human _15. B_ . Similarly,todays climate change is extremely fast,making comparisons with slower changes in the past _16. A_ . ”“With a clearer _17. C_ of the relative risks to the Amazon forest,we _18. B_ that direct human impactssuch as forest clearances for agriculture or miningshould remain a key point of conservation policy. We also need more aggressive _19. D_ to reduce greenhouse gas emissions in order to make minimum the risk of drought and fire impacts and _20. A_ the future of most Amazon tree species. ”文章大意:本文主要讲了一项最新的研究,研究表明气候变暖不会使亚马逊古代树灭绝。1Aadvertised BdescribedCpublished Dpresented解析:advertise做广告;describe描述;publish公布;present呈现。此处表示:生物与进化的最新版公布的一项研究。故选C。2Afrightening BsurprisingCexciting Dinteresting解析:frightening令人害怕的;surprising令人惊讶的;exciting令人兴奋的;interesting有趣的。句意为:这项研究揭示了亚马逊树种惊人的年龄。故选B。3Astill BneverthelessChowever Dtherefore解析:句意为:这些古代树种着超800多万年的树龄,因此表明了它可以幸存于和先前所有时期一样温暖的全球气候变暖的时期,预测为2100年。therefore因此。故选D。4Aassess BconfirmCforecast Dpromise解析:assess评定;confirm确认;forecast预测;promise允许。由上题解析可知选C。5Aparticularly BprobablyCmerely Dpossibly解析:句意为:作者写道,亚马逊的树种曾在高温气候中生存下来,所以将来也有可能在气温升高的气候中存活。故选B。6ASince BAlthough CWhen DIf解析:句意为:虽然随着温度的升高,严重的干旱及森林火灾将会影响亚马逊流域,但这些树木将会忍受更高温度的直接影响。故选B。7Arise Bchange Cdrop Dend解析:rise升高;change变化;drop掉落;end结束。由本句末的“higher temperatures”可知应是温度升高。故选A。8Aconsider BdecideCguarantee Drecommend解析:consider考虑; decide决定;guarantee保证;recommend推荐,建议。后面是作者的建议,故选D。9Abased Bbuilt Cfocused Dmade解析:base以基础;build建筑;focus集中;make制作。句意为:保护措施应当仍然集中于防止为了农业和矿业的发展而采伐森林。故选C。10Ain relation to Bin response toCin reply to Din reference to解析:in relation to关于,涉及;in response to响应,回答,对做出反应;in reply to答复;in reference to关于。句意为:这项研究与最近其他研究不同的是他们预测树种的灭绝是对相对小幅度的全球平均气温升高的反应。故选B。11Afindings BthoughtsCinventions Dwritings解析:finding发现;thought想法;invention发明;writing作品。句意为:教授说这些发现对于亚马逊树种来说是一个好消息,但他警告称干旱和过度采伐森林对于亚马逊的未来来说仍然是主要的威胁。故选A。12Athreats BdisadvantagesCembarrassments Dinstructions解析:threat威胁;disadvantage不利条件;embarrassment窘境;instruction说明,指示。由上题解析可知选A。13Aaccept Btolerate Cpermit Drequire解析:accept接受;tolerate容忍,忍耐;permit允许;require要求。句意为:虽然树种好像能忍耐比现在更高的温度,但亚马逊森林正在向农业和矿业转变。故选B。14Afarming Bplanting Ccatering Dmining解析:farming畜牧业;planting种植业;catering服务业;mining矿业。由第二段最后一句中的“deforestation(采伐森林) for agriculture and mining”可知选D。15Apower Binfluence Cdesire Dviolence解析:power力量;influence影响;desire欲望;violence暴力。句意为:当这里没有人类影响的时候。故选B。16Adifficult BclearCeasy Dimportant解析:句意为:现在气候变化极快,使之与过去缓慢的变化比较起来很难。故选A。17Abelief BdirectionCunderstanding Dsuggestion解析:句意为:更清楚地理解了亚马逊森林所面对的危险。我们推断出人类直接的影响,比如为了农、矿业而采伐森林,仍是保护政策的重点。18A


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